Spiritual reading; MGTOW; Cohen, new CDC head, preaches ‘vaxx your BABIES’; Judah Benjamin’s wrongs didn’t make Lincoln right; democracy 1917

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(1917) “Boy, if this drawing by a Dutchman does not prove German atrocities….”



….Spiritual reading for September 20

Refuge. Breathing. Grounding. Staying put. These are good words, ideas, actions (or non-actions) for
today. There is no need for much motion—ahead, back, up or down, inward or outward. What must
be moved will move, but anything else can wait. It is as if you have been through a battering storm.

The weather has improved, but you are exhausted, your nerves are frayed and you need to regroup and size up how things stand now that the wind has stopped. Or perhaps you have just managed to scale an unlikely peak—it has not been negative in any way, but you have used up your stamina, your muscles are tired and you need to stop and rest, see where you are and how things look.

If you don’t have to go to work in any way today, if you don’t have to perform, we suggest you block out some space and time for quiet and repose. There is nothing in particular which you should do with it—just slow down, and stop if you can. And if you are out in the world, try to fnd some pockets of time where you can breathe deeply and receive the benefits of that.

It is important not to become too drawn into the drama that swirls around, for the wild energies create wild activity which in turn fuel more wild energy. You can help stabilize yourself and the planet by just declining to be wild today.

Many blessings.



…..Urges me to understand MGTOW

A young male comrade and donor emailed me:

I have to get something off my chest: I hope you reconsider your harsh assessment of MGTOW.

We’re in a society in which 1 out of 3 men aged 18-30 aren’t getting laid; 80% of men online are deemed “unattractive” and (the latest statistic) 63% of men are single while only 30% of women are single. Let’s also not forget that in primitive times 90% of men didn’t pass on their genes.

When we one day have an all-White nation, we simply can’t ignore the fact that most women simply don’t like most men. Please don’t hate me, but as a millennial man I don’t just read facts on the internet; I witness it all the time.
I replied:
I feel for you about the females today. (I will not say “ladies.”) I am sure many of them are a horrible disappointment.
My objection to MGTOW is just this, that men today are just as bad. I have found white men in our Cause to be often hateful, treacherous, slanderous, ignorant, miserly and cowardly. I have known four that went right over to the jews!
My goal is a whole new approach — a credible Aryan religion to straighten both sexes out.


….A Cohen now heads the CDC

Says: let us jew-jab your baby so you and your kids will die together


….Yes, the jew Judah P. Benjamin betrayed the South, BUT….

A comrade wrote:

Excellent and important article on Judah Benjamin, the Jew who started the Civil War. It puts the lie to those fanatical southerners who claim that Lincoln was the personification of evil, because of the extreme measures he had to take to prevent the United States from being completely destroyed by the Rothschilds and divided up between England and France. The Rothschilds had Lincoln assassinated because he had opposed them:



I replied:

Thanks. I read it, and I have always loved Mike King and run many of his articles, though some are flawed.

As true, as fascinating, and as informative as King’s article is, and as right as it may be about the scheming jew Benjamin — though I see ZERO proof for the repeated insinuation here about how “Benjamin was under suspicion for involvement in Lincoln’s assassination” — so far the fact remains for me that Lincoln was two-faced himself, like many another politico, and apparently of two minds for most of his life about the negroes.

But in his heart, in his leanings, and in his final and disastrous actions, I smell in him a classic libtard, hence Lincoln’s correspondence, on which I have blogged, with none other than Karl Marx! recommend you read this, comrade:

Abraham Lincoln, communist sympathizer and pen pal with Karl Marx

I see Lincoln as just as two-faced as Woodrow Wilson, who “kept us out of war” in his re-election slogans of Nov. 1916,

and then six months later, in April 1917, he declares war on Germany based on utterly fake atrocity drawings!!!! The vile Dutch cartoonist Louis Raemakers simply invented atrocities that never happened or were even dreamed of, and the Amurrikins gobbled it up. (Note: Holland and Germany were NOT at war in WWI, and Germany was not occupying Holland at all.)

“Gee, them no-good Krauts spell “culture” with a “k“! That is SO weird! And look at that skeleton drinking a goblet of BLOOD! That does it! We gotta stop them blood-guzzling Krauts!” 

“More ‘Kultur’! Stop peelin’ potatoes and look, ma — Them Krauts is just slaughtering mothers and their little children!” 

The most amazing things is that for Americans swallowing theses nauseating mental feces, Germans were not some unheard-of alien race. The whole United States except for the South was FULL of respected, hard-working, skilled, thrifty, honest, law-abiding German immigrants — running immaculate farms and starting flourishing businesses! One in three Americans was GERMAN!!!!! The cognitive dissonance and the capacity to believe absolutely anything — any vicious slander — was amazing, and it was based on f–king drawings!

