Spiritual reading: see old things with new eyes; Ingrid Rimland Zündel, two million dollars, and egoic specialness

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Gaia, the earth goddess, sometimes crying over her wayward children who ruin themselves and the planet 

Today is my first day of publishing only the spiritual readings, but as you will see, I am applying these teachings to this world we live on. We are here to learn, grow and create, not pine away for heaven as certain escapist Christians do. Heaven is real but temporary. HERE is where we belong. Heaven is just God letting us take a break, and time off to think, before we return to the action. 

Nietzsche was right in many of his criticisms, and one was that he taught that any religion that rejects the earth and makes you want to die and go to some perfect place with Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed or someone else, is treason to the earth.

You can grow 30 times faster HERE than in heaven, a controlled environment with no crime, chaos, conflict, challenge or danger. You can live there for a thousand years, just coast along, and hardly change or grow at all.


December 5

Your roots are of the utmost importance today. Instead of reaching upward, instead of striving to expand up and out, place your focus this day on learning your way deep down into the earth beneath you.

Really try to look, listen and understand the earth. She speaks eloquently and with great passion if you can learn to hear Her.

But already we digress. The point we want to make is that it will serve you well to turn your attention to grounding, to living fully on your planet, in your body and in the three dimensions to which you are so accustomed.

As you know, we are constantly adjuring you to grow greater, to move forward and to expand beyond the apparent limitations posed by your material and physical world.

Today it will be useful to also focus on what is right in front of you, right beneath you.

*** JdN

This was a typical American in 1952, blondish and mostly kind and decent.

The Americans we Germans encountered in WWI and II were often quite impressive physically, though naive and brainwashed to different degrees.

Eisenhower ordered “no fraternization with the enemy,” but American GIs soon began secretly sharing food with the starving Germans.

Without the Holocaust slander, many would have become almost national socialists out of respect for our men’s bravery in battle, our honorable women, and the beauty of the cities and villages of Germany.

Patton, in fact, once controversially blurted out at a news conference, defending his mild treatment of the conquered Germans: “The average Nazi is like our Republicans.”

Hamburg cops in 1948 return a lost boy to his mother.



But here is the thing: you need to look at all that is most familiar with new eyes. You need to look and listen and especially feel for the deeper truths beneath the assumptions you generally make about the world you move through so skillfully and automatically.

We know that you have had the experience at one time or another of suddenly being able to see something–a pattern, a belief or “truth” about life, self or others for instance–in a completely new way.

And when you see it new, there is astonishment that the old vision held so long and so firmly because the new one is so clear and so…well, obvious.

*** Waking the f— up

To explain this meme below, 1) there is a new, very p.c. and woke cartoon movie out with a black Santa Claus, “Santa, Inc.”, and 2) Seth Rogen is an ultra-vile white Ashkenazi jew and comedian from Canada who bashes white people openly and constantly. He used to even bash Twitter and its long-time CEO and founder, Jack Dorsey (who just quit, maybe in remorse) for not censoring Whites nearly enough.  He also slandered even the sickening RINO Speaker of the House Paul Ryan for not sabotaging Donald Trump enough. 


This is what we suggest you actively seek out today. Look around your world, the people and places you routinely encounter, and try to see without assumptions.

Or rather, look for the assumptions and beliefs that govern your words, actions and thoughts, and then put them in abeyance for a moment. Check to see if they are the only ones that can work.

What other truth might be just as true?

Okay, okay. Yes, we are actually trying to get you to expand again. It is—you know this about us by now—our habit. But we are asking you to look in a new direction today because you are there, on the ground, and that is where you have all chosen to be at this time.

It is your home, at least temporarily, and you are capable of knowing and understanding it more deeply, of flowing through and with the substance of it with greater ease and fluidity than you do already.

You have many structures to help you handle your lives, but they are dissolving and so you need to learn to live on your toes. To do that, you need to have a deeper knowledge of where you really are and what you are dealing with. Does that make sense?

