Spiritual reading; MK-ULTRA AND THE JEWS

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….Spiritual reading for April 16

Today we want to talk about what happens when major obstacles are thrown up in your path. It often occurs just when you thought you were at your limit, just when you thought you couldn’t handle anything more. Isn’t that true?

If this is not happening now, be grateful, but think back to a situation that stymied you and try to remember how you felt at that moment. If there is something that is blocking your way right now, bring it to mind. As you feel into it, try not to react too much. Try not to shrink or to rage. The best way to overcome what lies before you, blocking your path, is to soften. First soften yourself. Stop struggling. The reality within the reality is that the roadblock is in front of you for an important reason. Stop kicking it; stop kicking yourself. You will only harm yourself doing that.

You need not understand why it is there. You need not move it. Often, you need not even go around it. Simply be where you are, stopped for the moment, on your way to some desired destination.

This is a time when moving forward is not advantageous. Otherwise the way would be open.

(If this is not an issue for you, then simply move on. Everyone perceives things that ride in on the temporal winds differently and not everyone will experience frustration or despair when their progress is blocked. We send our message today to those of you who do feel that way now. or have at other times in their lives.)

Belief in injustice will sidetrack you further. Self-pity will weigh you down and a rut will begin to form. Returning to the tried and true but out-of-date will only pull you into the past.

Our advice is to be with your obstacle. Distasteful though that will sound to some of you, it is the point. Whatever it is—something emotional, spiritual, physical, financial, mental—it has been put before you so that it may be softened and dissolved. Whatever it is, it is there for you now or it will be there in the future.

The offer is the opportunity to begin to heal it, move it and transform it. We are talking about extremely difficult work here. Make no mistake. This is not for dabblers or dilettantes. If you are really in search of wholeness and liberation, then the obstacle before you, even if it seems random, is there because you need to know it and work with it. In short, it is a gift.

“Gifts like these we can do very well without!” we can hear you chorusing. And so it would seem.

Sometimes, we are hard pressed to believe just how much is being asked of you. We love you all so much and would make it easier if it was given to us to do so. Instead, we offer you our love and our faith in your strength and willingness to become so much more than you ever imagined. And we can advise and suggest.

As you know, there are things that are much easier to see clearly from a distance. So if you are confronting something that seems to have fallen in your way, back off a little. Take it easy.

Allow yourself to be quiet and to let your own love for yourself emerge, even and especially as you are not able to accomplish or achieve as much or as fast as you had hoped.

Stop moving and stop trying to move. Don’t misunderstand: we are not asking you to cease all activity. In fact, it is very much to the contrary. What you need to do is hard work. But it is Yin work, if you will, and not Yang work. Once you feel secure in your own love, you may investigate the meaning of the blockage.

Try this—instead of inquiring, digging and attempting to understand, surrender to what you already know. Work hard on letting go instead of taking control. If you can do that, then you may unlock the lessons that are held in that which is holding you back.

As we said earlier, if all is smooth sailing for you today, bravo! But if you encounter boulders—big or small–in your path, don’t turn from the gift they truly are. Even the small ones. Just because you can leap over them doesn’t mean that they were misplaced. You may find something of great value if you spend time with anything that seems to snag or slow you down.

We send so much love and many, many blessing to you, such courageous and beautiful wayfarers.



……WF video exposes the ultra-sinister MK-ULTRA program (which I was in as a child, having nightmares from it until I was 49), and accuses two scientists of founding and running it who both were jews, Sidney Gottlieb and Harold Abramson

Shocking stuff….. (Original link on YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ9M1J9-77Y&t=82s  Interestingly, I am banned by JewTube from posting any comments under the WF videos. )

November 28th, 1953. New York City. At 2:30 AM the body hit the sidewalk. A few seconds later, a shower of glass. The doorman of the Statler Hotel yelled to the lobby that there was a jumper.

The night manager rushed out and saw him. A man, about 40 years old, lying on the pavement. He was on his back, wearing only his underwear and blood started to pool around him. 13 stories up, a single window was open; its curtain flapping through broken glass. The night manager knelt beside the man, whose eyes were open and was somehow still alive. He desperately tried to speak but was choking on blood and couldn’t be understood. After a minute or two of trying to communicate, the man took a final deep breath and was gone.

Nobody knows for sure what he was trying to say before he died. But one thing is for certain, it was something about the CIA.

Child rapist Sidney Gottlieb, MD (Wikijewdia scrubbed all previous references to rape out of its MK-ULTRA article, but what is better for inflicting shattering trauma on a goy? He was “obsessed with mind control and brainwashing” says A.J. “Many of these people were interrogated to death.”

Harold Abramson, MD (on the left). (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Alexander_Abramson) It is likely IMO that all of them were closet jews.

