Spiritual reading; “Soul Survivor” — the perfect reincarnation case for any skeptic (Christian, agnostic or atheist)

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James Leininger in this life was James Huston, Jr, during WWII — a top Navy fighter pilot and fine officer who got to test the then brand-new gull-winged “Corsair” in 1944.  The next year, he was shot down by the Japanese (while flying another kind of fighter plane) and was killed, drowning when it hit the drink, and, despite his desperate struggles, he could not kick open the glass cockpit.

Thanks to a generous donor, I was able to order a used copy of this book off Amazon, and devoured it in two days.

It is simply a perfect case for any skeptic about rebirth, and I have no doubt that this couple were literally chosen by angels to have this experience, being such a white, Christian, and All-American couple (with him a German-American and Yankee from New Jersey, and her being a Southern gal from Dallas, Texas).

The cockpit not opening was a very serious design problem with some WWII American fighter planes. Even a hard landing on a carrier deck could make the cockpit un-openable, and even more so hitting the water at 120 mph. (And while the Reich Germans had invented the ejection seat late in the war to save the pilot of a crashing plane, the Americans did not have it.)

This horror of slowly drowning — because the cockpit, infuriatingly, would not open — created severe PTSD in a little Louisiana boy starting in the year 2000, after he had visited with his dad an aviation museum in Texas, and saw his beloved Corsairs, triggering past-life memories.

For four years little James would wake up every week with screaming nightmares, kicking wildly upward with his legs.

His parents also lost a huge amount of sleep every time he awakened. As non-believers in reincarnation, they lacked the knowledge to deal with this ongoing and baffling crisis.  

His father, Bruce Leininger, a devout, Born-Again Christian, resisted for four years, as his book lays out, the increasingly obvious truth that at least some people do reincarnate here to this earth.

Little James had a vast knowledge of the Corsair and its drawbacks, to the astonishment of his parents.

James when he was Lieutenant James Huston, Junior in a Corsair

His ship was the aircraft carrier USS Natoma Bay, which was awarded nine battle stars for major combat with the Japanese, including Leyte Gulf, Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

Bruce’s Christian faith, as he lays out, had indeed helped him to surmount many difficulties and a failed first marriage……

But, as the facts piled up higher and higher that his son had indeed been a crack test pilot in WWII, but tragically got shot down during the battle of Iwo Jima (where my father was fighting on the beach as a Marine Corps staff sergeant)….


Iwo float at the 2019 Memorial Day parade in Ontonagon

….Bruce, admitting his own stubbornness, came to see that his Standard Christianity was just not giving the whole story about what happens when we die.

See below, after the reading.

Bruce is a classic story of what one can call “stubborn denial” in our fellow whites… yet also of the truth triumphing in him in the end. 🙂




…..Spiritual reading

May 12

Sometimes you just find yourself longing, feeling an emptiness and the wish to fill it. And it is okay to let yourself go with that longing should you fall into it, but it is important to direct it correctly.

So much is about weighting the purpose and actions of your being toward a better future, a better world. The past is very powerful and not only does it pull you back and down, but it also casts a large shadow over your perceptions of the future. It is your clear consciousness that is capable of imagining and manifesting something entirely different, something new and sustainable.

When you feel longing, in most cases it is for something that has passed; for something you hope will occur in the future but which resembles things you have known in the past; something you think, without examination, that you want; or it is for something magical which you have never felt or experienced. If you direct longing down any of these paths, you will be throwing away your energy. Right now is the most critical time in millennia for beings to use their deepest and truest heart-experiences to create a new kind of life based on love and joy. This, you see, is something you know intimately, something that is at the very core of your being, something that feels like home to you.

So if you long—today or any other—make a conscious effort to long for a larger manifestation—a grand one, world-wide and more–of the open-hearted joy you experience when your heart and another’s touch.

Or use your own imagery to picture what it is for you. Of course. The point is this: you can manifest best that which you know best. When you are caught up and careless, it is easy to put your energy into things that you know well and that truly the world needs no more of.

In general, today is an excellent day to observe your energetic expenditures, to watch what you put out, and where, how and why you put it. Because it is so critical to make the best possible use of energy at this time, it is important to take account of how you use yours. When you see where it is going clearly, there may be some changes you want to make. There are no rules, but consciousness is the key.

The more that you see, the more you will be able to live the world you long for. The more you live it, the more others will live it. The more others live it, the more it will begin to have a life of its own, separate from your imagining.

