Spiritual reading; Paris was never more beautiful, safe, or fun than under the “evil Nazis”

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The most famous tourist ever in the city of Paris at 6 a.m. with his men


…..Spiritual reading for September 30 

Here, we should say that we are discussing not only the aspirations of your soul, but the ways in which you want to live out this dream of a life. It is yours to determine at this point, and we say—throw away the fear, the victimhood, the scarcity thinking, the shrinking and smallness!

They are all part of an old paradigm and you don’t need them anymore. We are saying—your personality, such as you have formed it, no longer needs to dictate how you live and how you experience life. Set yourself free from aspects of it that limit and pain you.

Today couldn’t be a better day for that. And of course this being big stuff, you will make a start today if you choose, but keep the quest open, allow it to mature and unfold for you over the next week or two. Why not, dear ones? We send you all the blessings and love that your inherent beauty and perfection command!

You have spent many hours, months, years developing your conscious relationship with the place
within you that knows. That is connected to all that is. That is eternal. Most of you touch into it and
then move out into ‘the world’ and then forget and then remember. And forget again. This has been fine as long as it has been fine.

But now we want to invite you to take a new step. There isn’t anything you need do differently, and yet there are plenty of things that you can approach differently. Begin with this: you know nothing. Okay, you know how to operate the things that are necessary to maintaining your form. To some extent or another.

But your ideas about life and love and light and dark and God and the meaning of it all—allow their
solidity and rigidity to dissolve. It is not that they are wrong, but they may cause you grief, they may cause you to stray from your true way if you adhere to them too strongly.

They are likely very good starting places, but the universe will continue to teach you, as it always will if you attend. And there is no sense in being stuck behind while the very powerful energies that are ranging through are moving swiftly and surely. You could be moving with them.

Once you have allowed yourself to know nothing, you will be free to learn what is being taught. See just how blank a slate you are able to be. For the experience. To see what you might see. Human beings are incredible. Not in the ways that you ofen imagine, not because of what you have accomplished or created or envisioned, but because of your ability to synthesize and grow.

And to do that in form is to do it in a way that has a richness and a complexity that is otherwise unavailable. But it is only possible if one is purely open.

So try that. Let yourself be open to the voice of what is eternal in you and around you. Let the voices that come from the material plane, the collision of denser beings, make their cacophony, and do all you can to turn to that which speaks of things you know not yet. You have seen and heard enough of suspicion, fear, anger and deceit. You know those voices. Let them, and the actions they engender in others, jabber on and give them no audience.

Allow yourself to be a beginner, learning from that which lies deeper and beckons you.

Let’s see if we can be clearer and more specific, because, as is often the case, the translation of energetic movement into language can be challenging. You may encounter people and their actions which are inspired by fear. It is pretty likely, actually. You know how to deal with this kind of a situation. Maybe you react, and then later you see your own reaction and regret it.

Maybe you see the fear and decide not to engage with it or the action. Maybe you meet it with love. It depends on you and how this particular situation arrives on your doorstep, but given the amount of fear that is abroad and the regularity of its colliding with each and every soul on the planet, it is pretty certain that you will have this opportunity.

What we want to suggest is that you not worry about how you handle it. This will be dictated by the
circumstances, who you are, and where you are in your life. What we want to suggest is that, no matter how you handle it, you look underneath the experience for the teaching that lies there.

If you can do this without preconception (and this is the tough part for many who have studied and practiced a great deal) then you could be moved far beyond anything you have encountered before.

The time is rich and fertile for big movement, but in order to realize it, you need to leave behind many of the internal structures you have used to shape and hold yourself up. You need to become a tabula rasa, a beginner, a novice. You have to see without the fog that is created not just by the nonsense of illusion, but also by the beliefs that grow up as you learn to look for the truth.

If you can, take a breath, take a moment to stop and reflect when you are faced with something you don’t like—big or little—and just ask: what is really here? Let your mind be still and see what comes.

Blessings to all.



