.Spiritual reading; my view of what the jews are planning next; where do these weird jews even come from?

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A Nordic alien left this writing sample for an Austrian colonel.

…Spiritual reading for September 17

Let today be the day when you take the hand of the delighted child within and bring him or her out into the light, into the company of the other delighted children, the grumpy old bears, the grey shadows passing for human beings. You have kept this little one—most of you—well protected from an alien and frequently unfriendly world. And you have done this with good reason.

Listen—you know that you can’t plod this old road for much longer. And yet, what other road is there? You see, it is not a new road you need, but new feet with which to walk it. Maybe you need to skip instead of walking. Maybe you need to sing while you walk. Maybe you need to sit down by the side of the road and smell the grass and the earth. It is all there. Even the skipping feet and the songs to sing. There is nothing you need that you do not already have.

Your life in form is not a possession, but rather an opportunity. You are in body to learn things that you cannot learn without one, to learn in ways that you cannot learn in formlessness. You are most certainly not living on the earth to accumulate anything at all, even wisdom, nor are you there to arrange, to secure, to plan or to protect. Your life is a doorway and you can sand it and paint it and fix the threshold and sand it again and put a thin veneer of varnish over it and change the hardware and oil it and admire it. Or you can walk through it.

You are the carriers of great joy, and if you do not feel it and allow others to feel it as well, you will never find the end of the thread which, if followed, will lead you through that doorway. For each of you, the thread has a unique and personal shape and appearance, but the general concept is always the same.

When you let yourself feel joy—however that works for you—you will have access to the very reason for being, and the great reservoir of extraordinary experience that lies therein.

What else are you doing today? Do you have some very important appointments? Is there something you need to make or someone you need to save? Is there a doorframe you need to sand?

Please, come on through and dance with us instead. 🙂



…..Whitney Webb on the controlled demolition of the banking system

I am very impressed with this 32-year-old gal. She was originally more on the left, which can be fine it it means the person is not a self-hating white libtard, but sincerely has the motive of a belief in justice and in helping the unfairly downtrodden, which we nationals socialists ourselves strongly believe in.

She also majored in religious studies, another plus for her in my eyes, which means she recognizes that people want and need a cosmic meaning for their lives, and want to know “Why am I here?” and “What happens when we die?”

I did a blog on her before:

Spiritual reading; Whitney Webb on the jewish spider web

And I pointed out that she exposes jews non-stop without ever saying or underlining that they are jews.

In this video, however, she does go a bit further, saying that what she calls “the Enterprise,” or what could also be called “the Supermob,” is an actual, conscious,working coalition of Italian and jewish gangsters, Wall Street jewish pedophile  billionaire banksters, the FBI and the CIA, and MI-5 and MI-6 in England.

This alliance has engaged in daily nefarious activities going back to the 1940s with no interruption at all.

Anyway, I think her analysis of the next big move by “the Enterprise” is perfect. Frankly, I can see NO flaws in it.

If I were the Big Jews, I would do exactly what Whitney Webb is predicting they will do next.

The jew goal is, of course, and has been for three millennia one thing: to take over the world, then genocide most of us, and rule the rest as their slaves.

But many goyim resent this lovely scenario. 😉 So the best way to crush them for good is a
sneaky financial scheme.

As Whitney explains it (and, again, out of fear of repercussions she never highlights that the key players are all jews, but 90% of the villains she lists ARE — Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan, Jeffrey Epstein, Robert and Ghislaine Maxwell, Lewis Rosenstiel, etc, etc, etc. — a list sounding like the roster of the local synagogue 😉 )….. the logical final step is this:

— the CIA/NSA/whoever does a

huge false-flag hacking 

of the banking system

and maybe also the power grid

to crash them and destroy western economies.

— all Western economies crash, or at least that of the United States.

— whether they blame it on terroristic cyber-hackers or on the Russians, who do have a very strong IT sector, the end result is total misery, chaos, riots and starvation.

— Start a fire, then sell a firehose. The answer, you stupid, gullible goyim, is twofold:

— One, the Obama-era proposal of a driver’s licence for the Internet is renewed. The cyberattack on the economy proves that we cannot let just anybody get online and hack away. You must apply for a digital license, which will give you a secure government ID number for using the Internet. No more VPNs or any way to hide your identity for the purpose of visiting “dangerous disinformation sites” for your favorite conspiracies regarding the Deep State, vaccines, the Ukraine war, Dominion vote-fraud software, etc. So the government knows exactly who is reading what sites and leaving what comments.

— Two, the digital currency. This replaces the dollar. And the government can just turn it off if you criticize it. You are destitute with one keystroke.

