July 13
Try never to let a day pass without noticing and rejoicing in the extraordinary and rare experience you have chosen in being on your planet at this time.
*** these readings are from channeling Nordics
At any time it is a wondrous thing, but in the moment, the very air is charged, the earth speaks more eloquently than She has in many a millennia and the animals (non-human varieties 😉 ) are at last beginning to give voice to that wisdom which they have accumulated and lived by.
*** Rudolf Hess in Spandau
“National socialism is when the truths of biology are applied to human society.”
Today the whole universe will be having a get-together, and it is an opportunity without par. We beg you not to let yourself get lost in the details of mundane life such that you miss the party.
Well, of course you will lose yourself in them from time to time, and this is actually part of the process. But to forget that you are here for reasons much grander and more pressing than your career, your children, your own individual path—that is to be in the midst of a magnificent feast but grubbing for worms and bugs!
Today, move more deeply into awareness of your true nature and purpose.
There is a pulse all around that you may feel or hear or simply sense. This is the pulse of universal energy aligned.
The earth, the stars, the very atmosphere will all be singing the same song today.
That makes it so much easier to hear, to dance to, to understand the lyrics. When you are drifting off to sleep it may be easiest to notice, in that space between waking consciousness and dreaming. Pay attention if you can find it, because it is a powerful tool for tracking the way inside.
It will, however, not be necessary to hear or sense this pulse in order to grow clearer and more confident about realities that beckon you right now. Because even if you are unaware of what is happening, that universal energy will be pulsing through your being and putting you in line with all the rest of creation. Trust this, and ask to be opened to all that is. It is brief period where the Oneness comes closer to manifesting even in the places where separation truly appears to be the reality.
In other words, there are many beautiful and potentially transformative seconds, minutes, hours right ahead.
So please, take some time right now to rejoice in the potential, in the ever-changing and always expanding nature of your life and being.
Gratitude and appreciation are likely the most powerful forces you have at your disposal.
Hard work is good, love is excellent, devotion is miraculous and surrender can be perfect, but gratitude is truly divine. You know this well, and yet you forget. There is nothing like the alchemy that occurs when the human heart is tempered in the crucible of gratitude.
*** Starting off the day with a perfect shave
Like all good reincarnated Romans 😉 , I love to be clean-shaven.
No beard for this guy. Let the muslims be all hairy.
And three five-blade razors for $5 (at “Dollar General”) — I am being “in the moment” of having cheeks as smooooooth as a baby’s butt! 😉
Today, do all you can to cultivate appreciation for the terrific opportunities that lie before you. Whether you choose to pick one or more of them up and work with them doesn’t matter especially at this moment. Instead, you will find the greatest loft comes from allowing yourself to celebrate the magnitude of the feast, the diversity of the bazaar, the incredible generosity of the universe.
So please, come to the big party. Listen for the beat which connects you with all of existence—look inward and listen outward. And then dance! Survey the multitude of gifts that are laid before you and sample some of them. Just remember to stay grateful and you will have a wonderful time.
We send all our love and blessings. — E. West
…..God: both in and above all things
Everything is good, just, fair and as it should be.
Beauty teaches us, and so does ugliness.
Defeat is great — learn why — as is victory.
Alcoholic or brutal parents teach us not to abuse alcohol or be mean to our own kids.
If the white race — on this planet — is wiped out, that is only fair. It has ignored the warnings for three thousand years!
If it wakes up, that would be cool, too! 🙂 We actually learned to stand up for ourselves!
God is everything, but He also rules above it all.
As a man sows, so shall he reap. In many lives, we live, love and learn — the hard way or by reflecting on our lives.
Everything is good, just, fair and as it should be. The purple lupine just told me. 🙂
Riesci a trovare la frase perfetta per ogni situazione;mi fai sempre ridere!Pensare che stamattina avevo il viso bagnato di lacrime.
Non posso fare a meno di trattenermi,ma come ti vengono fuori questi collegamenti?-“liscio come il sedere di un bambino”-Se domani mi viene in mente e rido da sola mi prendono per matta!
