Spiritual reading; Lincoln the leftist, Hitler on the true right; humor; pot pourri

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……Spiritual reading for April 20 (the nordics obviously thinking of swastikas on this special day)

There is an energetic movement/shape which we would like you to consider today. It is a shape that traces movement, and it is one whose associations with the sacred go far back into your pre-history.

For good reason.

We are speaking of the spiral. And we would like you to consider it today because it is and can be a vehicle for you. Take a moment to think of the spiral. Pick one without ornamentation, or try one that is dear to you—a nautilus shell, a calla lily, a human ear, a vortex of wind or water, a head of leaf lettuce, the living energy of a chakra, or any of the thousands of gyres that exist all around you. If you like, devote yourself to one and study it.

Or, if you’d rather, take some time and be on the prowl for as many as you can spot. You will soon see that they are everywhere.

In silence, try this: if you imagine that you are beginning at the outermost edge, at the end of the widest circle traced by the spiral, you can see that as you follow it inward, as the circle becomes tighter with each turn, you drop deeper into a place where the essence of what the spiral describes is distilled. Whatever may have been less than essential is jettisoned, and when you reach the place where the line disappears into the infinitesimal, you are dealing with an extremely concentrated version of whatever it was that you started with. No excess, no frills, no empty spaces.

Forever, humans have used spirals to travel from the hint of wisdom into its core. We want to encourage you to try this technique today. Choose a concept, a principle, a belief with which you have been toying.

This should be something that you want either a deeper understanding of or greater clarity around. Close your eyes, fnd the place on the spiral of this entity (idea, question, etc.) where you now rest.

Visualize it. Are you at the beginning of your discovery? Have you traversed a few inches or feet? Have you made it around a circuit or two? Wherever you are, just see that. And then, letting go completely of the thought process, of your mental engagement with the idea or the concept that you have chosen to explore, see yourself moving along the spiral, following it around and around as the curves grow tighter, more robust and richer.

When you feel as if you have arrived at the very center of the spiral, or if you have gotten as far as you can go—for there is nothing to say you must ‘finish’ this today—just sit with the feeling. Is there a sense of lightness? Of density? Of transparency? Is there any feeling at all? Is there any change in your body? Notice, notice.

That is all you need to do. Stay, though, as far as you can from assessing anything with your mind. That is not how this works well. We would add that if you don’t like to visualize or don’t find it useful in general, you might want to approach this as an art project and draw
or paint your spiral journey.

When you feel complete, be done. Go about some other business and don’t dwell. The spiral works in realms that exist both above and below ordinary consciousness, and you need to let it do its underground work. Tomorrow, or the next day or the one afer that, touch into your relationship with the subject of your spiraling. Is there a shift? Has anything about your understanding changed or become more coherent?

It is likely that you will experience a change. If not, there are two possibilities: one is that this is not a good tool for you. Everyone resonates differently in terms of the specifics that unlock their doors. The other possibility is that you need to play with this technique more intentionally in order to access its power. You will know. In fact, you probably know now if the geometry speaks to you, if you feel drawn in by the shape, if your body or your heart responds to the spiral.

As you are so valiant, there is every effort made to support you with all the tools and gifts and energies that we can muster and share. The sacred spiral is ancient, divinatory and beautiful. If you can use it to ease your way, please do!

And in the meantime, our love for you encircles you.


…..HUMOR: The European Afterlife

European Heaven is where:

All the cops are British,

All the wine is French,

All the cars are German,

All the lovers are Italian,

The weather is Greek,

And everything is organized by the Swiss.



European Hell is where:

All the cops are French,

All the wine is German,

All the cars are Greek,

All the lovers are Swiss,

The weather is British,

And everything is organized by the Italians.


……Honest Abe, the FDR of 1860

Washington Com-Post:

The problem is that Lincoln created a new, insane, suicidal paradigm in harmony with Talmudic zionism for what America actually is: for Abe it was a land of freedom and opportunity for any race.

And that shows he was a true leftist.

And now we are a feuding, divided, multiracial hellhole where half the population does not work and survives on a federal check.

The inexorable rise of China to total world supremacy shows that Lincoln’s multiracial democracy is NOT the answer. China is booming because after 2500 years of internal strife they got 1) a one-party system and they are 2) 90% of one ethnic group, the Han Chinese.

China is basically national socialist with, of course, its own Chinese flavor.

What they need to do is to jettison the last relic of the old Maoist communism, which is oppressing or banning religions as being mere superstitions… and embrace what I am teaching:

— the scientific reality of reincarnation

— the scientific reality of Near Death Experiences

— the scientific reality of the afterlife

— the scientific reality of a temporary heaven and of a temporary hell

— the scientific reality of a tough-love God

— the scientific reality of terran (earthling) spiritual sickness, and by that nowadays I also mean soaring rates of whites committing suicide and also white people taking psych-meds.