So it all begins with, I will repeat,

a massive cyberattack by the jews

themselves on the banking system

and the power grid,

to be blamed on “hackers.”

See, going door to door and trying to take our guns away, or saying “hold out your arm, asshole, for your death jab from Dr. Fauci” would be suicidal.

Instead, just electronically, non-violently, non-confrontationally crash our ability to buy anything.



….Comrade asks the big question

He commented:

When did the first Synagogue of Satan…{{{of the Jews}}} show up…? What makes…a {{{Jew}}} be so {{{Jewish}}}….?

I replied:

Very good question, comrade. I think many wonder about it but you are the first to come out and ask it.

To accept the answer, first I will post this for you from “A Few Good Men,” a 1992 film about the US Marine Corps, in which both I and my father served:

The answer is in several parts.

1) This galaxy is full of intelligent life on many planets, comprising about a handful of major species, including humans and others who are “humanoid” (coming in different colors and sizes, but all having two arms, two legs, one head and mouth, etc.)

2) Reincarnation is reality. We incarnate on certain planets for good reasons.

3) This particular planet, Terra, is full of people, including the members of the white race who live here, who mostly have mediocre or even bad karma. They do not particularly like the truth, and their egos cause endless, insane quarreling and idiotic, genocidal, and dysgenic wars. There is no lie they will not believe.

Not attached at all to truth, the zombies, whether Harvard graduates or convenience-store clerks, swallow Covid, then the vaxx, then Ukraine, then climate-crisis, then alien invasions, then the need for a digital currency


In Richard Tedor’s 2013 masterpiece, Hitler’s Revolution, it becomes clear that the British ruling class, the French, and the Poles, in waging unprovoked war on Germany, were completely insane.

Insanity is rejecting reality and harming yourself.


(It is also available in German from Castle Hill Publishers, which for years Germar Rudolf ran until he had to flee, framed on outrageous charges of being a sex predator and denied access to his own kids! He stayed briefly at my house in the fall of last year, which of course was also risky for me. NO OTHER WN WOULD TAKE HIM IN, AND NO WN LAWYER WOULD REPRESENT HIM!)

As I said in my last life, the war would end with Britain bankrupt, its beloved worldwide empire GONE, and the country a subservient economic, military and cultural colony of its own former colony, the United States!

And as for the crazy Poles, they actually thought they could take on both the gigantic USSR and the formidable Third Reich and its Wehrmacht!

It was over for the megalomanic Poles with their saber charges on horseback against German panzers in three weeks! And they ended up a slave of communists, jews and Russians, all of whom they hated even more than Germans!

Finally, how did any European power expect to hold onto its colonial empire after a victory in WWII by the ANTI-COLONIAL Soviet Union?

By 1920, the various nations of the white race had conquered almost the entire world with science, technology, and brave explorers and soldiers, then invested billions in capital to develop these areas:

The Soviet communists would encourage all the brown, black and yellow peoples (including, for example, the Algerians and Vietnamese) to rise up violently with Soviet arms and training to overthrow their “white oppressors”!

This is the reason why Holland, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, France and Britain all gave up their colonies — because they HAD to! The Soviets would have armed the wog rebels in all of those colonies, and they did so with Algeria and North Vietnam, booting the French out!

The white South Africans (Dutch Boers and Brits) and also the Portuguese colonial rulers found out in the bush wars of the 1960s through 1980s in Black Africa that the Soviet Union was using the Blacks to defeat the white man. It was exactly as George Lincoln Rockwell, himself a combat veteran of WWII, analyzed two decades later:

So then don’t destroy Germany and save communism, Chamberlain, Daladier and Rydz-Śmigły of Poland! Look at this fop who thought Poland could take on both Russia and Germany!

LOL — France and Britain would become ALLIES of Soviet Russia — whose STATED goal was to destroy Germany and then destroy THEM!

The insane egos of earthlings also trigger a high percentage of divorces, which is when egoic humans start off loving each other, and end up, in half of all marriages, hating each other — and harming their own children with their bad example –their inability to be adults and get along — and so the kids grow up dysfunctional too, and the cycle continues as they too raise dysfunctional kids.

(Whites on other planets are far more evolved. This is, sadly, the trailer park planet, mostly beautiful in terms of natural beauty but full of human misfits. And this is why highly evolved souls like Buddha, Jesus and Hitler failed to make a large dent in things.)

3) In came the jews millennia ago from THEIR planet to take full advantage of these deeply flawed earth people.

It is like a floozy in a bar — if it is closing time and you get her drunk enough, she might go home with almost anyone because her character is pretty loose; she is not a lady, just a very flawed female.