So ground yourself well today. Really. Make absolutely certain that you are firmly anchored to the earth. And then go out and question everything.

Allow yourself to see and experience that which you never have before, right here, right now. You may feel a bit mad, but that is okay if you are connected to the strength and wisdom of the earth. If you are able to uncover just a few other versions of “reality,” you will have used the day to good advantage.

Oh, and do try to keep a sense of humor about it all. If you are too serious about this you will begin to go crazy, and that clearly does nothing useful for anyone. When things start to look most absurd, let yourself laugh.

And if this avenue of exploration is outside of what you can do today, at very least ground yourself well, keep your awareness on the earth and Her heartbeat and tend with close attention to things of the material plane, for the day is designed for that.

We will be wishing you lots of interesting discoveries and holding you in our love all the while. (E. West)


….Egoic insanity and Ingrid Rimland Zündel

In general, I avoid speaking ill of the dead. And especially one should not slander them.

When a good person dies, they are with angels and God. Slander them, and you might be, as we used to say in the 1950s, “cruising for a bruising.”

Speaking as maybe the number-one victim of this myself, it is heinous to vilify a dead person who can no longer defend him- or herself. In fact, in Germany there is a crime called “slander of the memory of the dead,”  Verunglimpfung des Andenkens Verstorbener.

I tried to warn you, and worked day and night 1914-45 to stop the jew takeover of the world. What I got as a reward was vicious slander that has gone on from 1919 to 2021, 102 straight years of libellous sewage.

Now the jews are closing in for the final kill, goyim.

Call it “the kill shot.”

This is a jewess, a little jew, Cheryl Cohen, who died in July of the vaxx.

The little jews are being killed off too.


“Hah-hah-hah, there goes John de Nugent again with his nutty reptiles theory.” 😉 But WHY are the little jews being killed off too if I am so wrong? Is it not clear that the average jew is just a tool of some greater force, using them to destroy the Aryans? Fact: Israel is the most Pfizer-vaxxed country on this earth, and now they are on toxic booster after booster.

Anyway, I and Margi knew Ingrid Rimland Zündel, who died in 2017, two months after her husband, the genuinely heroic German-Canadian writer, Holocaust revisionist, national socialist and activist, Ernst Zündel, who spent seven years in atrocious US, Canadian and German prisons.

A great man… This is the extremely hostile and slanted Wiki article on him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Zündel

Wiki is probably right that he was part-jewish. He sure did have a good sense of PR and of money. 😉

I met Zündel in 1987 at his headquarters on Carlyle Street, Toronto, Ontario Canada. He gave me a tour of the bustling place. I also communicated briefly with him at his trial in 2007 in Mannheim, Germany.


His always busy Canadian headquarters was located in Toronto — before he left, despairing of ever getting any justice in Canada, which legally has hate-speech laws and thus no real freedom of speech.

The Toronto jews openly threatened him and the house constantly, then they torched the place — and no one was arrested.

Ernst then gave up on Canada, married American citizen Ingrid Rimland, and moved to Tennessee in the United States for a better venue for his heroic work.

But then under Bush II he was arrested on a ludicrous, cynical charge of missing a visa hearing, as if!

(The same insolent trick was used on German revisionist and chemist Germar Rudolf and on my Finnish assistant, Henrik  Holappa — “you violated your visa.” Yet 40 million Mexicans can stay here illegally, with no visa at all, and that is no problemo.)

Then Ernst was sent back to Canada, put in a maximum-security prison as a terrorist (!), fed atrocious junk food (by jews knowing that Ernst was, like my Margi, a health-food and vitamin aficionado). Finally, after two years of pure hell, he was flown to Germany for a show trial, where he got five more years for debunking the Holofraud.

Ingrid Rimland Zündel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingrid_Rimland

Her site: http://www.zundelsite.org/

I am reluctant to speak ill of Ingrid, but I do not think the angels will kick my butt for saying the truth which they know even better than I do.

When she was gone, many comrades were eulogizing her. I also praised her but said she could also be “judgmental, cold and obnoxious”!

