Spiritual reading — no shutting down; open your heart even if it hurts; Avicii’s courageous video against organized pedophiles — and his horrible death in Oman

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Mel Gibson plays Hamlet, who, learning a horrible truth, dithers until it is too late, and disaster ensues.

The chakras are spritual organs, and the heart chakra governs emotions. Humans only act if they are emotional. Logic has no effect on how our species works, unlike other species in the galaxy, cold species, where logic triggers action without any hesitation.

We humans have to FEEL something to do something. Hitler understood this — no feeling, no action —  because he also understood we are not alone in this universe, and ice-cold species without any heart are involved with us.


High-speed UFO in daylight hours over Berchtesgaden — photo by a trusted German friend

It is moving so fast it is only a blur. UFOs at “blur speed” are flying around constantly, and right before our eyes. But we only notice the slow-moving ones.

UFO “fast movers” — one is seen here at 01:54-55.   I have been reporting on UFOs for ten years to widespread ridicule.  The reason why democray is still unworkable is that most people, given a chance, being prisoners of their own egoic minds, simply dismiss essential truths that affect their nation’s very survival, and their own life and safety. So inform average people, whatever their education level, until you are blue in the face! It will have no effect.  They gotta FEEL it, and KEEP feeling it.




October 8

The open heart can be hard sometimes. It is not without a cost, for as you know, the open heart is a vulnerable heart. But remember that in so many of the wounds you receive (and certainly any that arise from being open) lie singular opportunities.

You rarely, if ever, grow in a state of comfort. Comfort, is to us, an odd concept. Or rather, that it is so ardently pursued by so many of you we find somewhat baffling. For us, what might be called comfort lies in radiating, in resonating, in being aligned and in tune with each moment.

It is not “restful,” but it is joyous and truly, it IS.

But we digress. The point here is that many of you have a powerful fear of allowing yourselves to get hurt, as if injuries to your emotional self had the capacity to finish you off. So you tend to avoid them, to steer
clear of the “dangerous” shoals.

This is elementary, but the reason we raise it is this: when we say that it is time to open your heart without reservation, many of you are only too glad to do this. It does feel good and affirming in the doing, as you experience more love and clarity and lightness.

But if you keep it open, inevitably the more subtle and deeper gifts begin to appear: the pains, the wounds, the slings and arrows.

*** Quote from “Hamlet”

“The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” — Prince Hamlet of Denmark, his father the king having died, discovers  a truly mega-shocking truth about his family when his father’s ghost appears  to him.

The ghost says he had been murdered by his brother, that is, by Hamlet’s uncle, so as to become king.  And his own mother had knowingly then married her husband’s murderer so as to stay queen.

The moral and realistic,political choice becomes to either take action (denounce and slay the new king, the murderer of his dad, and BEFORE the new king can get wise to Hamlet’s suspicions and understandable desire for vengeance) or leave this ultra-disgusting, wicked world via suicide (which is the meaning of “to be [alive any  longer] or not to be [by death at his own hand].”)

In the Mafia, the rule was if you killed a man, then kill also his sons over age 12, because they could grow up to avenge their father. How much more so a popular ex-crown prince, avenging a beloved king, victim of “murder most foul”?

Infamously, Hamlet dithers. He does neither. So, in the end, far, far more people end up dying.

The Third Reich’s founder was very influenced by this play. Germans read Shakespeare assiduously.

The jews are like this murderous uncle.

So you simply have to ACT. Or the crime spree will continue, and everything just get worse, unimaginably so.

As I said on 10 February 1933 in my first speech after becoming chancellor (at the Sports Palace in Berlin), in 1920 “I began my war on the jews.”

Or rather, I responded in kind to their permanent war for three thousand years on us all.

Captain Archibald Ramsay, a severely wounded WWI officer and combat veteran, a long-time Member of Parliament and prisoner of Churchill for four years during WWII, called it, for frank lack of a BETTER term, “The Nameless War.”