But you are also in the wrong for taking advantage of her.

The jews are wicked by studying and exploiting our flaws to the max,and we are guilty of having these serious flaws the jews can exploit.

4) I will now let a renowned rabbi, Michael Laitman, give the answer to your question, and, remember, HE said it, not me:

We jews were sent here by our god from his planet to conquer, enslave and mostly exterminate you earthlings.

Major russo-israeli rabbi Michael Laitman states very bluntly that Jews are ALIENS sent to “CONQUER THE EARTHLINGS”; how to take his words

Over many incarnations, and many millennia, Whites have not heeded warnings to stop the jews before it is too late.

So now we either awaken and shed our egoic spirit, embracing truth, duty, love and heroism, or the jews will exterminate us, exactly as their prophets openly predicted in the Old Testament and the Talmud.

It is a fate which we, by not fighting back, and by scoffing at those who would enlighten and inspire us, would richly deserve.

In this article I go into four scenarios besides WWIII:

Spiritual reading; four different possible futures ahead for earthlings; free advice and the secret person of the heart

In one of them, nota bene, we do wake up and earth joins all the other planets that are basically happy and progressing. 🙂


A German comrade then wrote (translated):


The question arises again as to which souls have incarnated here. I cannot imagine that the soul of a patriotic Wehrmacht soldier who died bravely for his country in the war became something so depraved in this incarnation.

Maybe most of the good souls from back then incarnated on a higher, more evolved planet or in New Swabia (the Antarctic)?


I responded:


Quite right.

Noble souls, such as those of Rudolf Hess, can request a vacation reincarnation on much more beautiful and advanced planets, where love, a sense of duty and reason rule and are even self-evident.

I, however, decided not to take this vacation in 1954.

But here on this planet, earth, “Terra,” you can ascend karmically thirty times faster.

Goethe, in his great play “Faust,” has Satan (Mephistopheles) say:

“I am the spirit that always denies, that desires evil only to achieve what is good.”

Without Jews, without Versailles and Weimar, we Whites in Germany would have just drifted along for more centuries of semi-insanity.

It was because of them that our wonderful National Socialism actually came about. They provoked our awakening to selflessness through their own disgraceful, malevolent egomania. The jews brought out our own best nature with the right Aryan leader and vision!

So: Hail, Terra!


He then wrote:

This very national/patriotic Austrian officer (a former army colonel) deals with reincarnation:


When I saw him for the first time, he said to me without knowing me:

In your last life you were a Wehrmacht soldier and you fell for the Reich.

In fact, this was also confirmed to me in readings from the Akashic Records 🙂

In any case, Colonel Buchinger thinks that many German soldiers were now allowed to incarnate on beautiful Venus as a reward.


I replied:


Thanks. I’m looking at it right now.

It is very possible that you did suffer a heroic death for your fatherland during the war. Three million German soldiers suffered the same fate. But God saw your noble sacrifice.

The Bhagavad Gita says that righteous deeds from the heart count for much with God, regardless of whether one ultimately wins or loses due to completely other factors. What is always important first and foremost is your own relationship with God! What others do or fail to do is their responsibility!

I assume that this Buchinger is honest and sincere in what he says. He was also a colonel (that’s almost a general) and had great responsibility for his Austrian peace-keeping troops in war zones for the UN, etc. That’s probably not a “nut.”

He describes a comrade with a certain antipathy towards the modern Turks in the Korean War, where my father also fought as a US Marine captain, and he and his company were at the front alongside the Turks! He attributes this dislike to a life when he was a Venetian and fought the Turks back then (at Lepanto?)

This is a typical feature of reincarnation, these kinds of aversions that can be quite strong, but cannot possibly arise from any events in this life…

Of course there are also affections, or an “infatuation” (as a skeptic would say), a warm feeling, a “thing” for another people or nation, a love that cannot be easily explained other than by reincarnation, especially when it is a small child that feels and expresses these things when the child has never visited the other country and really does not know anything about it from this life.

There are Americans here in the USA, like me, who, even as small children, express an otherwise inexplicable love for Germany, even though they are not even of German descent/blood and, like everyone else, only saw “evil Nazi” propaganda on television.

My parents were very surprised, for example, when I started learning German on my own at the age of five, because my family is 15/16ths from Great Britain and Ireland, although I look very Central European with a rectangular face, and NOT English or Irish.

When I first went (BACK!) to Germany and Austria in 1975, I had a paradisiacal feeling of happiness (and back then both countries were still quite beautiful, clean, German and safe, and not nearly as overrun with muslim and black rapefugees as they are now).

