July 17
The waves will move gently over the surface, but do not be misled. There are great currents in flow, and you are likely to find yourself in a very different place in a week’s time. The trick is to float and not to fight these currents. They will look and feel unique for each of you, but most of you will find that there is something powerful tugging you in a direction you might not go of your own conscious accord.
The natural impulse is to resist, especially if it all goes on under the surface of your awareness. Try then, to bring awareness to any directional shifts that may be underway. Are you confused about anything that you should or shouldn’t embark upon? Think on this, because if you can know where your questions lie, you are almost all the way to an understanding of what you must do. Energies and circumstances around will conspire to give you counsel if you are ready to receive it.
For instance, if you have a choice to make, one with medium to large consequences, one that will surely influence the course of your and others’ lives, one that perhaps has been in play for a while—if you are attentive to this choice, if you ask the universe to guide you, if you stay awake to the way in which forces greater than yourself whisper their guidance, you will learn much and be supported in following that choice.
A Canadian lady comrade made me this quilt. Funny how I look like a kid in this photo, at 66! But Jesus said: “Unless you become like little children you cannot enter the kingdom of God.” In the famous first “Star Wars” film, Obi Wan Kenobi exhorted Luke Skywalker: “Trust the Force, Luke!”
You will find that your body too speaks to you if you hold that question within it. You will find that the trees talk to you of your needs if you take your uncertainty to them.
You will find that your dreams are powerful allies. But let your guidance come from deep places. Do not seek to know through the thoughts and ideas of other humans.
You are involved in your own questing, and you not only need, but will be able to access support that sees far beyond the human realm. Take advantage of it if you can.
This does not mean that you should avoid people or their company. But reach a little higher. It is not always the case that the realms of which we speak are so open. As always, trust only that which reverberates in your own heart. Let ideas die on the vine unless they pass that test. A good idea is not one that meets others’ approval but one that satisfies the deepest truth in you. And you will learn that by listening to those aspects of yourself and the world around you that side-step words and logic.
The other thing we wish to mention here is the importance of being in nature.
*** Nature strictly a no-no to the Jew World Order
In many dystopian movies out of Hebrewwood, the masses are impoverished and cooped up in hideous cities.
The goyim must not connect with nature, but only with concrete! They must feel despair, separated from the source of all things, depressed and lonely!
The Asphalt Jungle (with Marilyn Monroe) was an excellent 1950 movie, and was nominated for four Oscars: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Asphalt_Jungle
Marilyn was not yet a star, so was not listed by name in this poster:
These currents that are going to be moving you will do so with some subtlety, but the distance you may traverse could be long. Grounding in the earth, walking upon it, playing in it and working with it will all help make the transitions you may experience smoother and less disorienting.
It will be good to spend time outside today if you can.
Margi shopping for vegetables to plant
After two years in cancer and radiation hell, Margi is now planting a full garden of flowers and food! (This includes tomatoes, green peppers, sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, and eggplant (aubergine). I love it when couples drive by slooowww-ly in their car, both gaze at the garden and smile, and especially the women beam. 🙂 (The lawn is partly a lush green, but partly dry in patches due to the sandy soil here, with Margi’s house located just one block from Lake Superior.
Nietzsche’s blond beast lurks in the waters off Ontonagon 😉
We wish you amazing travels, and we send blessings and much love. — E.West
…..Recent donations
There were 12,000 visits to my site yesterday.
These two fine donations came in:
–16 July 2020 $70 in cash with a very nice note to me and Margi from C in New Jersey
–15 July 2020 120 Euros via PayPal from C in Germany, a very regular, very generous donor and professional man
LOL! So true!
Sono vissuta in campagna tutta la mia Vita e non mi sono mai interessata alle piantine da piantare(pomodori, melanzane,patate,peperoni ecc.)neanche alle Galline,polli e conigli,al giardino pieno zeppo di fiori e piante speciali,ma oggi apprezzo tutto questo!Incredibilmente.
È bellissimo vedere Margi all’opera con il suo splendido sorriso.
🙂 🙂
E te con la trapuntina 😉
Non ho ancora dimenticato la frase,quella del Sedere del Bambino;devo trattenermi per non scoppiare a ridere!!
I have lived in the countryside all my life and never got interested in all the seedlings to be planted (tomatoes, aubergines, potatoes, peppers, etc.), not even in the hens, chickens and rabbits, nor in gardens full of flowers and special plants.
But today I appreciate all this! Incredibly much.
It’s wonderful to see Margi at work with her splendid smile. 🙂 🙂
And you with the quilt. 😉
I have not yet forgotten the phrase about Jesus and the children that we must be like. 🙂
Si si va bene..mi stai cambiando le frasi!
