December 2
Forget it today—that is our general advice. Stay inside (in all the ways you can imagine) and lie low. Do not try to resolve or fix things today because in all likelihood, you will be coming at something that is not even yours from an angle that will only exacerbate the situation.
In other words, you will only get lost deeper in the forest today if you insist on trying to make your way out of it.
Instead, do what you can to rest and pamper yourself. Eat well, read something that makes you happy, listen to music you love, make love (if it is very, very sweet), and play with your children. Be gentle and keep yourself on an even keel for the day. Do your best to set aside until tomorrow the longings that may arise from within for clarity or understanding.
You will see so much more clearly after today has passed.
Be patient and soft with those around you who are also frustrated by their inability to set things right. If you can convince them not to tackle the hard things today, your life will improve as well.
Take good care of pets and plants today. They will help you stay on a level where you will function best.
Above all, remember that all things will pass, and that this day is not just one of holding your breath and waiting, but a day to be celebrated and savored for its own unique energetic gifts. Like each day of your life, it offers you untold millions of precious moments; your work is to find the way to put yourself in alignment with what is on offer so that your time here is deeply filled with gratitude and joy.
All our love and blessings. (E. West)
……A hero passes
I blogged many times on Wolfgang Fröhlich, a brilliant Austrian engineer who boldly wrote and spoke out against the vicious Holocaust slander, used since 1945 to guilt-trip, mentally torment, and for 80 years now financially bleed Germany and Austria to the bone.öhlich
Antifa in Germany actually THANKS the Allies for the bombing of Dresden (500K civilians murdered) by “Bomber Harris” of the RAF, since “we Germans committed the Holocaust, the greatest crime in history…”
“Germany, you filthy piece of shit” — the Holofraud pays off again for the jews — Germans hating Germany
After 15 miserable years in prison, a record for any revisionist, Wolfgang was released in 2019, went home to his wife, and died a few days ago at age 70.
I will add more about him to this blog.
But I have to say, first of all, that he did not pamper himself, or try to enjoy life, but remained full of anger.
Understandable…anger, grief, outrage, and frustration….
And yet when he was released, Wolfgang wrote to the same corrupt officials “denying” the Holocaust yet again…. truly “casting pearls before swine.”
(He sent me copies of his missives. He ignored my advice to cut it out — that he had suffered enough at 12 years behind bars — and so I stopped writing back.)
These people, Wolfgang, are literally pedophiles and psychopaths! Are you really trying to fix people like that????
And the problem is not just the Holocaust but Hitler, and NS, and now also Covid, and also race, and also the jews, and also transgender, and diversity-is-our-strength, and Biden-beat-Trump…. and Russia wants to conquer the West….a hundred, no, a thousand other lies!
To be continued here…
Meanwhile read this…. a basically true message.
A comrade sent me this:
What’s amazing to me is that they were able to find an audience dumb enough to applaud this POS [late.-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel].
It’s a sad commentary on the intelligence of most Americans today. Literal drooling morons – and most of them probably have 4-year college degrees:
Okay, I am back to finish this blog.
Here is a violent brawl amongst Blacks at the Minneapolis airport. Appalling and disgraceful, of course:
Unexplained brawl at MSP Airport in Minnesota
— Signals of Virtue (@signalsofvirtue) November 30, 2021
But let me tell you that white earthlings do stupid stuff, too, not just black earthlings — just we Whites do it with a higher IQ. We all know about Dresden…. White technology used to kill whites.
Actually, roast them alive….
Going back to Wolfgang Fröhlich, I am reminded of the great insight by his fellow German, Eckhart Tolle, about the pain body, (der Schmerzkörper in German.)
The egoic mind is masochistic. It is your mind torturing you, rehashing old pain, old arguments, old divorces and breakups, and old negative things of every kind.
Then it tells you (this is your own mind but out of control) that you will never change and you will always screw up.
Ever see a schizophrenic on the street talking to himself? Often, there is great anger involved. This is the egoic mind that is overtly separate from you and even openly attacking you.
We have the expression “beating up on yourself.”
But that is still a bit superficial.
This is your mind as a separate being.
It is not beating up “on itself.”
It is beating up on YOU.
So, Wolfgang, why would you provoke the Austrian authorities, with more angry letters, especially after you promised in court to not touch the Holocaust ever again?
