Spiritual reading — light at the end of our personal tunnel; Tolle on humans as a bridge to the higher man

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August 12

There is a light at the end of the tunnel you currently traverse and today it may be possible to catch glimpses of it. Today is a day of hope and inspiration.

You will likely not finish or realize aspirations on this day, but it is highly probable that if you are alert and attentive you will be shown signs that you are approaching a place of completion and wholeness with some of the things that are most challenging in your life at this time.

For this reason, we encourage you to stay alert and attentive: these indications of what the future might hold are of terrific importance right now.

In fact, if you want to reach the end of the tunnel, you need the light in order to find your way.

It is possible, as you know, to wander for seemingly endless amounts of time, in circles in the darkness, making absolutely no progress and expending vast amounts of energy.

In order to attain, you must have enough clarity to know where you are going and how you will arrive there. It is indeed the ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ which actually illuminates the way.

So, although what you could understand or see or feel today is critical in terms of bringing you the hope and stamina to keep moving forward, it is also very important in terms of helping you move in the appropriate direction. Look not only at the fact that there is a (temporary) endpoint in your current journey, but at the lay of the land between where you stand now and where you are going.

This is perhaps too metaphorical, but by now you know that we often resort to metaphor in order to paint the pictures of that which we need to show you. Here is the more concrete version: there are several cycles, individual, global and greater, which are coming to a close in the relatively near future.

As these cycles complete, some of your work will complete as well. Issues or challenges that have resisted your efforts at healing will be seen differently, will be revealed in new light that enables you to do that which you were meant to do.

As you draw close to this point, you will receive intimations of its impending arrival. Things are about to change, and we know that you can feel this somewhere deep inside. It is becoming a more certain certainty.

As you know this and really feel it, you will intuitively know that you will no longer be struggling with the same things, you will feel the diminution of the power that particular issues have held in your life. You will see that the tunnel has an end, and that what has been will not go on indefinitely. This lifts so much off your shoulders, hearts and minds.

Even as you are experiencing the flashes of insight and concomitant relief, try to stay focused enough to grasp any other information that comes in.

You are not out of the tunnel, the work is not done and you are not quite ready to embark upon the next epoch.

There is still a ways to go, some action to be taken, some learning to do.

In order to expedite all this, you must see correctly what action is to be taken, where you must go and how to go about it.

There will be easy access to that information for you today. It is almost as if you have the power to leap ahead, to look back on this moment and to see how it was that you found your way from now into your future.

It will be there for those who are committed and enterprising. And it could be invaluable. You are individually and collectively on the brink of great things. Come forward and you will be in the position to take to the air. The trick is knowing where forward really is.

So please, wake up and smell the future today! It is such a lovely day, filled with promise and potential. Walk through it open and alert, take in all that is available to you and let yourself know as clearly and as deeply as you are able.

Open your mind, your heart, your protective shells, your very pores. This is so very exciting!

We love you and we see you and our hearts are full of joy at the knowing. Many blessings. — E. West



…..Eckhart Tolle on going from the animal stage — via today’s suffering human — to the enlightened stage; humans as a bridge to the higher man

Many humans on this planet and others HAVE graduated to higher civilization.

Earth is viewed, however, as one of the recalcitrant, stubborn planets that keep slipping back into barbarism, or as they say of alcoholics, “falling off the wagon.” 

Joe Biden is an example of a truly pathetic human, and there are several billion selfish, vain, deluded and incompetent egomaniacs out there just like him: 😉

In fact — talk about insanity —  there is strong evidence of an ancient nuclear war, which devastated a giant swath of what is now northern Africa, Arabia, Iran and the Gobi Desert area of western China.

VAST CITIES WERE EXTERMINATED, then the oxygen in the atmosphere itself caught fire, combined with helium and precipitated silicon dioxide — sand — raining down billions of tons of this sand, thereby creating the gigantic, wasteful desert belt we see below where nothing grows and the heat is ridiculous. 

Btw, both the Americans in the Manhattan Project and the Reich Germans feared the horrid prospect of the atmosphere of the earth catching on fire. What is napalm? A chemical hits the oxygen in the air, creating a stream of fire.

US Marines cook Japanese soldiers with flamethrowers on Iwo Jima (my father was there)

Yes, humans are spiritually stupid enough to nuke each other, causing, in the modern phrase, Mutually Assured Destruction.

