Spiritual reading: reflect on your path; Maui’s police chief was “incident commander” in Las Vegas during Paddock machine-gun massacre; deliberate mass killing in a Hawaii governed by a jew

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….spiritual reading for August 27

Take today to stop and sit. It is a great day to take a look at where you are, where you have come from, and of course, most importantly, where you are going. There are times when it is essential to move, whether the movement be material or etheric. Today, conversely, is a day when movement of any sort is mostly contra-indicated.

You are all caught up in fast-moving currents (although at times they may feel stagnant, in fact you are being carried very swiftly) and you are being called upon to use your judgment, to make choices, and to alter your course on a moment’s notice.

This is going to continue for the foreseeable future, so it behooves you to take the time today, when you can, to step back, slow down and take a look at the lay of the land, as it were.

Your path is dictated by your intent. Whatever it is that you are envisioning, or putting energy into in other ways becomes magnetized, and then you are pulled relentlessly toward it. Sometimes this looks inexplicable—why am I ending up here doing this particular piece of work?

Now, we have warned you again and again about the dangers of attempting to manifest using the very limited vistas available to you at most times. We reiterate right now that you will only circumscribe your future opportunities if you choose to call into being very specific outcomes.

However, there is no doubt that you follow your energetic investments. So it makes sense to take stock of where and how you are putting your energies. Some things will be obvious, others will take a while longer to see. These are the tricky places, naturally. These are the places you are unaware of investing in and yet you find yourself moving toward them again and again. If that is the case, it may be positive or negative; you need to do some exploring so that you can be conscious and make your choices from consciousness.

If this sounds a little vague, that is because it must be. All of you are walking in the same basic direction, but each takes different detours, and each moves at her or his own pace. And this is correct. During the course of the day today, check in with yourself—look for patterns of circumstance that are beneficial or not, but which somehow strike you as unsolicited.

They are not. You are indeed creating them. If you want to continue that, then you can make that choice in awareness. If perchance you want to discontinue certain creations, you can make that choice as well.

The fact is that you are offered few moments for reflection, and this is one of them. Your life and your potential are being lived like lightening, so we encourage you to sit quietly in the rare stillness today and allow yourself to know more fully how it is that you are directing and influencing your path.

Many challenges are being handed ‘round, and you will need all the knowledge and awareness that you can find and hold to meet yours. The true wisdom required will flow in as long as you do your part and seek out the truth and tell yourself what it is that you long for.

We send you peace and love today.



…. Maui Officials Finally Release List of People Who Are Still Missing

*** JdN: Every single thing the authorities did made it worse.

1) turned off water for the fire department
2) didn’t sound the fire alarms
3) didn’t shut off electric power during high winds
4) barricaded the exit routes!

The governor is a jew, btw: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Green_(politician)

Green, an M.D., was born on February 11, 1970, in Kingston, New York to a Jewish family.[..]

As you read the below, this is what I conclude: This was a practice mass killing of goyim.

Why? 1) Jews  love killing goyim and always have, so this latest atrocity was just one of thousands of mass murders of the goyim by jews over the millennia. And 2) the goal is a 90% reduction in the earthling population, and, as with any gigantic project, there are rehearsals before the main action.

This was a 2019 blog about the regime inflicting gigantic fires on Californians: https://johndenugent.com/giant-california-fires-nwo-practicing-with-weapons-for-white-expulsion-and-genocide-even-sewers-catching-on-fire/

I wish to remind people also of the 1945 Rhine Meadows murder of a million surrendered German troops. Jews simply like to kill us!

US Army aerial photo from July 1945 of Eisenhower’s Bad Kreuznach death camp — hundreds of thousands of German soldiers were held by Eisenhower in violation of the US-signed Geneva Convention for months with no food, water, latrines, or tents in the open air. Thousands died every day. The Germans’ emaciated corpses were photographed and used as “proof” of the Holocaust.


