Spiritual reading: you are being reborn — don’t fight it; dilemma as I see a nice liberal neighbor, all vaxxed, sicken; “Is Musk the Henry Ford of our time”?

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December 14

Don‘t lose track of the goal. Although you may find many of the moments of this time of transformation to be excruciatingly difficult, although it is often impossible to see over the next wave cresting above you, although you may feel as if you have not the capacity to sustain yourself in this state for as long as is needed—the place toward which you are moving is absolutely glorious.

We have to say that it is so extraordinary in comparison to life as it has been, that it is worth all the challenges entailed. However, that is currently a moot point, as there is no longer any choice.

And that is part of what so many of you are feeling—that sense of having no option but to move forward.

Disempowerment in the face of an infinitely powerful force that is pushing you on through a birth canal into something new, and yes, very wonderful.

It is a terrifically uncomfortable and over the long term, unsupportable situation, but it will not last forever. And remember, like a baby mammal being birthed, you are all moving inexorably toward the light. So please, understand that this time is extremely special and requires of you all your most intense concentration and effort.

Pain is present, loss is a factor — as it is whenever there is great change. But this transformation into full-fledged humanity, like the birth of any new baby, is cause for terrific celebration. Unimaginable potential is being given an opportunity to manifest, and you, amazingly, get to experience yourselves as both mother and child.

So we suggest that you take a few moments to reflect today on how you have been swept up into this energetic process, what it is taking from you, and what you hope it will bring to you and your world.

After that, find a way, no matter how small or symbolic, to celebrate this moment, this day. It is not isolated, but part of the bigger change, and although you may feel yourself struggling through this day or the next or
the one before, each is building upon the last–if you buy that linear line–and moving you all just a little closer to the light.

See your time in context, and think big picture today. It will help you to overlook many small things that might otherwise make you crazy, and it will also help to keep you focused and moving.

What you are approaching is magnificent and when you begin to see it you will—many of you—weep for joy. What is happening is not bad at all, even if it is sometimes very hard.

We also want to advise you to lavish good care on your physical being again today. The stress of birthing cannot be borne by those in poor condition. It is enormously important for you to tend lovingly to the body which carries and holds your beautiful spirit.

The pressures of this time are too much for many already. Bodies will break down if they not included in the circle of your love.

We hold all of you in the circle of our love. Please remember that today.



…..Vaxxed neighbor coughing and worried

I have a very nice neighbor, a liberal Democrat from Minnesota, but honest, caring, hard-working, and of German ancestry. Once he found out online who I and Margi were, national socialists, back in 2018, he was pretty darn frosty for a while, but then he changed.

It is one of those cases where you, as an open white nationalist, want to maintain good relations with your next-door neighbor – and so you might avoid “race, religion and politics” (anything where you and the neighbor might fiercely disagree) — but also you would really like to tell him the truth about what is going on in the world….specially about the vaxx.

I mean, it is a life-and-death issue.

I ran into him at the local grocery store. Covid mask back on……coughing… telling me he had had the sore throat from hell…..

….thinking it is from some new variant of “Covid”…..

.. and with me the whole time thinking the poor guy is suffering from the mRNA jew vaxx….

Dare I urge him to watch “Died Suddenly”?


…..Musk’s amazing new housing

As the comrade said who sent me this video, “Musk is the Henry Ford of our time.”


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