Sei tremendo..
Mi fai ridere ancora di più 🙂
Ma come devo fare con te?!
Hai un modo tutto tuo di rendere ogni cosa bellissima e divertente.
Cambio una frase solo per renderla comprensibile agli americani che masticano gomme da masticare come io. 😉
Ti voglio un mondo di Bene.
Sei un Dono del Cielo.
È vero, sei tenero come un Bambino, ma in questo caso mi sento così anche io con te.
Ho fatto di tutto per non sentirla disperarsi, l’ho messa a tacere troppo presto e ora mi rendo conto che questa bambina è riuscita a trovarti e a guidarmi verso le cose più belle.
Mi sento piccola piccola..
We love you so much.
You are a Gift from Heaven.
True, you can be tender as a child, but in this too we feel close to you.
I did everything for years not to feel despair. I silenced my own inner child too soon, but now I realize that this little girl [me] has managed to find you, and I am being guided towards the most beautiful things.
I feel like a little baby again. 🙂
I am very touched and honored. 🙂
Jesus said many mysterious things which his jewish disciples did not understand at all, stuck in their old mentality.
This oil portrait, by the way, is by far the most accurate. it shows a man who is surprisingly sensitive, knowing hurt, grief, disappointment and terrible worry…. but strengthened ever by love of our great race and our fascinating, diverse nationsm, and knowing what greatness lies in us.
[X] In questa foto si vede bene;si nota solo con particolari posizioni. [X]
L’ho letto e sì su questa “v” – wow. Ma l’ho eliminato perché è personale.
[x] Sono felice che ti stai riprendendo economicamente; vedi,la ruota gira per il verso Giusto!:-)
Ti hanno messo alla prova..
Hai donato tutto te stesso a questo pianeta e a Margi. [x]
I am happy that you are recovering economically; see, the wheel has turned for you in the right direction! 🙂
They sure put you to the test ..
And you have given all of yourself to this planet and to Margi.
[] Le persone sono libere, vanno tutti in vacanza, gli alberghi sono al completo…anche le spiagge.
Sono rimasti solo quattro stronzi che non sanno cosa fare e distruggono ogni cosa che trovano! Ma sono dei falliti senza speranza.
“Se ti impongono di non brillare..tu brilla ancora di più”..
Al resto ci penserà la Vita e la sua Grande Ruota.
People are free, they all go on vacation, the hotels are fully booked … even the beaches.
There are only four assholes left who don’t know what to do and destroy everything they find! But they are hopeless failures.
“If they try to force you not to shine … you shine even more” ..
Life and its Great Wheel will take care of the rest.
Thanks for the heart-warming photos.
I used one of the landscapes in this blog:
[x] Guarda il volume [x]
Well, we all are starseeds, but some of us are recent starseeds. 🙂
The long skull is also classic of both true Old Mediterraneans (with no semitic-neanderthalic admixture) and of Nordics. Nordics are just Old Mediterraneans with light eyes and hair.
The racial Alpines with their round faces (seen in northern Italy, southern Germany and the Slavic lands) are unfortunately less attractive, more like peasants.
È fantastico..ho letto tutto 🙂
Sono davvero dei bambini speciali,magnetici..
Tutti sono attratti da loro.
Un po’ meno quando litigano 🙁
A volte mi chiedo perché proprio io…con tante ragazze sulla Terra!
È una grande Responsabilità e un grande Onore.
Lo so che andranno sempre d’accordo. perché si completano a vicenda come Sole e come Luna.
Le foto sono tue,ti appartengono..
Con tanto Amore.
Ho una domanda per te: “Ho realmente(è un problema reale [….x]”
Pregherò per questo. Ma anche lui dovrebbe. Dio è arrabbiato? Chiediglielo, suggerisco, e sinceramente. 🙂
Mi ha tolto un quadro,quello della nave affondata “Costa Concordia” perché secondo lui porta sfortuna.
Ci siamo stati in viaggio di nozze.
Nel 2014 è affondata e so bene che non è stato un errore o una fatalità.
Credo seriamente che si tratti della sua vecchia vita;è caduto in mare volando,anche se sono stati salvati e la guerra in Russia tra neve,freddo e acqua.
Sai cosa? Credo che abbia sofferto seriamente per questa guerra;aveva un talento naturale,riconosciuto dallo stesso Fuhrer.
Ho letto tante cose sul suo conto.
In fondo lui ha avuto anche incidenti pericolosi come Skorzeny e si porta ancora adesso un problema ai polmoni.
È molto irascibile a differenza mia.
Ha un carattere molto forte ed è molto istintivo..
Magari si sta tirando dietro qualcosa..
Grazie per la tua preghiera 🙂