Spiritual reading; jews prepare to again slit the throats of trusting, gentle animals in a temple for THEIR OWN wicked sins

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A race of psychopaths that loves to kill, and therefore derives the highest pleasure from murdering those who helped them. Margi told me once of a psychopathic hitchhiker who was a serial killer. He would murder friendly people who picked him up. When arrested,the cops asked him why he had done it. “It served them right for trusting me!” Ths is a kind of mind whose existence in this hellish world we must urgently learn to accept. There ARE human devils out there. 

….Jews gearing up to sacrifice docile, trusting “goyim” (in this case, the literal Hebrew word for “cattle”) 

So these atavistic jews intend to kill three red cows (goyim, meaning cattle, in this case, red heifers, red cows who never gave birth to a a calf), goyim from America, all in order to “cleanse” the Temple Mount of the presence for 1800 years of the unclean HUMAN goyim (you and me).

Then they intend to destroy the third most important mosque in Islam, Al-Aksa, and then build a new jewish temple — Temple Number 4.

(How interesting that Almighty God did not save the first three that were built by “His chosen people”……..)

Then the rabbis want to recommence perpetrating animal sacrifices, a Stone Age custom. But I understand — the jews love to kill, and put blame on someone else, an animal or a human, or even on the entire white race.


The Christian view, which represented great progress, was that our sacrifice should be a contrite heart, and remorse for all that we thought, said, and did that was wrong.

How does slitting the throat of an innocent, trusting animal cleanse us of OUR sins?

No other people of today still does this! But the jews mentally and morally are still a Stone Age race.



……Salvador Dali’s 1951 painting of Jesus on the Cross 

An Italian comrade reminded me of this famous 1951 painting; Dali said he was commanded in a dream to depict Jesus with no nails or  blood. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ_of_Saint_John_of_the_Cross)

People have also noticed that Jesus is up in the air, floating above humanity, almost like a spaceship cruising over the earth, and also  this — his hands and feet form a triangle and his head a circle.



This is the meaning, and I have elucidated this before.

Jesus was a nordic starseed from a very high and enlightened planet who chose to incarnate here to try to save us from the jews.

He was regularly depicted as blond by early Christians. He was from Galilee, which means “Goyim District” in Hebrew, and it was full of Greeks, Romans, Kelts, and Aryan Buddhist missionaries (from then still Aryan-ruled India). Many Galileans had been forced into Judaism just a century before.

He declared war on the old Judaism of greed, vengeance and domination by creating a new religion of love.

Once he realized that the jews could not be converted to this, the failure of Plan A, then he went to Plan B, deliberately goading the jew leaders into waging war on him and his message of love. It is very clear from the Gospels that Pontius Pilate, wanted to let the innocent Jesus go, but Jesus clearly, as Pilate realized, WANTED the jews to crucify Him, to murder the Prince of Peace, to slander and revile the man who preached “God is Love,” and screeched that Jesus was in league with Satan (a fallen angel guilty of the sin of pride) — this man who knelt and washed His disciples’ feet.

The Crucifixion was perfect —  the jews revealing who they really are.

Jesus with no blood or nails? This is because everything was going according to Jesus’ loving plan.

The triangle shows this was a man whose mind, heart and body were in perfect harmony. The circle shows his unity with God and all men of good will.

Jesus was a reincarnated nordic alien, and this is why he is shown floating above the earth before he returned to his world.

Forgiveness of sins?

If you sacrifice yourself for your brothers and sisters.

…to awaken them to the loving Fatherhood of God and the beauty latent in all of us.




….Spiritual reading for October 16

Today would be a really, very, extremely good day to do something unexpectedly kind for someone else. It could be almost anything—a gesture, a gift, a special truth told, your time and attention.

The important thing here to reach out and touch someone else. Hearts are tender right now. Either tender or so well defended that they might as well be dead.

In each case, your opening of your own heart in a tangible manner could make a huge difference for both the other and yourself.

The tension many of you are living with tends to pull you into a survival mode, which is exactly the opposite of the direction where you need to head right now. So take yourself out of your head, out of theory, out of future, out of probability. Put yourself in your own heart in this very moment and think of someone you want to do something special for. And then make the time to do it.

We don’t need to say more. We love you more than you can imagine. Showers of hearts and flowers and joy for all of you.




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