…..Prestigious London “Times”: Paris was never so beautiful and pleasant as under the “sinister  Nazis”

”Paris under NAZI occupation was a madhouse”

A current photo exhibition from occupied Paris reveals a surprisingly relaxed image of the city.

[JdN comments: Well, “surprising” if one  is a brainwashed Churchill fan and Greatest-Generation addict. Ofcourse things were much more relaxed than in the obligatory Hebrew version of the story with mythical Gestapo sadists running around terrorizing the folks in the “City of Light”.

Oh, yes, the Devil Incarnate 😉 And since the Germans loved him, that mean THEY were evil, too. Strangely, as the Times admitted, the evil Krauts were very nice to the French, to their complete surprise. 

It seems that the Germans as occupiers behaved in a relatively exemplary manner – and were friendly and fair.

by Matthew Campbell in Paris

The Sunday Times  (from “Great” [still “Great”?] Britain)

[According to Joseph Goebbels, with the “Times” you always have to keep in mind that if you write the word “TIMES” backwards, it yields “SEMIT” . ]

May 25, 2008

[English original:  http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article3998943.ece ]

A new book claiming that the German occupation of France actually promoted women’s sexual liberation has shocked a country already well-occupied with its troubled history of collaboration with the Nazis.

“1940-45: Erotic years/1. Vichy or the Misadventures of Virtue”


JdN: A Parisian girl in 1940. The northern part of France was settled by the Germanic Franks from 450 onwards. Long called “Gaul,” iot was renamed “France” is named after the Franconian upper class, just as the city of Frankfurt means “Ford [in the river] of the Franks.”. Between the Franks and lots of ancient Celtic DNA, many French, especially outside the cities, have very fair skin and blue eyes.

As a current photo exhibition shows, the Parisians had a great time under the Occupation. The book describes the life of the French in Paris as one big party, completely at odds with the collective memory of hunger, resistance and fear.

[JdN comments: Well, a “collective memory” propagated by those who have “chosen” themselves,  the Jewish media!]

“This represents a taboo subject, a story that no one wants to hear,” said Patrick Buisson, author of the 1940-1945 Années Erotiques  [=“Erotic Years”].

“It may hurt our national pride, but the reality is that people adapted very well to the [NS German] occupation.”

Many would rather forget it, but because of their husbands’ captivity in German labor camps [JdN: every country made POWs work,and the Geneva Convention allowed it; many German soldiers, in fact, worked in logging camps during WWII up here in the UP of Michigan], numerous French women not only slept with German soldiers — with the young “blonde barbarians” being considered particularly attractive, says Buisson — but also had affairs with anyone else who came through for them with financial donations in those difficult times. [JdN:”difficult” because the Royal Navy prevented food imports, Churchill having rejected dozens of German peace proposals, which included German troops leaving the soil of France and ALL its western conquests of 1940.]

JdN: Here is a copy of the  free German tourist magazine “Where to go in Paris ” from 1942. It advertises “autumn excursions,” promotes a singer named “Monica”, praises the “Scheherazade Cabaret” (with the additional note “All good addresses”). 

As a woman, you perhaps gave in to the offers of the boss, to the merchant to whom you owed money, you slept with the landlord…. In times of rationing, the [female] body is the only renewable, inexhaustible currency.“

In cold winters, when coal was scarce and heavily rationed and there was also a 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew, sexual activity was so encouraged, says Buisson, that the birth rate skyrocketed in 1942, even though two million Frenchmen were in German labor camps.

*** JdN comments: In German factories, hundreds of thousands of French men earned good money, with health insurance, whether they went into German war production as volunteers or as conscripts, while others who had fought in the resistance (committing sabotage and even assassination) against the Reich’s occupying soldiers ended up hanged or were put in hard-labor camps such as quarriesAll warring countries still act in the same way today, if not much more strictly than Germany at the time. Think of the US prisons at Abu Ghraib in Baghdad or in Guantanamo, Cuba.

