Spiritual reading: melt the hardness; our nastiest, grossest president was a closet jew

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As a teenager in the 1960s I remember feeling a sense of extreme creepiness whenever I saw President Lyndon Johnson (1963-69) on television, and especially up-close in 1964 when he visited Providence, Rhode Island (a city co-founded by an ancestor in 1636) , standing up, 6’3,” ghoulishly in the very limousine in which John Kennedy had been murdered at his behest.

I and other pupils at the prep school, Moses Brown School, got to stand at the ornate, cast-iron fence  on school  grounds, and watch the motorcade.

I felt powerful evil radiating off this man.

After he left the White House in 1969,a woman who looked eerily like him became prime minister of Israel (1969-74), Golda Meier, a Ukrainian Jew who once had taught school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The resemblance between the open jew Meir and the closet Jew Johnson is jarring! See more below.

And I salute the courage of Bobby Kennedy, Junior, who is saying many dangerous truths (despite the murder by the jew-run CIA of his father, his uncle, JFK, and his cousin John Kennedy, Jr.,and the near-murder of his uncle Ted). He has been denied Secret Service protection as a major presidential candidate by the human turd Joe Biden.


Judaea delenda est.


…spiritual reading for August 29

Melt. That is the watchword for today. Let your heart melt frst of all. Any hardness, any edges, any
resistances: let them soften and melt. And then allow the flow to fill in empty spaces, pain and hurt
and wounds that persist. Let them be filled and healed as you give your heart’s energy permission to move.

Melt your mind next. It has the hardest edges of all and tends to be terribly proud of them. As you know, this is a mistake because your mind’s sharp corners are usually the most vicious weapons ever wielded against yourself.

The structure and tenacity of the mind bring you low and keep you from the truth again and again. And yet, the mind has its legitimate work and can make a great contribution to your lives, especially if it is supple, fluid and soft.

This is challenging; make no mistake. Most of you know exactly how you can melt the heart. The heart was made to melt. But the mind will resist and deny and obfuscate.

Still, don’t let yourself become discouraged and give up. Bit by bit, over and over, you can loosen those edges and let go of some of the tension with which it holds itself so firmly in control.

And then, of course, there is the body. Everything is connected, so as you melt the body, so will go your heart and mind. Or, vice versa. Sometimes it is much easier to approach this from a physical place.

Since you have a body which is such a perfect mirror of your heart, mind and soul, you can use it to reach the deeper places. As you relax the neck, loosening the mind becomes thinkable. As you soften the lower back, the melting of the heart begins to happen, will it or not.

The energies today can be like a lava flow—rich, smooth, soft and slow-moving. Stay soft yourself –
– heart, mind and body — to allow things to continue moving and flowing.

There may be impulses to stop the movement, to harden around one moment or the next, one feeling or another. You will find that if you can keep yourself from doing that, whatever it is that you feel will also continue moving.

Stay away from any activities which counter this state of flow. Do nothing that will harden or sharpen. Do not chastise yourself for being soft (flabby, spacey, forgetful, or sentimental) for this is the order of the day, and if you are to seek its gifts you must not condemn its nature in yourself.

Please remember that you are loved and supported and guided. Do not fear the vulnerability that you
may feel today. Nothing dangerous will happen to you as a result of your openness. In fact, it is the hard edges which are likely to collide with other hard edges today, and no one in that position will “win.”

Take it easy, be gentle, be loving—go ahead and be mushy! Watch for where it all takes you and know that even though this is a day trip, you have the opportunity to see new and important possibilities that can be returned to again and again if you desire.

We love you very much.



….Lyndon Johnson’s gross behavior (with my apologies) 

If you have not yet seen these, now is the time. If you already have, then you can skip to :

Johnson would routinely defecate in front of both reporters and staffers 

…..The Jewish serial killing of the Kennedy family

Crypto-Jew (via his mother Rachelle Baines) and US senator Lyndon Johnson meets with Robert and John Kennedy in 1960. He later had both men murdered.


…..American Jews in Pennsylvania steal 500 pounds of plutonium for Israel  with the connivance of Lyndon Johnson, dumping radioactive waste everywhere — and unleashing a cancer epidemic. I confront the US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS and the local police over the lagging $500 million plutonium cleanup. WE AMERICANS ARE TO PAY FOR ISRAEL’S TOXIC WASTE  SITE. 

….Johnson would routinely defecate in front of both reporters and staffers 


From an email by Robert Morrow: 

Folks, there has been another LBJ defecation or enema incident, this time involving Lyndon Johnson dropping his britches in front of NYT reporter Tom Wicker and exploding a bowel movement off the side of the road at the LBJ ranch because he did not like Tom Wicker’s reporting on the Vietnam War.

LBJ wiped his butt or cleaned his hands with grass, leaves or something. Seymour Hersh told this story in his autobiography. (Wicker had told Hersh about this.)

From the 1930s all through the 1960s LBJ would pull this maneuver on staffers and reporters as a way of degrading, humiliating and dominating them. It was a one-way street though, because if anyone had tried this on LBJ, he would have gone ballistic, possibly getting violent, or, at a minimum, making severe threats [and Texans knew Johnson had had many men — and women — killed].
I have put some of these LBJ defecation/enema incidents into one hygienic but thoroughly disgusting blog post which you can find at the top of this email.
Robert Morrow

…..John Kennedy as antisemitic as his dad, and worried about high-speed UFOs triggering WWIII; borderline-personality-disorder local and four bullets on my front step

Joseph Kennedy, Senior, an almost open anti-Semite and his smoking-handsome son John, 1937, at Harvard.