Did your egoic mind, feeding on suffering and anger, on your pain body, WANT to go back to prison? So it could torture you some more and grow more swollen and huge?
I saw a whole leftist website in German, complaining you were “up to your old tricks” again and that you should go back to prison.
Sad… no way to just drink some wine, read poetry, go for walks with your wife and think about the great and beautiful things and people of our race.
Admire our heroes!
Marvel at our cathedrals and symphonies!
Notre Dame Basilica, Montréal Quebec, Canada
Taste and really savor a good cup of coffee, inhaling its aromas!
At seventy, Wolfgang, learn to be in the now!
How do you think I stay sane? I am as enraged as you are!
But I can turn the rage off!
I tell my mind what to think about, or to think about nothing at all and JUST ENJOY!
Don’t just take a shower. Revel in the hot water and fragrant soap; feel all clean again! Then dry yourself with a scratchy terry-cloth towel and feel the prickle on your skin! Fuck the jews and the blacks and Biden and Covid for five seconds! This is a time for YOU!
And as for our dead, do not mourn that they died.
Rejoice that such men lived!
The enemy is not the jew.
It is our own egoic mind that hates us.
You, the reader, are an eternal soul. And if you are reading this, you are growing every day. Not wasting this incarnation.
Love yourself, O noble one! Deep down, you are good!
I see your goodness and your growth; I love YOU!
Goodbye for now, Wolfgang.
Thank you for standing tall for the truth about our beautiful Reich! Keep growing now on the other side…
And then come back to us, o brother, better than ever!
È da molto tempo che volevo affrontare questo dilemma…
Non esiste una traduzione diversa 🙂 🙂
Me lo puoi spiegare quando hai davvero tempo 😉
I have wanted to face this dilemma for a long time …
There is no different translation
You can explain it to me when you really have time
“Ama” is a word meaning originally maternal love, related to ma-ter, “mother.”
“Agapé” in later Greek is the perfect word, unselfish love. 🙂
R.I.F wolfgang.
Diciamo che sto indagando ancora…
Ho letto,visto tantissime cose.
La sua storia in tutte le salse 😉
Alberich è paragonato a Andvari nel mito norreno;lui l’or e l’anello da lui forgiato,MA è Loki che lo ruba per incastrare Odino e farlo “Cadere” di conseguenza.
Tutte queste sue versioni,immagini.
Satan,Lucifero, BAPHOMET, Baal.
Andvari è un custode,uno gnomo che maledice l’amore e ruba l’oro del Reno,ma è Loki che crea il Caos sul pianeta e gioca con la razza umana. Vedo tutti i suoi simboli.
Questo è il mio pensiero finale.
Let’s say I’m still investigating …
I have read, seen so many things.
The story of him in all sorts of ways
Alberich is compared to Andvari in the Norse myth; he is the gold and the ring he forged, BUT it is Loki who steals it to frame Odin and make him “fall” as a result.
Yeah, Loki.
All these versions of him, pictures.
Satan, Lucifer, BAPHOMET, Baal.
Andvari is a keeper, a gnome who curses love and steals the gold of the Rhine, but it is Loki who creates Chaos on the planet and plays with the human race. I see all the symbols of him.
This is my final thought.
Nella mitologia norrena, Andvaranautr era un anello magico capace di produrre oro, posseduto inizialmente dal nano Andvari.
Loki ingannò Andvari, che era trasformato in un luccio, e lo catturò con la rete di Rán, obbligandolo a consegnargli le sue ricchezze, fra le quali vi era Andvanautr. Volendo vendicarsi, Andvari maledisse l’anello, che da quel momento in poi avrebbe portato distruzione per il suo possessore.
Loki, ottenuto l’oggetto, lo donò subito a Hreiðmarr, come riparazione, poiché ne aveva inavvertitamente ucciso il figlio Ótr. Il fratello di Ótr, Fáfnir, saputo dell’anello magico, uccise il padre per impossessarsene, e questo lo tramutò in un mostro malvagio.
Fu Sigfrido che uccise più tardi Fàfnir, prendendone l’anello e donandolo a Brunilde. In seguito Sigfrido riprese di nascosto l’anello a Brunilde per donarlo a Crimilde, sua moglie. La vista dell’anello in mano a Crimilde spinse Brunilde ad ordinare la morte di Sigfrido.