My return to the USA in 1976 was only out of necessity and without any enthusiasm, but it was God’s will and so I submitted.

Anyone who wants to save white humanity must live and work inside the American superpower, since America (actually since the time of President Woodrow Wilson in 1916, when Wall Street was lending billions to London and Paris to continue WWI) has had the big say in the world. America has 180 million white residents, three times that of Germany, raw materials, food autonomy, and is protected by two oceans and a huge navy, too.

But above all, America still has the constitutionally guaranteed right to bear arms and freedom of speech!

So for me in 1976 it was “Duty calls – Goodbye to Germany.”

Also interesting is Buchinger’s Atlantis event, where he relives being a respected politician and was supposed to speak about a major war in front of a large crowd.

Here is my contribution in English. about the German-born South African Wayne Herschel, who tells an amazing Atlantis theory, where Spain was the large, green island of Atlantis back then (according to Herschel) when it was actually still an island in the Atlantic.

As unlikely as it sounds, my knowledge of the Pyrenees Mountains between Spain and France speaks for it – for the Pyrenees mountain range as being the result of a major collision of a huge island with a continent, with a mainland, just as the Himalayan Mountains were formed when the then giant island of India drove smack into the mainland of Asia.

EXCLUSIVE — Spiritual reading; Atlantis: an amazing theory involving the Pleiades; materialism and race-mixing were its downfall

(I would have to translate this into German. Herschel’s life partner is actually a German woman whose first name is Birgitt. )

Fascinating was Colonel Buchinger’s experience with the Soviet major.He died in an accident in Syria, andm having grown up in the atheistic USSR, could not easily grasp that he was now “dead” and yet was alive — as a soul, of course — and was startled to find that he really continued to live on like that.

“Where should I report?” he asked Buchinger in a very military manner. “Report to God now and your guardian angels!”

Also interesting is his felling of déjà vu with a Serbian village with a mosque….from an experience he had had in the First World War with Austria fighting Serbia….

Then he shows this — the friendly, helpful alien even wrote on a piece of paper something in his own language!

I had an experience like this myself where something very strange happened – a device turned on by itself and shone its light directly at me. It was a reading light with a clip for reading books in bed, a knicknack which I actually never used and only touched and examined one out of very mild curiosity. In any case, in my strange experience the alien remained invisible.

He had just turned the little thing on. I felt it was a friendly gesture — I was getting light…. and was being observed. (See more on this below.)

Just in passing, this retired colonel Buchinger remarks that this planet is a gathering place for evil souls from all over the galaxy. One can only agree with this, and that is why the hostility of the whole world against the briefly happy Germany of 1933-39 was 100% to be expected, including its defeat against a hugely superior force.

The solution can only come first on a spiritual level. There is nothing to be done with sick souls. And the souls of Whites today are much sicker compared to the Germans of 1932.

Thanks for the uplifting and spiritually stimulating video, comrade!

A strange happening — again

…..What is up with the religion thing?

A nice, smart, and pretty young female comrade looked quite depressed on the Facebook portrait of herself which she chose. Then she posted a comment on a FB thread of mine that, because of her WN views, she “had no friends.”

So, having two daughters myself, and being in the process of creating a religion to help people with the mental agony of living in this horrid jew-world we are stuck in,  I wrote her to say “hi” and express that I was just a bit concerned for her.

She replied:

Well, I have, like, two “friends” 😉 (people I actually know) and occasionally I do hang out with them … but that’s about it. You’re creating a religion? What kind of religion? A [Ben Klassen] type of religion? Because if so, I already have one, called “National Socialism”:-)

JdN: NS is actually a world view, a philosophy, not a religion and thus has never claimed to answer the really big questions of life.

Who or what am I? Am I a  collection of organic molecules or am I a soul that HAS a body?

Why am I here?

What happens when I die? Or when my loved ones leave us?

If there is any kind of LOVING God at all, then why is there so much evil?

She: I’m a white person. I’m a link in an eternal chain that goes back to the beginning of time and into the future. I’m here to make sure the chain continues to go into eternity. My ancestors are my gods.

There’s evil because we allow the jews to live.

What happens when we die? No idea. NS doesn’t deal with life after death.  Well, I sort of have an idea about the afterlife, but, like I said, NS doesn’t go into that realm.

So, you want to create a Church of the Creator 2.0?

JdN: No, comrade. I read Ben Klassen’s book when it first came out in the 1970s. He was a good guy but a very left-brained inventor type. (He invented the electric can opener, true, and it was a nifty invention, but scientists never invent viable religions for the masses….)