Start with the spark of your heartfelt choice and before long, you may find that there is a sea of little lights lit in response to yours. Think of all the sparks being sparked right now, all over your world and beyond, and then of the vast leagues of light they could in turn inspire. You can do that today, you can look at yourself and the ways you use your life force. You can choose to use it in complete alignment with your heart’s greatest wisdom.

This is much responsibility. It is much power. Whether you consciously accept it or not, you have it.

So please, bring your highest knowing to the fore today. Try not to hide from this truth.

Try not to minimize the importance of your life and your influence on everything around you.

Surrender to something higher, pray, ask for guidance if you like (please!)—no one is large enough to carry it all on their shoulders.

But if you are courageous enough to carry your own small piece you can heal yourself and with your fellow beings, your world.

We send you courage, love, clarity and deepest respect.

…..James Leininger, Soul Survivor


James Leininger

James Leininger is the subject of a well-known American child reincarnation case.  In early childhood, James had frequent nightmares of being trapped in a burning plane that was crashing.  In further statements to his parents he said he’d been shot down in a plane near Iwo Jima, had been based on a ship named ‘Natoma’, and had a friend named Jack Larsen. These and other details were found to match closely with the life of James Huston, Jr., an American pilot killed in action in March 1945.  James’s parents wrote a best-selling book about their investigation, and the case received widespread media attention.


James Madison Leininger was born on April 10, 1998 in San Francisco, to Bruce Leininger, a human resources executive, and Andrea Leininger, a resume-writer, homemaker and former professional dancer.

The family moved shortly thereafter to Dallas, Texas and then to Lafayette, Louisiana.  James’s expressions of past-life memory manifested mostly between the ages of two and five, following the move to Lafayette.  The combination of his detailed memories and the ability of the parents to verify them through painstaking research makes this a particularly interesting case, and it is one of the best-known of its kind in the Western world.

Memories and Behaviours

When James was 22 months old, as reported by the parents, his father took him to the James Cavanaugh Flight Museum in Dallas.  There he was transfixed by the sight of the WWII planes, and at the end of the visit had to be forced to leave.1

Passing a toy shop when James was just shy of two years, his mother noticed a display bin filled with plastic toys and boats: she pulled out a little propeller plane and handed it to James, adding,

‘Look there’s even a bomb underneath it.’ He said, ‘That’s not a bomb, Mummy. That’s a dwop tank.’2

Talking about this with her husband later she learned that a drop tank is an extra fuel tank fitted to an aircraft to extend its range.

Shortly after turning two, James began having nightmares, as often as five times a week, in which he would scream and kick his legs in the air, crying ‘Airplane crash!  Plane on fire!  Little man can’t get out!’

At 28 months, in response to questions, he told his parents the little man was himself and that his plane had been shot by the Japanese.3  About two weeks later, he added more details: his name had been James; he’d flown a Corsair; and he’d flown from a ‘boat’, whose name he gave as ‘Natoma’ – which despite sounding Japanese he insisted was American.4  Over the next three months, James added that he’d had a friend, a fellow pilot named Jack Larsen,5 and that he’d been shot down near Iwo Jima.6

James with this same Larsen, now an old man, at a Natoma Bay shipmates reunion

In play, James crashed his toy planes into furniture, breaking off the propellers.  He also began expressing his memories in art, obsessively drawing naval-aerial battles between Americans and Japanese, in which planes were burning and crashing, bullets and bombs exploding all around. These were always WWII scenes, with propeller-driven aircraft, not jets or missiles.

He named the American aircraft as Wildcats and Corsairs, and referred to Japanese planes as ‘Zekes’ and ‘Bettys’, explaining that the boy’s name referred to fighter planes and the girl’s name to bombers (this was correct).

He sometimes signed the drawings ‘James 3’, and when asked why, said he was ‘the third James’,7 (possibly a reference to him following James Huston Jr.).

When buckling himself into the back of the car he would often mime putting on headgear, a movement that his mother recognized during a visit to a local airshow, when he mounted the cockpit of a Piper Cub and put on the pilot’s headgear.

Bruce Leininger’s Investigation

Bruce Leininger was uncomfortable with the idea of reincarnation and began to research his son’s statements in the firm hope of ruling this out. He was already aware that the Corsair was an American WWII-era plane. Searching the Internet, he discovered that the USS Natoma Bay was an aircraft carrier that served in the Pacific in WWII and was part of an Iwo Jima operation, also that a pilot named Jack Larsen had been based on the ship.