L’anello e tutto il tesoro giunsero poi nelle mani di Gunther e Hagen, fratelli di Crimilde. Crimilde, che ne rivendicava il possesso, spinse il secondo marito, Attila, a uccidere i fratelli (detti Nibelunghi, cioè possessori del tesoro di Nibelung). L’oro tuttavia era stato da essi gettato sul fondo del fiume Reno e né Crimilde, né Attila, né altri riuscirono a recuperarlo.
La storia di Andvaranautr e della sua maledizione è uno dei temi centrali dell’opera di Richard Wagner Der Ring des Nibelungen (L’anello del Nibelungo).
In Norse mythology, Andvaranautr was a magical ring capable of producing gold, originally owned by the dwarf Andvari.
Loki tricked Andvari, who was transformed into a pike, and caught him with Rán’s net, forcing him to hand over his wealth, including Andvanautr. Wanting to take revenge, Andvari cursed the ring, which from that moment on would bring destruction for its owner.
Having obtained the object, Loki immediately gave it to Hreiðmarr, as reparation, since he had inadvertently killed his son Ótr. Ótr’s brother, Fáfnir, learned of the magic ring, killed his father to take it, and this turned him into an evil monster.
It was Siegfried who later killed Fàfnir, taking his ring and giving it to Brunhild. Later Siegfried secretly took back the ring from Brunhild to give it to Krymilde, his wife. The sight of the ring in Crimilda’s hand prompted Brunhild to order Siegfried’s death.
The ring and all the treasure then came into the hands of Gunther and Hagen, Crimilda’s brothers. Crimilde, who claimed possession of her, pushed her second husband, Attila, to kill her brothers (called Nibelunghi, that is, owners of the Nibelung treasure). However, the gold had been thrown by them to the bottom of the Rhine river and neither Crimilde, nor Attila, nor others were able to recover it.
The story of Andvaranautr and his curse is one of the central themes of Richard Wagner’s work Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung).
ARLECCHINO:Quanto alla radice del nome, è di origine germanica: Hölle König (re dell’inferno), traslato in Helleking, poi in Harlequin, con chiara derivazione infernale. Questa interpretazione “infernale” del nome è di chiara matrice cristiana. In epoca pagana era credenza condivisa in tutto il centro e nord Europa che nel periodo “oscuro” (invernale) dell’anno e in occasione di feste particolari una schiera composta di spiriti dei morti corresse per il cielo e sulla terra, con a capo una divinità a seconda del pantheon del luogo. Questa Caccia Selvaggia pagana è divenuta poi la schiera dei morti inquieti (i “dannati”) sotto il cristianesimo. I nomi sono numerosi per designare questa cavalcata spaventosa. Il francese Hellequin viene forse dal danese erlkonig. Inizialmente, le Hellequins – o Herlequins – erano le donne che cavalcavano con la dea della morte (HELA) durante le cacce notturne. Ma passando nella cultura francese, Hel divenne un uomo, il re Herla o Herlequin (dall’antico inglese Herla Cyning poi erlking, tedesco Erlkönig, danese erlkonig, allerkonge, elverkonge, cioè, letteralmente, il “re degli elfi” ). Secondo studi più recenti, questo etimo “vulgato” deriva da un’interpretazione medievale, mentre in realtà il nome discende da un termine *harjaleika-, sempre riferito alla schiera dei morti, ma senza riferimenti alla nozione di “re”.
Quindi Halloween, Hollywood,Joker,Uomo ragno…ecc…LOKI.
HARLEQUIN: As for the root of the name, it is of Germanic origin: Hölle König (king of hell), translated into Helleking, then into Harlequin, with clear infernal derivation. This “infernal” interpretation of the name is clearly of Christian origin. In pagan times it was a shared belief throughout central and northern Europe that in the “dark” (winter) period of the year and on the occasion of special feasts, a host composed of spirits of the dead ran through the sky and on earth, led by a divinity according to the pantheon of the place. This pagan Wild Hunt then became the host of the restless dead (the “damned”) under Christianity. The names are numerous to designate this frightening ride. The French Hellequin perhaps comes from the Danish erlkonig. Initially, the Hellequins – or Herlequins – were the women who rode with the goddess of death (HELA) during night hunts. But passing into French culture, Hel became a man, King Herla or Herlequin (from the ancient English Herla Cyning then erlking, German Erlkönig, Danish erlkonig, allerkonge, elverkonge, that is, literally, the “king of the elves”). According to more recent studies, this etymology “vulgate” derives from a medieval interpretation, while in reality the name derives from a term * harjaleika-, always referring to the ranks of the dead, but without reference to the notion of “king”.
