Spiritual reading: reach out to a like-minded person; Margi narrates with great new visuals the Mary Phagan-Leo Frank case; Fields of Gold

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….Spiritual reading for April 4

It would not be surprising if you felt a great deal of longing today. You may sense a sort of bittersweetness, an ache that is yet filled with love. There is a strong impetus to connect, to be part of something larger, to not be so alone in your body, your soul, your world.

This is actually a wonderful state of affairs, and we encourage you to take full advantage of it. Reach out and make those connections if you can. Take a risk, let yourself be vulnerable and chance that in allowing yourself to be seen, you will be helping to open another’s heart.

There is no assuaging the ache. It will pass and later return; it is in fact nothing less than the longing for union with God. And you can use it to make your life and your spirit richer.

As you approach the day and the potential for interweaving your life with that of others’, try to remember  anything you have learned in the last couple of days. Longing like this can be indiscriminate, and that will not be particularly helpful at this point. Take your desire for knowing and seeing and being seen, your wish to join with others in this world, and point it wisely.

Knowing yourself, reach out to people whose energies dance with yours. Not only will this further you on your path, but it will be far easier than trying to connect where there is dissonance.

Sometimes it is good to reach across the aisle, as it were, to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, to open your heart to someone whose very existence challenges you. Not so today. Stay with the idea of aligning yourself. Move synchronistically. Stay on your own course and link arms and hearts with others who share your path.

Now, obviously you will have done much of this already. In general, these are the people you have in your circle. But it is likely that there are those you have not opened up to, people who walk a path parallel to yours, people whose essence is ideal for you, but whose trappings frighten or put you of.

This is where you will realize the greatest gain today. Think about making a comrade of someone you never thought to know intimately. And this does not mean that you should invite them over for dinner: just show them your light, and see theirs.

It is really about the practice of recognizing essence, of seeing soul. If you do that all day today, you will be wealthy by evening. There is so much that each of you carry, such riches that reside within all of you.

When you start to share them around, to pass them back and forth, taste a bit here and offer a little there—well, the world becomes a kind of paradise. There is nothing else to call it.

If you don’t feel the longing, you can still spend your day looking for the inner truth in others, and allowing yours to shine. You can hardly go wrong. But do remember not to get side-tracked into connecting in ways that compromise your purpose and your essence.

Please, have a glorious day. No matter what is going on in your life, no matter the challenges, this focus can but uplift and enrich you.

We send all our love.


……A new and fully visual series on the Leo Frank case narrated by Margi

It is both the glory and the shame of this country that just ONCE in the history of this nation since 1776 did a vicious jew get the punishment he deserved from actual average citizens, from the aroused people of this country.

And no, Jeffrey Epstein does not count.

I am NOT convinced that the notorious jewish pedophile Jeffrey Epstein is dead at all — the Mossad agent who gathered blackmail on American VIPs.


IMO, it is very possible he could have been spirited away to “the Jewish State of Israel” (as it is officially called) after pretending to be dead for some quick still photos where all he had to do was lie there motionless on a gurney.


After all, all the cameras in Epstein’s cell were said to be “malfunctioning” that night.




True, the jewish couple Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were indeed executed in 1953 in the electric chair for their years of giving US atomic secrets to the monstrous communist dictator Joseph Stalin, which was a stupendous and world-historic act of treason.


But this was not a case of the citizens rising up in righteous rage….. but of the US judicial system reacting to a gigantic act against the government… and it was also because the jewish judge in the case, Irving Kaufman, sought by their execution to head off a wave of antisemitism over this massive, staggering act of jewish world treachery.

No, the Leo Frank case was an open conflict between the jewish people and white PEOPLE, not their worthless government.

New York jewry invaded Georgia with oceans of cash to threaten witnesses, to bribe, to lie, to defame, and to twist the facts to get their rapist jew buddy off for a wicked rape and strangulation murder.

