Spiritual reading; many evil gods, not just Yahweh

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…spiritual reading for October 30

Be particularly thoughtful of and kind to animals today. They carry so much for you, and they do it for the most part quietly and without fanfare. The domestic animals are, as many of you know, beautifully polished mirrors in which it is possible to see and learn much about oneself.

And the wild animals have such great lessons to offer about who you might be. Pay them a moment of hommage when
you think of it, and if it feels right, ask for the guidance of a particular animal or species of animal. Your heart will know whom to ask, and the wisdom of that animal will become more easily available to you instantly.

This is worth trying, friends.

Try to eat or drink some citrus today. It will help to lift your spirits, clean your physical body and lighten your energetic body. Steer clear of potatoes and other starchy root vegetables, just for today.

We send you love and blessings and again encourage you to remember that today even the deepest, darkest vortices show the way to the most brilliant of light if you trust in them.



…..Good email with both spiritual and worldly concerns


Hi, John,
Thanks for confirming you received my message, and sending this article.
What is happening in Gaza is pure evil and clearly was planned out ahead of time, IMO. I think it is obvious that Netanyahu, whom I call Satanyahu, gave a 7-hour delayed response order, whether or not IDF also fired on Israeli civilians who were Hamas’ hostages. But this seven-hour delay is the smoking gun.
I think you’re right that if the US is losing, the jews will resort to nukes. They think their lives matter (they always think that) but our lives do not.
John, have you read or seen YouTube videos by Billy Carson? Even though he’s black, he seems fairly smart. He might be jew-sponsored, I don’t know for sure. But I think he is correct  that the Old Testament “god” was not a god at all, or a transdimensional being, but one of many aliens at that time who was involved in screwing with our human DNA. So the people back then thought of him as a god.
Billy Carson names a good argument that Yahweh, AKA the OT god, is really the Devil..
As you should know many Big Jews acknowledge that they worship the Devil, aka Satan aka Lucifer, so this makes perfect sense.
There is another guy I like even better, his name is Paul Anthony Wallis. He’s half-white, half-black, but a good man. It wasn’t his fault his parents race-mixed anyways; that’s not so important. He wrote a very good book called Escape from Eden, where he talks about our DNA being played with by ET’s aka Aliens, who were called “God”.
For a long time now, I came to the conclusion that Jesus Christ in John 8:44 was not only rebuking the Pharisees; He was saying that the OT god was NOT a god at all.
I am sure you have heard of the Gnostic Gospels? Well, those may be closer to the real teachings of Jesus. So that is an aside.
Dying and being reincarnated or going to Heaven is a nice dream….but we are in big trouble meantime. We’ve got to find a way to save the White race, but it seems so hopeless, when everyone is so pathetically not aware.
I am on a small pension, I will try to send you some $ soon. Not much, but something to contribute.
Thanks for your time and keep up the good fight.
I replied:
Hi, comrade.
Yes, this Carson is indeed a sharp fellow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZfKyf12Juc  1.1 million views!

I agree with you totally here:

Dying and being reincarnated or going to Heaven is a nice dream….but we are in big trouble meantime. We’ve got to find a way to save the White race, but it seems so hopeless, when everyone is so pathetically not aware.

But as for the other fellow, no, humans were NOT created here by aliens to work in their gold mines, which it a notion coming from the jew Zechariah Sitchin, who did not understand Sumerian, nor did anyone, back when he wrote his books.
The human race exists in many subraces all over this galaxy on thousands of planets, including humans with slightly bluish skin (Krishna being an example) and also slightly reddish skin.
Of course, some wicked alien may indeed have been playing with DNA and this may have affected some humans already here.
Yet, gene modification takes place constantly by breeding, Look at the varieties of dog who all come from some ur-creature, who also was the origin of the wolf. Humans bred them to herd sheep, or to hunt badgers (dachshunds), or to bite Germanic invaders (such as the Roman fighting dogs now called Rottweilers).
On a negative side, every white woman who lets a negro impregnate her is doing gene modification,too. 😉
And yes, Yahweh is a wicked alien.