He then started to approach Natoma Bay veterans, who proved forthcoming. An initial candidate for James’s memories, Jack Larsen, turned out however not have been killed. Attention then shifted to James McReady Huston, Jr. of Pennsylvania, who’d been killed near Iwo Jima aged 21, and whom James’s statements seemed to match. An exception was that Huston was shot down in a FM2 Wildcat, not a Corsair: veterans could recall no Corsairs on Natoma Bay. Nor could the details of James’s account of the plane being shot down be confirmed. However, a visit to Huston’s sister Anne Barron uncovered a photograph of Huston standing in front of a Corsair, confirming that at one time he flew this aircraft. 8  Clinching testimony came from eyewitnesses who’d seen the plane was hit in the engine, which exploded in a ball of fire before it crashed, confirming James’s account.9   A unit logbook recording the crash can now be viewed online.10

Upon attending a reunion of the Natoma Bay pilots, James recognized one of them, Bob Greenwalt, by his voice.11

Anne Barron also verified other details James had made earlier about his previous family, including the problems caused by his father’s alcoholism.  After speaking with James, she became convinced that he was indeed her brother reborn, from his knowledge of facts known only to Huston, such as the existence of a painting by their mother of Anne as a child.12

James Leininger with his sister from his previous life when he was US Navy pilot James Huston, killed in 1945 at the battle of Iwo Jima

According to the Leiningers James suffered a nightmare on the anniversary of Huston’s death.13  He made statements about two memories of the period between incarnations.  First, he said he remembered choosing Bruce and Andrea Leininger as his parents, and gave some veridical details of the time prior to his conception.14



Second, when his parents asked him why he had named his three GI Joe dolls Billy, Walter and Leon, he answered ‘Because that’s who met me when I got to heaven.’15

The parents later learned that three squadron-mates of Huston who had been killed prior to his own death were named Leon Conner, Walter Devlin and Billie Peeler.16

Carol Bowman

When James was three, Andrea Leininger contacted past-life regressionist and author Carol Bowman after reading her book Children’s Past Lives: How Past Life Memory Affects Your Child.  Bowman suggested some techniques for relieving James’s nightmares, the chief of which was to give reassurance that the catastrophe was over, that it had happened in the past and that he was now safe in his current life. This caused a steep drop in the frequency of the nightmares.17

ABC Primetime

Just before James’s fourth birthday, Bowman called the family to say that ABC wanted to air a TV show on children’s past-life memories, and asked the parents if they would be interested in sharing James’s story.  They agreed, and some footage was recorded, but the show never aired.  According to the Leiningers, the producers decided the case was weak evidentially.18  However, Jim B Tucker, a child psychiatrist and investigator of children’s past life memories at the University of Virginia Division of Perceptual Studies, who was also scheduled to appear on the show, recalls that the entire show was considered too weak, not James’ case in particular.19  Tucker was given a copy of the footage.20

Two years later, ABC contacted the Leiningers again, asking if they’d be interested in participating in a segment for ABC Primetime, hosted by Chris Cuomo. By this time, Huston had been identified and further evidence had been found, satisfying the producers that the case was strong enough to air.  The segment was broadcast on April 15, 2004, and can be viewed here.  The program generated further media attention, including articles in major newspapers worldwide, and TV reports.


Impressed by the strength of the case, Tucker once again contacted the Leiningers.  At first they were willing to be interviewed, but then, overwhelmed by media attention, and having decided to publish James’s story as a book, they temporarily declined.  Only in 2010 was Tucker able to interview the family.21  The Leiningers’ book, Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot, was published in 2009 and had a brief run on the New York Times bestseller list.

Criticisms and Responses

Paul Kurtz, the late founder of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, was quoted on the Primetime segment saying the parents were ‘self-deceived’ and ‘fascinated with the mysterious’, and had built up a ‘fairy tale.’ Kurtz claimed James must have gained his knowledge of WWII planes by overhearing his parents’ conversations or talking to his young friends.22  He offered no explanation for the intensity of James’s emotion, manifesting as the extremely-frequent nightmares, or for the ongoing plane-crash re-enactments in play, or for the prolific and dramatic drawings.