JdN: This and all other photos, maps and captions were added by me. Much of France was not occupied by German troops, only the Atlantic and Englsh Channel areas facing a belligerent England and the Royal Navy. However, the respected WKI general, Field Marshal Philippe Pétain was made the administrator of the entire country, and he was the legal head of state; his government was simply called “the French State” .


During WWI, Marshal Philippe Petain had stopped the German offensive in the huge Battle of Verdun in 1916, albeit via a great sacrifices of French lives – and he was therefore respected by almost all the French as a national hero.


A five-franc coin issued by the Pétain government with the fasces and the slogan: “Work, family, motherland”

A slogan for the French and a striking question about this war hero: “Are you more French than he is?”



“Populations abandoned [by the left-wing Paris government before Pétain] – you can trust the German soldier.” The poster shows two little girls as being understandably a bit apprehensive.

The heavily jewish left-wing government in Paris committed outrageous fear-mongering in May 1940 as the German Wehrmacht advanced into France (which had declared war on Germany). The evil Nazis,  they claimed, would simply massacre French civilians – pelting them with bullets from the air and crushing them under their tanks…  Millions of sheeplike Frenchmen then fled south in scenes of indescribably chaos, trudging along the country roads with heavy suitcases while the rich drove away in their big cars, causing epic traffic jams. Here is an American book “Escape from Hitler – France 1940” by the jew Hanna Diamond…. Notice the girl looking backward in unjustified fear.

When NO massacres happened at all, the French realized that all the talk about the cruel German Reich and its supposedly barbaric atrocities was one big jewish lie. (By the way, the round metal cylinder is the soldiers’ bread ration.)


The “Kommandantur” (written in the old German script, “Fraktur”) was the German military headquarters in Paris

Today, the building is 2 Place de l’Opéra, and was sand-blasted to remove decades of urban smog

There was a daily German parade by soldiers in their standard gray-green uniform, which was intended to keep the troops busy and also remind the French who the winner was. 

There was a concert by a military band every day.

A relaxed-looking German soldier, apparently an older fellow with gray hair, goes down into a Paris Metro (subway) station. Note all the Arabs, negroes and Chinese — NOT. It was “France for the French.”

The Opera House, the Garnier Palace, in 1940 (with a famous opera lover in the middle) — in 1940 and now

The famous nightclub Moulin Rouge (= “Red Windmill”)

The restaurant and bar on the “Place Blanche” [= on “White Square”] only served Wehrmacht soldiers. Far and wide, one saw neither negroes, nor jews or muslims…


The arrow points to the same restaurant today.

The book stirred up painful memories. One French reviewer called it “outrageous” and another accused Buisson of only telling one aspect of the story and obsessing “about life below the belt” during the Occupation.

Le Monde,  the “bible” of the French intellectual elite, criticizes the author, who actually is the director of the French TV channel  Histoire ( = the French “History” channel) , for describing life under the Occupation as just “one gigantic orgy”.

People who had lived through the German Occupation found it insulting when it was suggested that they had spent all their time in bed. “It really makes me angry,” said Liliane Schroeder, 88, who risked her life as a member of the Resistance and published her own magazine during the Occupation. “It’s shocking and ridiculous to say life was just one big party,” she told the Sunday Times. “We had much better things to do.”

Nonetheless, the very same Schroeder describes her life as a courier in the Resistance as a “wonderful time” in which “people got on with life even if they didn’t have much to laugh about.” Young women were ideal for the Resistance, she said, because “when a young woman and a man sat together in a café, it didn’t look like they were plotters. They just looked like a couple in love. ”

*** JdN notes: Honest historians estimate that only ONE percent of the French were active in la Résistance, and most of them were COMMUNISTS. Quietly, most French people tacitly approved of NS Germany’s anti-Jewish policy in their country, and secretly hoped that Germany — seen as by far the lesser of  two evils — would destroy the USSR of the psychopathic mass murderer Josef Stalin.

After the war was over, in 1945, Interim president Charles de Gaulle, trying to rebuild national pride, kept referring to the glories and heroism of the Resistance. When a supporter objected that very few had been active in the Resistance, de Gaulle asserted, typically: “La France n’a pas besoin de la vérité; la France a besoin de la gloire.” = “France does not need the truth; what France needs is glory.”