Always gotta show some breasts….

“That rotten Kaiser just raped some poor Belgian girl, but we Yanks’ll stop ‘im!”.  

 The “barbaric” nation that by 1917 had already given the world all these things (with many more to come after 1917): Bach, Beethoven, Wagner, and Brahms….


Gutenberg and the printing press;

Martin Luther and Protestantism; health insurance (1883), accident insurance (1884) and pension insurance (1889);

the gas and diesel engine; the modern diesel submarine with torpedos; x-rays; aspirin; polyurethane; the refrigerator; the computer; the oscilloscope; the telegraph; calculus (Leibniz); genetics (Mendel); bacteriology; the Bunsen burner; the airplane wing (Lilienthal);

the political cartoon; the zoo (yes);  cologne; face cream; toothpaste; the paper coffee filter; the globe of the world; contact lenses;

the elevator; the power drill; the tea bag; the hot dog; beer; potato salad; kindergarten; school classes divided by age group; graduate school; earplugs;

the theory of continental drift; quantum physics; ultraviolet light;

the hole punch; the ring binder; the early fax machine…..

Yes….It was so clear  by  1917 that Germany was a nation of dumb, brutish gorillas, lugging around a bloody club that said “Kultur” (again, note the gorilla’s interest in breasts…gotta get the blood stirring….)

Germans loved to crucify prisoners…… says this D-R-A-W-I-N-G!

I will return yet again to a vicious monster who also said many insightful things about this world:



In 1940, at the Boston Garden, FDR swore “your boys will not be sent to any foreign war!”

“Your boys are not going to be sent to any foreign wars!”


In 1941 he did exactly that!

Lyndon Johnson promised in 1964 (I was ten then and followed politics closely, with my Republican father very connected) not to escalate us in Vietnam; in early 1965 he did precisely that, and 58,000 Americans died in a steamy jungle full of South Vietnamese who did not want us in their country at all, plus sauna-like humidity, 105-degree heat, poisonous snakes, and gigantic insects…

…a war which Presidents Eisenhower (former Army general and war veteran), Kennedy (former naval officer, war veteran and war HERO), Johnson himself and then Nixon (former naval officer and war veteran) all KNEW was totally unwinnable.

And my own father, a two-war Marine combat veteran, said so to me in November 1964. “As General Macarthur said, we cannot win a LAND war in Asia.”

(And what land war in Asia HAVE we won? Korea? Vietnam? Iraq? Afghanistan?)

🙁 🙁

As the cliché goes, politicians say one thing and do another. Roosevelt and Reagan were the same, smooth-as-silk LIARS.

Someone accused Lincoln at a campaign rally of being two-faced, which he was. Smooth, humorous, and glib….but, or as such, he did have a very funny come-back, I must admit, jesting about his own homely face:

“If I had two faces, would I be wearing this one? 😉 ”

(Some theorize that Lincoln had Melungeon ancestors. The Melungeons were, it seems, Turks who had blown off-course and whose ship ran ashore in North Carolina. They gradually left the East Coast, migrated inland, and converted to Christianity, joining the poor white folks in the mountains.)

The Spielberg movie “Lincoln,” which won two Oscars and was excellent and accurate in its own depressing way, shows Lincoln as he was deep-down, a full ngr-lover and libtard as he gradually became.

The earlier Lincoln had both talked libtard and also talked race realist:




The film shows scenes of Lincoln — laudably — visiting Civil War battlefields to see all the suffering and death, all the white corpses strewn around.

You can just imagine the depressed man, whose own friends said he was sometimes suicidal, thinking:

“Oh, my God, I caused all this. It must be for some Higher Purpose.”

And if one realizes the man suffered from the mental illness of severe major depression, as the pro-Lincoln Atlantic magazine admits and fully reveals,

…one can dare to speculate that the whole unnecessary Civil War, which killed 750,000 good young white men, was in the end psychopatherapy for Abraham Lincoln’s depression:

“As worthless a POS as I am, I at least freed the slaves.”

Not only did he free these violent, Stone-Age negroes, useless in modern society, and let them loose on white society to rape and kill us, but his further goal was to give them US citizenship and integrate them!

They cause trouble EVERYWHERE they go:

As I blogged, what triggered John Wilkes Booth and the other assassins (who testified thusly at their trial) was an impromptu speech which “Honest” Abe gave from the White House balcony saying the Blacks would not just be freed but get full US citizenship, meaning voting rights — the whole nine yards. Nothing about being “sent back to Africa”!!!!

