Spiritual reading; Khazar jews have a special SCHIZOPHRENIA and MANIA gene

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….Spiritual reading for March 13

If you feel up to it, continue to allow yourself to expand today. Go as far as you did yesterday, or even a little farther if you are able. Let your own field move outward from your center and grow larger around you. Be careful that what expands does not emanate from your head—this is not the vibration you want to work with at all.

Let it arise from in or near your heart or your solar plexus. As it grows, you will likely feel lighter and less dense. This may seem odd and a little uncomfortable, perhaps you will feel vulnerable in some way. It is okay, but if you are not at ease with it, pull your field back in a little. Experiment until you feel yourself on the edge of what is comfortable.

*** This refers to the chakras (in Sanskrit, “wheels”), which are spiritual organs in our spiritual body



We want to suggest that you do this outdoors, in or near nature. It is there that you can do the really exciting work of the day: atuning to the various manifestations of the natural world.

Let your energy graze the energies of the trees, the birds, the grasses, the water, the stones. Just feel them, touching in lightly at frst to get a sense, a taste of each energetic favor. Use the edges of your field to sense the edge of another’s.

This can actually be a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. If you can play around with it for long enough to get comfortable with the feeling of other energies, then you can start to go a little deeper.

Spend a few minutes with a tree, just feeling and moving into it until you know it and it knows you. Always express your gratitude before you go on.

Although we think that you might fnd this fun, we are not without a certain pragmatism and do not suggest it without a goal. As you merge with other forms of consciousness, you will learn a great deal about the best way to live in form. About how human beings can live in energetic harmony with the rest of the inhabitants of the earth.

The other beings on your planet hold so much wisdom and can teach you a great deal of what you need to know. There are teachers everywhere at this time, wherever you look, someone else with guidance, good ideas and a path to illuminate.


***Recalling my strange fox experience on November 3rd, which would have been Margi’s 74th birthday. (It was six months ago yesterday that she passed on.)

Ontonagon on Google Earth with the location of the pleasant encounter

A fox came right out of the woods and walked next to me for about one hundred yards!

I talked with the creature, then I did urge it to leave, with my pistol out but on the far side of my body, fearing it might possibly be rabid, since it was almost overly friendly.

Fox eyes are incredibly reflective, btw, twice as much as a dog’s,  for example.

Anyway, it ducked into the woods, but then ran parallel to me through the trees, and it was waiting for me at the end of the street, Airport Road, where it “t’s” into Paul Bunyan Avenue, to greet me again there! I saw it when a pickup truck, its high beams on, turned onto Airport Road.


A local woman who is part-Chippewa Indian said if a fox or a cardinal comes right up to you, it means a loved one who has crossed over is saying “Hi.” 🙂

A touching image a British comrade sent me today of a cemetery monument to a sick boy who has returned to the world of God



This contact with nature, plants and animals is wonderful in many ways. But what you learn through your own experience is the most valuable of all, and you will be able to unearth a great treasure chest when you learn to listen to the wisdom of the water, of the birds and beasts, of the flowers and the trees. And you can.

They may not speak to you in words, but they will let you touch them with your energy, and if you pay attention, you can learn to feel them and to sense many of the things that they know.

You may already be doing this. If so, focus on it today. If not, today is an excellent day for beginning to practice and play with the skill of merging with other forms of consciousness, for understanding and intuiting the lessons they hold for you.

Like any new skill, it must be exercised in order to be mastered. Today is also an excellent day for beginners. Give it a try. Even if you can only do it walking from your car to your office. Set your intent and see if anything happens. If you can manage to expand your own field, you are developing an important ability. Take it as far as your day allows and no matter what you accomplish or do not, have some fun. Play with it.

We are talking about important channels of communication, important teachings. But today make your approach light, joyful and playful.

We send our love and blessings,



…..Jews and schizophrenia



Schizophrenia is a mental disorder[13] characterized by continuous or relapsing episodes of psychosis.[5] Major symptoms include hallucinations (typically hearing voices), delusions, and disorganized thinking.[7] Other symptoms include social withdrawaldecreased emotional expression, and apathy.[5] Symptoms typically develop gradually, begin during young adulthood, and in many cases never become resolved.[3][7] There is no objective diagnostic test; diagnosis is based on observed behavior, a psychiatric history that includes the person’s reported experiences, and reports of others familiar with the person.[7] To be diagnosed with schizophrenia, symptoms and functional impairment need to be present for six months (DSM-5) or one month (ICD-11).[7][14] Many people with schizophrenia have other mental disorders, especially substance use disordersdepressive disordersanxiety disorders, and obsessive–compulsive disorder.[7]

About 0.3% to 0.7% of people are diagnosed with schizophrenia during their lifetime.[15] In 2017, there were an estimated 1.1 million new cases and in 2022 a total of 24 million cases globally.[2][16] Males are more often affected and on average have an earlier onset.[2] The causes of schizophrenia include genetic and environmental factors.[5] Genetic factors include a variety of common and rare genetic variants.[17] Possible environmental factors include being raised in a city, childhood adversity, cannabis use during adolescence, infections, the ages of a person’s mother or father, and poor nutrition during pregnancy.[5][18]