The French’s sensitivity to their wartime past was revealed last month at a photo exhibition that showed Parisians clearly enjoying life under and alongside the Nazis,with a caveat warning that the images portrayed the “reality of the Occupation and… avoid “its tragic aspects” [JdN: only for the jews, of whom actually only a minority — jews who were not French citizens — were rounded up and sent to labor camps in Poland!].

The photos showed well-dressed citizens shopping on the boulevards and strolling in the parks, as well as people crowding into nightclubs and women swimming in bikinis in a pool.


*** JdN: The Germans took excellent color photographs as early as the end of the 1930s and did so with enthusiasm after they occupied France. The Germans never hated the French, though this was not true in reverse, thansk to the jewspapers and the extremely toxic and sinister Freemasons of the “Grand Orient” lodge in Paris. In fact, a German expression for “to have a great time” is “like the Lord God [on vacation] in France.” [“wie der Herrgott in Frankreich”] 😉 ) .

The Blitzkrieg and the lightning victory of the Wehrmacht, a strategy developed by Hitler and General Heinz Guderian, was an astonishingly rapid defeat of Germany’s enemies — who had declared war on Germany!!! — using tanks, the German air force’s Stuka dive bombers, and motorized soldiers — all working in well-practiced, perfect harmony.

The countries merely pretending to be neutral — Norway, Denmark, Holland, Luxembourg, and Belgium — were defeated in just days or weeks. (Hermann Göring’s staff had broken Allied codes and knew that all these countries and their generals were in direct touch with England about suddenly abandoning their fake neutrality and turning their airfields over to the RAF, the Royal Air Force.

This would have meant that the Ruhr industrial area of northwestern Germany, vital to the Reich’s war effort, could be bombed after a five-minute flight.

Norway was for PMs Nevile Chamberlain and Winston Churchill a place for Britain itself to invade so as to then invade its neighbor, Sweden, in order to interdict Swedish production of iron ore for the German steel industry.

ALL the Scandinavian countries were full of lying, German-bashing jewspapers owned by the Swedish-jewish Bonnier family, the original name of which had been “Hirschel.” This is why Germany HAD to occupy Denmark and Norway.)

The British Expeditionary Force was also defeated and nearly surrounded, but I allowed the English to escape from Dunkirk, partly in the understandable but vain hope that Churchill -. or other, more reasonable Englishmen — would be touched by German mercy and negotiate a lasting Anglo-German peace. Many conservative Britons correctly saw Stalin as the greatest threat to the British Empire and the entire West, and Hitler as Stalin’s most powerful opponent.


Buisson devotes a chapter in his book to movie theaters, which he described as hotbeds of erotic activity, especially when the temperatures outside were simply cold. “For just a few francs in admission tickets, they were cheaper than a hotel room,” he writes, “and offered double the protection, darkness and anonymity, suitable for all kinds of indulgence.”

The French practiced sex in the catacombs (the underground ossuary of Paris) and in the labyrinth of underground tunnels of the cosmopolitan city. The war, according to Buisson, acted as an aphrodisiac, stimulating the “survival instinct,” and he said in an interview:

“People wanted to prove to themselves that they were really still alive. They did this through sex. ”

It has long been rumored in France that prostitutes organized the first rebellion against the Nazis by refusing their services to the invaders, but Buisson describes this as a hoax.

The Germans, he claimed, were most welcome in the city’s best brothels. A third of these were reserved for Wehrmacht officers. Another 100,000 women in Paris became “casual prostitutes” out of necessity, he wrote.

*** This “informal prostitution” by divorced housewives with bills that are hard to  pay is going on right now in America! When I lived in Apollo, Pennsylvania, a Rust Belt town where most of the jobs were gone, I ran into a man who told me, shocked, that a woman whom he thought he was “dating” and that she liked him, bluntly told him she charged $30 for a tryst. “It’s just how I pay my utility bills,” she said.