This after years of pious lying that “we Northerners are waging this war only to preserve our sacred  Union.”

As the movie shows:

On April 9, Grant receives General Robert E. Lee’s surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. On April 14, a cheerful Lincoln meets members of his cabinet to discuss future measures to enfranchise the Blacks, before leaving for Ford’s Theatre.

And in Lincoln’s 1861 State of the Union speech, where does he get this?

“No State upon its own mere motion can lawfully get out of the Union.” https://millercenter.org/the-presidency/presidential-speeches/march-4-1861-first-inaugural-address

By that principle, no wife whose husband is a wife-beating drunk who gets fired from every job (so now the kids he sired are starving!) can divorce her no-good lush of a husband — unless the bastard himself agrees to be thrown out on his arse!

If one side is in open breach of the contract, the other can declare it null and void! Duhhh! You do not need the permission of the one in breach!

The South was right (though not about trusting Judah P. Benjamin) — Lincoln, deep-down, WAS a ngr-lover and a closet marxist who saw only class, not race, and therefore wanted to not just free but integrate the Blacks into our superior race, which as we now see, is destroying it.

This DM article points out how this depressed nut drifted more and more from his original racial realism to the insane, ngr-loving, libtard side as the war went on: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2261962/Was-Lincoln-racist-Spielberg-film-lionises-historians-asking-shocking-question.html

And get this: Lincoln says: “There will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere.”

No force at all

I need a bucket so I can vomit. Ask the people of Atlanta (I lived there in late 1990) as the maniac Sherman burned their city to the ground!

Watch Lincoln (who did have a strange, high-pitched voice) literally and overtly THREATEN United States Congressmen at the end of this video:


But I do agree with one thing Abraham Lincoln said in that State of the Union speech, and let us be clear that it was not original with him at all, this truth, but was inherent in George Washington’s own worldview and in all true 1776 Americanism:

“Whenever [Americans] shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.




  1. The harsh assessment of MGTOW is important and right.

    I understand that many men are disappointed, have had bad experiences and that many females are really just attention-seeking whores.

    However, men must understand that MGTOW is just another false way out. It´s just like kosher patriotism — it seems to be a good idea at first glance, but then it isn´t.

    I don´t blame anyone who falls for it in a dire situation – if it´s just a short phase in their life, then it´s ok. We all have to learn our lessons in life, and I don´t condemn anyone who got fooled.

    However, such a man must learn that the real key to success in life (and thus also with women) is to improve yourself. And that is what they fear. And what do they do if they fear it? They slander it, attack it and go to name-calling.

    They attack men for being “SIMPs” or “pussy slaves”, because they don´t get any “pussy” themselves (and if you just reduce a woman to their genitals, well, then you are a loser anyway).

    Many videos on Youtube are often bombarded with dislikes from these bitter men, and nasty comments.

    If they are so “on their own way” and don´t care about society -. why do they do this?

    If they are so self-content with playing video games, watching porn and ignoring females altogether, why do they feel the urge to defend their ideology?

    Because you can only shame (“manshame”) someone who is ashamed for real.

    If a leftist calls me a nazi, I don´t care. In his worldview I´m a nasty person, but I´m content with that. So the shaming doesn´t work.

    Men must learn that dedicated MGTOWs who constantly defend their idology are a bad influence. It´s not about coping with bad experiences; it´s about teaching a lifestyle which only harms yourself in the end. Because you likely end up dying lonely, with no family at all, because someone told you that all women are just hypergamic bitches who are only after your money. Then your “manosphere” buddies will not be there. Sorry, but this is the harsh reality.

    It should also be noted that most MGTOWs don´t have any real friends. My former best friend rarely has any friends now (the only ones he still does are chumps with no real interests, but he fails to see that), but he still believes that this “own way” he is “going” was the right thing.

    I see a correlation here — if someone doesn´t want to improve himself for women, why should he do it for his male friends? Or anybody else? And that´s the trap.

    I despise the path he has chosen, but I do feel sorry for him. He has aged vastly in the last years and his whole life is going downhill. But sorry, I will not be there to help him, as he ditched me, someone who was there for him and helped him in dire situations before. It is his own fault.

    • Thanks.

      I can only say this, that I first heard about MGTOW from a specific male person here in Ontonagon, who had justified complaints about how a family court made him pay a huge amount of child support for his kid, who is also autistic.