This is the basis of the coming religion, the fact of reincarnation, an ancient Aryan doctrine, which has been proven in 2,500 cases involving children at the University of Virginia. It explains so many of the mysteries of our life.


FRI 8:50PM

She: Your articles on reincarnation are very interesting, I’ve read some on them. I do believe in much of what you write, mostly because of my own experiences with the “supernatural.”

And also my little brother used to speak about his past life. He often told stories about things he did when “he was an adult.” I never took him seriously (and no one did)… Now I’m, like, gee, I really should have paid more attention to him.

The one thing I don’t agree with you is about the aliens stuff.

Not because I don’t believe in aliens. (I want to believe, but because I refuse to believe that there is out there an actual race of super-whites because then they are doing nothing to help us, because “muh, we don’t deserve their help.” The thought of it is extremely frustrating, so I don’t think about it.

FRI 10:08PM

JdN: You have raised some good and useful issues to address.

There are two entirely separate groups out there. One is a group which many religions, not just Christianity, call angels. These are from a much higher dimension than ours. They only help in ways that truly help us to evolve. They were once humans like us, many, many lives ago, and know that free will is the law of the universe. So we must “reap what we sow.”

If you are a Christian, they may appear for you with actual wings.


The second group is advanced Whites who live in our dimension and are not angels or anything like that. Most are good, but a few have been bad and set themselves up as gods, such as the Greek gods.

There is a war in our galaxy going on between them and a non-human race.

The Nordics in our dimension ARE slowly winning this battle, but not on this earth, where they have been gradually losing ground, especially since 1945.

If earth becomes totally taken over, and our world turns into a chipped, genocided, genetically-modified slave planet, they have said they will come and put an end to it.

But they cannot “save” us because then they would have to resort to nuclear weapons — which the other side has, too.

Reincarnation means we learn, or refuse to. Yes, we can dig in our heels and blame others for everything that sucks in our lives.

Either way — by learning life lessons or by staying in denial — life goes on for everyone, and on, and on, and on, because we are immortal and there is no death, just bodies giving out, after which we  cross over to another frequency, and after a while we get another body and then go back to this frequency.

An incarnation can be an “upward path,” as Dr. Pierce used to say.

For most, reincarnation is just marking time. Entire incarnations are wasted, justifying their mistakes and being a stubborn shithead. ;-).

“I have no friends because everyone else is a jerk.” .

But a ton of stuff can be learned by seeing or experiencing bad things: ugliness, mediocrity, degeneracy, cowardice, unreliable people, suffering and weakness.

They can wake people up to say to themselves: “I NEVER will treat people that way, or do what this guy does.”

She: Gee, then we (we humans) are turning into godhead in only one lifetime xD Is earth even important enough for them to come help us at the last hour, at least? Is the earthly white race important enough for them?

If we disappeared would they even care?

JdN: Both angels and nordics in our dimension would.

But there is only so much angels are allowed to do, and that does not include fighting our battles for us.

And nordics cannot just wade in and save us, or the reptilians would do the same, and earth would be destroyed.

It is like in the Vietnam War. Sure, the US could have just up and nuked North Vietnam, the Soviets’ ally, but then the Soviets would have done the same, nuking SOUTH Vietnam, OUR ally.

Then maybe the US and USSR get on a slippery slope of escalation, and in the end, they nuke each other and everyone dies. What would that accomplish?

So neither Nordics nor reptilians, who run the Jews, see any point in openly intervening.


There would appear to also be a subterranean nordic or Tall-White race (not exactly human, but similar, with platinum hair) that is pretty disgusted with us earth humans who are living on the surface as being incorrigible barbarians. It sees us earth-surface Whites the same way we see the Blacks, basically. 😉 As undisciplined savages.

They have no desire to live on the surface anyway, with all the heat, cold, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, forest fires, which we experience. But when the Vril people do come up, they just blend in, do their thing, and leave again.

In Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s famous “novel” about the Vril people, “The Coming Race,” which Hitler read and which seems to many people to not be fiction at all, but truth cloaked in novel form so as to not scare people too much, they wear a suit that enables them to fly.


See also this



But to answer your question, both the angels from a higher dimension AND the Nordics genuinely “care,” the latter also for practical reasons.

They do not want earth to become a reptilian base, and have said they will eradicate it if that happens, then re-seed the planet with humans like us.

In fact, earth humans have actually been abducted by Nordics and taken to another planet already — in case we lose. But they are not allowed to have a technology above the 1940s level, for fear they will use it to kill each other. They have farms and do forestry (paper, furniture, etc.), which is sold and sent to other planets.

