Spiritual reading: the divine is growing; a strange apparition; NDEs are real

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Mt. Rainier, Washington State, which I visited in 1988

December 8

Oh dear ones, the extent of the opening of celestial energies is truly breathtaking. Everywhere, everywhere, all around and within and through every atom and every particle of worldly existence, the charge of the divine is growing and expanding and becoming impossible to miss.

For so long now, human beings have compartmentalized and separated themselves from the Oneness.

You know this. For those of you who are committed to a continuance of that stance, it is and will be very possible. But if you wish to end your isolation from all that is, if you wish to live as part of the Oneness in more and more and more moments, that too is very possible. In fact, in this time, it is simple if you but allow it.

The divine is shining out, singing, dancing, beaming from its ubiquity, as if the veils had all dissolved. You need seek not, nor strive, for it is all here. You are here. You are It. As is everything and everyone you behold, every breath you take, every sound you hear, every thought you have.

We know that you have wended your way to the point where you understand that this is true at all times.

You have striven, you have prayed, you have sought, you have practiced. And you have all forgotten, as we do. And recalled. And forgotten again.
The thing we want you to know and contemplate and allow for yourself today is that there is absolutely nothing which separates you from the visceral experience of this truth. Nothing real.

You may step back from it in thought, and action, and fear — if you so desire, but the presence of the divine in all is more powerful and tangible than it has been in aeons and we urge you to open, open and open again.

Fill yourself to the brim, and then learn that you have no limits, no brim at which to stop.

If you make for yourself a practice today, let it be a mantra, let it be a prayer, let it be an affirmation to open to that which is. You may find that some murk and mud rise quickly to the surface, but understand that they will yield swiftly if you stay open. There is no way that the dark or the confounding or the obscuring can hold if you are willing to be in the light.

It is much, much too powerful to be held back by anything but your desire to avoid it.

A strange situation, isn’t it? Where all that might stand between you and perfection is your willingness.

Think on that concept, if you must think at all. What does it mean to be willing?

As the sun recedes in the northern hemisphere, transcendent light is literally poring from every molecule on and within your planet. Wake up, dear friends and bathe in its sweetness. Let its rejoicing become yours and give yourself and all of creation the gif of your own extraordinary light.

We send you great gratitude for your ever-present beauty and all of our blessings and love to you today, every day, every hour, every second.


…..Stranger danger

I never have nightmares but on extremely rare occasions, maybe twice in my lifetime, something demonic comes at me, and as always, I call out: “Jesus, protect me” and the thing goes away instantly. 

(This does not make make a regular Christian. I see Jesus as Hitler and his mentor and close friend Dietrich Eckart did, as a very powerful nordic starseed who came to either cure the jews of their egotistical madness or, failing that — as He suspected would happen — to warn the Aryan world against them — and let them frame and murder Him as an example to all the world forever of their infinite cruelty and malice.)

My audiobook on this: https://archive.org/details/EckartAHBolshevismMosesLenin1923Final

In any case, the perhaps best way to drive a demonic attack off is with “Jesus, protect me.” This does not apply if you are an atheistic and rotten person! Then know this, that you will have NO protection! You are on your own!

From Acts in the New Testament:

Some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed. They would say, “In the name of Jesus, I command you to come out.” Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. One day the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, but who are you?”

Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding.

When this became known to the Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus, they were all seized with fear, and the name of Jesus was held in high honor (Acts 19:13-17).

Sunday, as I was undressing for bed….

… I saw this large thing coming at me, like a kind of jellyfish. I had and have no idea what this was, or who sent it….However, I immediately said “Jesus, protect me” — and it was gone.

But right after that, and this is just as strange, I saw what seemed like a gray, rectangular “shoebox” come floating toward me, and simultaneously I heard distinctly a woman’s voice with a strong southern accent say the meaningless word: “Jane-teen.”

Again, I said, and confidently, “Jesus, protect me.” The demonic show was over.

Whoever Jesus was, is, or represents, demonic beings don’t mess with Him.

I felt alert and wary during this incident, but not afraid; in this case and in another, a good five years back, it is demons who feel fear and take off.

A lot of people have supernatural experiences, but fear the ridicule of closed-minded atheists, the jealous, etc.

Fortunately, it is now changing and more and more people can and do tell at least to their friends and family about having had a NDE, a Near-Death Experience. It can be quite a jolt for an atheist to look down and see his body lying there, seeing a doctor work on him, and then trying to figure out who HE is then! A soul, buddy! 🙂



I became aware of “signs” a bit more when a prominent WN told me once how, having had unfit parents he ended up in foster care –and two different suspected Jewish child molesters started trying to get close to him — and one went suddenly blind (a Sidney Cohen) and the other, at 58, a Mel Golden, dropped dead.

I had a weird experience in 2015.  A local women here in Ontonagon (whom I just saw and said “Hi” to yesterday, btw) had told me how her late husband and high school sweetheart (who had died not long before of the after-affects of Agent Orange from Vietnam) would, from the afterlife, move things around in her house to show he was still watching her and caring about her, and once — in the middle of July — put his favorite Christmas tree ornament, a black kitten, from a cardboard box up in the third-floor attic, smack-dab  in the middle of the living-room carpet — on a hot July morning when she arose!  (She told me many other examples.)

One class of people who keep reeeeeal quite about their NDE is those who have negative ones. They get a nice, short day trip to a hell. For some, the effect on them is good. This book goes into both positive and negative NDEs.


Author John Burke is a former engineer and agnostic

……A new Aryan religion based on facts

I challenge anyone to read either Life after Life by Dr. Raymond Moody or the new book, Imagine Heaven, to not “get it” that we are immortal beings, a higher power judges us on our thoughts, words and deed, and you better straighten out.



See also my blog on 90 Minutes in Heaven:




This was a verified car wreck involving a 110 mph (combined speed), head-on collision by a small sedan with an 18-wheeler truck, leading to a massive traffic jam. No one made this story up.


A pulseless body, already going cold for an hour and a half, returns to life.


Did you know there have been 59 scientific studies on over 3,000 people who have been revived on the operating table or in the ER and have reported in detail on what they saw, whom they met, what they discussed, and what happened to them on the other side?

Did you know that people born blind who never, ever, ever saw anything at all when alive, have come back and reported on meeting other dead people and giving exact and accurate physical descriptions  of them that matched reality?

In the afterlife, everyone is 30, btw, and in their prime. My late friend Willis Carto, for example, no longer looks like this….

but like this….

How does someone born blind who has never SEEN anyone or anything know after they come back from the afterlife exactly how they looked?

Because they were no longer blind in the afterlife.

Did you know that most are met by loving and supernatural beings and shown a fair and accurate video of their life, with suggestions how to change,  but that some experience hellish and demonic attacks, and when revived by the doctor and nurses, BEG the ER doctor to save them so they do not have to go back there?

And the worst thing of all for a man  is to be a selfish COWARD.

In fact, the Vikings taught that the gods might just EXTERMINATE FOREVER THE SOUL of a coward.


In Virtus, the coming faith, we will love the hero and despise the coward. All who run when his duty calls to protect deserve death themselves.

Look at this:

The race war is on. We just ain’t fighting back.










  1. Juneteenth is a negro holiday and federally enshrined paid holiday marking the emancipation of negro slaves in USA. It is a rallying cry for violent negros and vandals/looters. The warning may be very significant.

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