And the people of Georgia came to realize that this was jews being jews, jews revealing their true colors — by sticking up for a fellow jew, with no interest whatsoever in the heinous nature of his crime, a sordid act of premeditated wickedness committed on one of their own, a sweet, pure, beautiful, southern, and devoutly Christian, church-going white girl named Mary Phagan.

My late wife Margi narrated this in 2015, before, IMO, the jews gave her cancer.

And the main curator of leofrank.org has now added wonderful visuals!



Below is the introductory video — to be followed tomorrow by chapter one!

Hail Mary Phagan, a 4’9″ 13-year-old girl who refused to submit to the jew Frank, the Harvey Weinstein or Jeffrey Epstein of that era!




And hail to the many white American men of HONOR who went forth, who hanged that scrawny, loathsome jew, and who avenged the death of that little virgin, who was working 55 hours a week at age 13 in a jew sweatshop to help her struggling family!!!!


The Aryans who avenged her are our role models for today!!!!







Hail Mary! Hail Margi!


…..(Sent me by an Italian comrade) a musical salute to my wife whom I will see again after my religious mission has been launched

You’ll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley
You’ll forget the sun in his jealous sky as we walk in fields of gold

So she took her love for to gaze awhile upon the fields of barley
In his arms she fell as her hair came down among the fields of gold

Will you stay with me, will you be my love among the fields of barley?
We’ll forget the sun in his jealous sky as we lie in fields of gold


See the west wind move like a lover so upon the fields of barley.
Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth among the fields of gold

I never made promises lightly and there have been some that I’ve broken
But I swear in the days still left we’ll walk in fields of gold

We’ll walk in fields of gold

Many years have passed since those summer days among the fields of barley
See the children run as the sun goes down among the fields of gold

You’ll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley
You can tell the sun in his jealous sky when we walked in fields of gold

When we walked in fields of gold, when we walked in fields of gold…..

Btw, this song was recorded by Sting in 1993, three decades ago, in Wiltshire, England, which is where Stonehenge is located and so many, many crop circles have appeared, with Nordics trying to awaken us from our egoic blindness.


In Lyrics By Sting, the singer described the view from his 16th-century Wiltshire manor house:

In England, our house is surrounded by barley fields, and in the summer it’s fascinating to watch the wind moving over the shimmering surface, like waves on an ocean of gold.

There’s something inherently sexy about the sight, something primal, as if the wind were making love to the barley.

Lovers have made promises here, I’m sure, their bonds strengthened by the comforting cycle of the seasons.[3]





  1. A few of Britain’s 1960s Soviet spies were Jewish, George Blake being one. A lot of British Soviet spies frequently stayed with various Rothschilds at weekends.

    In the same era, the Kray twins [infamous jewish gangsters] were protected by corrupt police. Also, one of the Krays was bumming Lord Boothby, the Home Secretary! He should have been arresting the buggers.

    • Yes, indeed.

      Ronald “Ronnie” Kray and Robert John Graham Boothby, Baron Boothby

      Guess with whom Boothby used to also go bumming?

      With his boss Winnie!

      All smiles as the two queers plot WWII:


      Having absorbed many lessons from Barbara Tuchman’s The March of Folly, one of them was that even THEN, in the 1770s, much of the British upper class was utterly immoral, corrupt, lazy, perpetually drunk and were gambling addicts.

      Americans such as Benjamin Franklin, who was appointed by the thirteen British-American colonies as their representative to Parliament in London after Parliament had disastrously laughed off the very idea of giving the Americans any seats at all in Westminster, were appalled and revolted by the idea of being under the boots of Their Lordships any longer.

    • IT:

      Molto bello — grazie mille volte! L’ho appena aggiunto all’articolo sopra.

      Ma mi ha fatto piangere così tanto.

      Eppure, dopo il pianto, sono scomparsi i ricordi di Eckhart Tolle, è tornato il momento presente, il grande, eterno ORA.