Suddenly everyone chimed in and agreed with me, after I got up and said what everyone was thinking. As the French would say, “J’ai dit tout haut que les autres pensent tout bas.”

“I said up high what others thought deep down.”

Margi and Ingrid Rimland at her 70th birthday celebration in May 2006 at a Cracker Barrel restaurant in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. 

She lived on a big estate containing five usually empty houses worth two million dollars, all bought from funds donated by supporters of her husband Ernst.

When Ingrid died, she did not leave the money, Ernst’s, to any WN activists.

A liberal relative inherited it all, millions of dollars that had been donated by comrades, especially by German immigrants to Canada and America, to save our race. 

But that was not all, bad enough as that was!

Me, with longer hair back then, sitting on Ernst’s favorite bench in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, where he could look out into a beautiful, green mountain valley in the Smokey Mountains.


Ingrid Rimland wrote an autobiographical novel, Fury, about the tragedies in her life. One was that doctors, when she was a German refugee in Uruguay, South America, mishandled her infant, Erwin, and he ended up severely handicapped.

We met Erwin, who was severely diabetic. In his fifties, he was also mentally slow.

We were both speechless to see her feeding her severely diabetic son sugary candies.

Was she trying to kill him to end the decades-long burden he represented for her, as her book made clear?

And now I will come to the topic of the pain body, described by Eckhart Tolle, and how suffering can make a person either grow spiritually or become a resentful jerk with no compassion at all for the many others who also have suffered horrible things.

Ingrid was the latter.

Like the jews!

“Oy, vey, the Holocaust!”

….which never even happened.

And the REAL holocausts that happened to others, to goyim, mean nothing to a jew.

Like the communists of the Khmer Rouge in the late 1970s killing one third of the population of Cambodia! (Remember it was jews like Karl Marx who started communism!)

….or the millions of Ukrainians starved to death by Stalin and his jews in the “Holodomor” of the 1930s….

…..or the millions of Armenian Christians raped, crucified and murdered by the Turks (by jewish Turks called Doenmeh) in WWI

…or the THIRTY MILLION Russians killed in the gulag 1917-57

…or the German civilians killed by the Allies 1940-47

None of that matters to a Royal Jew, GOD’S CHOSEN.

Only HIS own JEW suffering: real, imagined or invented.

Anyway, Ingrid as a teenage girl underwent Soviet horrors at the end of WWII as an ethnic German from Russia, a Mennonite.

A Russian tsar had once invited the Mennonite Germans into his country as hard-working, honest, German folks.

It was in order to colonize parts of Russia, start up agriculture, set up villages and cities, be model citizens, speak German to their heart’s content — and have no obligation to ever serve in the Russian army, which was feared for its brutal discipline and abuse.

A later tsar broke all those promises to the Mennonite Germans.

Some then emigrated to Canada and then to the USA.

Then another tsar declare war on Germany in 1914 (who had a German wife he adored!) and suddenly these peaceful Mennonites plowing their fields were suspicious people, a “German fifth column”!

Then the bolsheviks took over. When Germany in 1941 began its preemptive attack on the bloody USSR, natürlich Stalin began rounding up the German-speaking but apolitical Mennonites as “traitors.”

Mennonites in Minnesota singing Chistmas carols at the Mayo Clinic in 2019 — lovely, kind people.

A young Mennonite who looks just like me as a young man.

To make a long and sad story short, toward the end of WWII, the Mennonite Germans were fleeing westward, terrified of the raping, torturing, murdering Red Army.

The Red Army Mongol units were the worst, but almost as atrocious were the released criminals — rapists and murderers.  

The Wehrmacht was trying to protect them, but their main duty was fighting and destroying, or slowing down, as many advancing Soviet military units as possible.

Every Red soldier they killed could not rape and kill Germans!

 Screenshot from an official German film about the atrocity at Nemmersdorf in East Prussia

Well, the day came when the Wehrmacht unit left the Mennonites to go into battle, sacrificing themselves.