The insanity of the egoic American superpower; Trump and Patton; evidence for a mad, massive, ancient NUCLEAR WAR

The inspiration for Eckhart Tolle’s second bestseller, A New Earth,


came from a Bible prophecy that seems more applicable now than at any other time in human history. It occurs in both the Old and the New Testament and speaks of the collapse of the existing world order and the arising of ‘a new heaven and a new earth’.

We need to understand here that heaven is not a location but refers to the inner realm of consciousness. This is the esoteric meaning of the word, and this is also its meaning in the teachings of Jesus.

Earth, on the other hand, is the outer manifestation in form, which is always a reflection of the inner. Collective human consciousness and life on our planet are intrinsically connected. ‘A new heaven’ is the emergence of a transformed state of human consciousness, and ‘a new earth’ is its reflection in the physical realm.

(The Core of the Ego) – Chapter Three

[strongly edited and amplified by me, John de Nugent]

Most people are so completely identified with the voice in their head — the incessant stream of involuntary and compulsive thinking and the emotions that accompany it — that we may describe them as being possessed by their mind.

As long as you are completely unaware of this, you take the thinker to be who you are.

This is the egoic mind.

We call it egoic because there is a sense of self, of I (ego), in every thought — every memory, every interpretation, opinion, viewpoint, reaction, emotion.

This mind thinks it is you, when it is not, but a tool gone out of control.

*** JdN I can hear some of my readers now:

“What fluff! Getting ahold of your mind? WTF? We need to be hating jews ‘n blacks more and writing more shit about them to each other!” 😉

No, first, conquer your mind, then you can use it as a razor-sharp tool, with others, to cut the diseased part out of this wretched world.

Would you want a brain surgeon fooling around in your brain while his is drifting  off to his last argument with his girlfriend? Can anything great  be done with an undisciplined mind?



This is unconsciousness, spiritually speaking. Your thinking, the content of your mind, is of course conditioned by the past: your upbringing, culture, family background, and so on. The central core of all your mind activity consists of certain repetitive and persistent thoughts, emotions, and reactive patters that you identify with most strongly. This entity is the ego itself.

In most cases, when you say “I,” it is the ego speaking, not you, as we have seen. It consists of thought and emotion, of a bundle of memories you identify with as “me and my story,” of habitual roles you play without knowing it, of collective identifications such as nationality, religion, race, social class, or political allegiance.

It also contains personal identifications, not only with possessions, but also with opinions, external appearance,

long-standing resentments, or concepts of yourself as better than or not as good as others, as a success or failure.

The content of the ego varies from person to person, but in every ego the same structure operates. In other words: Egos only differ on the surface. Deep down they are all the same. In what way are they the same?

They live on identification with some thing here on earth and separation from others.

Neo-German car ad — successful white woman with snazzy car (and a muslim husband, so, umm, how is the daughter blonde?)

When you live through the mind-made self comprised of thought and emotion that is the ego, the basis for your identity is precarious because thought and emotion are by their very nature ephemeral, fleeting.

So are your precious material goodies, your health and money.

Margi and I never thought a woman like her who never smoked or drank, was never overweight, and ate only organic could ever get throat cancer. Trying to fight it with natural therapies (since, as we found out ourselves, chemo and radiation can be devastating even if they work), used up almost her entire inheritance. Health and money, totally unforeseeably, were both gone.

So every ego, being fragile, is continuously struggling for survival, trying to protect and enlarge itself.

To uphold the I-thought, it needs the opposite thought, which is “the other.” The conceptual “I” (which is not the real you, an eternal soul, at all) cannot survive without having the conceptual “other” to oppose, look down on, compete with and feel resentment toward.

The others are most “other,” of course, when I see them as my enemies.

It all starts with, at one end of the scale of unconscious egoic patter, the egoic, compulsive habit of faultfinding and complaining about others.

Jesus referred to it when he said, “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?”

At the other end of the scale, there is physical violence between individuals and warfare between nations.

“Get them krauts! Even the wimmin’n’kids are no good!” (Scene from “Hellstorm”) 

In the Bible, Jesus’ question remains unanswered, but the answer is, of course: Because when I criticize or condemn another, it makes me feel bigger, and superior.

Complaining & Resentment

Complaining is one of the ego’s favorite strategies for strengthening itself. Every complaint is a little story the mind makes up that you completely believe in.

Whether you complain aloud or only in thought makes no difference.

Some egos that perhaps don’t have much else to identify with — being neither good-looking, nor rich, nor educated, nor popular or powerful — easily survive on complaining alone. 😉

When you are in the grip of such an ego, complaining, especially about other people, is habitual and, of course, unconscious, which means you don’t know what you are doing.

