November 21
Today, it will be very good to be gentle. It is not unlikely that you will run into some sharp things—experiences, people, emotions, longings—that entice you to visit the extremes of your range. Whether high or low, you are liable to get lost and lose your footing, lose your way. If you find yourself confronted with that which pierces you, do not attempt to feel it, but practice the kind of sweetness and softness you would offer a beloved child facing the same.
The goal here is to stay in some sort of balance. The opportunity to feel extremes of love or loss or desire or sorrow or ecstasy is a precious one and not to be missed. Yet it carries with it the danger of becoming so absorbed that you can forget the bigger picture, forget that although you are indeed these feelings, they are but a small part of who you are.
So be aware that there may be some peaks and valleys in the next few days. Let yourself live them fully, but do so with as much awareness as you can muster, that they are but vistas along the road. They are neither the destination nor the path itself.
In order to remain in balance, discipline will be useful. Try to give shape to your day and activities ahead of time rather than its opposite: allowing the activities and commitments to shape your time. The latter is easy to fall into, but if you know where you want to go (both in the ultimate and the short-term) then you will do well to choose the path that leads in your direction.
…particularly on this day when the detours will be more than usually seductive. In other words, give yourself over to the depths of any feelings and experiences you have, but do so while you chop wood and carry water. Do not attempt to mute what comes to you, but moderate it and sofen it by allowing it to be integrated into your journey.
The sun will be a wonderful source of sustenance. If you can see it, use its energies to fortify and fill yourself. In a time of intense introspection and internal involvement, the sun, like routine and balance, can provide a counterweight, an energetic constant that will help you navigate successfully through the ups and downs.
If you are someone who is on an even keel, we suggest that you try to notice the nuances of your internal life and how they relate to the sun and its presence in your life. This may provide some information which will serve you well in the future.
Please take good care of your physical self today as well. It is not a time for profligacy or a casual approach to your body’s needs. Eat thoughtfully, drink good water, rest when you are tired, exercise gently and avoid the temptation to push yourself. In this case you are much more likely to push yourself into collapse than on through to the other side.
The day holds the potential to render many deeply valuable insights if you are paying attention and staying in alignment. There is much to be learned from the practice of holding the center while the margins expand and contract. Fear nothing and allow all, but don’t forget the totality of your truth. Don’t forget the vastness of who you are.
We send you all much love and urge you again to practice love and kindness for yourself and others through this day of wonderful ups and downs.
Many blessings.
…..Many have been contacting me lately
There is a great terror spreading about the times ahead.
Things both big and small seem ominous…such as $4 for two tomatoes! It is a portent of the food shortages — the famine — to come.
And the Great Die-Off has already begun.
I was on VK and there was a German-language thread, the subject of which was “I am so worried about what is going to happen I cannot sleep at night.”
A wonderful local woman who saved my life by suggesting supplements that made my blood pressure drop by 100 points back to normal while I was grieving for Margi and had literal broken-heart syndrome came to me, herself in crisis, and she cried. Of German-American stock and from a farm family, she listens to RBN and knows full well what is really going on.
She raises chickens, loves animals, and has a lovely place in the countryside here.
She told me how her father was laughed at by the other farmers for believing in “conspiracy theories” and in a “New World Order,” and how he died suspiciously at just 49.
A Navy veteran, she served in both Iceland and in San Diego.
I told her: There is only one path forward: spirituality and action.
First, we must grasp that in a dozen previous lives, we let this gradual jew takeover happen.
We always hoped someone else would take on the jews, and if someone did, do not forget that in our past lives we refused to support them!
My own father, a war hero, said: “John, you can’t take on the jews.”
Yes, we, as the so-so Whites who reside on this one, specific, unusually insane planet, have brought this cataclysm in many previous lives of inaction upon ourselves.
But the agony ahead can and will awaken millions and turn them into fighters.
God, guts, guns and glory are ahead!
We will evolve and we will join the ranks of the many advanced and happy planets. We will stop our woe-is-me whining, and start to roll up our sleeves and go to work!
Henry Ford refused to do business with Germany during that time period, even though they asked. But he did business with the Soviets. In fact Ford built a large plant in Kharkov in 1936 for the Soviets. So his actions did not match up to his words.
It is actually more complicated than just that. I would infer, based on my own experience and over four decades of activism (somewhat in vain), and reading about jewish and Deep State methods, that Ford had some kind of gun, even literally, at his head.