And then the poor, peaceful German Mennonites, among them the girl Ingrid Rimland, were alone.

Until the Reds came.

She says in her book that she was in a fugue state for three weeks afterward. 🙁


I do not need to imagine what that horror was like. Just read Hellstorm…

Hellstorm The Death of Nazi Germany 1944-1947 by Thomas Goodrich

….or watch the documentary, for which Margi and I did six voices.

Anyway, Margi and I stayed with Ingrid for several days in her guest house and mostly it was quite nice.

But then came a sudden turning point, and I saw the other side of Ingrid.

I had read something troubling already in her book about how another Mennonite girl, who had a big chest, had mocked Ingrid, then a young teenager, for being flat-chested.

We all know that kids can be cruel, and some adult women, too, even 70-year-olds. 🙁

But the way Ingrid wrote about it was chilling. It was like “then the Reds got ahold of her — and she was never seen again.”

She hated this girl. And she seemed glad she came to a terrible end.


I made a huge “mistake” one day. I said that I was very moved by her description of the fate of her Mennonites.

She listened.

Then I said, and this was a trip wire:

“I experienced terrible things myself as a child, and since you were a psychotherapist, I wonder if we maybe could talk about it. I had many nightmares over the years.”

Suddenly, her eyes squinted, and she looked at me with hatred!

I could not believe it!

A psychotherapist without the slightest interest in my story! I thought she could help me to heal and be a better servant of our Folk!

But her entire attitude changed instantly.

It was like “You think YOU suffered! What about ME? What about MY suffering?!”

I could not believe it.

Why is not everyone’s suffering valid? Hers, and mine, and yours, and ours? Do we not ALL deserve compassion?

I lived in 2004-05 in Aix-en-Provence in the south of France. Once it was  was the Roman city of “Aquae Sextiae,” and there was a huge battle there between the Teutons, a Germanic tribe, and the Romans, which the Teutons lost.

Their men mostly dead, the Teutonic women knew that if spared, slavery would be their fate. After all, Vae victis, “Woe to the vanquished.” 🙁

But when a Roman jeeringly said these blond females would be put in the whorehouses of Rome, the women protested.

“We will gladly serve your goddesses in chastity in your temples, but we are proper married women or virgins. Never shall we be your whores!”

The Romans just sneered. “Suck it up, bitches. You lost; we won.”

So these defiant, outraged germanic women, to the astonishment of the Romans, proceeded to hang themselves from wagon wheels or stab themselves to death, after killing their children.


Did Ingrid think SHE invented human suffering?

The pain body is when you rehash all your tragedies like a jew and become obsessed with how your victimhood makes you “special.”

No! Suffering does NOT make you special.

Everyone suffers.

What makes you special is when you overcome it, learn to control your feelings and memories, get a grip on your mind, refuse to walk around bitter all day, and you become stronger — and a more compassionate and better person.

Why on earth live a life of resentfulness? Why leave two million dollars worth of real estate, for which so many comrades dug deep, to the enemy because you think that everyone in this cause is supposedly “a loser”??

Oh, and a California WN couple, Joe Fields and his Boer wife and their four blond children, were passing through Tennessee.

They were very hard up for money and I called Ingrid to ask if they could spend ONE NIGHT at one of Ingrid’s and Ernst’s four empty houses. She replied icily:

“No! Joe wrote something negative once about Ernst [17 years before] and I am not a forgiving person.”

Forgive not, and ye shall not be forgiven, lady.

I for my part honor every reader, every donor, every commentator below my blogs, and everyone who prays for me and Margi.

You are truly special.

You know who is NOT special?

All the self-centered, egotistical jerks out there, Looking-Out-for-Number-One. It is because of you egocentrics who think idealism is for sissies that evil thrives and this beautiful planet is a living hell.

And this self-centeredness is why, when they die, no one will remember their name.

They are just one of the billions of failed lives, of wasted incarnations with no growth whatsoever.

They started out in me-me-me mode, and ended up the same me-me-me way. No one ever misses a self-centered jerk. They are a dime a dozen.

