Spiritual reading: relationships as energies

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December 15

Relationships today. No, we are not speaking of anything particularly romantic. Rather, we suggest that it is an ideal day to study the relationships of beings, movements and intentions to one another.

If you allow yourself to contemplate this topic—in whatever way is currently relevant in your life and experience—you will likely be able to find some insights previously hidden from you. And from the insights may flow more skillful and clear intent and action on your part.

The webs that support life on your planet are beyond imagination. They are at once very complex and utterly simple. And if you learn to see them more clearly, you will have the capacity to use them–to heal, to grow and to move on all planes with greater speed and accuracy.

We are not intentionally obtuse today. It is simply that this facet of your world (the relationships between things, thoughts, actions, beings) exists on so many levels that it would be counterproductive to try to describe it.

In so doing, we would exclude so much of what might be meaningful to you. Think of a building with hundreds of floors, each floor containing numerous interconnected offices or businesses.

All populated, fixtured and having various relationships with one another. The relationships are vertical, horizontal, diagonal, arising from purpose, material, species, color, age, etc. You can probably begin to see that the possibilities are truly endless.

But it is in these linkages that you will find essential means to alter
yourself and your world. So it is here, to these relationships that we point you right now.

Start where you are, or at some random spot that draws you. Begin to look at the way that one aspect of your being connects to other beings. Or take it wherever you are guided to. The point is to learn as much as you can about channels for energetic movement, and looking at relationships is a very powerful way to do that.

And at some point during the day, try to get outside and approach nature from a vantage of exploring relationships. So many beautiful and amazing things await your discovery. Blessings. (E. West)


…..Recent donations

— 14 December 2021 $95 via PayPal from V in Denmark


Frederiksborg Castle, north of Copenhagen from when Norway and Denmark were under one king

The royal chapel, beautiful but empty, as with most Christian churches in western, central and northern Europe. This is an incredible waste of space, money and beauty at a time when Whites desperately need spiritual guidance but do not find it in the churches or their semitic stories. Christianity has been dead in most of Europe for generations as I foresaw and said in Table Talk at Führer Headquarters.

— 13 December 2021 300 euros from M in France

An actually very nice rap song by white Bretons about maintaining their celtic heritage…. The tribe of Dana in Celtic legends was an extraterrestrial people with extraordinary technology that was linked to the Celtic peoples:


— 10 December 2021 $5 in cash from M in Florida

— 5 December 2021 $90 donation via PayPal from H in California, a previous donor

— 4 December 2021 another 300 euros (same in US dollars) from the heroic M in France, a working man, btw, not some millionaire!!!!!

Menhirs, prehistoric sacred boulders in celtic Carnac, Brittany, France

— 3 December 2021 500 euros (same in US dollars) via PP from S in Germany

Castle Eutin, Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany; I was here with the Marines in 1979 with a NATO “Reforger” exercise nd went through the town of Angeln, whence the “Anglos” in Anglo-Saxons. The last Reich president, Admiral Karl Dönitz, ran the last German government from here in May 1945.

— 30 November 2021 US$100 via PayPal from V in Denmark


“Ramund” (hin unge) is a Danish folksong from around the 1600s. I am playing a nyckelharpa, an ancient Swedish instrument. It started to storm as I played. “Ramund” has around 20 verses, and there are different versions written down. It is mainly about Ramund, a man who goes to battle with the Jætter / trolls and then sails to the emperor to take his daughter to marry and then decapitates the emperor.

— 27 November 2021 $400 Australian ( = US$285), photocopied information on Australian WWII PM John Curtin (very pro-white and apprehensive about China) and letter from P in Australia

— 27 November 2021 $70 Australian ( = US$51), Christmas card and letter from P in Australia

— 27 November 2021 300 euros ( = same in US dollars) from M in France

— 26 November 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from G in Chicago

John Kennedy and Jackie in Chicago


— 25 November 2021 85 euros via PayPal from M in Texas

— 20 November 2021  300 euros (same in US dollars) from M in France

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