….Here is an excellent video proving from the Bible itself that the Old Testament god is absolutely evil

And I say this despite some very nice window dressing such as Psalm 23 (“the Lord is my shepherd,” etc.)


(This video is one of several; at the end, it rolls overt to the next video.)


I read in the 1970s the late, great Douglas Reed’s magistral book, The Controversy of Zion,


Reed was a star reporter for the London Times until he turned against Zionism. He never published his explosive book; it came out after he died, in the 1970s.

In this work, Reed delineates how there seem to be two gods in the OT [Old Testament], a savage and demonic tribal deity and the just and loving Creator of the universe, and correspondingly two schools of priests writing very contradictory passages into the Old Testament.

Michelangelo,who was such a world-famous artist that he could get away with almost anything, depicts his prophet, Moses, as having two horns….


Early Christian bishop Marcion saw this demonic nature of Yahweh as well, and said the God of Jesus Christ was NOT Yahweh. Result for Marcion? The Pauline school — agreeing with Sanhedrin employee Paul that “the Jews are still God’s Chosen People” (ahem, were they ever??)  — got Marcion declared a heretic. 🙁



It should be noted that in other religions besides the demonic Judeo-psychopathic-“Christ”-ianity, the wicked are NOT imprisoned in hell forever and ever. They do their time and when they repent, they are released. (Even the otherwise often cruel religion of Islam preaches that the wicked are not roasted in hell forever!)


……The truth about Yahweh and other gods is this

They are actually aliens, some mostly good, some entirely evil, and most in the middle.

“UFOs, the Reich AFTER ’45, and whites as colonists on this planet

The Greco-Roman pagan gods did some terrible things, as Plato and Socrates noted, and even Homer in the Iliad.

(King Agamemnon, in this great poem, the Iliad, directly blames the gods for the tragic Trojan war, and he is right. It started out with jealous hatred amongst various goddesses as to who was the most beautiful!)

In another Greek story, the satyr Marsyas, a son of the half-godly Hercules, challenges the god Apollo to a music contest. Not good. Furious, the megalomanic Apollo hangs him up before he has him skinned alive.


No wonder many ancient pagans liked the idea of a just and loving God that the Christians (and before that, deceitful Jews) proposed to them.


A Scythian slave (member of a fierce ancient Iranian-white people), utterly oblivious –like many of the Anglo-American whites who bombed Hamburg in 1943 and Dresden in 1945 —

….to the moral horror he is participating in, sharpens a knife so Apollo can go and skin Marsyas.

Apollo then personally flays the fully conscious Marsyas.


And as the videos above have proved, this Yahweh bastard is just as evil, or even more so, as the Greco-Roman were (or are?).

(The Greek “gods” maintained their relative and tech-based immortality only by consuming continuously a liquid called “nectar” and a food called “ambrosia.”)

Joseph Farrell, PhD (Oxford) (who does some light Nazi-bashing,like Icke or Jones, and never uses the word Jew, not ever, nevertheless clearly knows the score –“I have my sources” —  😉 …

… goes in this book into the malevolent alien origin of Yahweh and of his conspiracy, taking over the world via usury….

None of these gods, with a small “g”, are truly God at all, certainly not in the sense of being the wise, just and loving Creator of the Multiverse, the Allfather whom our Indo-Aryan cousins called Brahman.

(The Norse god Odin is a kind of higher human being who, like the Buddha, achieves enlightenment and godhood — and did-not-create the multiverse.) 

It is the goal of the coming Aryan religion which I, John de Nugent, am founding…

….to stop worshipping all semitic demon-gods, and all other malevolent or simply selfish aliens, and worship instead and serve only our true ALL FATHER, the true GOD who created us, our universe, truth, courage, idealism and beauty.



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