A strange 1997 BBC broadcast interruption says a great deal worth learning. This is when they cut in and took over the audio of a BBC evening news broadcast.

She: I’d love to hear that BBC broadcast. Is it on your site?

JdN: yes, one sec.


She: Great! I’m gonna read it. Can I ask you stuff every now and then?

JdN: Sure 🙂


One more quick question, and I’ll leave you alone for now xD.

What you think about demons, ghosts and that sort of stuff?

JdN: I believe 100% in them — and that is why we need to be on the side of the angels.

As for “angels,” we are assigned to them; they are literally our case workers.

But they cannot live our lives for us.

They CAN “pull strings” for us, cause “lucky breaks” to “happen,” and send us encouragement of all sorts.

Or rarely, give us certain direct, supernatural experiences.

I just had one 20 minutes ago.

She: Really? Can you tell me about it?

JdN: Well, these experiences can be unspectacular or unconvincing — except to the person having them, who “knows” what just happened, something supernatural, and goes WOW.

…..Supernatural experience

A friend gave me a gadget which I have never used, except once, but even then it was just to see how it worked, and then I put it aside. It is a battery-powered reading lamp with a clip — so one can clip it to a book and then read in bed.

The reading lamp in question — on the cutting board in my kitchen for good lighting 

Anyway, this reading lamp has been sitting there for over a year. I never used it. I do not usually read in bed, not for more than a minute — something uplifting, maybe — and then it is “lights-out.” 🙂

o it just sat there, and sat there,  to the left of the green plastic crate below, on which the monitor stands that goes with a desktop computer which I also have hardly used since 2015.

In the foreground and on the lower right is the computer I use now, with the monitor lit, and my .40 caliber (always at the ready) below it. The white, oblong outline top-left shows the monitor and keyboard of that other computer, which I never use any more and where the little reading lamp was placed. (Yes, that is a mound of snow outside the door on the top-right, and on the floor are barbells and pushup stands.) My bedroom is to the left of that no-longer-used computer.

With this reading lamp, the lamp arm extends robot-style when you push a button, and a light also comes on for the actual reading part. All it is is just a cute little thing-a-ma-jiggy, a silly gadget, doubtless white-invented, but, natch, “Made-in-China.” 😉


(Lunacy – Jewtube now says “this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.“). Since I hardly rant here on our beloved Jews, gays, muslims or blacks, it is, I guess, just ME,John de Nugent, who by my mere existence is “inappropriate or offensive.” 😉 ) (

Well, here the video is instead, hosted this time right on my own website here:



So anyway…. I got up from my computer desk — and headed over toward my bedroom to get a sweater. When I re-emerged, this thing was raised up and was just sort-of “staring” at me!

It was snapped on — which takes 1) grabbing the whole unit and 2) applying some firm finger pressure — and, as I saw, the arm was fully extended, “deployed,” and the light was on.

You can see from the video above that you have to push hard on the little silver side button to start the arm rising and get the light to go on. You cannot just brush it accidentally and have it turn on, like some touch screen on a smartphone where you “swipe” stuff.

Interestingly, I felt no especial fear. I am used to these strange happenings now, for there have been so many.

The sense I had was more of Nordics, cloaked, and that one was right here in the room, but not visible to me. Invisibility can be achieved by bending photons (light rays) from the object behind the person, so he is covered over. The light goes around the person who is cloaked.

What is the meaning?

I guess it means this, that I need to believe I can shed light  on reality to the whole Western world.

Start this Aryan religion. I have prepared enough to get it right.

Now, nothing is ever perfect, and no man either, including me.  But “a stitch in time saves nine,” as Ben Franklin said. “So just do it, John.” 😉

One has to understand my fear that things will not go well, after what happened to us in 1945. The Third Reich started off so well, we went from triumph to triumph in those halcyon peacetime years of Jan. 1933-August 1939, and even the war which I loathed having to fight did make spectacular progress, too, from Sept. 1939 until the invasion of Russia in June 1941. 🙁

Then our “irresistible force” met the “immovable object.”

So I have been “gun-shy” about launching this religion and let me be clear:

I will once again, when I do it, be the most hated, feared, loathed, reviled, ridiculed, mocked and viciously defamed man on earth when I do start it. 

But duty calls. This is how I interpret the sign, based on what I feel now in my bones.

She:  I have had quite a few of these weird things happen.

JdN: This was just a quiet little experience. I am definitely not the one who turned it on. That I know, and I am alone at the moment.

Or, GULP, I am “alone” only in “quotation marks.”


Anyway, I am going out for a walk. That was the experience.  Bye.

She: Cool story. Stuff like that has also happened to me. Ok, have a good walk.

