Spiritual reading; the genocide only sped up a lot when the clot shot came in; remembering Heather O’Rourke

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….a message from me to you

I have been through nearly unbearable stress for my entire life, starting as a child with MK-ULTRA and the worst program within it, the Manchurian Candidate program.

Only spiritual strength can enable you to survive.

He had many of the right ideas but not the Hitlerian willpower…


If you find the spiritual readings puzzling, or a waste of time, or fluff, well, it means you do have a ways to go. 😉 See further below on that.

After talking with David Scott von Braun — and I think God wanted us to finally meet in person and talk about our lives, which in some ways have run in parallel — I am certain the jews poisoned him — and that it is almost certain to me that Margi was given her cancer and that when she beat it in 2019-20, they gave it to her again in late 2021.

I kept appealing for volunteers to come and help, and watch the house and the safety of our food, but no one responded.

So they came and poisoned her food, IMO, with polonium or some other cancer accelerant.


And when she died, I had to sell this paid-off, delightful little house to keep my operation going.

And in two more months I will be homeless or at the mercy again of a non-WN landlord.

Congratulations to everyone who thought about coming to help me, and then did not. 😉

Poisoning peoples’ food has been a jew specialty for thousands of years.

Why is this world, a gorgeous planet, a kind of hell?

I think you know the answer. 😉

Being a nordic starseed does not mean I have fully figured you earthlings out.  This place is a total insane asylum. 😉

Ancient Peru was started by a mysterious blond man, Viracocha, who, known as Quetzalcoatl in Mexico, as the Mexicans themselves say (!!!!!!!!) —  tried to teach earthlings but finally up and left. 😉

Interesting how Quetzalcoatl just LEFT.-

Sometimes one gets soooo tired of peoples’ slow progress. In Conversations with God, the Creator says to author Neil Donald Walsch, to his shock, that he has already had HUNDREDS of lives…


Most people never get a grip on their own mind, and thus barely inch forward a few inches in each incarnation like a lazy snail. 😉

“Are earthlings really a good use of my time?”

Notice in this video how the Whites remain silent during this atrocity — Trans boxer utterly clobbers female boxer — and it is a Chinese woman who finally goes ballistic! Maybe I’ll just switch races. ;-)…

Only love keeps me going.


HOWEVER, I still see so many wonderful white people too, especially up here in the germanic Upper Midwest.

I had a simply delightful and encouraging experience just the other day with a local optometrist, a woman, who helped me with my eye problems (among them incipient cataracts) and with contact lenses.

Beautiful, nordic (of German and Irish ancestry, the ideal combo!), feminine and sweet, yet so logical, capable, efficient and a real help as well after dealing for months with an obese Walmart optometrist who was a lazy sack of shit that simply did not care if I could see well.

This gal, is both yin and yang; she has her act together. 🙂 I fell almost in love with her, but of course a “10” like that that is “taken.” 😉

And so stay tuned. And see the part way down below about Heather.



….Spiritual reading for March 16

March 16

When the wind begins to blow harder, as it is likely it will, turn into it. Welcome its movement, its power and its wisdom. A leaf that clings to its branch will eventually dry up and fall of, coming to the end of its time under the tree from which it grew. A leaf that lets go its branch in the pull of the wind will be carried along to new and unknown experiences.

The energetic forces that are with you now might be likened to a wild windstorm. You can struggle to hold on to what you know and what you have now, or you can surrender and be taken where the wind wants to carry you. We strongly suggest the latter course. But you knew that!

Fear—that old devil–will generally be the only serious counterforce to the wind that blows through. Most of you are tired in one way or another of upholding a status quo that has become dusty and tattered.

Many of you look at what is before you and have to strain to find the meaning in it. This wind could blow everything clean, give you the chance to see things from a completely different perspective, offer you the opportunity to move toward living in a way that resonates more deeply with who you are becoming.

But fear, and to a lesser extent, habit, might keep you tethered to that which has been.

Therefore, this continues to be a good time to take an inventory of the things in your life that you really want to maintain, so that as the wind begins to blow, you don’t find yourself wasting energy holding on to ideas, beliefs or needs that have outlived their usefulness.

The trick here is to trust in the benevolence of this wind. It will only take you if you are willing to be carried, and it will only clear that which you are ready to be done with.

You have the power to dig in your heels, to circle the wagons, to protect your life as it is, if that is your wish. And maybe that is correct for you. But we urge you to check carefully inside so that you can know—am I afraid of the coming disruption and change, or is it truly the beter course for me to stay as I am?

If you are afraid, then your capacity to hold will not be strong enough and your struggle difficult. For that reason alone, we hope you will prepare yourself to let go of that which weighs you down, which ties you to the archaic, which does not express your unfolding potential. Look under your fears, hold deep love and compassion for yourself, courageous and willing in this time of endless challenge.

Do not attempt to silence the fear but become its friend and its protector. You have the capacity to guide yourself wisely and still have some energy left over to comfort and reassure those aspects of yourself that would rather hide under the covers. You know, your higher Self knows, that it is far, far safer (in the evolutionary sense) to be flying and dancing on the crest of the wind than it is to be hunkered down waiting out this storm of grace.

So, if you are willing to be part of the transformation that is at hand, we encourage you to engage fully with that part of yourself that trusts in the goodness of the universe and that knows that one cannot know, that there are no guarantees.