It is the jews’ war on the world.

Here is Mel Gibson doing a good job in this famous soliloquy:


And it is here that most of you tend to shut things down again, usually without even noticing that you are doing so.

We want to encourage you to try to open your heart again today, and to stay with it. In all likelihood, it will hurt from time to time, whether empathetically, universally or personally.

Stay with it through that pain and discomfort—therein lies a true jewel.

For you see, your heart is not an individual thing, but rather a small stitch in the most magnifcent tapestry ever created. It is moreover a small but integral part of the most powerful force field around.

See what you can learn for yourself about the wisdom and the
strength and form of the heart. Although many of you know well its beauty, few understand it sufficiently to make use of the unbelievable brilliance you have at your disposal.

Keep opening as long as you can, and no matter what you do, try to stay conscious of what you are doing. Or not doing.

It would be good to start this today, but by no means stop tomorrow. We are talking about a lengthy process of exploration here, one which you have all undertaken in some form or another at one time or another.

It is our hope that you will set off again, into the wilds of your heart, armed with great courage and the absolute certainty that you are part of something loving and much larger than yourself.

The territory is largely uncharted (which is remarkable, considering how much time and space has been devoted to the vagaries of the human heart) and it is now time for many of you to begin to map its depths, to know its breadth and to use it to save your world. Simply put!

We do love you and send many blessings. — E. West



……Kill  or be killed

There are many powerful reasons why organized pediophiles get away with it, decade after decade. The biggest one is justifed fear.

Anyone who can rape and kill an innocent little kid, breaking visibly a huge taboo of the entire human race, or even of all mammals, who are animals programmed to cherish their young and find them adorable, is certainly willing to also kill an adult, especially a whistleblower exposing their crimes.

At this juncture, I wish to thank an Italian comrade for bringing a harrowing music video by Tim Bergling, “Aviccii,” to my attention.

It hit me like a sledgehammer because I was not expecting where this video was going.

Suddenly the strange scenes with children made sense.

Btw, the stage name “Avicii” means the lowest circle of hell in Buddhism.


And it is certain that Bergling had severe physical and mental health issues.


Recently, a comrade told me that Bergling killed himself with a broken wine bottle. The hotel in Oman did not tell the family this for a long time.

I thought immediately: “What? Who kills themself THAT way?”

You can jump off a balcony, step in front of a bus or train…  use a gun… methods that are far quicker and less painful than slashing yourself with broken glass!

Anyway, this video bothered me tremendously. I felt only raw rage, based especially on my own childhood.

I went for a walk with Margi on the beach, told her the video made me feel like killing pedophiles, and she said in response that she did not want to see the video.

I have written I think she is a reincarnated East Prussian national socialist who died in a horrible way in 1945.

I had a vision of her, like this, platinum-blond and dressed in white, but it was in a bathing suit on a beach.

We had just had a squabble, as couples do, and I was wondering WHY she sometimes acts a certain way.

Then this vision came — and it was just a still photo, 1940s-style, with a big white rim. It just stayed there before my inner eye. I felt after that that Margi had died in the Hellstorm. And she still had searing PTSD in this life from it.

ANYTHING to do with torture — and Margi cannot bear to hear it or think about it.

(Vets with combat PTSD, imagine this, can become terrified just by the sound of fireworks. It is a deep, deep scar. AND ONLY SPIRITUALITY CAN HEAL IT — the embracing of the NOW. The combat is over, after all. The blood and gore are in the past. No one is shooting at you now. So live NOW — in the NOW! 🙂 )

But to act we humans have to open our hearts, and accept the pain, embrace the fear, and feel our justified rage.

They can motivate us.

We either feel with our hearts,

then hate the evil,

and fight the evil,

winning because we are invincible Aryans

— or we will hate ourselves with loathing forever for doing nothing as our race unnecessarily goes down.