About half of those diagnosed with schizophrenia will have a significant improvement over the long term with no further relapses, and a small proportion of these will recover completely.[7][19] The other half will have a lifelong impairment.[20] In severe cases, people may be admitted to hospitals.[19] Social problems such as long-term unemploymentpovertyhomelessness, exploitation, and victimization are commonly correlated with schizophrenia.[21][22] Compared to the general population, people with schizophrenia have a higher suicide rate (about 5% overall) and more physical health problems,[23][24] leading to an average decrease in life expectancy by 20[10] to 28 years.[11] In 2015, an estimated 17,000 deaths were linked to schizophrenia.[12]

The mainstay of treatment is antipsychotic medication, along with counseling, job training, and social rehabilitation.[5] Up to a third of people do not respond to initial antipsychotics, in which case clozapine may be used.[25] In a network comparative meta-analysis of 15 antipsychotic drugs, clozapine was significantly more effective than all other drugs, although clozapine’s heavily multimodal action may cause more side effects.[26] In situations where doctors judge that there is a risk of harm to self or others, they may impose short involuntary hospitalization.[27] Long-term hospitalization is used on a small number of people with severe schizophrenia.[28] In some countries where supportive services are limited or unavailable, long-term hospital stays are more common.[29]


Me want to know why GOD’s chosen people would have a gene for severe mental disease which makes them hear strange voices in their head and see things that are not there. 😉 Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm….

First two paragraphs say it all:

Israeli and American scientists have discovered a gene among Ashkenazi Jews that increases their chances of developing the mental disorder schizophrenia, as well schizoaffective disorder and manic depression.

According to a study recently published in Nature Communications, the gene in question raises Ashkenazi Jews’ chances of experiencing the disorders by roughly 40%, and by 15% in the general population.

The study was conducted by Professor Ariel Darvasi, assistant dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in coordination with Dr. Todd Lencz from The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research in New York.

The first portion of the study included the largest-ever sample group of Ashkenazi Jews ever researched. Of the 2,500 Ashkenazi Jews from Israel who contributed DNA samples for the study, 1,500 were healthy, while 1,000 were affected by mental disorders related to schizophrenia.

Jesus, an Aryan from “Galilee of the Goyim” who incarnated to a jewish mother and was raised jewish for the purpose of infiltrating and seeking to radically change judaism from within, a task at which He foreseeably failed…


….finally gave up totally on the Jews, saying:


Note also, below, that it was we American goyim, taxpayers, who paid $5 million for this medical study so as to help the poor Jews……

I have screenshot the entire article (found here https://www.haaretz.com/.premium-ashkenazi-gene-increases-schizophrenia-1.5294333) so you know this is straight from the kosher horse’s mouth.



82Tom Sullivan, Cain Marko and 34 others

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Greg Magill Inbreeding

Mark Hastings We all knew that any way

Garioch MacYoostin Finally they are admitting it

John de Nugent Now they just gotta admit a few other little things 😉

Holly Bell Hopefully it’s fatal

Bobb Pira The son of a thousand fathers, all bastards just like him…. Genghis Khan.

Anthony Migchels Jews are twice as more likely to be homosexuals, and suffer far more from basically every mental ailment.

It has nothing to do with a ‘gene’ these silly bozo’s have ‘discovered’. Maybe inbreeding has something to do with it, but it’s mostly simply the absolutely toxic culture.


Bobb Pira they are all related to the level of fifth cousins. One big messed up family

Greg Magill Did you know that’s a picture of Adam Silver as a youngster? He’s the current commissioner of the NBA.

Claudius Stahlkopf That was evident since Moses

Joseph Rizoli Just think these people try to tell us right from wrong…

Bells Layton I don’t buy their lies..jews are just full of demons.

Jess Von Schmidt Satanic seedline.


  1. A friend dying in hospital from cancer told me, when I asked him what was the most important day in his life. He said to me
    ” Today is the most important day. Yesterday’s gone learn from it. Plan for tomorrow as its not here yet. But live for today every hour is vital, as today will never come again”
    I was privileged to Know Bill O’brien, Head of various US space and aviation projects once told me
    ” What do you fear most? Loosing time or money? You can always get more money” I’ve tried to live my life with these pearls of free knowledge.

    • or both…. the descendants of Habiru criminals,
      ….who also are of neanderthalic stock,
      ….with many also having Hun/Mongol in them,
      ….circumcised already as babies in a form of trauma-based mind control…..

      ….and then are told all sorts of paranoid, megalomanic, narcissistic and psychopathic stories of world domination, hatred, vengeance, sex, obscene wealth and greed.

      Voilà… the jew….. Both nature and nurture have made him what he is.

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