Joseph P. Kennedy, center, member of the Harvard class of 1912, with his son John at the class celebration. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the Maritime Commission, came to Cambridge, Mass. to attend Harvard commencement on June 23, 1937.


There are many paragraphs here in the Wikipedia article on Joe Senior showing how 1) he wanted peace with the Third Reich and 2) despised the jews:  https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/Joseph_P._Kennedy_Sr./

President Kennedy meets with the WWII isolationist and anti-Semite Charles Lindbergh and his wife Ann.


His father, Charles Lindbergh, Senior (on left), was a Congressman who was an outspoken enemy of the Jew-controlled Federal Reserve and of the US declaring war on Germany in WWI via false atrocity stories.


Supposedly the Germans, said American jewspapers, raped nuns, cut hands off babies, and crucified Allied prisoners of war. It was all proven to be vicious, deliberate LIES — after the war was over.


No Canadian soldier was ever crucified by the Germans! Never happened! Admitted now, after millions of innocent German soldiers were killed in a war that Germany never sought, despite the lies embedded in the outrageous 1919 Versailles Treaty, or were maimed for life.


Legless German officer begs for food money on the streets of Berlin.



Thanks, America, and, btw, from 1919 on American has faced the menace of communism, it helped defeated an Imperial Germany under the Kaiser that was about to crush the early Soviet Union of part-Jew Lenin and all-Jew Trotsky.


Back to Kennedy — he meets with the antisemitic and pro-Hitler Duke of Windsor and his American wife.


The Duke, the former King Edward VIII, and Hitler at the Berghof in Bavaria. Churchill had him exiled to the Bahamas as governor 1940-45.

Kennedy had no idea that his vice-president, Lyndon Baines Johnson, whom he despised( and LBJ loathed him right back) was a marrano jew via his mother, Rachelle Baines, and his wife, Lady Bird, was also jewish.

Even Johnson’s admiring biographer, the Jewish historian Robert Caro, who got the Pulitzer Prize for his book on LBJ, agreed Johnson was a psychopath who murdered people, stole elections, whipped out his huge penis to “impress” reporters, and was a sex fiend.

This photo of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson was taken in 1960 during the Democratic national convention in Los Angeles.

In fact, he resembled Israeli PM Golda Meier.


In Dallas, 11/22/63, an outraged Secret Service man is ordered by his superior in the next car to get off the Kennedy limousine just before the shots are fired.

The jew Abraham Zapruder filmed the assassination.

The jew Ruby, a subordinate of Jewish gangster Meyer Lansky of Las Vegas,  killed Oswald to silence him. Oswald could have proved he was set up, “framed,” to be a “pro-Castro” communist, and that was just a “patsy,” exactly as Oswald said to reporters at the Dallas jail.

I guess there was no need by the Dallas police to protect a man accused of murdering the President of the United States.

The mayor of Dallas, Cabell, was the brother of a high CIA official whom Kennedy had fired, partly for not giving him any straight information on UFOs. Kennedy and Soviet leader Khrushchev both were very concerned that UFOs rapidly entering the air space of the other country at Mach 2, 3, 4 or 5 could be mistaken for missiles, trigger a nuclear alert and possibly start WWIII.

Note the subject line at the beginning. He calls them both “UFOs” and “Unknowns.”

The jew Johnson, once president, started the welfare state (“the Great Society”) to multiply the number of lazy, violent, uneducatable blacks so that some day they would outnumber the whites and slaughter them.

Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act in 1964 so blacks can move anywhere and use any hotel or restaurant that whites wanted them to stay out of.

Johnson signs the 1965 Voting Rights Act so illiterate negroes with an average IQ of 85 can vote (and vote Demoncrat).

Johnson signs the Immigration Reform Act of 1965 to let the whole Third World pour in and take over a previously 90% white country.

In 1965, jew Johnson also gets us deep into “the Vietnam quagmire” (as it was quickly known), a war against a hostile people which White House audiotapes show he knew was unwinnable, all to 1) enrich his Texas friends and fellow jews at General Dynamics and 2) to cooperate fully with the “military-industrial complex” that Eisenhower had vehemently denounced in his final speech in office.

Video Player

57,000 Americans were killed in that unwinnable war, others maimed, and even more weretraumatized for life. My adopted town of Ontonagon is full of Vietnam vets with PTSD, Agent Orange sickness and alcoholism.


…..I back up with facts every extraordinary and shocking claim I make.

Can you handle it? Most cannot! It’s too scary, and it would mean you have to take action that will get you called an antisemite and Nazi!


I have a science degree with high honors from Georgetown, one of the top American schools, and I apply the scientific method. I ask questions (like “why is America now so f—ked up and unrecognizable compared to how it was?”), the I propose a theory, seek facts and evidence, for or against it, provide the facts to you, and finally analyze the meaning of what I have found by hard research, including JEWISH sources.



High honors

Top ten percent of the class

I was there soon after this guy, who sold his soul to the Jews.

I say the truth so you know who took our nation over by stealth to make us their slaves!


…..The Jewish serial killing of the Kennedy family

Though Kennedy, like Trump now, played footsy with the Jews to rise in his career, and joined WWII to prove he was a patriot and “served his country” (choosing to fight the Japs in the Pacific, not the Germans in Europe, just like my dad),

deep-down JFK was determined to slash their power over America once he was president. https://www.shapell.org/manuscript/jfk-partition-plan-1948-truman/


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