Spiritual reading: know what you are willing to live and die for

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December 11

Life as you know it has been a great foundation and a gift for you in general. It has been predictable once you learn the rules, the way in which things operate. This has allowed you, after your initial “training,” to run on auto-pilot, to make reasonable assumptions about what things mean and how certain actions or events will unfold into others.

As you are well aware, the patterns that you learned to read and manipulate as young beings on the planet are now in a state of flux. On the one hand, this is a delight beyond description. Many of you will easily agree that the way things have been is not a way worth preserving. Certainly not in its entirety.

But as things alter, it requires that you wake up from auto-pilot, that you be conscious of the choices you are making in each moment, the things you say and do, and most especially, the things you think.

This can be, well frankly, exhausting. Being conscious, particularly in the dense material form you currently inhabit, is intense and sometimes very tiring.

And of course, when you add on top of that the uncertainty you must face so routinely now, the not knowing of likely outcomes, it is little wonder that present conditions feel as if they are draining many of you.

It is to be expected that this state of affairs will continue for some while. You are, as you know, in a time of transition, and to be honest, you cannot anticipate that things will settle into a predictable rut again anytime soon.

(The good and the bad news….)

So, our advice to you around this rather central concern is this: spend time (as much as you need, please) considering your highest values. From what core place do you wish to be acting?

You have all undoubtedly thought on this before, but in the past it has been easier to hedge, to affirm a commitment to a particular value but when up against the wall, to choose another as your operative.

And that was fine because you were in the part of the process devoted to exploration. Right now, though, it is quite important that you know your hierarchy of values and do everything you can to live by them, whatever they may be. Things are moving too quickly to allow for uncertainty or detouring from your purpose.

You will need to stay focused in order to stay in the flow. If you are able to hold firmly to your beliefs, it will guide you moment to moment in a way that nothing and no one else can. Even if your auto-pilot is not functioning, you will have the capacity to think, feel and act with confidence and accuracy in short order.

Today is a day that lends itself to organizing values, purpose, focus. Take up this process wherever it lies for you and give it your attention. And do your best to delve beneath the surface—you need to know what you are willing to live and die for, not just what sounds good or uplifting. We know that clarifying this will help to ease your path in the foreseeable future, and as well, it will increase the positive impact that you
will have on all those around you and the world’s process in general.

As always, there will be a multitude of beings of light at your elbow if and when you need us. (E. West)



……The Folk Community is our goal

As I said in another life, national socialism is the political expression of the folk community, called in German die Volksgemeinschaft.

It is a feeling of family, of loving, of belonging, of knowing your people are the for you and you for your people.

And what is your people?

Those of your blood, culture, language and identity.

America was almost a folk community in 1941. We were 89% white, heavily germanic-keltic, and there had been centuries of intermarrying with other whites to form a new and basically excellent gene pool.

Our language was English, our culture was White American, and there were proud and unifying traditions of freedom, military victory and glory. It was a proud country, and after 1945 it was a superpower.

I remember well how proud White Americans were.

Margaret Huffstickler, age 8, in the third grade

Having crushed the Germans, the champions of the folk community, America is now profoundly obligated itself to fight for the white race. It should and it must. A mostly superb mix of Germanic and Keltic, it has all the qualities to win.


  1. ,,Liebe, die natürliche, gesunde Art, ist in der Tat das, was die Welt um uns herum ausmacht, und sie ist das heiligste und schönste Wunder, das wir jemals hier auf dieser Erde gesehen haben. Aber ohne wirksame Maßnahmen gegen den, der das bedroht, was wir lieben, ist Liebe ein leeres Wort, ein Schlagwort für Hippies, Schwule und Feiglinge.” George Lincoln


  2. Edmund Kiss “Das Sonnentor Von Tihuanako”

    “Im Ersten Weltkrieg wurde der mit einer Körpergröße von 2,10 m auffällig groß gewachsene Kiss als Soldat mehrfach verwundet und mit dem Eisernen Kreuz erster und zweiter Klasse ausgezeichnet. Ende der 20er Jahre gewann Kiss ein Preisgeld von 20.000 Reichsmark in einem Autoren-Wettbewerb. Aufgrund der von Arthur Posnansky geschaffenen arischen Migrationsthese verschlug es ihn 1928 nach Bolivien. Den Aufenthalt finanzierte er mit dem Preisgeld. Er erforschte die Ruinenstädte auf der Insel Marajó und am Titicacasee, die Ruinenstätte Tiwanaku. Innerhalb von Tiwanaku erforschte er insbesondere Pumapunku und Kalasasaya. Während dieser Zeit, in der er nach unbestätigten Angaben auch als Leiter eines Museums in La Paz tätig war, festigte sich seine Überzeugung einer uralten arisch-atlantischen Kultur, die sich bis nach Südamerika erstreckt haben soll, wobei die südamerikanischen Frühkulturen von nordischen Menschen beeinflusst sein sollten. Diese Gedankengänge publizierte er in einem Aufsatz „Nordische Baukunst in Bolivien“ in der Zeitschrift „Germanien“, Jahrgang 1939, sowie in seinem Buch „Das Sonnentor von Tihuanaku und Hörbigers Welteislehre“. ”



    Den Wurzeln unserer Verwandten/Vorfahren und deren Gottesvorstellungen zu folgen ist nicht die schlechteste Zeitinvestition.




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