Elsewhere, members of the artistic elite drowned their sorrows in debauchery. The writer Simone de Beauvoir and her husband, the left-wing philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, were active participants in nightly sex and alcohol parties.

“It was only over the course of those nights that I discovered the true meaning of the word ‘party’,” explained de Beauvoir. Sartre was no less enthusiastic:

“We had never been so free as under the Germans’ occupation.”

Simone de Beauvoir also wrote about the “completely spontaneous friendliness” of the conquerors, and how she, like all French women, was fascinated by the German “body cult” and by the German soldiers’ penchant for practicing this “cult” in their sports shorts.

*** JdN: Hitler strongly promoted physical activity for all Germans and also an innocent eroticism in art that was conducive to more marriages and births.

He had already grumbled in Mein Kampf  in 1925, long before he came to power in 1933, that if you suddenly saw clothed passers-by on the streets of major German cities without their clothes on, you would be horrified.

“By the summer of 1940,” Buisson wrote, “France had turned into one giant nudist camp. It seemed that the Germans had only gathered on French territory to celebrate an impressive gymnastics festival.” The author said that he did not want to make light of this tragic part of French history, but that it was necessary to correct the “myth” of the Occupation, because “even in that terrible time, life went on.”

“It is disturbing to know that while the Jews were being deported, the French were looking for sex and love. But that’s how it was. ”

” “

Some reader comments on the  Times website:

* * *

–Tom Wales [?] seems to be the only commentator here who knows that it was actually France that declared war on the Germans. Given this knowledge, the comments about the German “invasion” or their “attack” on poor France are downright ridiculous. The French sought war, they got it, but were defeated by the Wehrmacht in a brilliant campaign.

Rolf, Portland [Oregon, USA]

–My mother, who is now 92 years old, lived in German-occupied Belgium at the time. She always says that those years of occupation were the best of her life. She always says that the German soldiers were very courteous. It was unthinkable that a German soldier would molest a Belgian girl.

Pat, Ghent, Belgium


*** JdN comments: A Finnish comrade reported to me that just one day after a very small flirting incident, Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler had ordered two of his own SS men to be shot who had verbally, and even just a little bit, bothered two Finnish female civilians.

The Finnish girls had not even complained about it to the German authorities. It was a German soldier who had overheard the conversation and reported it to his superiors.

Gudrun Himmler and her father



– There is “collaboration” between occupiers and occupied in every war.

Fred, Los Angeles

–It is clear from this fascinating post that not all French people were looking forward to being liberated by the Allies. Life under the Germans looked far better than existence under the left-wing French Popular Front of the dreary pre-war period. Only the communists and their supporters really wanted the Allies to win.

John Ries, Northridge, California, USA

–Ask the French how many of their own served voluntarily in the Waffen-SS, and the answer is: many thousands.

And without the help of the French police, apprehending the Jews in France would have been an almost impossible task for the Germans. Rather, France preferred the Germans to the French Communist Party.

Evans, Notts, UK

–Jean-Marie Le Pen described the Nazi occupation in France as “not particularly inhumane,” a  truth for which he was fined 10,000 euros and given a 3-month suspended prison sentence. Monsieur Le Pen was born in 1928 and lived himself through the entire German occupation period 1940-44. When it comes to  “Liberté et Égalité”  in the France of today, we can no longer believe in it.

Paul Gibbons, Keynes, UK


  1. Having to live in this wretched and decadent time, I find virtually every day saying to myself, “If only they had won. If ONLY they had won the Second World War.”

    • Amen to your feeling.

      There are, nevertheless, two possible positive outcomes:

      1) my religion succeeds and 10% of Whites cease being a) zombies or b) non-zombies but cowards or defeatists; religions have changed the world, Islam being a perfect example, or, of course, Judaism itself. The Arabs were total nobodies until Mohammed came among. The jews are a financial and media superpower with tremendous unity of purpose and zeal, the lords of the West, though they number just 1/2 of 1% of the US population. Again, their religion creates unity and gives them goals — toward which they have worked hard for millennia.

