…..Video about living in 92% white, mostly rural/small-town Vermont
I watched the whole video below. Sounds somewhat like here in the UP of Michigan —
— beautiful scenery,
— very many gun owners (including the liberals!),
— almost NO high-paying jobs in the towns,
— long cold-season,
— the best youth leaving, plus
— a devastating, tragic drug problem (heroin and Fentanyl)
But the UP voted twice in 70% landslides for Trump.
And the housing prices here are much less. Certainly, the average home price is not $350K, not in the UP.
I was shocked to hear that a small house in Vt. would incur $4,300 a year in property taxes.
The host says that the local school system — financed by these brutal property taxes — is “good,” well, what does that mean these days?
Excellent story hours with drag queens? “White guilt” and the “1619 Project”?
How are young whites supposed to have self-esteem and believe in themselves if they are getting THAT shoved down their throats by their teachers?
There certainly is a nationwide problem of white poverty and near-poverty, and to afford even having two kids means a financial struggling every month while jew billionaires gorge themselves in money.
And an hour’s drive to go shopping?
All this is exactly why people voted for Donald Trump (whether they liked his egotistical, polarizing and sometimes obnoxious personality or not).
White Americans (and everyone else) need good-paying jobs located right HERE in the USA, just as in the 1940s-1970s, and not in Mexico or China.
The American economy boomed when the Republicans ruled 1861-1932 (with interruptions by the Democrats Cleveland and Wilson), and we had high tariffs — import taxes — to keep out foreign goods.
Cars, boats, clothing, tv’s, radios — all made in USA, and at high union wages, plus there was a huge middle class that supervised all these factories.
Now we are heading for a society of the super-rich few — jews and their sell-out lackeys — and everyone else is struggling.
No wonder the rural whites turn to drugs, however lethal they are, to feel good for a few minutes. 🙁
The neighbors where I lived until recently have three adult kids, two young men and a woman. The girl is doing okay but the one young fellow is a recovering junkie, working at a chain convenience store, and living at home with his parents; and the other just died at 26 from Fentanyl.
A month ago, he was helping me move out of my house, and now he is dead.
The reason for all this misery is simple:
Our real rulers are jews,
and, without the slightest reason,
because they are psychopaths, they hate us.
…..spiritual reading for July 16
Water is the element to emulate today. Water is the teacher, the guide and the gift-giver. Drink it, swim in it, bathe in it, sit or walk near it, let it fall on you, celebrate and most importantly, look for the ways in which you can be most fluid and in alignment with the power and wisdom of water.
Today is a day to eschew struggle, to let go of previously made plans and expectations. Today you will find yourself happier, and ultimately more productive in any arena you choose if you are able to assess the
situation and move as water does, where there is opening.
As you well know, water is extraordinarily powerful and can bring about vast destruction and damage when it moves unchecked, or when it bursts through whatever dams it.
On the other hand, water is the epitome of softness and suavity. It flows responsively and in relation to all that lies around it.
Today, we suggest that you allow the latter form of water to guide your actions, but with a strong underlying consciousness of the incredible power, dormant for the moment but just beneath the surface.
Water is not wimpy. Rather, it can be wise, efficient and patient. Water is the essence of life on your planet. For this reason, you don’t really need to do anything other than let this part of your nature have
full rein today. Put your water in charge.
The other important thing to keep in mind today is the delight that water takes in itself and its own movement. There are so many ways in which water laughs, sparkles, dances, rolls, runs and twirls.
See if you can find some sort of joy in your day, and let the water lead you there.
Overall, it will be good to float. If you can really relinquish your habit of direction and control, you will perfectly carried, not only in the things you are trying to accomplish, but in the habit of your heart as well.
Today’s suggestions are offered with the hope that you will become more fluent in the various ways of being at your disposal. It is the very fuid quality of water which allows you, especially in body, to actualize
the many energetic options you have, to master the grand array of aspects you are coming to hold, to move from fire to air to earth to all at once and more.
We bow to you with greatest respect and love today!
Alles noch viel schlimmer in Deutschland. Der Hass auf das Eigene wird da regelrecht zelebriert an den Schulen. Und die Medien sind voller Deutschenhass. Man beachte diesen Artikel: https://www.focus.de/panorama/welt/vorwurf-der-gruppenvergewaltigung-fuenf-deutsche-urlauber-auf-mallorca-in-u-haft-einer-durfte-gehen_id_199067661.html
Es wird in den Massenmedien ständig darauf hingewiesen, dass die Täter deutsch sind, während sonst oft die Täterherkunft verschwiegen wird. Nur waren es keine Deutschen, sondern Türken mit BRD-Pass…Man muss sich das vorstellen, Türken vergewaltigen auf Mallorca eine Deutsche und die Massenmedien schlachten es aus, um gegen deutsche Männer zu hetzen und sie als Vergewaltiger hinzustellen. Immerhin haben viele es durchschaut und sind sauer wegen dieser Medienhetze.
Eine bodenlose Frechheit….
…nur noch vergleichbar mit der Zurschaustellung 1945 der Leichen abgemagerter, verhungerter Deutscher von Eisenhowers Rheinwiesenlagern, die als Juden ausgegeben wurden, wobei es Juden waren, die hinter Eisenhowers Hungertodpolitik standen!
Der österreichische Exxpress ist da schon etwas neutraler: https://exxpress.at/massen-vergewaltigung-auf-mallorca-jetzt-u-haft-gegen-fuenf-junge-deutsch-tuerken/
“Deutsches Rudel”
In spanischen Medien wurden die sechs Männer teilweise als “Manada alemana” bezeichnet, als “deutsches Rudel”. Damit wurde eine Parallele zu einer Gruppenvergewaltigung 2016 in Pamplona gezogen. Damals hatten fünf junge Männer eine junge Frau in einem Hauseingang vergewaltigt und dabei gefilmt. Ein zunächst sehr mildes Urteil gegen diese als “Manada” bezeichneten Männer löste Demonstrationen im ganzen Land aus. Das Sexualstrafrecht wurde in der Folge geändert. Das neue “Nur Ja heißt Ja”-Gesetz führte jedoch unerwartet zur vorzeitigen Haftentlassung vieler Sexualverbrecher und stürzte die Regierungskoalition in eine Krise.
Ist es nicht aufbauend für junge Deutsche ??? Kein Wort davon, dass es Türken waren…Türken vergewaltigen deutsche Mädchen und den deutschen Männern wird die Schuld gegeben,
Furchtbar! Das kommt daher, dass Türken mit deutschem Pass und muslimischer Geisteshaltung als Deutsche bezeichnet werden.