UPDATED Spiritual reading; remembering 150 innocent white victims of Germanwings pilot “haunted by his gay demons”

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Yvonne Selke and her pretty daughter Emily were killed in 2015. They were two of the three American citizens among the 150 victims of the fudge-packing, narcissistic, resentful pilot Andreas Lubitz of Germanwings (which went bankrupt, costing other white people thousands of jobs, after “bi” Lubitz committed his mega-crime. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanwings_Flight_9525)


A French prosecutor announced on Thursday that investigators had found and studied over 2,800 body parts from all 150 victims of the plane crash.

Marseille Prosecutor Brice Robin said that investigators have found 2,854 body parts from all 150 people on board the Germanwings flight, the Associated Press reported.

[See more below]


…..spiritual reading for May 20

It could be an intense day today. You may find yourself deep in sadness, loneliness, a feeling of isolation or hopelessness. Or you could experience a sense of pure union with everything, of blessedness and being guided. You can see that the thread here is about powerful experience of your situation as spirit in form.

If you do notice yourself leaning in one or the other of these directions, use your awareness to see the extremes to which you are drawn. You need not surrender your clarity or your consciousness to these extremes of emotion. While one might sound desirable and the other not so, remember that if you allow either to swallow your higher awareness, you have not been well served. It is in the loss of consciousness that you ultimately stand to lose.

So try to steer a path of equilibrium from the seat of your Witness. You may feel despairing or you may feel ecstatic, but the goal today is to remember that those are feelings. In fact, one can prove that any perception is true if one is so inclined, but it is in watching the movement, the ebb and fow, the longing—to merge or to suffer or whatever else might lie within—that you will grow the most today.

Detachment in the face of intense and almost overwhelming feeling. That is your challenge today. Now, some of you may not fnd yourselves yanked to one end of the spectrum or another. Your day may proceed somewhat uneventfully from an internal point of view. If this is your situation, you can still practice detaching, even from the smaller ups and down of emotional response and reaction. It will be easier for you than for some others. Perhaps your greater lessons come later, or perhaps you have made it through some of them.

Please set your intent to stay as aware and as non-judgmental as you are able. Regardless of the circumstances or the extent of your response, the day favors your growing ability to hold many spaces at once without losing your balance. So feel despairing if you do, but again—don’t get lost in it. Feel despairing (or ecstatic or just pleased or annoyed) and also watch yourself feeling whatever it is you feel.

Reach for the understanding of the impermanence of any state of that sort.

Ground yourself down into the earth and up into the infinite. Through you passes pure light and truth.

Do not let yourself be knocked asunder by any rogue winds.

We wish you well on this and on every day, and we call down for you all the blessings of all the light that
surrounds and supports your work and your planet.




……..Remembering 150 murdered white people

Some of the people this literal cocksucker killed:

Among them were these two Australians, a son, an engineer, and his mother, a nurse (like my younger daughter, Erika):

Carol Friday, 68, was a nurse and her 29-year-old son Greig, an engineer. They were on holiday in Europe before Greig was due to start a teaching job.

Their names were released by the foreign ministry in Australia, along with a statement from the family asking for privacy, according to ABC News.

“Carol was a loving mother of two, a devoted wife to her husband, Dave, and a sister to three brothers,” the statement said. Greig was to have turned 30 on 23 April. He was a loving son to Carol and Dave and an exceptional brother to his sister, Alex. He was adored by all his family and friends.”

……Here Are The Chilling Details Of How The Germanwings Co-Pilot Intentionally Crashed The Plane

Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin explained the actions Andreas Lubitz took to deliberately “destroy” an Airbus carrying 150 people.

A French prosecutor on Thursday laid out the chilling details, based on a transcript of the final 30 minutes of a cockpit voice recorder, of how Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz intentionally flew an Airbus carrying 150 people into the Alps.

Brice Robin said at a news conference that for the first 20 minutes, the captain of the plane and Lubitz spoke in a cordial, normal fashion with each other and there was nothing unusual about the conversation.

“At this point the co-pilot is the only one in the cockpit,” Robin said. “So it’s while he’s alone that he has somehow manipulated the buttons on the flight monitoring system to accelerate the plane’s descent. I repeat, he was alone at the helm of this plane.”

Robin reiterated that the action of starting the aircraft’s descent at that particular altitude could only be done deliberately and that it was not automatic.

The captain was then heard calling Lubitz to regain access into the cockpit using the internal communication system.

“We hear several cries of the pilot asking to access the cockpit,” Robin said. “Through the intercom system, he identifies himself, but there is no answer; he knocks on the door, but receives no response from the co-pilot.”