Compact is a very good patriotic magazine in Germany that goes as far as it dares in a censorship-dominated legal situation. “Death camps of the Americans. Mass murder of German on the Rhine Meadows” says the title. What is pitiful is that Germans troops marched west in late 1945 in the naïve belief that they would be safe and treated well if they surrendered to the Americans instead of the Soviets. In reality, the jews’ hatred for Germany and their lust to slow-kill them ruled both enemies.


No wonder Michelangelo depicted Moses with devil horns!



By The Associated Press
Maui County, Hawaii, released the names of 388 people still missing Thursday more than two weeks after the deadliest U.S. wildfire in more than a century, and officials asked anyone who knows a person on the list to be safe to contact authorities.The FBI compiled the list of names.The number of confirmed dead after fires on Maui that destroyed the historic seaside community of Lahaina stands at 115, a number the county said is expected to rise.
“We also know that once those names come out, it can and will cause pain for folks whose loved ones are listed,” Police Chief John Pelletier said in a statement. [See below more on Pelletier!]“This is not an easy thing to do, but we want to make sure that we are doing everything we can to make this investigation as complete and thorough as possible,” he said.Names on the list were deemed validated if officials had a person’s first and last name and a verified contact for the person who reported them missing, officials said.

An additional 1,732 people who had been reported missing have been found safe as of Thursday afternoon, officials said.

On Wednesday, officials said 1,000 to 1,100 names remained on the FBI’s tentative, unconfirmed list of people unaccounted for, but DNA had been collected from only 104 families, a figure far lower than in previous major disasters around the country.

Hawaii officials had expressed concern that by releasing a list of the missing, they would also be identifying some people who have died.

Pelletier said Tuesday that his team faced difficulties in compiling a solid list.

In some cases, people provided only partial names, and in other cases, names might be duplicated.

“If you are an immediate family member (parent, sibling or child) of an individual you believe is still unaccounted for, please visit the Family Assistance Center in the Monarchy Ballroom at the Hyatt Regency in Ka’anapali to provide a DNA sample to assist with the identification process,” the county said in its news release.

Maui County sued Hawaiian Electric Co. on Thursday, saying the utility negligently failed to shut off power despite exceptionally high winds and dry conditions.

Witness accounts and video indicated that sparks from power lines ignited fires as utility poles snapped in the winds, which were driven by a passing hurricane.

Hawaii Electric said in a statement it is “very disappointed that Maui County chose this litigious path while the investigation is still unfolding.”


LAS VEGAS, NV – OCTOBER 01 People run from the Route 91 Harvest country music festival [99% WHITE attendees] after apparent gun fire was heard on October 1, 2017 in Las Vegas, Nevada. There are reports of an active shooter around the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. (Photo by David Becker/Getty Images)


JdN: There were many, many murky things about this mass shooting that suggested a Deep State op to promote gun control, and possibly an MK-ULTRA shooter.

One goal seems to have been a test of how to cause panic; my late wife Margi in her research kept coming back to the fact that the sound of machine-gun firing was being played over loudspeakers, and though it is said that 60 died and 413 were wounded, many (not all) photos of the supposed firing zone show the attendees at the country music festival were either lying prone for their safety or running but — there were no dead bodies at all still lying there when it was over.

Former military members are seen and heard saying “Hey, that gunfire is not live; it’s just coming from the loudspeakers!” And it did sound tinny.

However, many may indeed have been killed.

Part of this IMO was perhaps just sadistic toying with the goyim — enjoying seeing country-music fans (who are 99% white and usually politically conservative and MAGA types) scream and run.

Btw, even lib-jew Geraldo Rivera of FOX News Channel was saying, a month after the incident, that the authorities were holding back accurate information, and Geraldo said, in effect, “something about this is wrong.”




  1. Dave Hodges of “The Common Sense Show” has been giving good coverage to the Maui fire. It appears to be a land grab. A law has been passed that residents may not rebuild their homes for two years. It appears the plan is to rebuild in terms of “smart cities” of UN Agenda 2030. In any case, causalities are extensive and there are 2,000 missing children.

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