Spiritual reading; Margi chapter 2

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…Spiritual reading for April 8

April 8
Be as gentle as you can with yourself today. Avoid stressful situations if at all possible and do for yourself anything that soothes, supports and relaxes you. Take a break from the madness all around and let at least some part of you rest—your body? Your mind? Your heart? Make sure something gets a little time off.

Take care of the business you need to attend to. Make sure that the people for whom you are responsible are cared for adequately. And then let the rest go. Your benefit balance will be much greater if you use the day to renew or simply be quiet. You can get things done, but it will be at a cost greater than it is probably worth.

So do the minimum and make a point of fnding a corner of time to just space out. Keep in mind that many are exhausted, many drained, many approaching (or passing) their limits. Tread
lightly and expect little. Letting yourself become disturbed about anything that belongs to another will sap your energy and interfere with your peace any day; today it is doubly so.

If you can, be in nature. If not, be somewhere that you feel safe and content. Eat lightly but to please yourself, and drink lots of water. Allow yourself your feelings—alone—and don’t atzempt to correct or solve anything related to them. Just let them be.

We love you very much and send you all our blessings and wishes for renewal and peace.



…..Margi narrates chapter two of The Leo Frank Case

Previous chapters:



Chapter One


And now chapter two:



    • Thanks, Carl.

      This Channel 4 reporter, “Darshna Soni,” is not English, is, of course, pro-migrant being one herself, and should keep her yap shut. This regards the rights of the native English people….and the whole idea of the white race not being mixed or genocided.

  1. We have the same problem in California. The White population has dropped to 33 percent. This includes Jews and light skinned Mexicans.

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