      2) The Antarctic Germans stories are real. They are waiting for Russia and America to destroy each other to re-emerge. And they may indeed be also located on the far side of the moon. (It is clear that some very fishy things happened with the Apollo program; I have blogged often on this. The Apollo 11 astronauts acted glum and highly resentful at their news conference after their return, not even trying to smile, never mind show elation.) Of course, this nuclear scenario is not rosy for us Americans or the Russians.

      But in the end, the swastika will rule.

      If one fully grasps and internalizes the fact of reincarnation, if our karma is good — if we were brave and self-sacrificing NOW — then we will return to this earth as a beautiful, Aryan-governed world, and the jews will be gone…. no matter what happens to the current governments and their zombie, defeatist and cowardly subjects.

  2. Um…did Himmmler really let two of his men being executed because of mere accusations? Even if the girl did not complain? If he really did that, he was a bigger idiot than I already presumed.

    He was thrown out of the NSDAP for a reason at the end of the Reich.

    Sorry, but this sounds almost like all these baseless accusations from today, when some women come out years after accusing someone of having them raped, molested or whatsoever to destroy his career. You just don´t kill your own men because of that.

    • We need to get in the time machine and go back to that town and conversation. 😉

      I can say from personal experience that the Finns can be prickly and combative. (Their descendants are also the biggest ethnic group here in Ontonagon.) They were excellent soldiers, they hated the bolsheviks, and they were extremely important to the German war effort, attacking Leningrad (St.Petersburg) as they were, the former capital of Russia and a huge industrial center.

      If a girl says no, and she really means it, a soldier must respect it, especially if he is a guest in her country and that country is a vital ally.

      Every girl, you know, has a father, a brother and an uncle. 😉 People talk….

      We just do not know the whole story, comrade…..

      But the Waffen-SS, which was Heinrich Himmler’s co-creation, was of legendary quality. As Léon Degrelle said, himself a Waffen-SS officer, after Stalingrad the whole eastern front could have collapsed, but the Waffen-SS was “ein Fels in der Brandung” — a boulder standing tall in the surf. And we can thank Himmler for that.

      • True that, but if this really happened, it´s just excessive. Even if they did bother the girl, there were other methods than draconian penalties.

        I don´t doubt the quality of the Waffen-SS, and Himmler did well in the first years, but later it seems his ego took over.

        So, to be honest, he is one of the important figures of the Reich I don´t like.

        Ugly men tend to be of questionable character, especially under pressure.

        There are certain aspects and persons of the Reich I strongly dislike. Often penalties – be it in the troops or in the regular justice system – seemed too harsh.

        Like the execution of the members of the White Rose (Weiße Rose). It was ordered by the disgusting judge Roland Freisler. He was one of the worst examples of a carrierist in this otherwise good system. Why the death penalty for these confused young chumps? Prison would have been enough, and trying to re-educate them. This is one thing that really goes against my moral compass. Too many death penalties in the Reich, for mere words and opinions.

        I´m of course aware that there are many distortions in the official history, and a lot of lies, but that doesn´t mean that there weren´t unjust verdicts.

        I´m also sure Hitler wasn´t in favor of these draconian verdicts. He said he would have let Ernst Thälmann (communist leader) go free when the war was over, as he was just a simple-minded but idealistic guy. Since he was killed by an air raid, the GDR could make a martyr out of him, saying he was killed by NS henchmen. (In truth they didn´t like him, as he was a patriot despite being a communist, and he didn´t like the leadership in Moscow – maybe what today can be called “Nazbol”).

  3. Perhaps if we hadn’t had the English Channel, then the panzers would have rolled into Britain in onw hour.

    But having this channel should have meant that we would never be invaded by biblical hordes of 3rd world scum who hate us.

    I wouldn’t be refused work: “Sorry, we only employ East Europeans now.”

    The SOE assassinated Heydrich because he was liked by the Czechs. He restored civil liberties. London didnt like that. So they sent in a team to pot him.

    Look at all those gimmigrants in those French pictures.

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