So Halloween, Hollywood, Joker, Spiderman… etc… LOKI.
Antifa = thick as shit. The two scientists behind Britain’s RAF area-bombing policy was (1) professor Lindemann, a German, and (2) Jewish professor Solly Zuckerman, who studied bombing and came up with incendiaries to burn homes and people, bombs to cut water and telecommunications for fire-fighting, nd delayed-action bombs to kill fire-fighters.
Area bombing prolonged the war, not shortened it. Russia and Britain had to buy weapons from America, cash, gold, technology, or companies/assets as payment.
No such thing as “Lend-Lease”! LOL.
More like “cash and carry.” WW2 was about cash for American jews.
Totally lost on Antifa! Jewish communists killed far more than AH. Never heard of Genrikh Yagoda?
Britain’s [anti-rightwing] “Searchlight” organisation, LOL, is run by the jew Gerry Gable (with Gable’s fables). He was caught breaking into a journo’s house to plant evidence.
His son served in the Israeli Army, shooting Palestinian kids armed with catapults [slingshots].
Thamks, Carl.
What a monster and psychopath Lindemann was.
Wikipedia claims David Irving says he was not jewish. If not, he must have been a satanist. But this business of his father moving to Britain (why?) sounds very jewish, not German. I do not buy it that he was not a jew, or a half- or quarter-jew.
Lindemann was the second of three sons of Adolph Friedrich Lindemann, who had emigrated to the United Kingdom circa 1871[1] and became naturalised.[2] Frederick was born in Baden-Baden in Germany where his American mother Olga Noble, the widow of a wealthy banker, was taking “the cure”.
After schooling in Scotland and Darmstadt, he attended the University of Berlin. Here he studied under Walther Nernst. He carried out research in physics at the Sorbonne that confirmed theories, first put forward by Albert Einstein, on specific heats at very low temperatures.[3] For this and other scientific work, Lindemann was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1920.[4]
In 1911 he was invited to the Solvay Conference on “Radiation and the Quanta” where he was the youngest attendee.
He was known to friends as “the Prof” in reference to his position at the University of Oxford, and as “Baron Berlin” to his many detractors because of his German accent and haughty aristocratic manner.[5]
Lindemann believed that a small circle of the intelligent and the aristocratic should run the world, resulting in a peaceable and stable society, “led by supermen and served by helots.”[6] Some sources claim that he was Jewish,[7][8] but Frederick Smith’s biography and David Irving’s second book on Churchill[9] declare that he was not.[10]
Lindemann supported eugenics and held the working class, homosexuals, and black people in contempt and supported sterilisation of the mentally incompetent.[11] He believed — Mukerjee concludes, referring to Lindemann’s lecture on Eugenics — that Science could yield a race of humans blessed with ‘the mental make-up of the worker bee’ … At the lower end of the race and class spectrum, one could remove the ability to suffer or to feel ambition … Instead of subscribing to what he called ‘the fetish of equality’, Lindemann recommended that human differences should be accepted and indeed enhanced by means of science. It was no longer necessary, he wrote, to wait for ‘the haphazard process of natural selection to ensure that the slow and heavy mind gravitates to the lowest form of activity.'[6]
How ironic: Lindemann was schooled at Darmstadt, a city Lindemann’s area policy bombed in Sept 44. In 53 minutes RAF bombers killed 8-12,000 civilians, mostly women and children.
Why bomb Darmstadt? The primary target was fogged over, so the secondary target, Darmstadt, was bombed.
Aiming point? Residential area.
Loki è associato al Toro attraverso il suo elmo,anche al segno dei Gemelli per il suo carattere ambivalente.
Lucifero/Loki guida la massoneria/Bianco e nero.
Loki è il fratello di sangue di Odino e allo stesso tempo di Thor.
Loki è ambivalente perché figlio di un Gigante Jotunn,sua madre no.
Batman o Atman(Wotan)contro Joker e contro tutte le figure antagoniste create dalla Marvel.
Questa lotta millenaria tra fratelli di sangue 😉
Ora sappiamo CHI gioca davvero con la razza umana.