There were sounds of “normal breathing” from inside the cockpit up until the final point of impact, which indicated that Lubitz was alive. Air traffic controllers from a control tower in Marseille began asking for a distress signal, but when there was no response it meant that the flight became a priority compared to every other flight at that point, Robin said.

Alarm systems were triggered, indicating the proximity of the ground to everyone on board. Violent blows [with an ax] to break down the cockpit door were also heard, presumably by the captain trying to get back into the cockpit. But the door was reinforced, according to international security norms to protect against terrorist acts, Robin said.

The sound of the plane’s first impact was heard, which meant it could have glanced or hit something before the final impact. No distress calls or mayday signals were made by the co-pilot despite several calls from the control tower.

“The most likely interpretation in our view is that the co-pilot, through deliberate abstention of his duties, refused to open the cockpit door to the chief pilot and used the button which controls loss of altitude,” said Robin.

In the last eight minutes the aircraft went from 10,000 to 12,000 meters to virtually 2,000 meters. The mountain it hit was between 1,500 and 2,500 meters.

“He used this button to lose altitude for reasons that are totally unknown to us at the moment,” said Robin, adding that his actions could be analyzed as “a deliberate attempt to destroy the aircraft.”

Robin said the passengers became aware of what was going on only at the last moment because the aircraft was very large and the passengers were not near the cockpit.

“We hear screams only in the very last moments before the impact. The screams are in the last seconds,” he said.

“Death was instantaneous,” Robin said, because the aircraft was going 700 kilometers an hour [500 mph] before hitting the mountain.

A French comrade on the uncensored Russian answer to Facebook, VK, happened to write me that there was snow in the town of Barcelonnette, a nice ski area in the southern French Alps.
I responded:
As I guess you know, I and my then wife, a Frenchwoman named Brigitte,
….ried to buy the “L’Ourson” [ = “bear cub” in French], a small, winter ski hotel near there, in Super Sauze https://www.agoda.com/fr-fr/chalet-l-ourson/hotel/bar..
But “someone,” the jews, knowing who I am, did not want us to succeed…….
Also, this is the general area where almost eight years ago, in 2015, that resentful bisexual German pilot, Andreas Lubitz (an often jewish name!!!!!) crashed his Germanwings jet into the French Alps,

deliberately killing 150 innocent white people.


……Many (not all) Lubitzes are jews

“Lubitz” is said to be a slavic place name in eastern Germany (of which there are many, including Berlin, Dresden or Leipzig), and some Lubitzes are Christian/gentile, and are in fact farmers, bus drivers and roofers.

“Tob shebbe goyim harog!”  = “Even the best Goyim should be killed.”

Soferim 15, Rule 10. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soferim_(Talmud))

You can see indicators of jewishness in
— the first name a child is given (Alan, Marc, Sidney, Rachel, etc.);
— in the choice of profession (medicine, law, department stores, finance — anything money-related);
— in the location (in heavily jewish states such as New York or California; in cities (New York, Miami, Silver Spring/Maryland, etc.) and neighborhoods, such as the Westmount section of Montreal, the East Side of Providence, or Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh);
— in leftist activism in the Demoncrat Party or by making liberal postings online on Twitter or Facebook (anti-Trump, pro-abortion, for open borders, etc.);
— and, in obvious cases, in synagogue membership or being a rabbi. 😉
Rabbi Ronen Lubitz of Nir Etzion, Israel
A clearly jewish Lubitz family, with first names like Nathan and Morris: https://www.ancestry.com/genealogy/records/nathan-lubitz-24-10b0vqb
Nathan Lubitz (with the classic jewish first name and face) was born in jewy New York Cit and died in jewy New Jersey.
Jewish features (dark, eastern-mediterranean) and choice of profession, and some could be half-jews but feel and be seen as jewish
lawyer; graduated from the overtly jewish Brandeis University
singer; jews as the self-appointed royal race do not do menial work unless Heinrich Himmler puts them in a concentration camp 😉
Black hair, but frosted; brown eyes; possible nose job (very common among jewesses after age 18) 
A website by a Wolfgang Lubitz glorifying the infamous jewish mass murderer and founder of the Red Army, Lev Bronstein AKA Leon Trotsky (A big reason Stalin killed Trotsky and many Trotskyites was they were jews, and he saw the communist jews correctly as dual loyalists and potential traitors) 

….Wikipedia on the massacre

Germanwings Flight 9525[1][a] was a scheduled international passenger flight from Barcelona–El Prat Airport in Spain to Düsseldorf Airport in Germany. The flight was operated by Germanwings, a low-cost carrier owned by the German airline Lufthansa.