Ma poi…Tu hai il pelo angelico e una pelle delicatissima 😉
You can find the perfect phrase for any situation; you always make me laugh! Thinking that, my face was wet with tears this morning.
I can’t help but hold back, but how do these mental connections come out to you — “as smooth as a baby’s butt”? If it comes back to my mind tomorrow and I laugh alone, they will think I am crazy!
But then … You do have angelic hair and a very delicate skin.
Lo so che ti piace tanto questo pezzo,lo so che avresti voluto tanto una dedica del Genere,conoscendo la tua sensibilità.
Prova ad immaginare quanto ti voglio bene;immagina il multiverso,le numerose stelle e gli infiniti Soli.
È sempre stato lì,nel profondo del mio cuore,come un tesoro nascosto che aspettava di essere trovato non da un cavagliere(un po’ sì quando sono un perfetto maschiaccio)ma da una principessa che ti riempirebbe di baci e infinita dolcezza.
Happy birthday Heart of mine
forever and ever 🙂
I know you will like this piece so much. I know you would have wanted such a dedication so much, knowing your sensitivity.
Try to imagine how much I and others love you; imagine the multiverse, the numerous stars and the infinite suns.
It has always been there, deep in our heart, like a hidden treasure waiting to be found, but not by a knight (or, well, yes when I’m a perfect tomboy) but by a princess who would fill you with kisses and infinite sweetness.
Happy birthday, our dear heart.
forever and ever
Oh, thank you soooooo much! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma!
Tu pure, oh Principessa
Nella tua fredda stanza
Guardi le stelle che tremano
D’amore e di speranza
Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me
Il nome mio nessun saprà
No, no, sulla tua bocca lo dirò
Quando la luce splenderà
Ed il mio bacio scioglierà
Il silenzio che ti fa mia
(ll nome suo nessun saprà
E noi dovrem, ahimè, morir, morir)
Dilegua, oh notte
Tramontate, stelle
Tramontate, stelle
All’alba vincerò
Qui dove il mare luccica
E tira forte il vento
Su una vecchia terrazza
Davanti al Golfo di Surriento
Un uomo abbraccia una ragazza
Dopo che aveva pianto
Poi si schiarisce la voce
E ricomincia il canto
Te voglio bene assaje
Ma tanto tanto bene sai
È una catena ormai
Che scioglie il sangue dint’ ‘e ‘vvene sai
Vide le luci in mezzo al mare
Pensò alle notti là in America
Ma erano solo le lampare
Nella bianca scia di un’elica
Sentì il dolore nella musica
Si alzò dal pianoforte
Ma quando vide la luna uscire da una nuvola
Gli sembrò più dolce anche la morte
Guardò negli occhi la ragazza
Quelli occhi verdi come il mare
Poi all’improvviso uscì una lacrima
E lui credette di affogare
Te voglio bene assaje
Ma tanto tanto bene sai
È una catena ormai
Che scioglie il sangue dint’ ‘e ‘vvene sai
Potenza della lirica
Dove ogni dramma è un falso
Che con un po’ di trucco e con la mimica
Puoi diventare un altro
Ma due occhi che ti guardano
Così vicini e veri
Ti fan scordare le parole
Confondono i pensieri
Così diventa tutto piccolo
Anche le notti là in America
Ti volti e vedi la tua vita
Come la scia di un’elica
Ma sì, è la vita che finisce
Ma lui non ci pensò poi tanto
Anzi si sentiva già felice
E ricominciò il suo canto
Te voglio bene assaje
Ma tanto tanto bene sai
È una catena ormai
Che scioglie il sangue dint’ ‘e ‘vvene sai
Te voglio bene assaje
Ma tanto tanto bene sai
È una catena ormai
Che scioglie il sangue dint’ ‘e ‘vvene sai..
PS…ad un certo punto ho cominciato ad odiare questa canzone, perché mi costringevano a suonarla come si suona un campanello della Porta!
Ecco che tutto cambia,quando le parole acquistano un significato diverso da quello che pensano tutti.
E queste musiche diventano tue,personali e molto intime.
Ora sono anche le tue,probabilmente da sempre… chissà.