Unconscious — asleep — unaware what you are doing, because YOU, the eternal soul that is the real you, are not doing it;  this egoic mind is.

Applying negative mental labels to people, either to their face or more commonly when you speak about them to others or even just think about them, is often part of this pattern.

Name-calling is the crudest form of such labeling and of the ego’s need to be right and triumph over others: “jerk, bastard, bitch”–all definitive pronouncements that you can’t argue with.

On the next level down on the scale of unconsciousness, you have shouting and screaming, and not much below that, physical violence.

Resentment is the emotion that goes with complaining and the mental labeling of people and adds even more energy to the ego. Resentment means to feel bitter, indignant, aggrieved, or offended. You resent other people’s greed, their dishonesty, their lack of integrity, what they are doing, what they did in the past, what they said, what they failed to do, what they should or shouldn’t have done.

The ego loves it.

Instead of overlooking what is actually unconsciousness in others, not the real them, you make it wrongly into their identity, into “who they are.”

Who is doing that? The unconsciousness in you, the egoic mind, reacting to unconscious in THEM, to THEIR egoic mind.

Sometimes the “fault” that you perceive in another isn’t even actually there. It is a total misinterpretation, a projection by a mind conditioned to see enemies and to make itself right or superior.

At other times, the fault may be there, but by focusing on it, sometimes to the exclusion of everything else, you amplify it. You blow it out of proportion. And what you react to in another, their ego, you strengthen also in yourself, YOUR ego.

Non-reaction to the ego in others is one of the most effective ways not only of going beyond ego in yourself but also of dissolving the collective human ego.

But you can only be in a state of non-reaction if you can recognize someone’s behavior as coming from their egoic mind, as being an expression of the collective human dysfunction.

*** JdN

When Jesus prayed on the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,” this was literally true. People are insane many times a day, doing things that their soul knows will hurt them, their loved, ones, their relationships, their job and their health.

I know a nice guy here in town who has gotten himself fired from two good jobs in one month, and not for bad work performance, but character issues. In a small town like this, where “the word gets around,” this is a disaster for him!

He harmed himself!

Or, rather, his egoic mind is what harmed his life, pride, money and happiness.

How insane is it to lie to, and steal from, the nicest boss in the world — who also liked you????

The egoic mind is when part of your mind shears off and becomes an evil sadist, absolutely out to “get” you.

Homer can’t believe he did that. Actually, he didn’t. His mind did.



When you realize it’s not personal when someone acts like a jerk toward you, there is no longer a compulsion to react as if it were.

By not reacting to THEIR egoic mind, you will often be able to bring out the sanity in others, which is the unconditioned consciousness as opposed to the conditioned.

At times, however, you may have to take practical steps to protect yourself from deeply unconscious people. This you can do without making them into enemies.

*** I am always armed and have been to the sheriff about several individuals.  I engage in no arguments with them, and I even nod respectfully at one of them, acknowledging that he is there.  (In prison, you nod in respect even at people you dislike, otherwise they feel “dissed” and “disrespected.”)

I never escalate it. I know his egoic mind is out of control, and is not the real him.

But were his egoic mind to flip totally out of control, and he attacked me, yes, I would very calmly use this, and it would be tough, practical love of him as well as me. I would be preventing him from committing a crime.


Your greatest protection, however, is being conscious. Somebody becomes an enemy if you personalize the unconsciousness that is the ego.

Non-reaction is forgiveness. To forgive is to overlook, or rather to look through. You look through the egoic mind to the sanity that is in every human being as his or her essence.

The ego loves to complain and feel resentful not only about other people but also about situations. What you can do to a person, you can also do to a situation: make it into an enemy. The implication is always: This should not be happening; I don’t want to be here; I don’t want to be doing this; I’m being treated unfairly. And the ego’s greatest enemy of all is, of course, the present moment, which is to say, life itself.

Complaining is not to be confused with informing someone of a mistake or deficiency so that it can be put right. And to refrain from complaining doesn’t necessarily mean putting up with bad quality or behavior. There is no ego in telling the waiter that your soup is cold and needs to be heated up–if you stick to the facts, which are always neutral.

But “How dare you serve me cold soup!?” That’s complaining.

There is a “me” here that loves to feel personally offended by the cold soup and is going to make the most of it, a “me” that enjoys making someone wrong. The complaining we are talking about is in the service of the ego, not of change. Sometimes it becomes obvious that the ego doesn’t really want to change so that it can go on complaining.