On 24 March 2015, the aircraft, an Airbus A320-211, crashed 100 km (62 mi; 54 nmi) north-west of Nice in the French Alps. All 144 passengers and six crew members were killed.[2][3] It was Germanwings’ first fatal crash in the 18-year history of the company.

The investigation determined that the crash was caused deliberately by the co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz, who had previously been treated for suicidal tendencies and declared “unfit to work” by his doctor. Lubitz kept this information from his employer and instead reported for duty. Shortly after reaching cruise altitude and while the captain was out of the cockpit, he locked the cockpit door and initiated a controlled descent that continued until the aircraft impacted a mountainside.

In response to the incident and the circumstances of the co-pilot’s involvement, aviation authorities in some countries implemented new regulations that require the presence of two authorized personnel in the cockpit at all times.[4][5][6][7] Three days after the incident, the European Aviation Safety Agency issued a temporary recommendation for airlines to ensure that at least two crew members—including at least one pilot—were in the cockpit for the entire duration of the flight.[8] Several airlines announced that they had already adopted similar policies voluntarily.[9][10][11]


I was the only blogger worldwide to point out he was a bisexual and likely part-jew who hated being teased about his sexual weirdness: https://johndenugent.com/germanwings-pilot-lubitz.. 

This blog now is my update on that.

John De-Nugent

It was not just the horror of this mass murder, but also for the white French an enormous expense in money and emotional trauma for rescue and recovery workers to climb up into the mountains at the crash site and pick up and haul down the mountain thousands of pieces of jet debris and collect the body parts.
The white taxpayers of France, who already pay over 50% of their income in taxes to support illegal-migrant, violent Arabs and negroes, footed the bill in the millions for this pointless catastrophe caused by an angry bisexual nerd.

UPDATE More confirmation of my theory:





As I wrote to a major blogger in March 2015:

The importance of my exposés on Andreas Lubitz, mass-murdering gay (and possibly part-Jewish) pilot at Germanwings who killed 150 Gentiles, cannot be overstressed.

We have a chance to now strike a blow at two dangerous groups united in one man: a perverted mass murderer of us sexually normal Gentiles, a fiend who is both a likely part-Jew and a gay. …. with 83 MILLION hits on the name Andreas Lubitz on Google yesterday…

Crash site in the southern French Alps; I know this area very well from a hotel project I worked on in 2004 near Barcelonette


another angle


One of three Americans killed, Emily Selke; Emily had graduated in 2013 from Drexel University in Philadelphia with a music major


Pupils arrive for memorial-service at the Joseph Koenig High School in Haltern, Germany, to mourn and remember their 16 murdered classmates



My concern (and certainly that of researcher Sofia Smallstorm, who beat me to it) is that this Lubitz thing will be seized on and misused by the jewsmedia, as in recent supposed mass shootings such as Aurora, Colorado and Sandy Hook, Connecticut, to enhance their calls for constant government mental-health monitoring of every citizen. If you are not “normal” by ZOG standards — for example, you feel “hate” — you would not be able to own a gun, run a business, do homeschooling, grow food others could eat, vote, drive a car (a two-ton “potential weapon”) or, of course, fly a jet or operate your own private plane, or even a mini-drone.

Footage of recovery on the mountainside:


French prosecutor Brice Robin relates hearing on the black box voice recorder the screams of passengers as they realized they were doomed. A French gendarmie official bows his head in grief.



As truth activist and Ivy League graduate Sofia Smallstorm has pointed out,


the J-Team recognize that there is a very powerful pro-gun lobby in America. So you take the guns away another way:

“You CAN have guns — unless you fail the federal government’s mental-health standards.”

And you would if you felt anger [at the Jew-minority-pedophile takeover of America], if you subscribed to “crazy conspiracy theories,” or felt “hate” for “protected groups.”

I can tell you as a Marine Corps vet that if you go into a veterans hospital, the nurses are under orders and procesures to ask you questions designed to take away your guns.

–Are you angry?

–Are you depressed?

–Did you just break up with your wife or girlfriend?

–Did you just lose your job?

–Do you have PTSD?

If so, a doctor, armed with your answer of “yes” to any of these questions, can go to an Obama- or Clinton-apppointed judge and they will disarm you immediately.

Think “red flag.”

So they take the guns as a preventive measure — “pre-crime,” as in the movie “Minority Report” — so we angry white male vets do not “harm ourselves or others.”

And vets are a very angry, betrayed, depressed group, killing ourselves 30 a day. The UP of Michigan is full of them.