A  whopping 95% of all humans suffer from paranoia, which means hearing a strange voice in their head, and this voice jabbering away is their own out-of-control mind, masquerading as them.

This is the simple reality: You are not your mind, but instead you are a soul that HAS a mind…a mind that earthlings need desperately to tame so it will serve them, not rule them.

Except for the dying of old people, and very rare natural events like comets or asteroids hitting the earth, or earthquakes, hurricanes, or, far rarer, pole shifts, ALL human misery — all wars, all murders, all rapes, all adulteries, all divorces, all lies, all treason, ALL human misery, and I would say, almost all cancer from polluted food, water and air  — goes back to spiritual sickness, to paranoia, to human mental disease.

And this paranoia goes back to this planet being full of liars who have bad karma.

Terrans actually lie every five minutes to themselves, and then, all taboos being broken, lie to others, and then they go lie about others, and, on a roll, they believe literally whatever lies they like.

And if you tell them the truth, they are furious.

So most earthlings, including whites, are clinically insane, harming themselves, and they act insane in order to prove it. 😉

Propaganda at this point only works on insane people….. because they know the politician or media outlet whom they are trusting now has lied to them in the past — and yet they believe these obvious liars once again when they cook up their next lie!

….just like one of those abused women, so well-known to social workers, who dumps one wife-beating guy for the next wife-beating guy!

And every great spiritual leader has run smack into this wall of insanity.

Aryan prince Siddhartha Gautama, called the Enlightened One, the Buddha 

Jesus of Galilee, which means Goy District in Hebrew


People being nuts, you hear the oh-so-common expression “weeellll, you know you can’t change people” and also the derisory remark people make about idealists:

“He thinks he is going to save the world” or

“He was out to change the world.”

Well, if you DO try, then insane people, guaranteed, will think YOU are insane! 😉

Oh, and they say,

“You can’t do nothing. The system is so corrupt; it cannot be fixed, because people are the way they are.

I don’t even watch the news any more; it just gets me upset.

And I’m a nobody.so there is nothing I can do about it.”

And there is a certain truth to all that, given the way things and people are, reflecting a certain recognition that the problem goes really, really deep.

Earthlings are f—d up, they always were — and on some level they do know it.

Whereas our Reich had one leader with all the power he needed to get huge things done, and it functioned extremely smoothly, with the all the endless democratic debates and partisan feuding ending, replaced by constant action in every domain!







But look at the US Constitution, with all its “balance of power,” its “checks and balances,” and its government divided into three branches, executive, legislative and judicial,  into three levels — federal, state and local — into multiple political parties…. plus the whole theory itself of “representative government,” of some educated elite making all the decisions, and thus the Constitution does NOT a literal democracy at all.

What this torturous structure means is this:

The Founding Fathers were admitting via the Constitution that

  1. the masses are asses and
  2. most leaders are evil, too.

Going back to Abraham Lincoln, there are five things I will freely grant about this baneful man who killed 750,000 white men of northern-European stock for the negroes.

Union officers — a colorized photo of that era


Lincoln WAS 1) brilliant, 2) eloquent, 3) sincere, and 4) effective as a leader — and, finally, the man did die for his beliefs.

He was fully aware, as he unleashed the negroes on the South and, by freeing them, also on the North, because the negroes moved north after 1865 to ruin New York, Chicago and a hundred other cities, just how hated and loathed he was (rightly) by the Southerners whom he devastated and massacred for four years, and also by many Northerners who understood the race issue, the negro menace, and the righteousness (and strict constitutionality and legality) of the Southern position.

Look, everyone on both sides knew that slavery was evil and also dangerous.

Jefferson understood the black danger, as did Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee.

Lee even wrote his wife (some of his letters having been found in a chest at Burke & Herbert Bank in Alexandria, Virginia where I used to do my banking) that the negroes were so dangerous that they should remain as slaves and not be emancipated until the moment they actually walked up the gangplank and onto a ship to take them far away.

There, they would likely go back to a fully African level within one day and eventually 90% die off, being lazy, stupid, dishonest and violent — representing, certainly in the unmixed African, a latter-day homo erectus, an evolutionary dead end.

My decision is that either negroes stay, fight for — and submit to — absolute but benevolent white rule here, as in apartheid South Africa, but with their birth rate strictly limited….

…or I would give the negroes all the black power and self-rule that they want to go elsewhere and destroy themselves.

And then they will solve the problem of their own failed existence by doing unto each other what the negroes always do if you give them free rein.

As for us whites, our American Civil War was totally avoidable.

Slavery down South could have been peacefully phased out over twenty years, with owners paid compensation and white immigrants from Europe brought in to help grow and harvest cotton, tobacco and other southern crops.

