Spiritual reading: stop four times today, look at yourself, and breathe

Happy young man breathing deep
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…Spiritual reading for March 28

The advice for today is a little odd. We ask you to stop yourself periodically.

Just stop what you are doing and breathe.

And in that moment, center yourself and check in to see if what you are doing is correct for you. Correct in the context of your day and your agenda, correct in the context of your values and beliefs, correct in terms of your life and your aspirations.

It is good today to be out and about, to interact with others and to exchange gifs of friendship and love.

At the same time, we suggest that you pay attention and try to make corrections on your path, try to see where you are gone astray or heading of-track. So go about whatever business you have on your schedule.

See your friends, do your work and be yourself in the world. But every once in a while, step back and see if you are acting as the person you want to be. If not, that is wonderful to notice. And all you really need to do today is notice.

Any shifts in direction or returns to original intent will evolve over time—the critical thing to do, the first step and the one without which nothing else will happen—is to see your self and your movement through the world with clarity.

If you can check in with yourself every hour, that would be ideal. If not, even three or four times during the day would be helpful. Try to look at yourself as if you were made of glass—utterly transparent. Anything that is not clear will stand out.

Be honest with yourself; nothing else will have any value.

Ruthlessness is unnecessary, but your job is to see the truth so that you can go where it is that you want to go. You are not perfect, none of us are, but be conscious of the very human desire to hold anything you don’t approve of at arm’s length.

Embrace yourself as you are, with the clear understanding that you grow most when you know what you are reaching for. All are on the path, none have arrived. We take the next step forward from where we stand today.

So study where it is that you are standing now in order that your next step can be the one you most want it to be.

This is very hard work, and we urge you to pick it up with both compassion for yourself and a lightness of heart which knows that all is well no matter what. You are not perfect, and yet of course, you are perfect.

Today you can clarify just exactly how you want to be perfect next!

We truly love you all, as you are today and as you will be tomorrow. Many blessings





  1. Dear John de Nugent,

    To the article
    “The advice for today is a little odd. We ask you to stop yourself periodically.”

    This is exactly what the NWO wants to avoid at all costs. One is supposed to be kept in emotional turmoil at all times (news, etc.), always attention-bound both internally and externally, so that one does not come to rest. Because, as someone once put it, if you just lie down or sit and relax, you run the risk of hearing your inner voice (= inner self/personal guardian angel).

    And if that is cultivated, the contact with the own inner self/guardian angel, then it is over with the NWO. Therefore one is supposed to never come to rest, neither inwardly nor outwardly.

    Among the probably 12,000 to 14,000 German nursing home facilities, there was only one, Isabel Flaig’s,* which protected the residents and its staff from “corona testing,” from mandatory masks, and from vaccinations, only one!

    [*] In German: “Isabell Flaig, Rebellin aus Kirchheim, kämpft gegen regelmäßige CORONA-Tests in ihren Pflegeheimen”,


    Then there is a nurse who heroically exchanged vaccine doses for saline solutions. She has now been virtually acquitted (suspended sentence only)! Here is a “Daily Mail” news from 01 December 2022:

    In English: “Anti-vaxxer nurse who injected up to 8,600 elderly patients with saltwater instead of Covid vaccine walks FREE from court in Germany”


    In German, with partial translation: https://t.me/saraslightfight/26397

    Numerous women were and are active in the resistance (2020 to 2022), saved countless people’s health and lives, the percentage of women in the resistance is probably at least 50% (although the total resistance (men and women together) was tiny as a percentage of the population).

    Unfortunately, vaccination continues, with human children and adults and with animal children and adults:



    “They Are giving Cows mRNA Vaccine • Which Will Pass the Vaccine Into Milk, Cheese etc • LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of Cattle DIE Immediately Following mRNA ‘Vaccination’”



    In German, with partial translation: https://t.me/saraslightfight/26367

    Italien: “A real medically-induced horror in ITALY in the Italian Piedmont; there has been a “mysterious” loss of livestock. Do you know how it happened? The veterinarian came in and vaccinated all the animals against “the fashionable disease,” and then they all DIED. M


  2. Sehr geehrter John de Nugent,

    Zum Artikel
    “The advice for today is a little odd. We ask you to stop yourself periodically.” Das ist genau das, was die NWO unter allen Umständen vermeiden möchte. Man soll immer in emotionalem Aufruhr gehalten werden (Nachrichten usw.), innerlich wie äußerlich immer aufmerksamkeitsgebunden sein, damit man nicht zur Ruhe kommt. Denn, wie es mal jemand sagte: Wenn man sich einfach nur in Ruhe hinlegt oder sitzend entspannt, dann läuft man Gefahr, die innere Stimme (= inneres Selbst/persönlicher Schutzengel) zu vernehmen. Und wenn das kultiviert wird, der Kontakt mit dem eigenen inneren Selbst/Schutzengel, dann ist es aus mit der NWO. Daher soll man niemals zur Ruhe kommen, weder innerlich noch äußerlich.

    Unter den vermutlich 12.000 bis 14.000 deutschen Altenheim-Einrichtungen gab es nur ein einziges, nämlich das von Isabel Flaig,* das die Bewohner und sein Personal vor “Corona-Tests”, vor Maskenpflicht und vor den Impfungen schützte, nur ein einziges!

    [*] In German: “Isabell Flaig, Rebellin aus Kirchheim, kämpft gegen regelmäßige CORONA-Tests in ihren Pflegeheimen”,

    Dann gibt es eine Krankenschwester, die heldenhaft Impfdosen gegen Kochsalzlösungen austauschte. Sie wurde jetzt praktisch so gut wie freigesprochen (nur Bewährungsstrafe)! Hier eine “Daily Mail”-Nachricht vom 01. Dezember 2022:

    In English: “Anti-vaxxer nurse who injected up to 8,600 elderly patients with saltwater instead of Covid vaccine walks FREE from court in Germany”,

    Auf Deutsch, mit Teilübersetzung: https://t.me/saraslightfight/26397

    Zahlreiche Frauen waren und sind im Widerstand (2020 bis 2022) aktiv gewesen, haben unzähligen Menschen Gesundheit und Leben gerettet, der Frauenanteil im Widerstand beträgt vermutlich mindestens 50% (wobei der Gesamt-Widerstand (Männer und Frauen zusammen) prozentual zur Bevölkerung winzig war).

    Leider geht die Impferei weiter, mit Menschenkindern und Erwachsenen und mit Tierkindern und mit erwachsenen Tieren:


    “They Are giving Cows mRNA Vaccine • Which Will Pass the Vaccine Into Milk, Cheese etc • LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of Cattle DIE Immediately Following mRNA ‘Vaccination’”,


    In German, mit Teilübersetzung: https://t.me/saraslightfight/26367

    Mit Video:
    Italien: “A real medically-induced horror in ITALY In Italian Piedmont there has been a “mysterious” loss of livestock. Do you know how it happened? The veterinarian came in and vaccinated all the animals against “the fashionable disease,” and then they all DIED. M

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