You did not invent pain, Ingrid. But you did throw away two million dollars. What we could have done with that hard-earned money to fight the forces of darkness!


But glory to those who grow in each life they have!

I thank from my heart every hero whose wallet is ammunition for my titanic struggle to save our race, now ready to be awakened!





….Recent donations

— 4 December 2021 another 300 euros (same in US dollars) from the heroic M in France, a working man, btw, not some millionaire!!!!!

Menhirs, prehistoric sacred boulders in celtic Carnac, Brittany, France

— 3 December 2021 500 euros (same in US dollars) via PP from S in Germany

Castle Eutin, Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany; I was here with the Marines in 1979 with a NATO “Reforger” exercise nd went through the town of Angeln, whence the “Anglos” in Anglo-Saxons. The last Reich president, Admiral Karl Dönitz, ran the last German government from here in May 1945.

— 30 November 2021 US$100 via PayPal from V in Denmark


“Ramund” (hin unge) is a Danish folksong from around the 1600s. I am playing a nyckelharpa, an ancient Swedish instrument. It started to storm as I played. “Ramund” has around 20 verses, and there are different versions written down. It is mainly about Ramund, a man who goes to battle with the Jætter / trolls and then sails to the emperor to take his daughter to marry and then decapitates the emperor.

— 27 November 2021 $400 Australian ( = US$285), photocopied information on Australian WWII PM John Curtin (very pro-white and apprehensive about China) and letter from P in Australia

— 27 November 2021 $70 Australian ( = US$51), Christmas card and letter from P in Australia

— 27 November 2021 300 euros ( = same in US dollars) from M in France

— 26 November 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from G in Chicago

John Kennedy and Jackie in Chicago


— 25 November 2021 85 euros via PayPal from M in Texas

— 20 November 2021  300 euros (same in US dollars) from M in France

— 12 November 2021 another 300 euros (same in US dollars) from the heroic M in France, a working man, btw, not some millionaire!!!!!

St-Malo panorama at evening. St-Malo, Brittany, France

— 10 November 2021 250 euros via PP from C in Germany

— 8 November 2021 $40 cash from S in Ontonagon, Michigan

— 6 November 2021 300 euros via PayPal from M in France



— 2 November 2021 $10 in cash from S in Ontonagon, Michigan

— 31 October 2021 300 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 30 October 2021 $50 via PayPal from V in Denmark

Him in a previous life, also good at getting donations 


— 27 October 2021 $400 cash from fmr Marine Corps officer P in Florida, a donor and friend for twelve years

— 25 October 2021 600 euros from C in Germany

— 24 October 2021 300 euros from M in France

— 22 October 2021 $200 loan to keep the site going forgiven by P in Florida

— 20 October 2021 $200 via US Postal Service money order from K in Massachusetts plus the cost of $8.70 in priority-mail postage

— 18 October 2021 300 euros from M in France

— 10 October 2021 300 euros from M in France

— 6 October 2021 $50 cash from P in Florida

— 2 October 2021  300 euros from M in France


— 2 October 2021 $50 via PayPal from V in Denmark

— 1 October 2021 $200 loan from P in Florida

— 25 September 2021 300 Euros via Paypal from M in France

— 18 September 2021 300 Euros via Paypal from M in France

— 14 September 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 11 September 2021 300 euros (same in US dollars) from M in France

— 9 September 2021 $300 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

— 5 September 2021 300 euros (same in US dollars) from M in France

— 31 August 2021 500 euros via PayPal from C in Germany

— 25 August 2021 300 euros via PayPal from L in the French part of Belgium, Wallonnie (whence Léon Degrelle)

— 22 August 2021 $41 dollars via PayPal from V in Odense, Denmark

— 20 August 2021 $200 in cash from local supporter

This is a new trend — locals supporting me.


As of yesterday, it was another slogan:

“AH was right.”

All I can say is the Afghan combat veterans here in Onto are shocked by the Afghan debacle.

