Spiritual reading — see things anew, and contact an old friend; gorgeous — and millions of years old

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October 2

Today there will be a parting of the veils of perception. It will be a hard day to avoid seeing beneath the surface of things. Sometimes this is fun, but often it can be disturbing or ungrounding.

Knowing it is likely, prepare yourself for it. Do not expect things to feel as unmoving or as reliable as they sometimes do.

This is an opportunity for true seeing, so don’t be afraid. If you are willing, you will see and understand things that have perhaps eluded or confused you in the past. At very least, you will probably see things a little differently at the end of the day and that is always a good thing.

So open your eyes, the eyes of your higher Self, and prepare to be amazed.

It is a good time to contact people who have slipped out of your orbit. If there is anyone whose face or name has been rising to the surface, who has been calling you in that way, please make the extra effort to find them. They are truly looking for you and their silent call is as real as the ringing of a phone.

In this time of fracturing and polarity, it is very important for you to connect in every way that feels right for you.

Of course connect with other people, but we might add that it is essential for you to connect with other forms of consciousness as well. Consciousness is rising. It is rising to the surface in places where you are not  expecting it, and it yearns to be seen and joined. Be on the lookout for the waves of life, of love, of light which ripple from things you might have considered inanimate.

It is possible that you will see this, even today.

Take good care of your feet: they join you to the earth and Her consciousness. Spend a moment or two thanking them for all the hard duties they carry for you, and for being that interface between you and your ground.

We hope that you find this day of seeing into the truth a joy. We want to remind you that although you are  engaged in most important work, in a most important time, part of your work is actually to play.

The layers  and layers of reality (such as it is) are an incomprehensibly vast playground if you leave your fear at the gate.

We welcome you today to come in, see the world and your life from new places, let the wind lift your hair and leap into the new and unknown with a child’s trust and abandon. You will be perfectly safe, we promise.

Always: blessings.  — E. West


…..Great visit ends for two comrades from the Southland

The reading today says:

Leap into the new and unknown with a child’s trust and abandon. You will be perfectly safe, we promise.

Two fine white men drove 1,600 miles one-way to see me, check out the real estate, meet the local people and get a feel for the area as a place to live.

Their own area has gone black, Hispanic and hostile to anyone who is even just for Trump, never mind openly pro-White, and the workplace is a Black Lives Matter nightmare.

It was one of those great visits that went smoothly and perfectly from start to finish. 🙂 You feel at times like this that  you are surfing on The Perfect Wave (which I actually have done on Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii). 🙂

We had very good weather (for autumn), we saw just amazing house values (such as a nicely furnished three-story house for $55,000 🙂 ) and the locals were super-friendly, coming up to them and to me, and chatting, even attractive women coming over, and one was hitting on the single one.  🙂

Blonde women everywhere, some with kids, but often they have no husband or boyfriend, and would welcome any man who is likable, modest, has a job and is sane.  😉 In the Houghton Walmart’s parking lot


And just as I said to our two friends from far away, the locals almost all know “who I am.”

One grizzled former Army military policeman (with a shaved head and “Z-Z Top”-style beard 😉 ) came over to us at the local bar and grill, and said:

“John and I disagree on some things, because he is who he is — and I have multiracial kids [part-East Asian].

But I fought for his right to say those things.

Here in the Midwest, as long as you treat people right and don’t bother anyone, we’re okay with everybody.” 


Lake of the Clouds, a cosmic place 14 miles from here


…..A trip to the Seaman Mineral Museum in Houghton

Our two friends, as I expected, did not want to see any old boring “rock museum,” and neither did Margi.

But after they left, and we were in Houghton anyway for a doctor visit, I finally chloroformed my obstreperous redhead, tied her up, and got her in here. 🙂 And once she saw it, she loved it!



As everywhere, you see beautiful blond children (of Finnish, Swedish, Danish, German or English stock).

Going back to  the idea of seeing a “rock museum,” I know the mindset: “Why do I want to see a bunch of rocks in a glass case?”

Maybe because, if well lit andvdisplayed, they are beautiful? 

As you become spiritual and have “presence,” you more and more take things in without any interfering, spoiling mental chatter.

You “stop and smell the roses,” every one of them…. You hit the brakes for beauty, and leave the gorgeous sight refreshed.

You savor every single thing (or every beautiful or virtuous person, adult or child, man or woman) that God has made — you SEE the colorful, inspiring gems of nature and humanity that sparkle at us.

I said to a WN comrade facing prison on a walk through nature: “Savor these moments. They can sustain you in your jail cell.”