See if you can catch, that is to say, notice, the voice in the head, perhaps in the very moment it complains about something, and recognize it for what it is: the voice of the egoic mind, no more than a conditioned mind-pattern, a thought.

Whenever you notice that voice, you will also realize that you are not that voice, but the one who is aware of it.

In fact, you are the awareness that is aware of that negative voice.

In the background, there is the awareness. In the foreground, there is the voice, the thinker.

In this way you are becoming free of the egoic mind, free of the unobserved mind.

The moment you become aware of the ego in you, it is, strictly speaking, no longer the ego (meaning “I” in Latin or Greek) , but just an old, conditioned mind-pattern, an impostor, and not the real you.

Ego implies unawareness. Awareness and ego cannot coexist. The old mind-pattern or mental habit may still survive and reoccur for a while, because it has the momentum of thousands of years of collective human unconsciousness behind it, but every time it is recognized, it is weakened.

“Are you not entertained?” The egoic, dark side of glorious Rome — the entertainment of watching enslaved men actually kill each other…

A new age is dawning, a neo-human is emergent within each one of us … fully conscious, authentically empowered, and one with the cosmic spirit that made all things!





  1. DS article on Ghislaine Maxwell – if you recall, I predicted this many weeks ago:


    Anglin’s comments from the article:

    “There is approximately zero chance that in the days before the election, it will not be announced that Maxwell witnessed Donald Trump have sex with an underage girl.

    There will be no evidence, of course. But it will be used to sway the election.

    Then, after Trump loses, it will likely also be used to prosecute him.”

    • Hmm, then that would explain why she left France, where she was safe from extradition, and came to the US (and her New Hampshire mansion), to smear Trump in return for a slap on the wrist. Even if she gets prison, she may not serve it, which is how I see Jeffrey Epstein and also, way back in the 1960s, Jack Ruby, who silenced the innocent, framed “patsy,” Lee Harvey Oswald.

      Michael Collins Piper told me he got an anonymous call from a woman in Texas who swore she saw Jack Ruby leave a Houston airport after he supposedly died in prison of cancer. Not being provable, he did not use it in his magisterial Final Judgment, which proved the Israelis organized the assassination of the secretly very antisemitic, anti-Israeli President John Kennedy, who was preventing Israel from illegally getting (stealing from America) the uranium and plutonium needed to have The Bomb.

  2. È bellissimo…illuminante.
    Questo mi aiuta a capire come devo reagire senza “alterarmi”,in effetti ora sento un senso di libertà e vedo in loro una totale schiavitù.
    -“Essere incastrati nell’immagine che hanno di una persona”(la mia).
    -“Trovare nel denaro l’unica felicità appagante”
    -“Identificarsi solo nei propri sacrifici e nel giudizio costante del pubblico”.
    -“Umiliare e ricattare una persona”(i miei bambini e tante volte me).
    -“Sentirsi superiori in ogni circostanza”
    -“Far credere a tutti di essere sempre la vittima e il buono in ogni situazione”(il suo litigio con i miei zii).
    -“Donare qualcosa per avere qualcosa in cambio,rinfacciare cosa ha fatto per questa persona al momento opportuno”.
    -“Aspettarsi sempre un si e mai un no”
    -“Piangere continuamente di quello che offre la Natura in quel momento e non far nulla per cambiare una situazione che può essere di natura politica o amministrativa”.
    -“Cimentarsi in una causa solo per emergere come persona e come famiglia;non importa come andrà a finire,l’importante è che la gente parli di me per tutta la Vita”.
    -“Abusare dell’aiuto di una persona e scaricare su di essa tutte le responsabilità”(di mio marito).
    -“Difendere il carnefice e mai la vittima”(la mia maestra di piano,i due pedofili e il mio maestro).
    -“Discutere(alle spalle dell’interessato)dell’intervento di uno psicologo come soluzione migliore(cioè io).
    -“Criticare alle spalle le decisioni,gli errori di una persona(quelle di mio marito e le mie)
    -“Persuadere una persona e indurla ad abortire per difendere la sua professione e il buon nome della famiglia(mia sorella)”.
    -“Essere il Trofeo dei suoi costanti nuovi amici”
    John,questa è stata la mia Vita per tutto questo tempo.
    È ora di Reagire.
    “Quando ti dico quello che provo sono sincera,pazza,euforica,sulle nuvole,elettrizzata,emozionata,realmente preoccupata,realmente dispiaciuta,sinceramente “innamorata”.
    PS:Cerca di farti aiutare per sistemare il tetto,non fare come mio marito,sempre tutto da solo e costantemente in pericolo”.