— 19 August 2021 300 euros and card from M in France

— 14 August 2021 Australian $400 ( = US$ 300) from P in Australia and letter re mRNA Covid vaccines

It being a windy day, I placed paperweights on the contents. I always keep them near in case wind comes up. 


— 11 August 2021 300 Euros from M in Belgium

–10 August 2021 $500 cash from G in Michigan

— 4 August 2021 500 Euros (same in US dollars) from L in Québec, Canada

— 28 July 2021  400 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 28 July 2021 $200 with letter from M in Texas

This Texan, who previously sent me a great holster,

…donated, as he had promised, two hundred dollars ($100 cash and $100 via USPS money order) — and he wrote me a beautiful letter.


— 25 July 2021 $500 in cash from S in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

— 22 July 2021 400 euros, photos and note from M in France


— 21 July 2021 300 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 20 July 2021 400 Euros via PP from C in Germany

— 16 July 2021 400 euros, photos and card from M in France


–15 July 2021 400 euros via Moneygram from C in Germany

–15 July 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card from S in unknown location

— 14 July 2021 $400 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–13 July 2021 two superb historical books from J in New Mexico, Stalin’s War of Extermination by Joachim Hoffmann, and Chief Culprit, by the Soviet jew and military historian Suvorov, proving that Stalin was just about to massively surprise-attack Germany, in August 1941 (despite the Berlin-Moscow Non-Aggression Pact of 1939)  when Hitler Germany instead, with full justification, surprise-attacked HIM.

–13 July 2021 book from Stan Hess in Idaho Defensive Racism by the late WN lawyer Edgar Steele, who was later tragically framed for attempted murder on the word of honor of a convicted felon who had stolen thousands in silver coins FROM HIM!  Then the FBI created a deep-fake audio — using tech from the Media Lab at MIT — of Steele supposedly discussing ON THE PHONE having his own wife bumped off, which his wife Cindy  never believed for a second. Steele was then railroaded into prison, given “diesel-therapy” (moved around constantly from prison to prison (in a diesel-powered bus, hence “diesel therapy”) with his mail never forwarded, so he had almost no communications with his friends, supporters and family for months). He then died in prison due to the feds withholding his medications and probably despair as well. This book is superb. You can see from it why the jew-feds hated and feared him.

— 12 July 2021 100 dollars Australian [ = US$75], ltr, UFO/Annunaki info from J in Oz

— 10 July 2021 200 Euros from M in France

— 9 July 2021 50 euros and cards from S in Germany

–29 June 2021 200 euros and letter from M in France

— 29 June 2021 100 euros, silver bracelet for Margi, and a copy in Italian of the famous Serenity Prayer from E in Italy

The Serenity Prayer from Reinhold Niebuhr


— 28 June 2021 $23 in cash and ltr from W in Tennessee

— 25 June 2021 50 euros via PP from M in France

–24 June 2021 $190 in cash and ltr from N in Georgia


–21 June 2021 200 euros, photos from the Louvre Museum, and a kind note from M in France 


–18 June 2021 150 euros, photos of the Roman arena in ancient Paris, then called “Lutetia,” and card from M in France.

–17 June 2021 200 euros, photos and card from M in France. (Lower-right: I always carry a sandwich in case I get hungry …)

— 16 June 2021 100 Australian dollars ( = $60 US) from Australian comrade P

He ends his kind letter:


Please send John a donation — whatever you can spare.

John is doing wonderful work on the vaccine issue.

He is trying to save lives!


— 11 June 2021 $20 and note from T in New York State

— 8 June 2021 US$500 and kind note from C in North Carolina (Internet/phone cut-off notice on pink paper on the right)


— 8 June 2021 100 euros from M in France

— 4 June 2021 $300 via Amazon gift card from G in Cicero, Illinois

These Amazon gifts pay for vital things I need or that keep Margi healthy so I can do my mission without a beloved spouse who is sick and dying on me, draining me in every way.

Among them, this incredible $40 book Virus Mania:




  1. Very sad! The Smoky Mountains area is gorgeous and would be an awesome place to have a meeting place for white activists. Know of any activists still out here in the Smoky Mountains?