A Skeptico blogpost attributed James’s experiences to his first visit to the Cavanaugh Flight Museum, noting that one of the planes displayed there is a Corsair. It further suggested that a fantasy had been nurtured by leading questions by his parents, grandmother and Bowman, and gifts of toy planes. It postulates that James signed his drawings ‘James 3’ because that was his age at the time; that the Natoma Bay verification is questionable because James only said ‘Natoma’, not the full name; and that the name Jack Larsen could have been prompted, misremembered or fudged.  The article also argued the case was invalidated by the fact that James Huston was shot down while flying an FM2 Wildcat rather than a Corsair.23

Tucker contacted the Cavanaugh Flight Museum and learned that it had no Corsair on display between 1999 and 2003, the time period of James’s first two visits.24

Tucker disputed the claim that Bruce Leininger was party to a manufactured reincarnation fantasy, having observed first-hand his refusal to believe that reincarnation was the explanation,and noting that his extensive research was in fact intended to disprove the notion. 25  Tucker noted also that James was continuing to sign his drawings ‘James 3’ after he turned four.26

Tucker’s Investigation

Tucker wrote an informal account of the case as a chapter in his 2013 book Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives, then published a formal case report in 2016.27  He noted that while the Leiningers’ original written records of the case were lost, the fact that James made the statements before Huston had been identified was proved both by the video footage Tucker had received from ABC in 2002, and by written materials, such as dated Internet print-outs, confirming that Bruce searched for information on the Natoma Bay in 2000,28 and engaged in correspondence to find Jack Larsen. The verified statements from the footage are:29

  • his plane was shot in the engine and crashed in water
  • he died in the battle of Iwo Jima
  • the plane was on fire and sank, and he could not get out
  • he flew a Corsair
  • his plane flew off a boat
  • his plane was shot down by the Japanese
  • Corsairs tended to get flat tires when they landed

Could the Leiningers’ have created a complex fraud?  In that case, Tucker argued, they would surely have presented as good a case to ABC in 2002 as they did in 2004, not knowing they’d have another media opportunity.

Other grounds to doubt fraud as an explanation, Tucker argued, are the length of time the case took to develop, and the number of people involved in the investigation.

Tucker ruled out fantasy, since James’s nightmares and behaviours such as repeatedly crashing toy planes, and drawing in the way he did, are more characteristic of children who have suffered traumas.

With regard to coincidence, Tucker considered the possibility of such detailed statements exactly matching the identity and circumstances of a particular deceased individual by pure chance to be infinitesimally small. 30

Tucker noted that all the documented statements leading to the identification of Huston were made by James himself. He could not have read about Huston or the Natoma Bay. Nor could he have been exposed to any television program on these topics. His parents and the people around him had no knowledge of them.31

Media Follow-Up

After the publication of Soul Survivor in 2009, Fox 8 News broadcast a follow-up segment by Suzanne Stratford.32  This contains interviews with Natoma Bay veteran Leo Pyatt, describing how James recognized the other veterans, and Huston’s sister Anne Barron describing how James knew things that Huston had done as a boy and other private family matters.

The segment also recounts how a Japanese TV station flew the family to Iwo Jima: there they travelled in a small boat to visit the site of Huston’s death, where James was able to point out the exact spot.  The Leiningers performed a memorial service, and James threw a bouquet of flowers into the sea over the wreckage. The trip, recounted in Soul Survivor,33 appeared to bring about a healing catharsis, as his drawings afterwards became less destructive and chaotic. In this video, James comments:

I hope that it helps people understand the meaning of how precious life is, how fast it can just blow away.  And I also hope that it opens people’s eyes up to reincarnation.  I hope it opens people’s eyes up to the fact that reincarnation can happen. It is a possibility; it’s not a lie.

In a 2013 clip on Fox and Friends,34  Bruce describes the successful investigation, while James, now 15, describes how the nightmares ceased after a ‘spiritual release’ experienced at the site of the crash. James goes on to suggest that reincarnation can be the source of what seems like innate knowledge. He adds that he occasionally remembers his previous life but is moving forward with his current one.

Karen Wehrstein


Bowman, C. (1997) Children’s Past Lives: How Past Life Memory Affects Your Child.  New York: Bantam.

Leininger, A. & Leininger, B., with K. Gross (2009). Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot. [First edition). New York: Grand Central Publishing.

Skeptico (2005). Reincarnation all over again (July 7, 2005).  Retrieved Jan. 19, 2017 from http://skeptico.blogs.com/skeptico/2005/07/reincarnation_a.html

Tucker, J.B. (2013). Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives.  New York: St. Martins.

Tucker, J.B. (2016). The Case of James Leininger: An American Case of the Reincarnation Type. Explore 2016: 12, pp. 200-207.