As for me, I will never surrender my guns — under any circumstances


If everyone reading my blogs champions this meme, “Lubitz was a mass-murdering Jewish homosexual,”. this may help OUR version go viral and head off the great Jewish lunge for mandatory, universal federal mental-health screening — and thus gun confiscation.

I said in 2015 that this mass murderer was bi Jew:

  • Despite this Jew-Catholic BULLCRAP that he was a Muslim convert! Just because there are mosques nearby? WTF! Give me a break!
  • Why would any queer become a Muslim? So ISIS muslims could toss him off a building? 😉 Queers obviously will never become muslims!

This is exceptionally cruel, since often the victim does not die right away from a three-story fall, but lingers in agony. I read of this happening even after ISIS threw a gay off a ten-story apartment building. (I am totally opposed to any of this, and many gays have hormonal issues, or were sexually abused as kids. I knew personally three MAJOR, very prominent WN writers who are or were gay or “bi.”)

The name “Lubitz” is DEFINITELY J-e-w-i-s-h.




…and don’t tell me there are Germans named “Lubitz”


When Hitler came to power in 1933 there were (according to the book Deutschland ohne Juden (“Germany without Jews”) by the German-Jewish-leftist author Bernt Engelmann, a tome I read from start to finish) 600,000 full-blooded Jews and all of two million part-Jews (including the future Chancellor Helmut Schmidt) in Germany.

This vicious book of Jew glorification and contempt for native German culture by the scribbler Bernt Engelmann, of course, never discloses that the author himself is a Jew. 😉


Here was the war heroine and test pilot of the Luftwaffe Melitta, Countess von Stauffenberg, a racial half-Jewess who died heroically in April 1945 for Germany.

Melitta Grafin Schenk von Stauffenberg-plane-sergeant



Many partial Jews remained in Germany under the Nuremberg Racial Laws of 1935 and fought, after the war broke out in 1939, as uniforemd soldiers or even officers of the German Wehrmacht. This Jewish author, Brian Riggs, claims 150,000 part-Jews fought in the German Air Force, Army and Navy.

Hitlers Jewish Soldiers


(Here it is in German: http://www.amazon.de/Hitlers-j%C3%BCdische-Soldaten-Bryan-Rigg/dp/3506701150)

Therefore, of course there were some few Lubitzes as sailors in the Kriegsmarine, the German Navy for the reason stated that part-Jews did serve in the German Wehrmacht!

They were drafted and some actually were also  1) convinced National Socialists and 2) wanted to prove to other Germans who were pure Aryans their own loyalty to Hitler and “the new Germany.”

One quarter-Jew became a Luftwaffe lieutenant, commanded anti-aircraft batteries, and was given superb grades as a national socialist officer — Helmut Schmidt, future chancellor of West Germany!



Germany now has possibly a crypto-Jewess as chancellor! Angela Merkel’s maiden name is Kasner, an openly Jewish name! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angela_Merkel Her father was a supposed Lutheran minister who moved from West Germany in 1950 into communist East Germany!


Various Kasners in America:

Eric Kasner, US mathematician


Teacher Steve Kasner, Washington State


Bar Mitsvah candidate at Temple Beth Tfiloh, Andrew Kasner, displaying absolutely classic Ashkenazi features such as a turco-mongolian facial shape and bat-like ears: http://www.bethtfiloh.com/ 3300 Old Court Road | Baltimore, MD 21208 tel: 410-486-1905




….. And now this on Lubitz: the bisexual control-freak and queer…

Both source are from the Irish Star (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Daily_Star, a major Irish tabloid since 1988 specializing in crime, celebrity and sports stories).

1) QUEER [source: http://www.thestar.ie/star/killer-pilot-haunted-by-gay-demons-60728/]

Killer pilot haunted by gay demons


DOCTORS had warned that pilot Andreas Lubitz wasn’t mentally ready to fly when he crashed a plane into the French Alps — and he may have been tormented over repressed homosexuality, it emerged yesterday.

Police scouring his apartment found torn-up sick notes that should have ruled him out of work on Tuesday — the day he deliberately plunged the Germanwings Airbus A320 into oblivion.

But his employers never got the notes — and never knew about them.

The 27-year-old hid six medical letters  — “old and new ”– which showed he was hiding a [medical-psychiatric] condition from his bosses. Officials did not reveal exactly what the sick notes were for, but the 27-year-old is known to have suffered mental-health problems.


And reports in Germany last night claimed Lubitz could also have been secretly gay — and the stress of hiding it contributed to his depression.