    • Not really.

      Between online activism, the threat of Antifa, the vicious crushing of the Charlottesville event, the imprisonment of the Jan. 6-ers, and brainwashed cops and Soros DAs, there are not many street activists out there these days anywhere.

      If you shoot a Red pointing a pistol right at your face from five inches away, you end up like Rittenhouse, charged with murder.

      The new activism will be via my coming religion.

      There will be a merry Christmas this year.

  2. A friend and comrade inherited a million dollars from his father in the early 90s. I had a young family and struggled to keep above water, but my ego prevented me from asking my friend for help.

    I won’t make that mistake again.

  3. John de Nugent always looks at the individual. It is true that within groups, peoples and races there are prevailing tendencies and strategies, which must also be clearly named. On johndenugent.com, however, it is always the individual and his or her merits that are appreciated, and white peoples, for all his love and appreciation, are portrayed by John as anything but idealized.

    Facts are important. A well-meaning German actor (now deceased), who wanted to start his charity work in 1981 while still quite inexperienced, was warned of exactly such a possible case (as described in the article): At the beginning, I think he wanted to directly support another reputable benefactor financially with donations.

    As far as I remember correctly, the actor retrospectively told the following: This other charity activist is said to have asked him in conversation whether he was aware of what would happen to the money if he (the second charity activist) died and the money had simply been transferred regularly beforehand. Then his wife would automatically inherit the money intended for charitable purposes.

    One would like to cry about such injustices and Ernst Zündel has certainly regretted it heavily in the hereafter that the donations were embezzled in such a way. However, one must know very well about such cases, because then many others are warned and will think of precautionary measures in the future, so that something like that cannot happen again.

    The photo listed in the article with Sgt. Frank Praytor feeding a kitten seems to show an authentic situation. No wonder he received marriage proposals from countless women: The photo shows a fighter for whom compassion is not a sign of weakness. A person who has compassion for animals and treats them as partners and values their personality has a very high level of social development and is therefore also attractive as a partner and family man.

    We are now in the final phase of the world struggle, in an unprecedented time and decisive battle. And it is already so, as John de Nugent says again and again: In this time of ours one can grow spiritually 30 times faster than in “good”, peaceful times, because the challenges and tests (and “tests of courage”) for self-assertion and protection for oneself and others will be as big as they could not be bigger.

    One must also always be aware of the following: The present situation is dramatic and oppressive for many people not only on the physical level (economically; relationship-wise; family members vaccinated hating, attacking and cursing unvaccinated, etc.). On a spiritual level, all the consciousnesses of the annihilated vaccinated also surround us! All these annihilation victims are around us desperately trying to communicate as well as warn their relatives, friends and acquaintances. Many millions of annihilated people! Around the clock, not just when we sleep.

    How desperate they must be to learn afterwards that they were destroyed under the pretext of health care? What torment and anguish of soul must they now go through? They may be physically invisible, but they are present among us, millions of times(!), to warn us and tell us of their fate. How desperate they must be to see that their loved ones will nevertheless run and run into the open vaccine death knife?!


    in German: Der Artikel enthält eine respektvolle, notwendige Kritik

    John de Nugent betrachtet immer den Einzelmenschen. Zwar gibt es innerhalb von Gruppen, Völkern und Rassen sehr wohl vorherrschende Tendenzen und Strategien, die auch klar benannt werden müssen. Auf johndenugent.com werden jedoch immer die Einzelperson und ihre Verdienste gewürdigt, und die weißen Völker werden von John, bei aller Liebe und Wertschätzung, alles andere als idealisiert dargestellt. 🙂

    Sachverhalte sind wichtig. Einem wohlwollenden deutschen Schauspieler (mittlerweile verstorben), der 1981 noch recht unerfahren seine Wohltätigkeitsarbeit starten wollte, wurde genau vor solch einem möglichen Fall (wie im Artikel beschrieben) gewarnt: Zu Beginn wollte er glaube ich einen anderen seriösen Wohltäter mit Spendengeldern finanziell direkt unterstützen.

