Spiritual reading — palpable energies

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August 16

When the sun rises tomorrow, no matter where you happen to be, both you and your world will have changed. As you know, there is nothing more than the moment and yet living as you do, in a material plane, the past and future are largely undeniable.

And often you deny them at your peril should you wish to try.

One of the great challenges of living in form is to find the space, at once both infinitesimally small and limitless, where the moment is the clear truth and the exigencies of life in a body are taken fully into your consideration.

Sometimes these instances come purely as grace and at other times you cultivate them, work hard and pay attention and are rewarded with a sparkling of illumination.

Today, if you do not fight it, there is a good chance of having some of these moments through grace alone. All you have to do is breathe and be willing to allow it.

There is a great deal that is happening around you, as we have no doubt that you are aware. If you close your eyes and feel into it, we bet that many of you can actually sense the rapidly shifting and swirling energies that are affecting you and the planet itself.

If you cannot feel them yourself, take our word for it—there are energetic storms of all sorts which are moving and changing the world all the time.

And if you don’t want to take our word for it, look around at how human beings are acting, how furiously and often strangely many of your sort are behaving, and that should verify for you that there is plenty of unseen action causing the effects you get to read and hear about in the news.

That having been said, the best thing that you can do is to find your way to ride out or on the energetic storms that pass through your environment, which it is important to note very much includes your own being. Tune in to the current pulse, feel it out to know whether it something you should shelter from or something that can carry you, and then act.


*** Heart-broken mom whose little son died of brain cancer has a beautiful, comforting experience with a red English robin


When we say ‘act,’ we are referring primarily to the energetic stance you take. Do you hunker down in order not to get caught up in a tornado, or do you go out and open up like a flower to a spring rain?

More than at any time in the past, if you fail to read these movements of energy, or fail to read them correctly, you stand to suffer in one fashion or another. Our role of course, is to help you to feel into them so that you not only don’t suffer, but can grow and flourish and be an important and integral part of the transformation that is afoot.

To this end, we want to encourage you all to set aside time, if you do not do this already, each and every day, in whatever format works for you, to practice feeling the nature of the energies which are present around you. It needn’t be more than a minute or two—not a big commitment of time, but rather a commitment of intent.

Many of you are adept at knowing the nature of your own energies, those that originate within. Many of you have explored and plumbed, devoted attention and time to understanding your own nature.

This is critical because ultimately, you need to know the difference between that which is yours and that which is not.

Then you practice feeling outward so that you can know the feeling of the energies that are not yours but which will profoundly impact you each day. It is often easiest to do this when you are not confronted with the energies of other beings. Big surprise, right? In other words, don’t try to do this in a mall or a subway or a grocery store on Saturday morning. Sitting, walking, simple working: any of these provide many people with the space they need to feel out into the universe with the greatest clarity.

It may or may not come easily, but we hope you’ll try. And try again. Use the tools you have—they are the right ones for you. And this—try to trust what you find. It is quite an easy matter to discount your own intuition, so be on guard against that, please.

A sense of the energetic mood on a daily basis will assist you as you work with your own knowing of how things feel and how you can best interact with the forces which are with you all the time, know it or not.

We send much love. — E. West

…..Energies are NOT fluff

I experienced palpable energy when I first met David Duke in 1989 in his then fiefdom of Metairie, Louisiana, which then, not now, was a fun white inner suburb of the party capital of America, New Orleans. (It is now hispanic.)

Duke absolutely had rock-star charisma (from the purest strain of absolute narcissism, a self-confidence which was self-worship).

When he entered a room, the papers on the table seemed to float off the wood surface and gravitate toward him. 😉

…especially the women…. which he reveled in. 😉

John Kennedy (upper left in this Hyannisport, Massachusetts family photo from the 1930s) had that same animal electric charge about him as well.

But charisma and good looks can also be a curse if it makes you blind to 1) your real purpose in life and 2) your flaws you should be working on.