      However, he turned out to be an infamous jerk, had borderline personality disorder, turned against me, physically threatened me (I went to the sheriff three times about him), and then turned gainst another mutual friend, and even physically attacked, right on film (the smartphone camera was rolling), his 14-year-old son (for which he got a suspended jail sentence) and then the father too, the man himself. And so they had a fistfight in front of the town’s one and only grocery store!

      At 45 he sexually used a 70-year-old woman, a former town official, lived mostly with her, but when she suggested that he help out with the household bills, of course he moved right back out. “Women are for using” was his apparent motto — no two-way street.

      He was infamously self-centered, miserly, and just totally absorbed in himself.

      Yes, he hated women, but actually he hated everyone. He also sold a friend of mine (a super nice guy) an important car part for $1200, and when it proved defective, he would not reimburse the man his money. In a small town like this, there is very negative word of mouth when you do something like that.

      I heard also that at his former place of employment, the local marina, if he shows up they call the sheriff.

      This is my experience with a MGTOW person: a very dark energy, and I am armed partly because of dangerous people.

      • Ok, this guy is really nasty. Fortunately my former friend is not that low, but then he really should consider the company he keeps.
        Who knows how many divorced psychopaths are in this movement? (which claims to to be no movement at all)

        That´s why I don´t trust all these tear-jerking stories about “divorce-rape”.
        I don´t doubt that there are unfair cases where the husband was treated unfairly and the wife was the bad one, and this term would fit.

        However, with all these stories in the internet, usually we only get to hear one side of the story.
        Clinging to a wrong idea doesn´t make the life of a man better.
        These men must learn to get rid of the shackles of cultural-marxist influenced ideas once and for all.

    • And what is the AfD if not part of the system?

      I don´t see why you are so excited about this.

      First, 23% is nothing. There are still 77 % who will not vote for them.

      The AfD is not for a system change, instead they want to keep it. All this praise for the oh-so-fine “democracy” and old west-german politicans says enough.

      They are keen to distance themselves from “nazis” and “right-wingers”(yeah, they don´t call
      themselves “right-winged”).
      For the last Bundestag election they put a Turkish girl on one of their posters, saying her father came for the “German Leitkultur“.

      They threw out all members who were at least half-way on path of the truth like Gedeon, who says he is anti-zionist but not anti-semitic. Or Kalbitz, who still bowed to Israel but was thrown out anyway for alleged membership in a forbidden group.

      I gave them my vote once in Brandenburg, not again. Not after the Kalbitz stunt.

      They will not get my vote next year. I rather vote for the Freie Wähler(free voters). While I don´t believe that voting will change much or anything at all, at least they are a fresh new name. And the AfD will not get any vote from me again. Maybe for regional votes when the candidate is ok, but not under other circumstances.

      • I understand, but maybe what the comrade is cheery about is not the AfD per se with its lesbian head “married” to a Sri Lankan but the fact that 23% support means SOME Germans are waking up.

        I remember how we WNs felt in 2017, once Trump actually became president, and he began doing what the Deep State ordered, although his compliance was totally in vain.

        The Folk wants genuine heroes who will not let them down, or even be paid enemies who have infiltrated our Cause.

        • I see your point, John. But I´m not that optimistic.

          I´ve been reading the news sites for years – also the half-awakened ones. (Some would just call them quarter-awakened.)…sites like PI News and other blogs that don´t exist anymore

          (“Gesamtrechts” was one blog which wasn´t exactly into kosher patriotism but tried to unite traditional nationalists and patriots.However, it was more into promoting civic nationalism and clashing frequently with Altermedia before that site was shut down and Axel Möller was imprisoned.)

          The AfD is for me a bit like a “PI Party” as most of their positions are exactly like theirs. Pro-Israel, pro jew (!), civic nationalism… Tthey want “democracy” and are always condemning the Reich.

          I don´t like the [quasi-NS] NPD (and their renaming themselves as “Heimat” [“homeland”] doesn´t change much) but with them there was an alternative, and they had some regional successes, like being elected into the legislatures of certain [East German] states such as Saxony and Mecklenburg–Western Pomerania.

          So, I just see a long way (if any at all) that the ordinary people will awaken.

          Even if the AfD were elected to the federal parliament and became part of a new government, it wouldn´t change much. It would be also a bit like Trump.

          I predict maybe (!) a new coalition of the CDU [like the Republicans in America or the Tories in England] with Friedrich Merz and the AfD (maybe with the FDP as addition), with the AfD posing a bit as teh “hardliners” but then they still wouldn’t do much at all.

          Oh, and there are also rumours that the half-German [half-Iranain] leftist Sarah Wagenknecht will found a new party and leave her old party — because she is popular for pseudo-criticism of [Third-World] immigration.