And he wrote me from his bleak, sterile, fluorescent-lit jail that they really, really did when he was feeling very alone and “down.”

Beauty can recharge your batteries. So don’t let your egoic mind ever tell you the rotten lie that beauty or virtue should be shrugged off or hurried past… that you are “too busy” and have to do some errand that is so ephemeral, transitory, forgettable and, ultimately, nothing.

God put nice things and people before your eyes — to show you that He loves you and is WITH you. 🙂

The Seaman Mineral Museum, affiliated with Michigan Tech[nological University] is considered the finest of its kind in the whole Great Lakes region.

Arthur Seaman, who to judge by the name was likely of German ancestry, was a beloved professor of geology at the university, when it was Michigan Mining College, and founded the collection. Thank you, Arthur, for a life well spent! For your fine work, for students well taught — for your good incarnation!

a buncha ugly rocks, eh? 😉

An oil portrait of the great Douglass Houghton, after whom the city is named — a short, little guy with a sweet personality, a brilliant young medical doctor, young mayor of the city of Detroit, a professor, geologist, surveyor and real estate entrepreneur (plus a husband and father). He died tragically in Lake Superior in a storm at age 36, as have so many others. (There are 136 shipwrecks in Lake Superior. .. part of our “white privilege.” 😉 ) Houghton determined that the western UP was full of copper, leading to vast prosperity, jobs and benefits for all of America, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglass_Houghton You can see me, the photographer, and my sturdy calves, reflected in the glass — wearing shorts at 40 degrees…. I have certainly become a Yooper in a way, in the sense of loving the cold! 


Impressive, the things our brave miners find deep down in the ground of Mother Earth 

 BO-rrrring! 😉 Many predators can only see in black and white, to detect motion better. But humans are endowed with color vision, and thus we can enjoy the world even more! 

Margi loved this rock on the right, overlayed with crystal

..and this pink beauty

Margi spent some time in Bulgaria, whence this rock. It was the Florida (sunny vacation spot) of the Eastern Bloc from 1955-90.

The streets of Ontonagon are named for metals and minerals, such as this epidote.

A huge chunk of copper from Ontonagon. Does your house have copper phone and electrical wires? It may be from the UP, or even Ontonagon specifically — and the White Pine mine. White men risked their lives to bring it up so your phone would work. All labor is honorable!

Aryans were here in 1500 BC mining copper. The whole Bronze Age in Europe was because of UP copper. There is almost no copper in Europe, except for Cornwall, England — yet huge armies clashed, with each soldier wearing 50 pounds of bronze ( =  copper with a bit of tin added).

Achilles and Hector, decked out in bronze, go at it in the film  “Troy.” The Trojans found out it is usually a bad idea to steal the king of Sparta’s wife. 😉

To conclude, is the bravery and skill of these two white men not also beautiful?!

See the wonders of life every day,

and drink them with ecstasy into your soul!

When the bad times come, and they will, you’ll be thanking me!

…..Recent donations



— 1 October 2020 50 euros [worth $US50 also], a beautiful card and a thoughtful letter from M in France

— 30 September 2020 five beautiful leather-bound antique volumes with gilt edge of essays in German from B, a jewish-born WN activist (including at the dangerous confrontations in Charlottesville, Virginia) and a generous donor for over a decade; needless to say, big postage was paid for these heavy books in the old Fraktur font….




  1. Brahmaea europaea, così viene chiamata.
    Brahma-Ti ricorda qualcosa? 😉
    Ho anche scoperto che questo cromatismo esiste su una gallina chiamata anche Brahma…bianca,sfumata di grigio,proveniente dall’America.
    Una gallina (Ariana)..di grossa corporatura.
    Questa stessa caratteristica è molto evidente in questa farfalla,che ama il clima iperboreo,tipicamente primaverile 😉
    Eh sì…una farfalla Ariana.

  2. Mi piacerebbe incontrarla,ma esce solo di notte 🙁 e ci sono i cinghiali…ah,si..li abbiamo incrociati(mammina avanti seguita dai suoi cuccioli!).Per non parlare dei lupi…se ci sono escono di notte!
    È incredibile il suo colore,quel grigio così particolare!da pigmenti sul viola e sul blu.
    Nel giro di qualche minuto ho scoperto tante cose…
    Ecco perché gli Americani invadono questo territorio…di nascosto 🙂 🙂

  3. Beautiful words John, about the museum.

    I’m so glad those two guys seized the opportunity of making that trip to see you and your area. I so much wanted to do the same thing but unfortunately was not able to organize it.

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