Lubitz’s relationship with his girlfriend is said to have recently broken down, and he was taunted by pilot pals for having previously been an airline steward, and was dubbed Tomato Andy — a slang term for people who are in denial about being gay.

It also emerged that the dance-music fan enjoyed partying at a local German nightclub which holds boozy events involving drag queens and dwarves.

The lively Agostea club in Koblenz lies 20 minutes from his home in Montabaur.



It was also confirmed yesterday that Lubitz was in hospital just two weeks before the death plunge.

He was treated in Germany’s University Dusseldorf Hospital on March 10 — but not for depression, the centre said.

Yesterday police said some “400 to 600” pieces of the 150 people killed on the flight had been found — but not a single whole body.



2) CONTROL FREAK [source: http://www.thestar.ie/star/killer-pilots-girlfriend-pregnant-60805/]


Killer pilot’s girlfriend pregnant

DESTRUCTION: An investigator goes through the rubble after Flight 9525 crashed in the Alps

THE devastated girlfriend of murder pilot Andreas Lubitz is pregnant with his child.

Secondary school teacher Kathrin Goldbach is believed to have discovered she was expecting a baby just two weeks ago.

The pair, who had an on-off romance for seven years, were letting the news sink in when depressive Lubitz (27) plunged 150 people to their deaths on a Germanwings plane last week.

It is rumoured that Goldbach had broken off their relationship because of the kamikaze flier’s controlling personality.


One friend said: “He tried to order her what to wear, what men she could speak to, and even the length of her skirts. He was a control freak of the highest order.”

Another said he had “problems with mood swings”.

It is claimed that Goldbach (26) had told her school pupils she was “going to be a mom”.

The pair once planned to marry, but Kathrin grew wary of his obsessive ways — and dumped him just before he downed the Airbus A320 into the French Alps.

She still lived with him in Dusseldorf, Germany, but it is understood she was looking to move out as both cheating and gay rumours swirled around the pilot.

In a frantic bid to keep his pregnant girlfriend, Lubitz is said to have splashed out [splurged] on two Audi cars — one which arrived at his home five days before the crash.

Goldbach travelled to France in the wake of the massacre to then find that Lubitz was responsible.

Insecure Andreas is also thought to have been involved in a five-month fling with a stewardess named Maria — who told investigators he planned a spectacular event.

She said: “When I heard about the crash, I remembered a sentence, over and over.

“He said, ‘One day I’ll do something that will change the system, and then everyone will know my name and remember it.'”

He had also been mocked by colleagues for once working as a “trolley dolly,” an air steward, and was dubbed “Tomato Andy,” a gay slur.

It came as chilling recordings from doomed flight 9525 revealed its captain’s desperate final bid to regain control of the plane.

Patrick Sondheimer screamed “OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR!” at THE crazed Lubitz as he plunged the airline into the mountains.


Investigators are working round the clock to test and sort body parts from the 150 people killed.

It has been claimed that the rookie aviator was going blind and was hiding details of his condition so he did not lose his job.

He is also said to have suffered from depression. Police found personal notes that showed Lubitz suffered from “severe subjective overstress symptoms”.

Lufthansa, the parent company of the budget airline, said the carrier was unaware of any illness affecting Lubitz.



………Most earthlings, says Eckhart Tolle, are insane, and suffering and causing pointless pain, not just this Lubitz twerp


To recognize one’s own insanity is, of course, the arising of sanity, the beginning of healing and transcendence.
Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle (2006). “A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose”, p.23, Penguin


Choice implies consciousness – a high degree of consciousness. Without it, you have no choice. Choice begins the moment you disidentify from the mind and its conditioned patterns, the moment you become present….Nobody chooses dysfunction, conflict, pain. Nobody chooses insanity. They happen because there is not enough presence in you to dissolve the past, not enough light to dispel the darkness. You are not fully here. You have not quite woken up yet. In the meantime, the conditioned mind is running your life.

Once the pain-body has taken you over, you want more pain.

You become a victim or a perpetrator. You want to inflict pain, or you want to suffer pain, or both. There isn’t really much difference between the two. You are not conscious of this, of course, and will vehemently claim that you do not want pain. But look closely and you will find that your thinking and behavior are designed to keep the pain going, for yourself and others. If you were truly conscious of it, the pattern would dissolve, for to want more pain is insanity, and nobody is consciously insane.

Eckhart Tolle (2010). “The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment”, p.38, New World Library

The insanity of the collective egoic mind, amplified by science and technology, is rapidly taking our species to the brink of disaster. Evolve or die: that is our only choice now.

That in you which recognizes madness as madness (even if it is your own) is the beginning of sanity, is the arising awareness, is the gradual end of insanity.