“Do not judge a man until youn have walked a mile in his moccasins.”
The other factor is world-weariness, or as the Germans say, “Weltmüdigkeit”.
Henry Ford, who was beloved, highly respected, and extremely wealthy, risked everything in 1917 to bring World War One to a halt. And he got nowhere.
Then he moved on to expose courageously the main issue, the gigantic threat posed by finance jewry.
Yet again, both the masses and the bought or cowardly politicians in both parties, who of course come from the masses, did absolutely nothing about the jews.
People like Henry Ford (or Charles Lindbergh, Senior and Junior) who try to wake white people up and fail just get burned out.
And then they begin to rationalize how they need to haul down the flag for various moral reasons, such as……
“Comprendre, c’est pardonner.”
“To understand is to forgive.”
We need an Aryan religion to change Whites.
All the elections are rigged.
All the politicians, police chiefs and generals are either bribed or scared.
All the white masses, due to Baby Boomer aging, massive chemtrails and severe low-T, are <em>de facto</em> cowards.
And buying guns is not using them.
This is the reality.
I can change this.
But it begins with the cause, the egoic mind. It begins with a spiritual training to de-animalize us.
Either we are sheep to the slaughter, or vicious predators.
I will never forget the many stories I have heard from people I knew who were raising chickens for eggs and meat of foxes sneaking into a henhouse and killing all the hens just for the sheer pleasure of killing. Not one chicken was eaten.
Wolves are the same. Wolves who are not even hungry will fall upon a herd of deer and just rip their throats out, not even killing them.
Hunters come upon these dying deer, quivering in their death agony, and hate the wolves for doing this, for killing not to eat but for the diabolical “fun” of killing.
And what are earthlings? Largely young souls, or morally dubious people, either clueless sheep who love the very jews who are killing them, or treacherous, vicious predators who like to destroy.
Before you judge this man, Henry Ford, remember that before he folded his cards, he had already risked everything, including his very life and his beloved company that was his life’s work (and that made cars of very good quality that were affordable for the average American).
Henry Ford had a very big heart, and he tried his best.
“Judge not, lest ye be judged.” — Jesus of the Goyim District, “Galil ha goyim.”
I regret that Ford gave up.
But I understand the man.
American architects designed nearly 500 factories for the Soviet scum in the 1920s/30s, especially the Ford Motor Company out of Detroit. Western factory managers even went to Soviet Russia to show them how to run a mass-production factory. This was due to so many Russian managers having been shot during the Red Terror.
Russian production was so inefficient due to fear of the NKVD.
Aviation fuel had to to be shipped from Galveston, Texas in America to Soviet Russia in WW2 because of leaking pipes and lost production, all while the Soviet Russians had lakes of oil in the Baku region.
If managers and foremen didn’t reach their monthly quotas they were shot. Surprisingly, ordinary workers didn’t want to become managers or foremen.
The production quotas were set by Soviets 100s or even 100s of miles away in Moscow, by men who had never set foot in a factory.
Total inefficiency from total terror. It was yet another jewish failure.
Thanks, Carl.
I was just watching again, with a new friend, the superb Cold War film “The Bridges of Toko-Ri,” a Korean War tragedy.
I kept thinking the whole time how America and Britain had just saved the communist monsters from the Germans five years before!
Lieber John!
Der deutsche Mann ist ein armes Schwein. Er wird verspottet, geächtet und bei jeder Gelegenheit schlecht gemacht.
Seit Jahren werden ihm in den Medien Südländer, Araber und Neger vorgezogen. Der deutsche Mann hingegen wird als humorlos, fade, schwach und asexuell hingestellt. Man darf ihn beleidigen und durch den Dreck ziehen, aber das gilt nicht als “Hassrede”.
Kein Wunder, dass Viele kein Selbstbewusstsein mehr haben, schwul werden oder transsexuell.
Auch haben viele Nationalisten einen Hass auf Frauen, da diese ihrer Meinung nach Negerhuren sind, und sich nur um Ausländer kümmern, aber den eigenen Mann verachten und obendrein linke Parteien wählen.
Artikel wie diese gibt es wie Sand am Meer im Netz:
Das Verhältnis zwischen Mann und Frau ist wegen Hardcore Feminismus und Selbsthass katastrophal.
Wie kann noch Hoffnung entstehen?
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