Spiritual reading — love your beautiful soul despite an imperfect personality and body

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September 14

The time that you have in form is limited. That is the very nature of the three-dimensional plane. It is about learning to live with limits. And learning to live with them without becoming limited!

Mona Lisa before two restorations, by Leonardo da Vinci

But all of you are in your own particular form, wrapped up in a specific body and persona, and for a short time only.

1889-1945… 56 years, afflicted by Parkinson’s, sustained by amphetamines


There is absolutely no point in clinging; you will keep these aspects of yourself for just as long as you need to, and then they will drop away.

The fear that so many of you encounter in your striving toward freedom is unfounded. Your body is a thing of finite duration. You cannot live in it forever, nor would that be a very helpful thing.

To treat it with respect and love: that is a wonderful way to approach it. To listen to its concerns, its pain, its longing and its needs: this is to love. And that, ultimately, is your purpose. So love your body, in thought and in deed. Attend to it with tenderness and care.

But be careful if you find yourself beginning to bargain with it. “If I do this for you, you will do that for me.” No, this is not love, but business. And you cannot conduct business successfully with someone as intimately connected with you as your own body. It is bound to fall upon the sword of some hidden contract.

And the most critical and often the most difficult call to love comes when you try to turn your love toward yourself. To love your eternal essence without condition or demand — this is so important.

To see the brightness and beauty of your soul, to see and feel its connection to all the other infinitesimal sparks of glorious consciousness everywhere, everywhere in the universe and beyond—this is often the way into the most fundamental of spiritual tasks a being undertakes when they assume form. This is remembering.

*** Neale Donald Walsch agrees

This is all so radically different from the toxic doctrine of “Saint Paul,” AKA Saul of Tarsus, the Sanhedrin jew who hijacked the Jesus movement and thoroughly rejudaized it.

His great “contributions”:

We  are all rotten sinners, born for hell, because ancestor Adam ate an apple in 4,000 BC in Iraq.

God is love, but we’ll roast in hell forever because of this Adam character.

Jesus was God,  so when He incarnated, God naturally became a jew, jews being the Chosen People OF God.

The solution to human problems is to worship a new god, a jew.

By framing Jesus, and getting Him crucified, the jews actually did us all yet another wonderful favor.

See, sez Saul, His death wiped out the sin Adam gave us. Thank you, jews, for killing Jesus!

So, like our Master, Jesus, submit to being arrested, tortured and killed.

Israeli West Bank settlers menacing a Palestinian Christian in his own olive grove:

Here is God teaching us to surrender, suffer, and be murdered.


No wonder the Vikings, my forbears, despised Saulianity.

Great meme, but it was Saul-ianity.

Eckhart Tolle has joked several times “Only a Buddhist can understand [the real] Jesus.”

Question: Where exactly WAS Jesus between 11 and 30?

He is at the Temple at 11, bedazzling the elders with his questions when his parents find Him.

Next thing we know — skipping ahead for a mere 19 years — He is a grown man, asking his cousin, John the Baptist, to baptize him.

That is quite a nice little gap in the bio, eh? 😉 Only two thirds of His life are missing…. 😉

Was Jesus in Aryan-ruled India, or was He in Aryan-ruled Egypt, or in both countries, studying and meditating?

As my next article will show, Jesus never said

— He was God (and anyway, who was running the universe while He was in Palestine, trying to fix the jews? Talk about “Mission Impossible” LOL),

— never said being slandered, railroaded and murdered by jews was God’s will, or that

–our goal was to abandon this planet to the wicked jews and be whisked off to heaven to strum forever on harps as sexless eunuchs without offspring!

I am tired of monklike men who never father the next generation of Aryans! We are in mortal danger now — because the Baby Boomers (b. 1946-64) did not “Baby-Boom” themselves!

Leonardo da Vinci, fearing the Inquisition, only snuck the idea into his Last Supper painting, that Jesus had children with Mary Magdalen.

The baby, Jesus and Mary Magdalen, if slid together, form a perfect triangle. The heads of Jesus and Mary M. tip toward each other. Leonardo knew he could deny teaching a heresy if caught and questioned.





Remembering that which you already know, that which you have always known, that which is always true.

And when you touch into those memories, there is a rightness, a recognition, that frees you from the limits of form. Do this often, dear ones. For it is ever there for you, and there is little so settling, so comforting, or so expanding, as giving yourself the chance to be in that place of perfection.

It is easier to approach your love for other aspects of yourself if you are feeling pretty well made as a soul. It is so terrifically lovable.

But the body and the persona, the mind—these are all a little more challenging to love. And yet they do need your love as well.

Or rather, you need to learn to love them with the same openness and generosity that you can bring to loving your soul. For that is the purpose of it all. For you to love. And for you to love others truly, you must begin with yourself.


*** Walsch is big on this point

If you hate yourself, you will lash out at others too.

The Germans say about a grouchy, negative person: “Er mag sich selber nicht.”  “It is himself that he doesn’t like.”


The vibration must run through you—without interference—for it to be received in clarity by another. As you judge yourself, so shall others feel judged. You know this.

So today, please contemplate the ways in which you love and fail to love yourself. It becomes increasingly critical to bring to the fore the gifts you are carrying, and the conduit through which they must pass is created by love.