          Nope, elections will not change anything, especially not when considering we have more and more “Germans”(the Germany-born offspring of Turkish migrants, and then all the naturalised “refugees” since 2015) who can vote, and they will for sure not vote for a pro-German party (even if they are only pretending to be one).

      • Good stuff here, thanks.

        As usual though, politicians say one thing and do another. Look at Trump, DeSantis, Musk, or any other of these fake opposition media figureheads. That’s all they are, and they don’t make any important decisions. It’s amazing how people listen to what they say, publish that crap, then NEVER watch what actually gets done. (They do nothing, of course)…..
        SO… I am a scientist/microbiologist and I don’t waste time thinking about side issues. (there never was a “Covid” btw – and no Dr. Evil is gonna alter it and have it replicate for crap… sorry, sidetracked….)

        Getting to the point means talking about the bankster jews, for this war and any other in modern times…period.

        But one interesting thing King nailed is the fact that Robert E. Lee was a traitor to the South. How the heck they thought a guy Lincoln wanted and wasn’t one of theirs was worth a dime?!

        • How did King prove that Robert E. Lee was a traitor?

          Do you realize what a grave accusation you are making?

          Lee lost his mansion, his lands, his fortune, everything but his life for the South, and could have been killed at any time over a four-year period, as happened to his very close collaborator, General Stonewall Jackson.

          Lincoln tried to appoint Lee head of the main Union army because Lee was respected (he was the commandant even of West Point), beloved, capable and a Southerner himself. Had Lee accepted, given his own impeccable Southernness and military genius, the war might have been over very quickly. The point is that Lee said no. Did he make mistakes, yes, unlike you, eh? 😉

          It is deeply troubling when we defame the heroic dead. Mike King writes great stuff (and I bought two of his books) but he is no historian and he does get facts wrong and speculates wildly.

          Btw, I read online (so it must be true) that I am a lazy POS who never worked one day in his whole life… and a wife-beater…. fake Marine….dog torturer, rabbit murderer….

          Oh, and I read online Hitler had one testicle and a goat bit off his penis while he was masturbating…. that he was a Rothschild, a homosexual, a coward in WWI who went blind in October 1918 in Pasewalk Hospital not from poison gas but from hysteria…. that he f–ked his own niece Geli until she committed suicide.. that he was a tool of Wall Street… and yet also a communist. (After all, as the Catholic Church in Bavaria noted, he had raised a blood-red flag and called his party a Socialist Workers party. What more proof do you want? 😉 )

          Hey, if it is online, someone will gladly believe it.

  2. Where is the proof for Lincoln’s alleged impromptu speech from a balcony promising to free the blacks and make them full citizens? Lincoln wanted to repatriate them either back to Africa or to Central or South America! Those statements of his are on the record, whereas his alleged speech from a balcony sounds like hearsay, and Jewish BS. The Atlantic article you cited was written by some Jew named Joshua Wolf Shenk, therefore it is likely nothing but Jewish propaganda to serve a Jewish agenda to paint Lincoln as a mentally unstable “bad guy.” They killed him, after all, so why would they tell the truth about him after his death? They also slandered Hitler innumerable times after his death, trying to portray him as a crazed lunatic, closet homosexual, etc., etc.

    Lincoln also made the statement (paraphrasing) “If I could save the Union without freeing the slaves, I would do so.” Again, that statement of Lincoln’s is on the record, and it doesn’t jibe at all with his alleged speech from a balcony promising just the opposite. So, I’m not buying that hearsay, which smells like Jewish BS to me.

    I also just noticed that you apparently got this “info” about Lincoln’s alleged balcony speech and his later allegedly meeting with his cabinet to discuss enfranchising the slaves from a Steven Spielberg movie called “Lincoln!” Give me a bucket so I can vomit! Do you seriously believe that pedophile Jew Spielberg, who also produced the anti-German propaganda films “Schindler’s List” and “Saving Private Ryan” would tell the truth about Lincoln regarding freeing the blacks? Lincoln wanted to send them back to Africa or to Central America, and the Jews knew it, which was likely the main reason they had him assassinated! The Jews’ plan is to destroy the Aryan race through miscegenation and war, so naturally they wanted the blacks to remain in America as citizens, and not be shipped back to Africa as Lincoln wanted to do.

    • So many errors…where do I begin?

      First; did you R-E-A-D the article about Lincoln and his pen pal, the communist jew Karl Marx?

      Second, it is SOMETIMES irrelevant if a writer is a jew, such as Shenk, and the topic is not racial, jewish, anti-white, liberal or financial.