JdN: I always go for walks, and actually am pretty popular here in town … with undoubtedly EVIL views, but OTHERWISE I am known as a “Really Nice Guy” (ahem, nice guy “For-A-Nazi”)

She: Lol – the Nazi Neighbor. Bye, John.

JdN: The Man in the High Tower

She: Hahaha, good one! 🙂



……Another unprovable experience


….An old girlfriend


….24 hours to the second before the Charleston church shooting (hoax)



…..The religion that is coming

..is based on facts, proofs and evidence.

….on real experiences had by real people. 🙂

Strange black-sun crop circle made on 8/8 of 2015 (2+1+5 also = 8) in Bowerchalke, England, near Stonehenge



Wewelsburg Castle, Hall of Generals

UNSPECIFIED – OCTOBER 13: The Führer Adolf Hitler Visiting His Headquarters And Congratulating Heinrich Himmler (Right), Head Of The SS and the Gestapo on his 43rd Birthday, October 13, 1943. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)



John de Nugent It is possible these Nordics did this overtly SS-NS crop circle on 8/8 of 8 (August 8, 2015, with the 2+1+5 of the year also equaling 8). The black-sun symbol is of SS origin. You can look it up for yourself.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0TINnRdSw4Manage
John de Nugent They of course wanted Hitler to win the war, but dared not overtly intervene lest the other side (reptilians) also take out their own advanced weaponry, the two advanced races “go at it,” and humanity be exterminated in the process. Then no earthling at all would have survived, and the earth would still be scorched to a crisp.
 This is what is called “superpower diplomacy.”
There is a reptilian empire waging war on humans, who are led by very trusted, brave and brilliant Nordics. But the reptilians are tenacious and far from stupid. Ultimately we earthlings must awaken — and fight for ourselves.
If the reptilians succeed — and chip, vaccinate, sterilize and depopulate the planet, leaving 500 million earthlings alive (as the Georgia Guidestones state) as their slaves and/or food delicacy (yes, you read me correctly) — then the Nordics, who are winning slowly across the galaxy, will come and with a huge warship that is miles long, exterminate the planet’s zombie population — and terraform and recolonize it with advanced whites.
Those of us who are doing our duty now, if we die in the struggle, may reincarnate as those advanced whites. 
I am not worried about MY karma, but about that of others who do nothing, give nothing, and never grow. Life after life as selfish jerks, wasting whole incarnations! That is 90% of the humans on this planet. Not even learning from suffering!
They do not understand the problem is in themselves, the egoic mind.
Emerson once said it best:
To have a friend, BE a friend! 🙂
Only if we fight for our own freedom do we deserve to be helped!


  1. Ich habe heute mit Oberst Buchinger telefoniert. Wir haben über die Rassen gesprochen und er meinte auch, dass das deutsche Volk das beste Volk der Erde wäre. Deswegen versucht man es zu zerstören.
    Er sprach auch darüber, dass er mit Stalin in der geistigen Welt Kontakt aufnahm.
    Buchinger litt als Kind sehr unter der sowjetischen Besatzung. Ein mongolischer Sowjetsoldat zielte mit seinem Gewehr auf ihn, als er noch ein Kind war und drohte ihn zu erschießen.
    Jedenfalls meinte Stalin in der Kontaktaufnahme, dass er große Angst vor BERIJA hatte. Er folgte den Befehlen BERIJAS. Stalin soll sich in der niedersten Astralebene befinden und von den Dämonen gequält werden für seine Untaten.
    Buchinger traf auch schon auf echte REPTOS, die ihn töten wollten.
    Wie weit es stimmt, kann ich nicht sagen. Er wirkt aber sehr glaubwürdig.

    • Danke. Naja, möglich ist es schon.

      Es gibt auch das Phänomen, dass man vorübergehend wegen einer erstaunlichen Sache oder Behauptung berühmt und angesehen wird. Aber das Ereignis passierte nur einmal oder ein paarmal, und dann war Schluß. Mit der Zeit wird das Interesse an dem einst so gelobten Verkünder abflauen.

      Schwuppdiwupp, die Aliens erscheinen ihm wieder. 😉 Ich kenne zwei solche Beispiele… Die leben buchstäblich vom Einkommen ihrer Bücher oder Website-Mitgliedschaftsgebühren, und allwöchentlich berichtet der so berühmtgebliebene Erdling die neuesten Weisheiten der mit ihm befreundeten Aliens.

      Das ist das Frustrierende im Umgang dieser hochentwickelten Wesen mit uns Erdlingen, dass wir andauernd und unverschämt lügen und unsere Lieblingslügen und Realitätsfluchtmärchen haben. Die Wahrheit ist uns einfach nicht heilig.