This is an absolutely essential step if you, both individually and collectively, are to come into flower, to bloom. Please know that there is infinite love and support for you here. It is with you all the time.

Many blessing to you, dear ones. — E. West




…..The new religion will let us go through horrors and not freak out

The movie “The Road” (with Viggo Mortenson and Charlize Theron) shows a post-apocalyptic America, and  it is really grim. Theron’s character cannot take it any longer. She wants them all to commit  suicide — before roving cannibals grab them — but when the husband and son balk, she goes off and “offs” herself.

This is typical of functional atheists when things get truly nasty.

In a speech I gave to German woman, I talked about how women should never be drafted and put in the infantry because war is horrible, and almost unbearable, even for most men.

“I saw dozens and dozens of men, shaking and quaking, trudging to the rear. I would not be a man if I put our women through that!”

In his great realistic novel, Storms of Steel, Ernst Jünger, who won the highest medal of Germany in WWI, the Pour le Mérite, which Anglo-Americans called “the Blue Max,” related once how a young German officer had the back of his head pealed away by enemy fire, and how he shrieked “like a dying rabbit” until he died.

I read an account of the final days of the Battle of the Seelöwer Heights in 1945, which was the big Soviet push in eastern Germany to get closer to the Reich capital of Berlin.

Two identical twins, blond German boys, had just entered the trenches in their first combat assignment. Then the Russians opened up with artillery and sniper fire.

The one boy took a shot right to the forehead, and keeled forward, dead, into the mud wall.

His twin brother, with peach fuzz instead of a beard, let out a high-pitched shriek that was unearthly. Barely 16, he became hysterical……

If you think you are just a body, then when you lose that body, or see another lose it, you WILL freak out.

A main PRACTICAL goal of my religion is for you to take blood, gore, suffering and death in your stride and keep on fighting, and fighting well.    


It’s just bodies. No one’s soul is going to die. How beautiful, in fact, that your buddy just died for his race and people!

How admirable that he lived and not just existed!

How inspiring that he chose not to waste his incarnation, but took a stand as a man!

Russian WWII tank crewman freaks out in “The White Tiger” after a German tank wiped out his whole platoon 

US Marine wanders the battlefield during combat against the Japanese in “The Pacific” 

A giant asylum for American WWI troops who went insane. 

In the coming religion, fear, death and suffering will be accepted with a shrug, because we are not our bodies — we temporarily have them.

We are eternal souls, here to grow fast via stress, conflict and the necessity of our victory.

“Everyone fights; no one quits. If you run, I will shoot you myself.”

–Robert Heimlein’s  “Starship Troopers.”

Only warriors get citizenship. Only warriors can vote and run things. Non-combatants, all those who refuse to sacrifice themselves for the whole, are designated as merely subjects of the State. Why should a selfish coward have the vote????

Let the heroes be heard who risked their lives! You say you love your country? Really? Enough to FIGHT for it?

If not, you are all talk. Be a subject, not a citizen.

The jews really hated this film. For all this “fascism,” yes…..

….but but also because, due to eugenics, so many of the young white people we see fighting have beautiful features.

All advanced humans in our galaxy practice eugenics and reap its rich blessings. Our Reich of 1933-45 gave us a taste of how our advanced brothers across this galaxy survive and thrive, while WE read about our enemies all day long. ;-).


  1. Wonderful article. So many important and amazing points. And I always loved Starship Troopers. At your service sir!

    About the comment that Hitler was sustained by amphetamines there were lots of detailed notes on everything given to AH through the years by his doctor Morrell and never once did it mention amphetamines. It mentioned plenty of unflattering things but if it’s true he used amphetamines why was that kept a secret? My educated guess is he never used it except perhaps at times in his last year of life and just not notated in his doctors detailed notes.

    • Knowing how serious losing the war would be, I worked day and night to stave off defeat as long as possible and meanwhile relocated the top scientists to Antarctica. Deciding I would NOT go to Antarctica myself, for reasons discussed further below, I decided to work myself to death, aided by various unorthodox and risky meds from Dr. Morell, whose long-terms effect were unimportant.

      The goal was to get at least 50 of the newest U-boats down there, full of the most advanced men and technology.

      Having succeeded, and with the Soviet tanks and troops right in downtown Berlin, I then ended my life in order to deceive the Allies into relaxing. They imagined that the Reich and National Socialism, without Hitler, were now gone, and stopped looking for some operation to continue the struggle.

      Every med I took, even if unsafe over the long run, kept me going, and so I was able to keep us fighting in Europe, until every last U-boat had safely gotten underway, and with our new invention of the snorkel, cruised thousands of miles underwater without surfacing until we reached the South Atlantic, where the Allied air cover stopped.

      If, tragically, a NUCLEAR WWIII happens, then our Reich will rule whatever is left of the world.

      Our race will survive, rebuild, and thrive, and it will be 100% national socialist.

      But a world awakening now against the jews, and our own internal jew, our own inner spiritual rot, that would be a far happier outcome!

      I neither went to the Antarctic then nor did I reincarnate to there in this life. For we can awaken from our sleep as a race, and be happy again, as we were. That is my mission, to change whites into fearless Aryans, not to hide out in the ice and await a disaster!


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