Spiritual reading; many see through the fake political parties, and crave a real leader

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In the 2012 German book and 2014 movie “Look Who’s Back” (in German: “Er ist wieder da”) even the most brainwashed Whites and even non-Whites in Berlin welcome Adolf Hitler back. Astonishingly, and to leftist consternation, many scenes use the actual public, who are shown LITERALLY embracing and hugging Hitler, and these are NOT actors!


….Spiritual reading for September 21

When you have made it over a particularly arduous mountain pass and are climbing down the last
stretch you look out and see spread before you a plain. The way ahead is neither rough nor is it
dangerous. There is water and shade and places to rest and recoup.

This is what many of you can anticipate today. It is not as if your journey were at an end, or that the challenges are all over. But you have made it through a particularly difficult time and now you have a stretch that is much easier and gentler and simpler directly ahead.

The wind will be at your back, so you will keep moving, but you will be moving with the wind instead of trying to make your way into it, against it. There is still much ground to cover, but it may turn out that what you need to do is follow up on details and make manifest that which you have been creating in your heart these last few weeks and months.

In other words, you need not take the big leaps today. You have done that and now you need only to put the pieces into place of a new sense of yourself in the world. This is a time to be practical and literal. To move step by step across a terrain that is friendly and supportive.

This day could be one in which you either rest and regenerate energies that have gone into meeting big challenges, or it could be one in which you accomplish a great deal. If you do run into walls, don’t read much into them. They are nothing more than density and they do not speak about anything bigger in general. If you run into walls, just calmly find another way around, and keep heading where you were going. You will make it so long as you don’t become overwhelmed or overly caught up in what they might ‘mean’ or signal.

You know what you need to know, you know what you value and what is important to you. You have come to this knowledge through great effort and sacrifice and love. Trust it now. You are no
longer negotiating a narrow mountain path. You are on firm, fat land and you can proceed without fear, without second-guessing yourself.

Breathe deeply, allow yourself to relax into that which you do love and be present in all ways to that which is around you. Pat yourself on the back if indeed you do have a sense of having come through much. And even if your journey does not feel as if it has been terribly challenging or dangerous, realize that much more than you currently can see has in fact changed and shifted within you.

The last few months have brought about vibrational transformation that you have not side-stepped. So no matter what, take this day to center and enjoy some ease, and accomplish those things that have had to be set to the side while more urgent demands have held your attention.

We send many pats on your back, much love and blessings.


…..Discouraged German says all the political parties, even on the “far right,” are do-nothing puppets

I sort of agreed, of course, because everywhere jews go there is “controlled opposition” (the quarter-jew Lenin’s phrase) but then I added:


The encouraging thing for me is that I think that on some level most worried Germans see the puppet parties for what they are, and now truly hunger for a real leader and real solutions.

Actually this was already true back in 2014 — before Merkel’s big wave of rapefugees — when the phenomenon of the book and film “Look Who’s Back!” came out.


In 2011, Adolf Hitler wakes up in a vacant lot in Berlin which appears to be the location of the garden outside the bunker where he was burned, with no knowledge of anything that happened following his death in 1945.

Homeless and destitute, he interprets everything he sees and experiences in 2011 from a Nazi perspective—for instance, he assumes that Turks in Germany are an indicator of Karl Dönitz having persuaded Turkey to join the Axis, and thinks that Wikipedia is named for Wikinger (“Vikings”).

Although everyone recognizes him, nobody believes that he is Hitler; instead, they think he is either a comedian or a method actor. He appears on a variety television show called “Whoa, dude!”, going off-script to broadcast his views.

Videos of his angry rants become hugely successful on YouTube, and he achieves modern celebrity status as a performer.

The newspaper Bild tries to take him down, but is sued into praising him.

He is beaten up by Neo-Nazis who think he is mocking the memory of Hitler, unaware that he is the genuine article.

In the end, he uses his popularity to re-enter politics.

But by far the most startling development was what happened when they went around Berlin filming.

Not only Germans (white women, pretty white girls, and white teenagers with Mohawk haircuts included) but also non-whites — Turks, Blacks, and Chinese — greeted “Hitler” (who was actually Hitler!) and in spontaneous joy.

They were so surprised that all the decades of omnipresent anti-NS conditioning — “the incarnation of evil/Gestapo-wielding dictator/started WWII/scapegoated and gassed 6 mio innocent jews” — had no chance to kick in.

I have blogged on this astounding failure by the jews.

All these scenes were real and did not use actors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look for yourself, after I set this up with a touching Cranberries song:

Actual, real, not-acted footage of Berliners, migrants and tourists seeing a man dressed up as Adolf Hitler as he visits the Brandenburg Gate, taken from the movie “Look Who’s Back.”

(The gimmick of the film is that the man really is Hitler, but the German entertainment moguls deluding themselves that he is yet another liberal actor and a gifted imitator who is fantastic for their variety-show ratings. 😉 )

The producers of “Look Who’s Back” — and the German actor himself who portrayed Hitler — were deeply disturbed during the filming that their “Hitler” in his Wehrmacht commander uniform was not shunned in horror at all, but greeted with universal warmth. 