And if American cotton cost more due to paying healthy white families a truly decent living wage, then fine! There was no need to compete with and have price wars over cheap, British-controlled Egyptian or Indian cotton.

If American cotton got too expensive, then go and grow just enough cotton for the huge market for clothing of the American people, and switch other fields from cotton to growing wheat, barley, rye, tomatoes, avocados, peanuts and oranges.

But get and keep those ngrs out!

Lincoln instead SLAUGHTERED THE WHITES — 750,000 died — and, betraying  the South about how his war was about “saving the Union,” once the Union had been reunited, Lincoln went and demanded the Congress make Stone Age negroes into US citizens!

He ignored the importance of race, and then, by revoking General Grant’s order expelling the jews from his huge Military District of Tennessee, he also kowtowed to the jews!

If the Lincoln thing about how wanting a better life and political freedom are the only criteria for becoming an American, why then, the whole Third World is entitled to pour right in here!

And how we need the “freedom” to preach every form of insanity and degeneracy!

Abraham Lincoln, you redefined America from a WHITE nation into a “universal nation” — which is exactly the goal the jews wanted.

We see it in both the open-borders jew George Soros in our day and, back then, we saw it in the agenda of Lincoln’s pen pal, Karl Marx, who like Lincoln, proclaimed all these lofty ideals and yet both caused rivers of human blood, grief, and tears.

Oh, they loved humanity, yet they hated people.




Today I tell you that this time is ripe to change the world.

And before the three great disasters:

  1. putting the mRNA death-vaxx into our food
  2. introduction of a freedom-ending digital currency
  3. a thermonuclear WWIII with Russia and maybe China

I can do this; I will do this; I must do this.



….Pot pourri (sent by a European comrade)

Pedophilia now okay in jew world


Lop off those penises and breasts — we will all be neutered, docile drones


On the vaxx:


Every scientist here is an Israeli (“IL”):



Monitoring crime only by white people, evidently…. Maybe Trump complaining the election was stolen

…..Many parallels….


RED ALERT: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11915493/Cashless-Australia-wont-able-withdraw-money-ANZ-branches.html


Cyber security expert Ben Britton, who works as a chief information security officer, said a cyber attack could stop the major banks from conducting electronic transactions linked to their EFTPOS terminals. 

‘That entire system is dependent on an internet connection to work, so if there’s any interruption in the internet connection, then people will not be able to make any payment,’ he told Daily Mail Australia.

‘If there was a major cyber attack, if there was a vulnerability within that terminal and it was exploited, then they could potentially shut down every terminal in the entire country.’  This could occur if hackers figured out how to exploit a banking computer code.


Then, of course, we would not go back to cash but forward to an all-new digital currency (“safe and effective”).





$4,270 plus six excellent books since December first



  1. People talk about the end of slavery, yet they are born slaves to the banking system. They will have to work until the day they die — work into their 80s or 90s.

    And you fight wars for freedom whilst enslaved to the banks.

    Soon you will be tracked 24/7 via your phone, car, online banking, pc and street surveillance cameras.

    Any dissent and everything gets cut off.

    You may do well in the rat race. It just means you’re the fastest rat.

  2. Ich lese das Buch “HAGEN” über die Geheimdienste des 3.Reiches.
    Angeblich wollte Reinhard Heydrich die ganze Macht im Reich an sich reißen.
    Er wollte der Führer werden und zuerst Himmler eliminieren. Heydrich hatte
    aber eine jüdische Großmutter namens Sara, so tat er alles, um die Spuren zu beseitigen.
    Heydrich war gefürchtet im Reich, er war ähnlich gefürchtet unter Parteifreunden wie in der SU Berija.

    • Naja, Sensationelles, große “Enthüllungen” muss man bieten, Geheimnisse “aufdecken”…. will man sein Buch verkaufen. Link, bitte. 🙂 Seine Omi wäre eine Sara gewesen.

      Tja…. ich lese online über mich selbst, ich wäre Kinderschänder, Schwindler, faux-US-Marine (was mich besonders ärgert), Frauenschläger, Hundefolterer….. Hätte im ganzen Leben nie gearbeitet, nur geschmarotzt, gefaulenzt und von Spenden gelebt…..Schlimm. 😉 So ein fieser Typ wäre ich!

      In dieser niederen Welt wird pausenlos verleumdet, und es wird von ebenso niederen Seelen ohne jede Nachprüfung sofortigst geglaubt und auch weitererzählt.

      Was sagte doch mein lieber Freund Winston? 😉 Selbst Meister der Diffamierung (bes. der deutschen Nation und erst recht von mir) sagte Englands Retter:

      “Eine Lüge kann durch die halbe Welt galoppieren, bevor sich die Wahrheit auch nur die Schuhe angezogen hat.”