      A jew invented the laser, so are you against lasers? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_Maiman

      A jew named Otto Warburg, who was probably also gay, was against cancer and did research on it in Germany throughout the Third Reich. He got the Nobel Prize. Care to comment? So was Hitler in favor of gay jews? Was Hitler gay? Was Hitler a Rothschild?


      Hitler’s family doctor, Eduard Bloch MD, was a Jew. So was Hitler a jew, too? I let him leave Austria with all his money. A-HAH! Hitler was a jew-sympathizer, and probably a Rothschild. 😉

      And Shenk’s article was pro-Lincoln, pro the ngr-lover who wanted Blax to get US citizenship and the vote. See below.

      Answer me this: did Lincoln suffer from major depression or not? Should a man with suicidal ideation be the President of the United States? Did you read the Atlantic article? It was his own friends who said Lincoln was a major depressive.

      Not only did the Lincoln assassination conspirators who survived to trial testify under oath that Lincoln said what he said on the balcony (SEE BELOW) about giving Blax citizenship and the vote, but remember: they were on trial for their lives and were, in fact, hanged. Why would they lie in the shadow of the gallows? The Confederacy had been defeated, and the War was over. Lee had surrendered at Appomattox. SOMETHING, however, re-inflamed them. What was it if not what they said it was? Were they just jokin’ and smokin’ and high on weed while on trial for their lives?

      Finally, from Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_Powell_(conspirator)):

      On April 11, President Lincoln addressed a crowd from the balcony on the north side of the White House. In this speech, Lincoln discussed his plans for accepting the rebellious states back into the Union, and singled out Louisiana as the first he would like to see do so.

      Lincoln announced that he also wanted to see African Americans given the right to vote. [With US citizenship comes the right to vote.]
      Booth and Powell stood on the White House lawn listening to the speech. Booth seethed at the idea of giving blacks political power, and told Powell, “That means nigger citizenship. Now, by God, I will put him through. That will be the last speech he will ever make.”[65]

      Source: Steers, Edward (2002). Blood on the Moon. Lexington, Ky.: University Press of Kentucky. ISBN 0813122775.

      Confederate Lewis Powell, a very brave soldier under Confederate cavalry raider John Mosby, awaits execution.

      After three weeks of heat torture in an underwater vessel, a semi-submerged Union submarine (!) with a baking woollen hood placed on his head in the roasting Washington DC heat, so he could see nothing, only sweat, which seemingly drove him mad, and manacles which were screwed on so tight they made his feet bloat up so he could not wear his own boots in the courtroom, and came in in his socks, then he was hanged in such a way that it took FIVE EXCRUCIATING MINUTES WHILE HE KICKED.

      The Yankee hangman made the rope too short on purpose so that his neck was not broken, just as in Nuremberg in 1946 with the NS leaders.


      Herold and Powell struggled for nearly five minutes.[177][179][180] Powell’s body swung about wildly, and once or twice his legs came up so that he was almost in a sitting position.

      This is the man you are accusing of lying at his trial.

      • Ah, yes – Wikipedia, that trusted and totally unbiased news source, especially for political issues (sarcasm). The source listed for that Wikipedia article is a book written by Edward Steers, most likely a Jew. Wasn’t Ollie Steers the name of that gay Jew who interviewed you at your house?

        I trust nothing written by Jews, because they lie constantly, especially if it serves some Jewish agenda they are pushing, such as trying to portray Lincoln as a “ngr lover” who wanted to enfranchise the blacks. Even though all of his verifiable statements on the issue suggest the exact opposite. I can’t reconcile all of Lincoln’s verifiable statements with the word of some Jew named Steers that he was a “ngr lover.”

        As for Lincoln’s correspondence with Karl Marx, this was before communism was even a word, and very few people had even heard of Karl Marx, or the evils that his political theories would eventually bring. Also, it was almost certainly Marx who initiated the correspondence, since Lincoln was a famous world leader and Marx was a nobody at that time.

        • I think it is pointless.

          So Edward Steers is a jew….. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Steers_Jr.

          Boy, looks like a regular rabbi….not.

          So do you know his rabbi, did you date his daughter, or attend his bar mitzvah?

          You did not even read my article on Lincoln and Marx.


          Karl Marx was the world-infamous composer of the Communist Manifesto of 1848. The founder of communism then had a long and friendly correspondence in the 1850s with Lincoln, and again during his presidency, especially in January 1865.

          So every word here is blatantly incorrect:

          As for Lincoln’s correspondence with Karl Marx, this was before communism was even a word, and very few people had even heard of Karl Marx, or the evils that his political theories would eventually bring. Also, it was almost certainly Marx who initiated the correspondence, since Lincoln was a famous world leader [not in the 1850s] and Marx was a nobody at that time.