By far the greater part of violence and pain that humans have inflicted on each other over the ages is not the work of criminals or mentally deranged, but of normal, respectable citizens who are enslaved by the collective egoic mind.

One can go so far as to say that on this planet “normal” equals insane. What is it that lies at the root of this insanity? Complete identification with thought and emotion, that is to say, ego.

You don’t need to condemn. Just observe, seeing that “That is sin. That is insanity. That is unconsciousness.”

Above all, don’t forget to observe your own mind. Seek out the root of the insanity there in yourself, in your mind, and in the mind of most of the world.


……Housing news

Now that spring has finally arrived in the UP, the roof of the new home (from the 1890s 😉 ), bought for just $100 (yes) is being rapidly repaired, and the mould and its stench are already 80% gone.

David Scott von Braun, a scientist who became an experienced roofer because the jews relentlessly got him fired from one white-collar, tech job after another over their blind hatred for his SS/NSDAP father, Wernher, is running the project. That is a pile of shingles, lower-right.



We saved $1500 by buying them from a surplus store in southwestern Wisconsin, Delaney’s in the town of North Freedom, a five-hour drive down to the beautiful, hilly Wisconsin Dells/Mississippi Bluffs country.

They cost $19 a bundle — each weighing 75 pounds — versus $41 at Home Depot.

Buckets of light-gray paint; roofing nails; quality 30-pound felt “underlayment” to go underneath the roof shingles…..

The old shingles are being torn off and discarded.


The “man bucket” and lift plus a roofer are costing me plenty, but I cannot be at the mercy of any non-WN landlord.

Margi and I had to move four times between January and September 2014 in Apollo, Pennsylvania due to the FBI threatening landlords into throwing us out on the street.  The same exact thing happened to David Scott von Braun.

And no, getting a mobile home is no solution. You have to park it in a mobile home park at $100 a night (or over a thousand $ a month) and they can also throw you out for any or no reason, which they guaranteed would.


A local merchant wrote me a bad check for a large amount the other day.

After it was rejected at the bank, I took it to the sheriff, who took a photo of the bad check and asked if I wanted a criminal investigation of the matter.  I replied: “I will think about that but today I intend to collect my money. This cannot be allowed to drag out.” He replied: “Well, please do not do anything hotheaded.” I replied: “No, and we Marines have never harmed a living soul in 250 years.”

As David and I headed over there, I just so happened to be the mood to hunt and had my AR-15 with me. The bad-check guy suddenly called me and said, “Hey, John, I have your money for you.”


I guess maybe somebody called somebody and said “that Aryan Nazi Marine is headed over to your house right now with an AR-15 rifle to collect his money.”

Actually the person was all smiles and real friendly. I smiled too, and nobody got threatened.

You just have to mean business with some people, and I mean business. It has to be visible in your eyes — no bluff — STEEL.

I wish to reiterate on this occasion, as on many previous ones, that I do not bluff, and a

I am not afraid to die or take a hitman paid by the jew enemy with me.

Any attempt by anyone, whether a private individual or any minion of jewish-law enforcement, or DA dreaming of taking me down via lawfare, indictments or lawyer fees, just as they have been doing with Trump for year after shocking year of overt abuse, of “weaponization of the legal system,” will meet with the appropriate response.

I will be asymmetrical. You hit me with paper; I will hit you with something better than paper, whoever you are and wherever you live.

Unless you live in a space station, you live in a house on this earth like anyone else.

I know there is life after death. I know NDEs are real.  I know reincarnation is real. I know God and angels are real. I have had many supernatural experiences myself. I am immortal, that is, my soul is, and it answers to God.

So come at me, jew or jew-lackey, and find out I know where you live, too. And since you jews indirectly murdered my sweet wife with cancer and deliberate neglect,

Margi before her suffering began…..

…..and I just found out even more about her doctor,

…..my resolve is harsher and more bitter than ever before.

From 25 feet, rapid fire in pouring rain (hence the target is warped)






  1. It is really questionable why this pilot didn´t had a check by a company doctor.

    I know people working as locomotive engineers, and they are regulary checked to see if they are mentally fit for driving. If not, they lose the license.

    It should be this way in all critical areas!

    So you say the “-itz” names can generally hint at jewish persons?

    About Merkel, TBH I don´t buy that she is jewish (maybe update the text, now the Warburg lackey and communist Scholz is chancellor).