      Ho il dovere, e non ho voglia di rivedere Margi nella vergogna di aver lasciato incompiuta la mia grande opera. Dio mi dia sostegno per affrontare questo mondo di diavoli.


      EN So very beautiful — thank you a thousand times! 🙂 I just added this to the article above.

      But it made me cry so much.

      Yet after the crying the reminders of Eckhart Tolle came to mind, the present moment returned, the great, eternal NOW.

      I have a duty, and I have no desire to see Margi again in the shame of leaving my great work undone. God give me support to confront this world of devils.

      You’ll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley
      You’ll forget the sun in his jealous sky as we walk in fields of gold
      So she took her love for to gaze awhile upon the fields of barley
      In his arms she fell as her hair came down among the fields of gold
      Will you stay with me, will you be my love among the fields of barley?
      We’ll forget the sun in his jealous sky as we lie in fields of gold
      See the west wind move like a lover so upon the fields of barley.
      Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth among the fields of gold
      I never made promises lightly and there have been some that I’ve broken
      But I swear in the days still left we’ll walk in fields of gold
      We’ll walk in fields of gold
      Many years have passed since those summer days among the fields of barley
      See the children run as the sun goes down among the fields of gold
      You’ll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley
      You can tell the sun in his jealous sky when we walked in fields of gold
      When we walked in fields of gold, when we walked in fields of gold

  2. Io so quello che provi, il dolore per Margi.In realtà non si può spiegare a parole, tutto quello che è altamente spirituale, indefinito, non fa parte dell’illusione data dalla mente egoica.Margi è il Divino femminile che appartiene a te.. è dentro di te.Non si può spiegare questo dolore che ha la stessa intensità dell’amore che provi per lei.E’ come risvegliarsi da tutte le illusioni e gli inganni della mente egoica…costruiti secolo dopo secolo.E’ un meteorite che cade in testa e fa male…. È il Sé superiore senza Veli.Qualcosa che l’Uomo stesso non può neanche immaginare.E’ il Paradiso in terra.E’ ciò che descrive Gesù nei vangeli apocrifi, in quello di Tommaso.Abbiamo fatto questo discorso tante volte e so che solo tu puoi capirmi.Si piange a fiumi ma non sai da dove arriva questo pianto.Ti sono vicina.Lo sai.

    • Transl. from Italian:

      I know what you feel, this pain for Margi. In reality it cannot be explained in words, all that is highly spiritual, indefinite, is not part of the illusion given by the egoic mind.

      Margi is the Divine Feminine that belongs to you and is inside you. You can’t explain this pain that has the same intensity as the love you feel for her.

      It’s like waking up from all the illusions and deceptions of the egoic mind…constructed century after century.

      It’s a meteorite that falls on your head and it hurts…. It is the Higher Self without Veils. Something that Man himself cannot even imagine. It is Heaven on earth. It is what Jesus describes in the apocryphal gospels, especially in that of Thomas.

      We have had this discussion many times, and I know that only you can understand me. We cry in rivers but you don’t know where this cry comes from. I’m close to you. You know it. 🙂


      Thank you.

      Yesterday, I went to the hospital for a blood pressure test (it was excellent) and the nurse I had was the same girl who had given Margi many blood tests. She was so shocked and sad to hear she had passed on.

      “Margi was my favorite patient,” she said. “She was just so sweet.”

      So when I die, having fulfilled my great mission, I know I will have someone wonderful to see once again. 🙂

      • Indeed you have, John. I believe Margi is now helping us from Asgard if she has not already reincarnated here again. Many blessings.

        • No, she has not reincarnated. No one with any wisdom is coming back here now.

          I felt her in the passenger seat next to me when I drove 65 miles to the hospital yesterday for a blood pressure test. It was an excellent result!

          She ain’t coming back until I have done my duty down here and the Great Rebirth has begun.

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