    Sofern ich mich richtig erinnere, erzählte der Schauspieler rückblickend folgendes: Dieser andere Wohltätigkeitsaktive soll ihn im Gespräch gefragt haben, ob er sich denn bewußt sei, was mit dem Geld geschehen würde, wenn er (der zweite Wohltätigkeitsaktive) sterben würde und das Geld zuvor einfach nur regulär überwiesen worden wäre. Dann würde nämlich automatisch seine Frau das für wohltätige Zwecke gedachte Geld erben.

    Man möchte schreiben ob solcher Ungerechtigkeiten und Ernst Zündel hat es sicher schwer bedauert im Jenseits, daß die Spendengelder so veruntreut wurden. Man muß aber sehr wohl um solche Fälle wissen, denn dann sind viele andere gewarnt und werden sich zukünftig Vorsichtsmaßnahmen ausdenken, damit so etwas nicht noch mal passieren kann.

    Das im Artikel aufgeführte Foto mit Sgt. Frank Praytor, der ein Kätzchen füttert, scheint eine authentische Situation zu zeigen. Kein Wunder, daß er Heiratsanträge von unzähligen Frauen bekam: Das Foto zeigt einen Kämpfer, für den Mitgefühl kein Zeichen von Schwäche ist.Wer Mitgefühl für Tiere hat und sie partnerschaftlich behandelt und ihre Persönlichkeit wertschätzt, weist einen sehr hohen sozialen Entwicklungsstand auf und ist somit auch als Partner und Familienvater attraktiv.

    Wir befinden uns jetzt in der Endphase des Weltenkampfes, in einer noch nie zuvor dagewesenen Zeit und Entscheidungsschlacht. Und es ist schon so, wie John de Nugent immer wieder sagt: In dieser unserer Zeit kann man 30 mal schneller spirituell wachsen, als in “guten”, friedlichen Zeiten, denn die Herausforderungen und Bewährungsproben (und “Mutproben”) zur Selbstbehauptung und zum Schutz für sich und andere werden so groß sein, wie sie größer nicht sein könnten.

    Man muß sich auch immer wieder des folgenden bewußt sein: Die gegenwärtige Lage ist für viele Menschen nicht nur auf physischer Ebene dramatisch und bedrückend (wirtschaftlich; beziehungsmäßig; Angehörige Geimpfte, die Ungeimpfte hassen, attackieren und verfluchen usw.). Auf spiritueller Ebene umgeben uns auch all die Bewußtseine der vernichteten Geimpften! All diese Menschenvernichtungsopfer sind verzweifelt um uns herum und versuchen verzweifelt, sich mitzuteilen sowie ihre Angehörigen, Freunde und Bekannten zu warnen. Viele Millionen an vernichteten Menschen! Rund um die Uhr, nicht nur dann, wenn wir schlafen.

    Wie verzweifelt müssen sie sein im Nachhinein zu erfahren, daß sie unter dem Vorwand der gesundheitlichen Fürsorge vernichtet wurden? Welche Seelenpein und Seelenqual mussen sie jetzt durchleben? Sie mögen physisch unsichtbar sein, aber sie sind unter uns anwesend, millionenfach(!), um uns zu warnen und uns von ihrem Schicksal zu erzählen. Wie verzweifelt müssen sie sein zu sehen, daß ihre Angehörigen dennoch ins offene Impftodmesser rennen und rennen werden?!

  4. So long as the Big Jews use the left to attack Whites, they are actually helping boost the AH-was-right mentality.

    The danger will be if we follow zionist leaders and sell-outs like Britain First, or Tommy Robstein [Robinson] and his pro-gay, pro-jewish, pro-gimmegrant EDL [English Defense League].

    My God! How many morons have followed that little cock.

  5. Regarding the suggestion to “see without assumptions,” I think I picked up on what you were saying between the lines. If that’s the case, I’ll just say that I understand and agree.

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