          I am again, reluctantly, blocking you once again after this, and at the urging of two readers who said you “take away” from the discussion. You have some serious issues with anger, with smearing people wildly, and with disregard for basic logic and facts. Emotions rule you, anger at the world, and dealing with you has been years of walking on eggshells. This has to end. Goodbye, comrade.

  3. Bedenke, dass die AFD mitregieren möchte. Würde sie sich zu “extrem” geben, wären die Angriffe noch brutaler. Obwohl sie eher moderat agiert, wird sie in Teilen vom Inlandsgeheimdienst beobachtet und manche fordern schon offen, die AFD zu verbieten oder ihr Gelder zu streichen. AFD-Wahlhelfer und Politiker sind schwersten Angriffen durch die Antifa ausgesetzt. Gegen die AFD wird medial gehetzt und sogar an den Schulen hetzen linke Lehrer gegen sie.

    Dennoch wollen 23% derzeit diese Partei, die als so böse rechts dargestellt wird, wählen, was uns zeigt, dass viele Deutsche noch rechtskonservativ denken.

      • Ich sehe es aber nun mal anders.
        Man muß endlich begreifen, daß die Medien die AfD attackieren, egal wie sie sich nun geben.
        Da kann man sich noch so anpassen!
        Man muß sich von der Attitüde verabschieden: Es kommt nicht darauf an, ob es Rechtsextremismus ist, sondern wie Rechtsextremismus aussieht. Wie es Gedeon geschildert hatte, daß es die Leitlinie ist.

        Abgesehen davon: Warum sollte man als echter Deutscher und Patriot wollen, daß die AfD mitregiert?
        Ich weiß genau, daß ich das nicht möchte.
        Ich will gar keine der vertretenen Parteien in der Regierung sehen.

        Und ich glaube kaum, daß 23 % wirklich “rechtskonservativ” sind. Die meisten Wähler sind Wechselwähler.
        Die AfD macht mit blödsinnigen Themen Wahlkampf. Was interessieren mich billiges Fleisch und SUVs?
        Wenn das ernsthaft die Sorgen der AfD-Wähler sind, dann ist Hopfen und Malz verloren.
        Ich prophezeie sowieso, daß einige der Prozentpunkte wieder schwinden werden, wenn die Wagenknecht-Partei gegründet wird.
        Wir haben es ja auch in Frankreich gesehen. Die recht glattgebügelte Marine Le Pen bekam Konkurrenz vom “rechten” algerischen Juden Éric Zemmour, der 7 % bekam. Am Ende gewann natürlich keiner von beiden, trotz Zemmours Empfehlung für Le Pen in der Stichwahl.

        Und die Bezeichnungen “rechts” und “konservativ” lehne ich sowieso ab. “Rechts” ist ein überholter Begriff(wie auch links), konservativ ist auch nichts Positives. Konservative sind nur an Status und Geld interessiert.

        Mir wäre es lieber gewesen, die AfD wäre nie gegründet worden. Ohne eine Partei als Pseudo-Alternative wären die Leute vielleicht wirklich aufgewacht. Stattdessen haben sie nun wieder die vermeintliche Lösung, alle paar Jahre ein Kreuz machen zu können. Somit erstickt man alle anderen Möglichkeiten des Widerstands.

        • Danke.

          Die Meloni in Italien ist eine riesige Enttäuschung. Sie ist fanatisch pro-Krieg, pro-Ukraine und damit befürwortet sie letzten Endes den Atomkrieg mit Russland! Sie läßt die Neger in Scharen nach Italien als Rapefugees einwandern.

          Dasselbe gilt für Brexit und Nigel Farage in England. Britannien ist heraus aus der EU, aber die Kanaken strömen noch immer, vergewaltigend, ausbeutend, und sonst nichtstuend, nach England herein.

          • Leider wahr. Auch die AfD redet ja von “qualifizierter Zuwanderung”.

            Im Parteiprogramm steht auch der Satz: “Assimilation ist zwar wünschenswert, aber nicht erzwingbar”.

            Die Erklärung zum deutschen Staatsvolk ist auch sehr bezeichnend!

            Vergessen wir auch nicht, daß keine dieser Parteien sowieso irgendwas gegen den Bestand an unerwünschten Fremdlingen getan hat. Solange man nicht massenhaft abschiebt und diesen verbietet, Gewerbe zu betreiben und zu arbeiten, ändert sich erst recht nichts.