  3. Ulysses S. Grant, Order No. 11: “The Jews, as a class violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department and also department orders, are hereby expelled from the department (parts of Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas) within twenty-four hours from receipt of this order.


    Here is another link. Ulysses was expelling the Jews, until Lincoln stepped in. Once again, Lincoln proving himself to be an ignoramus. I will defend Lincoln for the good things he did, and point out the bad things. The same goes for Hitler. We have to learn from history in order to not repeat. Dumbassery does not need to repeat.


    Lincoln didn’t understand that he could:
    1) Rebate the Morrill tariff thus avoiding the war
    2) Push over dominoes with a flick: Any credit system has dominoes of contagion, and in those dominoes were levered (fractional reserve on gold), and hence would collapse quickly.
    3) The dominoes would be set in motion by stopping the cotton flow from the south.
    4) The cotton (white gold) would be stopped by a Navy, or by extracting and exporting the Negroes (both of which require shipping/navy). It would have been a simple matter to grab negroes and expel them, even funding them would have been easy.
    5) Lincoln didn’t know that he could use greenbacks to do all of these things, and thus had many cards in his hands.
    6) Lincoln didn’t know that Jews were usurious and pernicious.

    I stack all of this up to being ignorant and possibly being a moral defective. But, releasing the negroes onto whites was beyond the pale. It was already well known at this time in history that negroes had low time preference and were prone to violence.

    Here is an excerpt from the link above, and I call BS on the writer. This BS is how Americans become the most propagandized people on earth. The writer goes on to play the anti-semitism card, when Grant had very good reasons for the expulsion. Kicking the Jews out 108 times, ALL OF THESE TIMES, were due to Jewish bad behavior, especially their desire to take sordid gain and usury on the host population.

    “Though the 1862 orders were aimed at cotton speculators, they gave all Jews—speculators or no—just 24 hours to leave their homes, businesses and lives behind. It was the culmination of a wave of anti-Semitism that swept through the United States in the year before the Civil War… and a decision that would haunt Grant for the rest of his life.”

    The war was about the Cotton and the Industrialized slave trade that was growing up around it. The slave ships were a business plan hatched by the Jews. The Jews ensconced in their finance markets of Wall Street, London, and Amsterdam came up with a business plan. The debt instruments were gold based and were to be physically house in the finance centers. White American labor was deployed to build the ships, using American lumber and other materials. Whites could be duped to man the ships, even despite the high death rate of tropical disease. Meanwhile the Jew could rub his hands in glee with profit. I would say that virtually every Jew was involved in one way or another in doing usurious extraction, and hence was directly or indirectly involved in exploitation. So, expelling all of them was a reasonable action on Grant’s part.

    The slave ships were always full, on the outbound leg the cargo was lumber, hemp and rum. The rum was made with sugar, especially in the Caribbean, and was farmed with negro labor. The distilleries to make the rum were Jew owned. It is easy to hatch usury plans and then hypothecate credit in your finance centers. It is easy when you are “god’s chosen people.”

    On the in-bound leg, the already enslaved Africans (they were already slaves while in Africa), were dropped off along the coast lines. They were offered for sale as tractors in many of the regions that Grant expelled Jews from.

    So, why did Grant expel the Jews? The Jews were above the law, and they were deploying their gold to get “international contracts” on cotton. In effect, the Jews were wanting their business plans to work, and at this stage in history they were extracting the “Increment of production” and making money on shipping arbitrage. The south was being converted to an extraction economy of white and negro slaves, to then poke holes in the earth, and then deliver commodities (wood, cotton, farm goods, etc.) to industrial centers elsewhere in the London colonial system. The south was being converted to “hewers of wood, and drawers of water” for the international creditor class (Jews especially). The industrial centers in England, adjacent to London, would use white wage/debt slaves to produce goods. There is profit to be made on the increment of production, and then shipping goods elsewhere in the colonial system. Shipping goods about and taking higher profits is called arbitrage. Aren’t our friends so smart, they are “god’s chosen people after all.”

    If we are going to be even handed, why didn’t Grant go on to use the Greenbacks to expel Jews and Negroes? Grant was president from 1869 to 1877.

    During that time, carpetbaggers from the north (many Jews) had borrowed northern bank credit, and were buying up the south cheap. The southerners were being ejected from their lands in the same way that the Jews ejected Germans from their lands later during the hyperinflation. The northern finance creditor was also installing negroes into positions of authority in southern governments, and then attaching debts to innocent southerners, especially the farming class. This was pure Jew action whether it was whites or not – it was sordid gain taking and usury. Jamming debt hooks into the mouths of the innocent is not allowed by Christian religion. Oh Wait! The religion was already perverted into Judeo-Christianity at this time.

    Grant also, did not use the cards in his hands, even though he had up-close and personal evidence of Jewish perfidy.

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