Spiritual reading: old structures are doomed

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December 21

Energies to work with today are those that support unity, wholeness and the union of things and beings seemingly disparate.

Today is a great day for practicing the spirit of the season—love, sisterhood and brotherhood (really, spirithood), sharing and giving.

As you move close to the change of season, there is a great rejoicing all around you. Much is changing for the good, even though it may not be apparent yet.

Everywhere we look, we see buds forming and swelling on your beautiful terrestrial tree. Yes, of course there is destruction and pain and suffering and terrible, terrible disrespect that is rampant on many levels, but still, concurrently, there is a movement toward new growth and spring and flowering. And it is there that we are focusing all of our attention.

It is to those of you who are unfolding so swiftly and so lyrically
that we give our awareness and energy. The old structures are doomed, as are any who will not leave them.

We have no time for them now, and we encourage you to let them blunder about without benefit of your attention or energy.

It is time to devote all you have to what is new, what is opening, what is being birthed into being.

The energy we’d suggest you look for today is what some of you might term pure Christ-energy. It is light and clear and of a very high vibration. Do your best to seek it out, open to it, merge with it and soak up as much as you can.

In this time, when many of you are drawn into the material minutiae and the busyness of the season, try to stop and rest in this extraordinary light. It will fill you and carry you. And use it to connect and unify and share with those whom you love and those whom you wish you loved.

Be in joy and gratitude, for there is love and light and hope and great possibility all around.

We send blessings to you all.

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