            Ich fand auf Flickr Fotos mit interessanter Beschreibung. Wenn selbst so ein seltsamer Cross-Dresser bemerkt hat, daß die Türken in West-Berlin alles negativ verändert haben…?!


            Vor der Invasion der Kanaken war West-Berlin eine eher ruhige Stadt. Klar, es gab schon die 68er Verzerrungen, aber trotzdem ging es noch.
            Nun bekam man Türken, die bei Auto-Unfällen handgreiflich wurden und alles übervölkerten.
            Gäste gehen allerdings irgendwann wieder.
            Das Geschmeiß ist immer noch da und wird ohne Zwang auch nie wieder weggehen.
            Für die AfD sind es aber “muslimische Mitbürger”.
            Ich persönlich kann gerne auf diese “Mitbürger” verzichten.
            Die Türken haben nie was für Deutschland getan und werden es auch nicht.
            Alles, was sie getan haben, ist das Ausnutzen der Sozialleistungen, das Füllen des Billigmarktes, und auch ihre “kulturellen” Beiträge sind lächerlich. Wir haben Komödianten, die “lustig” mit ihrem Akzent sind, Rapper und Politiker der Blockparteien, die für andere Kanaken Politik machen.
            Siehe der Bürgermeister von Hannover:

            “Im März 2020 setzte er sich für die Aufnahme unbegleiteter, minderjähriger Kinder aus griechischen Flüchtlingslagern ein.[19] Im Oktober 2020 zog Onay erhebliche Kritik aus allen Parteien, der Presse und Sozialverbänden auf sich, als er im Rahmen einer Videokonferenz mit Bundeskanzlerin Merkel und anderen Stadtoberhäuptern über die Aufnahme weiterer Flüchtlinge aus Griechenland auf ausreichend Platz in Hannover verwies. Fast zeitgleich wurde von der Stadt ein Modellprojekt zur Unterbringung obdachloser Menschen trotz des bevorstehenden Winters und der COVID-19-Pandemie beendet.”

            Das kommt davon, wenn man die Staatsbürgerschaft verschleudert.

            Ich habe eine Weile in einer westdeutschen Stadt gelebt, als Mitteldeutscher. Im Haus wohnten einige Türken, auch viele Läden waren in türkischer Hand. Überall stank es, man grillte ständig eklig, und ganze Straßenzüge hatten einen Döner nach dem anderen.
            Das hat nichts mehr mit Deutschland zu tun.
            Von Repatriierung möchte die AfD leider nichts hören.
            Hier haben wir diesen aufpolierten Schönling:

            Wo die “Türken, die was für das Land tun sind”, weiß ich bis heute nicht. Ein paar wenige sind in Ordnung, aber nur sehr wenige. Sicher keine Rechtfertigung dafür, hier weiter ein völlig fremdes Volk zu haben. Diese Denke “wenn sie arbeiten und Steuern zahlen und nicht kriminell sind, ist alles toll” ist einfach dumm.
            Diese Menschen wissen selber, daß sie nicht hierher gehören, also sollte es ein Repatriierungsabkommen mit der Türkei geben. Ihren Wohlstand sollten sie behalten können, insofern ehrlich erarbeitet.
            Mörder sollten allerdings hingerichtet werden. Diesen Abschaum möchten die Türken sicher selber nicht in ihrem Land haben.

  4. Die AFD ist wie die Deutschnationale Volkspartei oder die Großdeutsche Volkspartei (Österreich) der Zwischenkriegszeit. Auch damals war vielen Nationalen der Kurs dieser Parteien zu angepasst und moderat.

  5. Here is another take on the MGTOW/Red Pill stuff. This young man even tries to talk reason into them and is (too) nice. I don´t agree with everything he says but with one thing absolutely:
    For a good relationship men and women need higher values.
    And MGTOWs are lacking these values. Of course there are a lot of rude comments and dislikes, or very long comments where some jerk talks out of his ass.


  6. Dear John,

    As you know I am not an American. I am an expert on American history, though, having read most of Louis L’Amour’s books. 😉

    I consider most of the US presidents to have been traitors to their people. As far as I am concerned, the only two leaders who absolutely cared for their people were Adolf and Napoleon, who wasn’t even French; Napoleon was more of a scheisser than Adolf but I still rate him highly.

    Thanks go to spell-checker or there would be many more errors. I am going blind, so typing is a chore.

    The two cents I want to offer is this, and I don’t remember who said this, so I can’t credit the person.

    “People don’t want freedom, they just hope for a kind master.”

    I spent my own money making dvds and distributing them. But like Albert Schweitzer I can say that I only wasted my time.

    I have given up, John.

    I don’t even see the tunnel, let alone the light at the end.

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