School scene in modern South Africa

As I said in concluding my speech of 10 February 1933 at the Sports Palace:

So it is not presumptuous of me to stand before the nation today and plead of it:

German Folk, give us four years’ time and then pass judgment upon us. German Folk, give us four years, and I swear to you, just as we, just as I have taken this office, so shall I leave it. I have done it neither for salary nor for wages; I have done it for your sake!

It has been the most difficult decision of my life. I dared to make it because I believed that it had to be.

I have dared to make this decision because I am certain that one cannot afford to hesitate any longer.

I have dared to make this decision because it is my conviction that our Folk will finally return to its senses, and that, even if millions might curse us today, the hour will come in which they will march with us after all —

–having recognized that we really wanted nothing but the best, and had no other goal in sight than serving what is, to us, most precious on earth, our people.



“The NSDAP secures the folk community./Folk comrades — if you need advice and help, contact the local group.”


(You can see here that Hitler was not short. At 5’10” he was taller than the average German, 5’7″.) 


  1. https://www.virginradio.it/news/rock-news/1265518/chester-bennington-la-storia-mai-raccontata-della-sua-adolescenza-il-padre-non-riesco-piu-ad-ascoltare-le-sue-canzoni.html
    È questo il punto…
    Una persona abusata sesdualmente vive di “vendetta”..
    Troppo comodo far passare queste persone per “pazze”…
    Lui stava indagando su questa Rete per lo stesso motivo.
    Domanda:”Chi ha abusato di Chester”?
    Per quanto riguarda Avicii;di nuovo la bottiglia di Vino!Ha lo stesso significato di Sangue e di Razza.
    Sono certa che esiste un “collegamento” tra questi Decessi.

    • Transl:

      Chester repeats this plot over and over in his lyrics …

      His songs are full of complaints of this kind. His “shouted” song is proof of this.

      Aren’t those Hebrew letters at the beginning of the video? Corresponding to that Demon …I can’t stop seeing this image.


      Yes, many are in fact Hebrew, though some look alien, out of a movie.

      But then again….and, once again, I am the ONLY major WN to say all this, though I AM JUST REPEATING WHAT THIS MAJOR RABBI OPENLY SAYS! 😉

      Drawing of Israelites coming from their world to this hostile planet

      This was not said when he was drunk. This was during a solemn seminar given on Israeli Memorial Day in 2011 to reserve soldiers. (All Israeli men, after being drafted and going on active duty, become reservists, btw.)

  2. https://youtu.be/8sgycukafqQ
    Il messaggio subliminale?
    “L’uomo che alza il suo braccio per la Vittoria!”e i Klu klux Kan 😉
    L’inganno dello Scorpione velenoso,le sue guerre…e il rovesciamento dei Leader.
    Un tempo avrei frainteso tutto…ma dopo aver notato quelle lettere ebraiche ho intuito il resto dei messaggi.
    “Cerchiamo disperatamente il nostro Fuhrer…quello interno e quello esterno!” 🙂

    • Transl:

      The subliminal message? For me it is the man who raises his arm for victory, and the Klu Klux Klan.

      He shows the deceptiveness of the poisonous Scorpio, all his wars … and the overthrow of the leaders opposing him.

      At one time I would have misunderstood everything in this video … but after noticing those Hebrew letters I guessed the true meaning of the rest of the messages.

      “We are desperately looking for our Führer … the internal leader and the external one!”


      Yes. 🙂

      There was a superb book “Under the Sign of the Scorpion” by Jüri Lina about how Freemasons made Russia into hell.

      The famous “Lesson of the Frog and the Scorpion”


      Chester sounds in this song as if he is talking in reality to God.

      Well, he is with Him, now.

      Actually, we all are, here on earth too, but we do not realize it!

      We are experiencing God, and His karmic laws, yet not realizing it!

  3. E mi è venuto in mente questo:”Dolores e Chester portano entrambi i capelli biondi in alcuni video…”
    Non credo sia una coincidenza.
    Il resto lo puoi immaginare..

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