JFK was literally insane to drive on November 22, 1963 into the very enemy city of Dallas, Texas, controlled by his vice president, (((Texan))) Lyndon Johnson, with the top down.

His Irish luck ran out– he had tempted fate.

Literally that weekend his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, was going to leak Lyndon Johnson’s many scandals — theft, bribery, and murder — to the media and get rid of this fiend and closet jew.

In a week,  Johnson would have been gone.

I am eyewitnessing now two people I care about having a meltdown.

One is a WN — of great promise, good looks and education — whose marriage is in tatters and, on top of it, he is stone-cold broke.

Worst of all, he has a child (smart, beautiful, strong and sweet).

But he scoffs at my  “flakey, New Agey stuff.” Ummm, this is actually over 2,500 years old, and it is profoundly Aryan.  😉




The other person is not a WN, just a simple girl, and was watering Margi’s garden, which is now yielding wonderful tomatoes, squash, eggplant, etc. 🙂

She has been a ward of the State of Michigan since she was molested at five by her own stepfather, then was taken away and put in various “homes.”

Twenty years later she is still a basket case, does not even water the plants properly, and weighs 260 pounds, which,  being a woman, makes her hate herself.

Yesterday, two deputies from the sheriff’s department came over to investigate an accurate rumor that she had threatened to commit suicide.

So there were two deputies on Margi’s property, questioning this fat girl, who was bawling like a 5-year-old at age 25. Geez….

Part of me was just disgusted — five years of almost zero progress on her part. And I cannot be involved in such goings-on. I don’t need cops on the lawn — and what would people passing by think?

I help people who want to help themselves!

On the opposite side, Margi and I have grown much closer together due to her cancer and recovery.

She asks me every morning for the spiritual reading by E. West, and we discuss it.

By the Houghton Canal, here in the UP of Michigan

What I have noticed is that the symptoms of her ADD (attention-deficit disorder) have gone way, way down since January.

And why not?

ADD comes from being unable to regulate our thoughts and feelings! And true spirituality teaches exactly that — how to strengthen the true you, and get your thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds under your control! Under your soul’s control!

As a result, she was able to handle the stress of the post-cancer infections (four of them, all very serious) like a champ. 😉

(The 34 sessions of radiation had devastated her immune system. You have to survive both the cancer and the toxic, radioactive treatment!)

And, you know, Margi and I have never been happier.

Enlightenment means progressing on both your personal goals and our shared racial and political goals.

It means making good decisions.

You are building a better soul. Your incarnation is not being wasted, and the stress is not destroying you but goading you to get your life together. 🙂

All that suffering, which awaits everyone on this gorgeous but troubled planet, was actually GOOD! It changed you into a far better person!

Thank you, God, for beauty, truth — and severe challenges that either break or make us!






  1. In einer Zeit, die uns allen das eigene Denken abnehmen will, um uns neue Dogmen vorzuschreiben, ist es umso wichtiger, selber mit dem Denken zu beginnen.

    Hier sind daher 3 (kleine) Werke, die jeder gelesen haben muss, um die Vergangenheit und damit die Gegenwart und auch die Zukunft zu verstehen.

    Um es mit Kant zu sagen: “Sapere Aude”, habe den Mut, dich deines eigenen Verstandes zu bedienen:

    Du Stehst Im Volk (1943) – Hans Belstler:

    Glauben Und Handeln (1943) – Helmut Stellrecht:

    Personal Amt des Heeres – Wofuer kaempfen wir (1944):

    Forschungs- und Wissenschaftsfreiheit sind ein hohes Gut in einer Demokratie. Nutzt dieses zum Wohl eures Volkes im speziellen und der Menschheit im allgemeinen!

  2. Adoro queste letture spirituali con le immagini di Bing 🙂
    Ogni tanto ci vuole una scarica elettrica per rianimarsi 🙂
    È bello essere sempre se stessi…

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