August 30
Do you have any inkling at all of how powerful the energy of your heart can be? Do you have the tiniest sliver of an idea of just how magnificent and boundless its capacity is? Many of you have given great portions of your life to the exploration of the heart. And even so, you have not begun to come near to understanding the incredible resource which you possess. And which, more to the point, you all possess.
Most of the time, you work toward finding a balance between that which is grounding and “real” in the world, and that which lifts you and helps you recall your divine nature. This is so important because you are both human and divine, animal and god.
*** Being both
Dietrich Eckart and Adolf Hitler both felt this very strongly, that we must not neglect either aspect of our being. Marxism, being atheism, denies anything divine or godly. Its goal is man as a pure animal, a dog-eat-dog, and the thirst for sex, power, money and vengeance, that is, before you croak forever. 😉 Most people ARE functional atheists,and so this is the miserable, stressful world we live in, jew world.
The balance and especially the integration of the two are essential to your work on earth. But today we ask you to become fully divine. If you don’t mind. And in each of you, the divine lives in the heart. Most of the time, it is contained, limited and domesticated. It is cut to size for a human existence.
However, that which you generally know as the energy of the heart and the heart chakra looks infinitesimally small when you can touch into the vast ocean of energy which is in fact the divine.
This limitless reservoir is accessible through your own tender and human heart. And if you allow yourself to follow your heart’s guidance today, you may be able to find your way through the old thinking, the old feeling and pass on into a new and broader level of love than you had even imagined existed.
This sounds heady, and it is. What is particularly breathtaking is the realization, as you immerse in the incredible substance of this love, that every being on your planet has the innate capacity to do the same.
What if that were to occur? What if ?
We want to encourage you to explore deeply into the places your heart has not yet taken you. Follow a path until it ends or until you can bear it no more. We are speaking about an intensity of experience that you might find uncomfortable after a few minutes. Even so, it is very valuable to do this because you are making pathways to God. If you can find your way, without any intercession, to the Source, then…. Well, you can see where that could lead, can’t you?
Ultimately, this is your purpose. All of you. You may have given yourself various activities in which to engage, and you may have specifc work to do while you are here, but the one thing you must do in the end is to realize you own divinity and to merge it with your humanity.
In the end, it doesn’t matter if you have tended selflessly to the sick and needy, collected garbage or sold new clothes: the work is not about the actions of the body but about the opening of the heart.
Give yourself over–at least for a while today—to the unbelievable brilliance and power of the heart where it becomes one with all. Indulge in your sacred nature and let yourself grow as grand and as beautiful and as loving as you are.
And make sure you put your mind in a kennel for the day, lest its constant barking keep you from the extraordinary experience of being divine.
We see it every day in you and send all our love, blessings and gratitude. — E. West
…..The chakras
Your 7 Chakras, Explained—Plus How to Tell if They’re Blocked
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