    Sure, she was a traitor and did a lot of bad things. I´m not excluding it that she really is jewish. But we should not forget it was chancellor Schröder who abolished the Ius Sanguinis [Latin: “law of blood”] in favor of the Ius Solis [Latin: “Law of the Soil” meaning “if you are born here, you are a citizen”] in 2000, therefore everyone being born in the state now automatically gains German citizenship.

    This also explains the election results since 2018 as these “germans” became eligible to vote and they surely wouldn´t vote NPD!

    And Schröder is surely German, although he is a race traitor too, having currently a Korean wife. Fortunately no biological children with any of his wives, only adopted ones.

    • No, I mean that specifically the name Lubitz, like Goldberg, Horowitz, or Rosenthal, is jewish.

      I am open to the idea that Angela Merkel’s father, a Polish Kaczmierczak, adopted the jewish-sounding “Kasner” to butter up the jews in the East German communist party.

      Angela M. really did not look jewish at all, which of course is no proof of anything.

      The worst people are the pure-white traitors! I can actually admire a jew who is loyal to HIS people! But what is the karma of a German or American who betrays HIS people for another people and their money?

      Man-sized micro-wave oven is the answer.

      A traitor harms an entire people, while a thief, rapist or murderer “only” harms one, two, five or ten people, and hurts also their close relatives and friends.

      • Ah, alright! Because I know some “-itz”-named people.

        Might it be that “Lowitz” is a variant of Lubitz? Because the person I mean also acted rather egoistic and jewish…

        Yes, I agree the worst people are the race-traitors.

        My main issue with the Merkel-is-jewish theory is that it´s not really based on facts but hearsay, and when I asked a person who posted this under nearly EVERY Facebook posting on several sites for proof, she only became aggressive and called me names. Very classy. Just trolling, I’d say.

        There was also a rumour that [longtime West German chancellor] Helmut Kohl was, in fact, a jew named Henoch Kohn.

        Some people still believe that, although the jew who set the rumour in the world said it was a joke.

        Kohl, the fortunately now dead fat-fuck was actually German [JdN: his older brother fell as a Wehrmacht soldier during the Allied invasion of Normandy in the summer of 1944] but he was also another power-hungry psychopath and traitor to the nation. He basically occupied the GDR [“German Democratic Republic”/”communist East Germany] to get re-elected.

        I would rather have seen either a real re-unification with a new system, or the GDR being converted to a quasi-national-socialist system like China and North Korea.

        In fact, despite being red, the GDR had many advantages over the FRG [Federal Republic of Germany/the American/CIA/jew-created West Germany]:

        – not much foreigners, only students from Eastern-Bloc-friendly countries, but they were sent back and punished in their homelands if they misbehaved!

        – nearly no race-mixing as it was frowned upon! And mixed marriages were forbidden!

        – no crime and vandalism! If there were any criminal youths, they were sent to correction facilities, and real criminals had a hard life

        – the East German education system worked!

        – industry was leading in many areas!

        – East German families were supported with money for marriage and kids; mothers could take a year-long leave to raise their kids

        – people were slim and healthy

        – the people (the Volk) was the important thing; therefore the police (“Volkspolizei”), the army (“nationale Volksarmee”) and state-owned industry was called “a folk-owned business” (Volkseigener Betrieb)

        – the Fatherland was also viewed as important, and patriotism was encouraged

        – the guilt cult (Schuldkult) was mostly a closed chapter [JdN: the Holocaust and WWII were something the Nazis did, not we innocent communists] and not as present as in the west

        – they were against Israel [like all Soviet-Bloc states]

        So, there was a base for conversion [reversion to a kind of national socialism]…but no…the jews wanted to install the western capitalism [they controlled].

        The West German system has really ruined us. Therefore I hate the AfD and their stupid West German nostalgia.

        I don´t want the FRG to exist further; I want it abolished, their leaders punished accordingly, and a new system formed which is really for the people.

        • Thank you for a great comment (which I edited a bit for style and to explain a few things to American/British readers).

          You will find this 2018 article of interest: https://johndenugent.com/8000-germans-march-in-chemnitz-after-chivalrous-german-stabbed-to-mush-26-times-after-protecting-german-woman/

          The only sad thing is each wave of outrage over some migrant atrocity eventually dies down, and activists are smothered by the cops and blizzarded with media slander.

          I came to a conclusion long ago, that no amount of talk and information, no video, no speech, and no screaming-to-the-heavens atrocity, but ONLY a revolution can save us.

          And this revolution requires a fanatic warrior religion so we do not fear to fight and die, knowing as a fact that

          1) we are immortal souls that cannot die, and

          2) that God is definitely VERY loving, but also is to be feared like any father if we do wrong, such as being cowards and betrayers of folk and race!

