Spiritual reading — Nothing stands in your way today; announcement

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July 19

Nothing stands in your way today. This is a remarkable state of affairs, you’ll have to agree. Or rather, we should say that nothing need stand in your way. There are plenty of mountains you can impose between yourself and your aspirations, but it is important to note that it will be you yourself who are putting the blocks in the path.

The energetic field is wide open and will allow you to create as you will today. We are not saying that there will be any particular enhancement of your ability to generate and manifest and move; however, it should be much simpler and more straightforward than has been the case for a long, long time. You will not need to battle with adverse energies or deal with the obstructions which pull you away from your goals. Inasmuch as you have been working with these challenges, today’s open field could let you feel like you are flying.

If you had the opportunity to leave behind something that was dragging you down yesterday, it is an ideal moment to put something new in its place today. You can look at exactly what it is that you would like to add to your being, and then, similarly to how it worked yesterday, you need only to identify with great clarity that which you have been longing to be. To know. To become. We want to suggest that you try to be a little reasonable. Not too, too much so, but a little.

If you can find that which you have been climbing toward with all your being, then it will be made manifest for you. Again, your work is to know in the depths of your being, throughout your being, exactly what is next for you and to name that learning or ability or strength which has always been just ahead and has yet eluded you.

This day is a great gift and we hope you will be able to find the time to make use of its offering. Think of it: all you need to do is know what you want and it is likely that you will begin to get it. You have so many tales of genies, and fairies and unicorns and other magical beings that grant wishes. What a deep desire you have for that intervention! And here it is. The only proviso lies in the nature of your wishes, but of course none of you are likely to attempt to abuse such a magnificent offering.

We send you all our love, and the profound hope that you find what you are looking for. Many blessings. — E. West




We will stand tall — and face it all together.


I just got my inheritance from my beautiful mother! The lawyers had it tied up  for only 26 years! 😉

I also got good in-house care coming in for Margi. 🙂

Now I can do the will of God.

I thank all who have dug deep, so deep,  to keep me afloat over lo these many years … out of faith in me, the love of our race, and an iron determination to win this terrible WAR.












    • Yes, dear brother.

      Now money, time, and the masses (sick of the Covid lockdown, enraged by BLM and Antifa outrages, dreading Joe Biden, and buying guns and ammo like never before) are all lining up!

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