** Sidenote on West

Dr. Louis Jollyon “Jolly” West, MD is documented in Stephen Kinzer’s “Poisoner in Chief” and Tom O’Neill’s “Chaos”. He was a psychiatrist who started out as an Air Force Doctor. Early in his career he contacted Sidney Gottlieb of the CIA and had a desire to become a part of what later became MKULTRA. In 1963, Dr. West shows up at the Tulsa Zoo and doses an adult elephant with 1600 mg of LSD. The Tulsa paper covered this. Unfortunately, the drug killed the elephant. Fast forward a few years, and Dr. West becomes Jack Ruby’s physician during Ruby’s trial in Dallas before Ruby died. (Ruby/Rubinstein was the underworld jew who shot the innocent, framed Lee Harvey Oswald after the John Kennedy assassination.) West then became a physician for the San Francisco Free Clinic and had long conversations with mass-murderer Charles Manson about drugs and mind control.


Frank Olson, PhD to his wife: “I have made a terrible mistake” by getting involved with MK-ULTRA, and doing horrific things at Fort Detrick to prisoners and children.

(I used to drive past this sinister and illegal place when I taught German at the then all-girl Hood College, Frederick, Maryland around 1986. The US had promised in 1925 NOT to develop biological weapons, but under crypto-jew Frank Rosenfeld, of course, it broke that promise. After all, the “Kol Nidre” prayer bluntly allows all jews to break all promises to Gentiles.)

The jew Gottlieb invited Olson and other scientists to his vacation retreat house on Deep Creek Lake in Maryland. The lake is a result of the Youghiogheny Hydroelectric Company hydroelectric project on Deep Creek in the 1920s.



There, on Day Two, he offered Olson a drink, SECRETLY added a huge dose of LSD, and found out while Olson was under LSD influence and talking that he felt terrible remorse for what he had done.

So the CIA got him to check into a high-rise Manhattan hotel, the Statler Hilton, then murdered him in a faked “jumper” suicide.

The host, A.J. Gentile, actually says a 1953 CIA handbook recommends that the most ideal way to murder someone is by throwing them out of a high-rise window, for which the old, formal word is “defenestration.”

Best is a fall of 75 feet onto a hard surface.

Then, after you splat, the CIA or Mossad says:

“Well, come on, don’t be a conspiracy nut.

The guy was depressed; a lot of depressed people jump.”


You chloroform the whistleblower (or just a guy who knows too much), then hustle him right out the window.

The sheeple majority, being sheeple — callous, stupid, gullible, and uncaring — just shrug it off.

But the other whistleblowers out there


A.J. says the Mossad, in its handbook, praised the hit on Olson as a perfect hitman job.

Same as was done to Admiral James Forrestal, the first US Secretary of Defense! He “fell” out the 16th floor of the Bethesda Naval Hospital while “depressed” about the US giving diplomatic recognition to the wicked State of Israel!

….and about the Pentagon suppressing certain very sinister UFO truths!


True…. Depressed people do jump.

I saw a splat in 1988 in Philadelphia at the JFK apartment building on a main street of that city…. pink brain stuff all over the sidewalk in a wide swath from the smashed brain, and I saw a white sheet over the body.

So it is indeed ideal to kill a decent person who feels remorse and wants to tell someone else the awful truth about our jew-infiltrated government — and this jumping or falling does look like a suicide….. But they were PUSHED.

Btw, Navy Admiral Forrestal had been close friends with a young Navy officer and war hero named Lieutenant John F. Kennedy.

They toured together a devastated postwar Germany in the summer of 1945, seeing both Berlin (reeking horribly of corpses, said young Kennedy) and the bombed-out Berghof.

Kennedy, son of a notorious antisemite, Ambassador Joseph Kennedy, Senior, wrote in his diary (published only in 1997!):

This video is truly worth watching.


A comment under this video on JewTube:

I don’t believe MK-Ultra work has stopped. Read Cathy O’Brien’s book “Trance Formation of America”. I love this channel but can only watch a few videos at a time since they are very intense and often quite disturbing. Great Job! Thanks for making a video about this.

I replied and YT refused to publish it, as it does to all my comments under Why Files videos:

Yes, but the Nazi part in her book is wrong, though she was sincere.

Little kids were indeed raped by people with German accents and uniforms, but that was a false flag.

MK-ULTRA was run by the Gottlieb and Abramson crowd, and some of them were indeed FROM Germany but they came pre-1939, and while they did have genuine German accents, they were anything but Nazis.

Why would Nazis, with their racial views, go and rape little blond children? And a third of all white Americans are themselves of German blood. Poor Cathy O’Brien only reported what they wanted her to believe. Her rapists were not Nazis, but jews!




  1. https://theconversation-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/theconversation.com/amp/the-us-has-a-history-of-testing-biological-weapons-on-the-public-were-infected-ticks-used-too-120638?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16816706206305&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Ftheconversation.com%2Fthe-us-has-a-history-of-testing-biological-weapons-on-the-public-were-infected-ticks-used-too-120638
    CIA test bio weapons on Americans across America.
    I always remember an American General stating “We had to destroy Hue to save it”
    Another title I find contradictory is Millitary Intelegence.

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