      Und so kommt es, dass auch wenn man die Wahrheit sagt, auch lebenswichtige Wahrheiten, das Volk projiziert die eigene Lügenliebe auf Andere, die eigentlich reinen Wein einschenken.

    • Absolutely shocking, and thanks for this info.


      However, but it now appears certain that the driver in this incident (which happened back on August 14) is a degenerate White, a whigger, and the “friend” who filmed the whole awful crime is maybe white, too, or, given his Afro accent, is likely black but is very, very light-skinned. See below.

      At exactly 0:10 you can see that the driver has very white arms (and he has a white-American accent). At 0:19 you see in the mirror the person filming the crime. He does have an African-American accent and he may be a light-skinned Black,

      These are truly end times.

      What a tragedy for Andreas Probst (German first and last names) who survived 35 years as a cop to be killed for “fun.” These two deserve to be hanged on live television.

  2. I don’t think Britain had to give up its empire because the communists were going to arm the natives. We Brits didn’t have many revolts or uprisings in our empire.

    We usually stopped the insurgents in the end by using intelligence and playing the long game.

    By the 1920s the British Empire was costing money to run, so Britain was looking for a way out.

    WW2 and Henry Morgenthau sold us arms under Lend Lease if we dismantled the British Empire — so the Americans could have a go at having an empire!

    America was funding the French in Vietnam to the tune of 80% of the war, providing the French purchased American weapons.
    The Americans made money from the French dream of being a colonial power, yet were happy when France was defeated at Dien Bien Phum, as it removed France as a an opponent to American expansionism.
    Look what a disaster Vietnam was for America. Britain never had such problems even when communists tried to arm the natives to “free” them.

    • Actually, both America in the 1770s and Ireland in the 1920-23 period showed successful revolts, albeit by white men. The film “Michael Collins” shows the use of modern terrorism, car bombs, assassinations, etc.

      (Britain could have crushed it in a bloodbath between the Black and Tans and the regular British Army, but the powerful Irish-American lobby in the USA, which was a bulwark of the Democratic Party led by President Woodrow Wilson, would have caused the White House and the U.S. Congress to exert extreme pressure on London. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago were major cities largely run by the Irish.)

      Actually, Britain began shedding its empire right after WWII, when the Soviet Union was still busy digesting Eastern Europe. Britain did crush the Mau Mau in Kenya and a communist uprising in Malaysia.

      In my view, if Britain had not let Jamaica, the Bahamas (which I visited and enjoyed), Sudan, British Honduras, and all the rest go, the Soviets would 100% have gotten involved with guerilla warfare and insurgencies. This was what the communists did, subvert Western power.

      South Africa, which of course was a Dominion of the British Empire until the early 1960s, and whose white population was a third British (the rest mostly Boer), as we know faced a decades-long uprising by the ANC, the African National Congress,and its leader, Nelson Mandela, who secretly was a full member of the Communist Party of South Africa. They were fully supported by the Soviet Union. The USSR also armed and trained communist rebels in Southwest Africa, and in the white-Portuguese-ruled Angola and Mozambique.

      The “Border War” went on from 1966-90, 24years! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_African_Border_War

      Soviet arms for SWAPO:

      When I lived in France in 2004-05, I met many veterans of the Franco-Algerian War. Both sides fought using terrible atrocities. Though the French won, Charles de Gaulle gave up Algeria anyway (to huge French protests) and even gave the Arabs gigantic French oil fields in the south. He knew the war otherwise would start up again someday at Soviet instigation, and then it would drag on forever, and in the end Algeria would become like Cuba, full of Soviet arms, advisors, training, and money, and finally become a Soviet satellite, just as Cuba became.

      The Algerians, after the French withdrawal, massacred 100,000 harkis, who were Arab Algerians who were pro-French. It was truly atrocious. And two million white Frenchmen in Algeria lost everything they or their ancestors had built up between 1830 and 1960: homes, farms, vineyards, and lovely cities. But de Gaulle, who was very anti-communist, and in fact helped the Poles win the Polish-Soviet War of 1920, saw Algeria as becoming another Communist Cuba.

      De Gaulle,like most French, had a very low opinion of the Arabs as well as of the jews, and mostly objected to the fact that Algeria was a full-fledged département, an integral part of France itself, and not a mere colony. This meant that the Arabs there had the legal right to move to France proper.

      He said: “Of course, we all wanted a French Algeria, but not an Algerian France!”

      But later French presidents went and let the Algerians in anyway!

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