Spiritual reading — love and be gentle to yourself

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September 2

Our advice to you for this day: be very, very gentle with yourself. This is a good day to let yourself know your heart in its fullness and yet it is important to do this in a manner which is gradual, gentle and accepting of all that lies within.

It would not serve to thrust with greed into the farther regions of the
heart. Simply allow it to open into friendly and secure space just as wide and as true as it will.

Receive all that you find with gratitude and a willingness to see and understand. Go through the layers of love and pain without flinching and without attachment. Embrace the wholeness of the multitude of gifts your heart holds for you.

There are millions of lessons and wisdom beyond your imagining lying there, right within you. Give yourself permission to see clearly that which your heart already knows and is ready to teach you.

And remember to be very sweet and gentle with yourself as you do this.

There is no one other than you who holds the key that you seek, and there is no one other than you who knows better how to love you.

You are a light and a love unto yourself, entwined with many but whole and complete. Don’t lose sight of this as you explore your love, your loss, your heart today.

We love you and send all our blessings. — E. West



……”Ye shall be as gods”

Jesus was about empowering people to break free from the jews’ demonic god Yahweh and to realize their own naturally loving, courageous nature and innate greatness.

Just like Jesus back then, we too come from a higher and perfect world down to this one.

Great minds privately were convinced of reincarnation

The death of Angela Raubal; the supposed flaw in reincarnation of not remembering previous lives

Reincarnation made Kelts brave

New, touching info on amazing WWII reincarnation case of the English boy who had been a Luftwaffe gunner

We are here to experience ourselves and grow.

The other world is just concepts. Thoughts. Theories. Teaching….

Everyone is 30 years old, neither young nor old.

No one has a gender, or marries, or has kids, or has pets with kittens or puppies.

For there to be offspring, others must die, or any planet would become overrun with overpopulation within a year.

Here on this earth is where we come down, as Jesus did, to experience light and darkness, love and fear, truth and lies, and carry out the mission, the dharma, we accepted, as individuals.

Jesus’ was to either straighten out the jews  — or warn the world against the mortal threat they represent as the agents of radical and absolute evil.


Now, as we grow in incarnation after incarnation, God entrusts us with more and more powers.

Some of us rise over time to the level where we design our own beautiful planets…..

….. even galaxies, but we have to prove that we can morally handle such “miraculous,” incredibly powerful abilities.

Angels? Archangels? They all started down at our level, and earned God’s trust.

Partly they did it by watching lovingly over us.

And God agreed when they let us also learn some really harsh lessons. 😉

Mr burned-out white businessman in Kenosha, Wisconsin, all sorry for yourself — maybe you should put down the Miller’s beer, take a second look at national socialism, and begin fighting for your race!

George Lincoln Rockwell — PRESENT!

And this is literally true! He IS watching over us right now! What does he see when he looks at YOUR life? He gave all!


  1. John, what do you think about adopted people of other races, raised in Europe [or America] and then having children with Europeans?

    I know a couple of these types of relationships and I do think it’s kind-of wrong.

  2. https://photos.app.goo.gl/T18DXVsb7spnaWva7
    Il blu Iperboreo degli Atlantidi,il Rosso dei Lemuriani,il bianco di Kalki-pietra bianca o razza Bianca.
    Atlantide doveva essere l’America che si estendeva fino all’Europa Attuale.
    Lemuria invece l’Asia e l’Africa.
    Non ci sono Divisioni di razze,ma il principio di appartenenza a questi continenti,alla sua storia millenaria e alla sua grande Eredità genetica.La razza Bianca fa da collante e da stabilizzante..un po’ come l’Amore 🙂
    L’Era Dorata NazionalSocialista.
    Provo ad immaginarla così.

  3. “Non so se il mondo ha mentito /io ho mentito / Non so se il mondo ha cospirato contro l’amore / io ho cospirato contro l’amore / Si sta a disagio in questo ambiente di tortura / io ho torturato”. Cohen,filosofo della prima ora nella poesia Fiori per Hitler,descrive la “banalità del male” di cui parla Hannah Arendt a proposito del processo Eichmann.
    “Flowers for Hitler” è un libro violento,irrisolto, pieno di episodi altissimi,di pagine vuote di senso e di stile.Il filone shoah lo percorre come un urlo disperato.
    “Abbiamo lasciato perdere l’amore libero / e abbiamo imposto per certi delitti / la pena di morte / Non ci sono più scintille tra uomo e donna”. Cohen profeta sociale e L’energia degli schiavi: uno sviluppo o una contraddizione?
    Non contraddizione,ma coerenza.
    Cohen si scaglia contro la rivoluzione sessuale per la sua tendenza a oggettivare,a rendere borghese, consumistico,triviale il mistero dell’arco voltaico che scocca fra i sessi.
    Ora che la sbornia è passata,saremo costretti a rivalutare le sue intuizioni da “trovatore”. Ma d’altronde Cohen parla solo e sempre di se stesso e per se stesso.E riesce, così facendo, a diventare universale.
    Cohen “rivoltoso del nulla”. “Ridatemi il muro di Berlino, Stalin e San Paolo, datemi Cristo o Hiroshima”, dice in The Future…
    Beh, qui Cohen vede lontano. Profetizza “I’ve seen the future baby it is murder”: ho visto il futuro, tesoro, è omicidio, ma potremmo anche dire “sterminio”. C’è bisogno di commentare? È sotto gli occhi di tutti! Lui aveva già scritto: “abbraccio tutti coloro che non cambiano”.È un uomo, vede, un uomo con le sue miserie e la sua grandezza. Sa che dietro la tecnologia c’è sempre in agguato il buon “vecchio lupo”.
    Cohen è in sintonia con un altro grande isolato del Novecento, il reverendo Thomas Merton.
    Cohen è stato moltissime cose nella sua vita: letterato raffinato e rockstar, ebreo ortodosso ed eremita zen, amante accorto e succubo del desiderio, peccatore e santo. Perché – dice – “santo è chi ha assaggiato le più remote possibilità umane e ha accettato il caos”.
    Colui che ha vissuto le cento e cento vite che a me, comune mortale, sono definitivamente, tragicamente precluse.
    (Cosa ci vedo?Un uomo frustrato dalla sua stessa Religione)ma che cerca di liberarsi…invano.
    S’Innamora Di Marianne Ihlen,una bellissima norvegese,amore che durerà per sempre nonostante la loro prematura separazione.
    Lui dice a lei:”Salvami”..
    Salvarlo da che cosa?
    Credo da se stesso e da quel Caos interiore.

    • Transl:

      … John, this Cohen could have saved himself; God had given him an Aryan woman who could have dragged him away from his depression. (Well, he talks about depression, but it’s psychopathy.). … And away from drugs and amphetamines.

      Maybe he only realized it at the point of death.

      Yet all these (((characters))) “self-report” … but the Gentiles still continue to sleep

      I am speechless.

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