And why? “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation” (Thoreau)…. and “Happiness is having a wise and loving ruler.”

These are the most basic truths about mankind.

I wrote on Skype to a collaborator just today whose salary I have had to cut back by 75%:


It is the best I can do, given the arseholery of most Whites these days, between [name] and [name].

Nick Griffin in Britain and his white BNP party were brought down by it too.

This is a bad-karma planet and a surprising number of spiritual teachers all agree that this is the case. It is like teaching classes in reform school. 🙂

If you cannot exercise real control over the average guy, he will eventually do something selfish and insane.

And this is what the world needs to understand about Hitler: he created human happiness BY taking away freedoms that earthlings always misuse.

And the ancient Roman Republic fell for the same reason, with 57 straight years of civil war preceding the Empire.

Same thing in japan, when the shoguns, generals, such as Tokugawa, took over actual power from the emperors.

Freedom + earthlings = the inner arsehole comes out on parade 😉

(Btw, unlike the film, Adolf Hitler actually had dark-blue eyes, not brown — and he stood not at  6’2″ but at 5’10” (178cm) — which is my exact eye color and my exact height.)

“Hitler” even boldly visits a jewy German Jew’s TV variety show, refuses to yuck it up with him, and stands silently until everyone is waiting with baited breath. Then he “connects” instantly with the audience using a few words that hit home.


Stay tuned, Jews — and the whole suffering white world!

In the midst of the Wall Street-caused Great Depression: “The Winter Help Work 1934-35 of the German People: Now, no one shall starve, and no one shiver.”

Hitler then — and now

Exposing with history, some humor, and deadly earnest the specific nature of Jew rule: a pedophilocracy, a network of hopelessly blackmailed, totally controlled Jewish and gentile VIPs. These politicos cannot back out of the Jew web even if they wanted to (and some do).




    • Danke!

      Es freut mich auch unbändig, dass Österreicher und Nordeutsche wieder zueinanderfinden.

      Ich hasste es, als ich in Österreich wohnte, dieses “Anti-Piefke”-Geschwätz zu hören, vor allem bei tschechischstämmigen Wienern (!), eine absichtlich eingeheizte Sache, die von den judengeführten Allierten seit 1919, und von Frankreich umd dem Vatikan seit 1618 gefördert wird, um das gesamtdeutsche Volk mit dummen Fehden auseinanderzuzerstückeln.

      “Wenn zwei sich streiten, freut sich der Dritte” — der Jude und der Musel.

    • Heh-heh-heh! I will have to try this, too.

      When I was a stormtrooper with the NSWPP, the swastika armband was in fact intimidating. The leftists would stare at it initially in fear….. all the notions in ther heads of professional mass murderers, and of chilling German efficiency. The swastika has been a powerful symbol for millennia but under Hitler it became “scary,” too.

      • I guess that scene is inspired by this one from from a Polanski movie.


        In this movie, “The Fearless Vampire Killers” from 1967 [JdN: with Sharon Tate, later murdered], it was clear that this guy is supposed to be jewish! They altered the text in the German version…so it doesn´t make much sense anymore.

  1. I have the book standing on my shelf, still have to read it. The movie I will maybe watch after this. The actor playing Hitler, Oliver Masucci, is half-Italian, but it seems he did a good job.

    The issue with the “right-winged” parties and then parties in general is that in democracy you basically have to cater to the idiots. Because the masses are asses, as you said before.

    The AfD is just addressing the symptoms, not the root causes, because exposing the true causesd would be “radical,” and they fear “radicalism.”

    But even the “Old Right”parties (as they are called) are not much better. They didn´t achieve anything of importance in recent decades.

    Why? The reasons are all the same. Egoism, infiltration by agents (which IMHO is also just caused by egoism), and attracting too much chavs.

    The association with the skinhead movements was a big mistake. Therefore we have too many people who are basically – I hate to use the term, but it´s unfortunately true – “white trash.” Primitive idiots like this one here:


    Someone stitched the pics together, and unfortunately it´s true. Would anyone consider this dumb-ass on the right-side to be a noble (Aryan) person, a role model? Pretty sure not. I guess his world-view is just based on the fact that all non-Germans are worthless and he can´t get a low-wage job because of them, while in truth he prefers to live off welfare.

      • The jews and their paid hackers are doing some kind of IT hack so the photo does not appear.

        In my blog of yesterday’s date, two key videos from JewTube also refused to appear….. They just “left.”

          • Sometimes jewish hackers also attack the browser I am using to open my website. I may be on the Russian Yandex browser and suddenly it gets extremely slow. So I switch to Firefox or to Edge, or even to Opera or Chrome.

            It costs me over one thousand dollars a month now to host and protect this site, yet 99% of readers send nothing. As functional atheists, they think there is no God who sees them doing zilch. I now have $20 to live on until the 3rd of October.

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