…..Recent donations

This is a great time to make or keep up donations if you can. Some important checks to me (three) have suspiciously been delayed, perhaps because of my acid criticism of Michigan’s wicked jewish governoress Gretchen Whitmer.

Also, my stimulus check has not arrived, though it should have been automatically deposited two weeks ago.

And so I am now running on fumes. I had a huge wave of new readers after my major chemtrails article…..

READ THIS: Air Force pilot confesses who does the chemtrailing and how they keep it secret; why did California have 13 years of drought and fires 2006-2019?

….but I guess reincarnation and aliens scared most of these one-issue chemtrailomaniacs right back off again. 😉

“His chemtrails article was incredible, but the other stuff is really kooky.” 

The fact that my articles are factual is irrelevant. It’s kooky. 😉

And so the real issue, which my new religion squarely addresses, is the human egoic mind, which can deny the most obvious and the most urgent realities. And it makes us capable of MENTALLY justifying doing nothing.

Yes, even now.


…..To a comrade who donates and considers I might have been Hitler

I wrote him:

After May 1933 Hitler closed the party largely to new members, because so many opportunists were climbing on board as the Reich and its economy visibly began to soar, diluting the party’s quality. He and Goebbels called these fair-weather friends, these johnny-come-latelies Maiblüten, the “May flowers.”

You are truly an Old Fighter, supporting me when it is not yet opportune or cool, in fact, the opposite.

As in May 1928, when I got a risible 2.6% of the vote, I am again seen as a cultist, megalomaniac and kook. 😉

And no one could look askance at you if you did get burned out, brother [].

The Hitler thing will make me the most hated, endangered man on this earth — with not just jews and leftists like this [] locally, who is spreading in this until-now friendly town that I am a stolen-valor fake Marine and a swindler, but also among “Greatest-Generation” revering patriotards and Born Again Israel-lovers.

I say the Hitler-JdN connection because

1) It is true, and this is what mesmerized me at five, upon discovering a Hitler letter stamp in a frame at my brilliant grandmother’s house.

(She must have been a Lindbergh supporter. I know she majored in German at Brown, and loathed Roosevelt, “that man in the White House.”)

I could not move until my father jerked the framed stamp out of my hands, cuffed me on the ear, and told me to get in the car to drive home.

If you knew my dad, a killer of Japs and Red Chinese with his bare hands in two wars,

and a Big Man on Campus in Rhode Island, he was not a man to be ignored. Never before or since did I ever ignore my father’s stern voice calling up the stairs to me.

But something much bigger was calling.

“Get it right this time. And vaya con Dios, ‘go with God,’ not just your own genius. Expand NS so everyone gets on board. No repeat of 1939-45!” 

I say the Hitler thing also because Hitler alone can save the situation. I have heard it a dozen times — people who are at least semi-jew-wise muttering

“It will take another Hitler.”

…..or the same one, but better.

I can only say this, that so many Ontonagonians who had been ambivalent about me are looking at me with a new-found respect, me the “conspiracy theorist,” me, the “Nazi” in a town full of FOX-watching vets.

When I did this blog today on reincarnation, it is because I have made my peace with God already myself.

And my book, written off-line, will keep on Aryanizing whites, and hammering the jews, and exposing the nasty inner jew in us all, long after I am gone.

So if they kill me, fine, I will be a martyr — and I am so very tired anyway of the evil glint in the jews’ eyes and the spiritually closed faces everywhere of the average, brainwashed MSM-watching whites in 2020 jewmerica.

But when I think of their fate should I pull back in disgust, I have to go on.

But the work will go on, ending in their annihilation and our exultant victory.
For we are aligned with truth and reality. No sham can last forever.

For defeating the jews, destroying Jerusalem and its temple, the Roman Senate erected this triumphal arch to General Titus.



“The Senate and the Roman people (dedicate this) to the deified Titus Vespasian Augustus, son of the deified Vespasian.”

And then the jew slaves Titus had captured were made to build the Roman Colosseum, symbol of Aryan supremacy in war over the devious, scurrying, ratlike jews.

1 Comment

  1. This makes my blood boil. Filthy, stupid, worthless black animal – being killed by cops was much too easy on him. In a just, non-Jew-ruled society, he should have been captured alive and publicly executed in the most gruesome way, as a warning to other black animals like him:



    Here’s how ABC Jews covered this same exact story – no information at all about the murderer, not even his name:


    The presidents of CBS News, NBC News, and ABC News – all Jews:


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