          Hence the coming religion Virtus, meaning manly virtues.

          It is the men who must be reborn, and authentic masculinity restored. And women know and want this!

          As for “East Germany,” yes, it had some good points, and my late wife loved visiting eastern Germany, doing so in 2011-12, 2013 and 2014.

          I am almost certain she was a reincarnated East Prussian aristocrat, murdered by the Red Army, and I have written on why I believe this. Margi certainly acted more German than American…..and looked it in the jawline and facial shape, in what William Sheldon called a mesomorphic build….. which is true of me as well. In the American Midwest, Germans had the nickname “squareheads.” 😉

          Margi von Something 😉

          Yours truly was always seen as looking German, and stood out in my native New England, an area in the northeast of the USA which German immigrants never settled

          And many American national socialists, in my view, probably are reincarnated German national socialists who preferred to come back as Americans for many good and practical reasons, among them to have guns, enjoy free speech, and use the fact that the huge America, unlike today’s shrunken, cowed, brainwashed and occupied Germany, is in fact a massive superpower with 180 million Whites to work with.

          The East German anthem was written by an Austrian jew — but it is mostly excellent:

          Note this screenshot….. showing zero “diversity,” and only three of the approximately 25 young folks have even dark-brown hair and none have black hair.

          Also, I just added this to the article about jewish Lubitzes:

          ……Many (not all) Lubitzes are jews

          “Lubitz” is said to be a slavic place name in eastern Germany (of which there are many, including Berlin, Dresden or Leipzig), and some Lubitzes are Christian/gentile, and are in fact farmers, bus drivers and roofers.

          “Tob shebbe goyim harog!”  = “Even the best Goyim should be killed.”

          Soferim 15, Rule 10. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soferim_(Talmud))

          You can see indicators of jewishness in
          — the first name a child is given (Alan, Marc, Sidney, Rachel, etc.);
          — in the choice of profession (medicine, law, department stores, finance — anything money-related);
          — in the location (in heavily jewish states such as New York or California; in cities (New York, Miami, Silver Spring/Maryland, etc.) and neighborhoods, such as the Westmount section of Montreal, the East Side of Providence, or Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh);
          — in leftist activism in the Demoncrat Party or by making liberal postings online on Twitter or Facebook (anti-Trump, pro-abortion, for open borders, etc.);
          — and, in obvious cases, in synagogue membership or being a rabbi. 😉
          Rabbi Ronen Lubitz of Nir Etzion, Israel
          A clearly jewish Lubitz family, with first names like Nathan and Morris: https://www.ancestry.com/genealogy/records/nathan-lubitz-24-10b0vqb
          Nathan Lubitz (with the classic jewish first name and face) was born in jewy New York Cit and died in jewy New Jersey.
          Jewish features (dark, eastern-mediterranean) and choice of profession, and some could be half-jews but feel and be seen as jewish
          lawyer; graduated from the overtly jewish Brandeis University
          singer; jews as the self-appointed royal race do not do menial work unless Heinrich Himmler puts them in a concentration camp 😉
          Black hair, but frosted; brown eyes; possible nose job (very common among jewesses after age 18) 
          A website by a Wolfgang Lubitz glorifying the infamous jewish mass murderer and founder of the Red Army, Lev Bronstein AKA Leon Trotsky (A big reason Stalin killed Trotsky and many Trotskyites was they were jews, and he saw the communist jews correctly as dual loyalists and potential traitors) 
          • Ah, thank you for liking it and for the extensive response!

            This article is indeed interesting.

            Yes, no problem with you clarifying what I wrote. I write in English for better international understanding and to keep my knowledge of the language fresh.

            A funny anecdote from GDR [East-German] times:

            During his training as a mechanic, my father had an encounter with a negro from a “brother country.”

            Because the negro was lazy and loud-mouthed, my father threw a wrench at his head — hah-hah!

            Ok, the teachers had a talk with him, but otherwise nothing happened.

            Today this might get one thrown in prison and sued because of a “hate crime”…

  2. There is something to this idea of homosexuals being haunted by demons, because an openly “gay” man at my previous job admitted that he saw “shadow people” at night, and said that he has to take sleeping pills to knock himself out every night. Another earring-wearing, possibly bisexual guy at my current job mentioned that he sees “shadow people” when he’s really tired. Also, black magician Aleister Crowley was bisexual, and believed in using “sex magic” to summon demons.

    • Very interesting…..

      A major WN writer who was (IMO and not just in my opinion) a homosexual was very strange and would fly off the handle easily, finally burning his bridges with people he absolutely needed to survive.

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