  3. Anche in Francia approvato l’aborto fino al nono mese per motivi di stress psicosociale:

    Loi bioéthique : l’avortement désormais autorisé pour “détresse psychosociale” jusqu’au terme de la grossesse

    Loi bioéthique : l’avortement désormais autorisé pour “détresse psychosociale” jusqu’au terme de la grossesse
    Anche la Francia di Lolito fa l’inchino. Aborto fino al 9° mese in caso di “stress psicosociale” della gestante. Ennesima legge “di civiltà” che, con questi lockdown che mettono a dura prova la resistenza allo stress, risulta provvidenziale per i necrofili globali. Modifica alla legge approvata di notte, con il favore delle Tenebrae. Il regno di Thanatos si fa largo a spallate come un bruto giocatore di rugby infernale ma ho una cattiva notizia: Eros prevarrà. La pulsione opposta e contraria di vita, che sta già espandendosi come una benefica onda di giustizia, sentitela!, raggiungerà una potenza tale da accendere nuove stelle e ricaccerà i demoni all’Inferno.

    • So glad you liked it.

      This is practical spirituality…. about having a better marriage, keeping your job, getting along with our kids, and staying healthy and useful.

      This being a very challenging planet, which we knew all about before incarnating here, we cannot expect constant happiness. Happiness, as defined by Eckhart Tolle, is when “things” are going good… in terms of money, love and health.

      He quotes with approval the Buddha, the blue-eyed Aryan prince Gautama, who put it this way:

      There IS one thing we all can have, the one guaranteed achievable goal: inner peace.

      I shudder to think how many godless white people will be idiotically committing suicide out of mind-bending inner misery, both as the system collapses and among the survivors of a nuclear war which, if the Van Rensburg prophecy comes to pass, Trump will trigger while appeasing his war-mongering top military brass.

      In “The Road,” Charlize Theron’s character [SPOILER ALERT] cannot take it any longer. She abandons her husband and child, and goes off to end it all.

      Just as in 1932, when Germany saw a wave of suicide, some people will be killing themselves pointlessly, corpses seen left-and-right, while others will fight gloriously in the hour of testing.

      Why kill yourself when there are so many guilty, wicked evildoers to take out?

      So making our sheared-off, evil mind obey and serve us is not fluff.

      It is life and death, it is serenity beating unlimited mental misery. It is honor, pride and duty, not collapse and surrender.

      It is victory over our own evil selves, our own inner jew, and then crushing victory by the Aryan over that other jew, the external jew.

      What is the jew? The egoic mind incarnate: vain, selfish, lying, stealing, and cruelly betraying others.

      A jew, George Burns, even cheekily played God.


      Everything we do to others, via the karmic boomerang, we do to ourself.

      And this is why the external jew is doomed. And we are God’s warriors to take him down, after exterminating his ally inside us, the internal jew.




    • Transl:

      Jesus used cannabis for miraculous healings !!

      “Jesus was a cannabis user and one of the first advocates of the medicinal properties of the drug.” According to an American study reported by the Guardian, Jesus and his disciples would have used the drug to perform miraculous healings. According to the study, the anointing oil used by Jesus and his disciples contained an ingredient called kaneh-bosem which was later identified as a cannabis extract.

      Chris Bennett claims that the oils used by Jesus were “literally imbued with this potent blend, even though more modern people choose to smoke it, but when its active ingredients are transferred to an oil-based carrier, cannabis can also be absorbed. through the skin “.

      According to Bennet, author of the article in the High Times magazine, titled “Was Jesus a stoner?”, There is nothing strange in such a discovery, as hemp was traditionally used by Jews, to be naturally passed down to Christians. .

      Bennett states that the incense used by Jesus in the ceremonies also contained cannabis extract. “If cannabis is one of the main ingredients of these oils, receiving this oil is what made Jesus the Christ, and the Christians his followers, and today persecuting those who use cannabis could be considered anti-Christian,” concludes Bennett.


      Um, Jesus had inherited all the culture and traditions of Egypt, think how they could be ahead in medicinal cures and beauty lotions.

      Oh yeah..we took a quantum leap with the new medicine 🙂

      Kind of like the story of the witches (herbalists) who used their cauldrons for black magic potions! LOL 🙂


      It ist certain that Jesus disappears from history between age 11 and 30.

      The Talmud does ditectly claim He was in Egypt.

      And I assert His Mission was to radically change Judaism into a religion of love and peace.

      So thus theory is interesting. 😉


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