The magnitude of the changes at hand are such that there can be very little bargaining. Of course. fear arises in these conditions. But you do not need to let it stop you. Let go of your branch and become one with the energy that moves through. It is, we will tell you, a potentially thrilling time, one that may alter everything if you let it, if you want it. This is an amazing moment. Don’t miss it.

We send you much love and all of our blessings, and a final reminder that we and many others are all around holding you with great honor and resect and love. You are all so brave, and beautiful as you live in your courage.



…..’A red flashing light’: Kids and teens dying at the highest rate in decades — and the COVID-19 virus isn’t directly driving the trend


New research published Monday in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that the mortality rate for minors ages 1 through 19 jumped by nearly 20% between 2019 and 2021. This alarming spike is the largest in decades and reportedly cannot be ascribed to the COVID-19 virus.

What does the study say?

TheBlaze reported in August that there had been a precipitous drop in the average life expectancy in America for a second year in a row.

[source: https://www.theblaze.com/news/kids-and-teens-dying-at-the-highest-rate-in-decades]

Data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics revealed that in 2019, the average American was expected at birth to live to 78 years and 10 months. That figure dropped to 77 years in 2020. In 2022, the life expectancy for the U.S. population stood at 76 years and one month — the lowest it had been since 1996.

Between 2019 and 2021, the mortality rate for youths ages 1 through 19 increased by 10.7%. For the same demographic, the mortality rate jumped an additional 8.3% between 2020 and 2021.

Researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine and the University of Washington’s department of epidemiology noted that while persons ages 10-19 were driving the spike in the pediatric mortality rate, all-cause mortality also jumped by 8.4% in children ages 1-9 in 2021.

Infants (i.e., under one year old) were standouts, however, having not suffered an increase in mortality.

While the timeline might leave some to suspect that the Wuhan coronavirus played a role, the researchers noted that “this reversal in the pediatric mortality trajectory was caused not by COVID-19, but by injuries.”

Lethal injuries

Injuries are defined in the paper as “all external causes of morbidity and mortality,” which “involve multiple mechanisms including transportation, firearms, and poisoning.”

Unintentional drug overdoses constitute a form of poisoning under this definition and since 2016, accounted for over 90% of poisoning deaths at ages 10 to 19.

A study published March 8 in the journal Pediatrics found that opioids were the leading cause of fatal poisonings among children five years old and younger from 2005 to 2018.

The leading causes of death in recent years for persons aged 1 to 19, in order, are: transport, homicide, suicide, and poisoning.

“In 2020, the COVID-19 mortality rate at ages 1 to 19 years was 0.24 deaths per 100 000, but the absolute increase in injury deaths alone was nearly 12 times higher (2.80 deaths per 100 000),” wrote the researchers. “COVID-19 mortality rates at ages 1 to 19 years nearly doubled in 2021 but explained only 20.5% of that year’s increase in all-cause mortality.”

The researchers noted that the increase in pediatric injury deaths predates the pandemic — that suicide, homicide, and poisoning deaths have long been on the rise.

Suicides amongst adolescents and teens began to spike in 2007. Murders for this demographic began increasing in 2013.

“Between these nadirs and 2019, the eve of the COVID-19 pandemic, mortality rates for suicide increased by 69.5% and homicide rates increased by 32.7%,” says the report.

“Likely contributors to both trends include increased access to firearms and a deepening mental health crisis among children and adolescents. Access to opioids (eg, fentanyl) also increased, and overdose death rates for individuals aged 10 to 19 years began increasing shortly before the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Elizabeth Wolf, co-author on the paper and an assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the VCU School of Medicine, said, “We’ve now reached a tipping point where the number of injury-related deaths is so high that it is offsetting many of the gains we’ve made in treating other diseases.”

While the researchers indicated many suicides are committed using firearms, that does not account for the underlying cause.

“There is a severe shortage of mental health providers who care for children and adolescents, especially in rural areas,” said Wolf. “It’s estimated that only half of children with a treatable mental health condition have access to a mental health professional.”

Gender inequality

According to the researchers, the increase in injury deaths that took place in 2020 primarily involved males.

Whereas the age-specific all-cause mortality rate per 100,000 people was nearly 40 for males in 2021, the rate was just over 20 for females. In the same year, the injury mortality rate for males was over 25, it was around 11 for females.

Risk also differed greatly by race.

Black youths accounted for 62.9% of homicide victims aged 10 to 19. Black youths in this age range had a homicide rate 20 times higher than Asian, Pacific Islander, or white youths and six times higher than their Hispanic peers.

‘Fuel on the fire’

The pandemic did not start these trends, but it likely exacerbated them.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in June 2021 that by May 2020, “during the COVID-19 pandemic, [emergency department] visits for suspected suicide attempts began to increase among adolescents aged 12–17 years, especially girls. During February 21–March 20, 2021, suspected suicide attempt ED visits were 50.6% higher among girls aged 12–17 years than during the same period in 2019; among boys aged 12–17 years, suspected suicide attempt ED visits increased 3.7%.”

Former CDC director Robert Redfield suggested that COVID-19 health protocols and school measures may have adversely impacted America’s youth, noting in July 2020, “There has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools. We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose that are above excess that we had as background than we are seeing the deaths from COVID.”

The researchers suggested the pandemic “may have poured fuel on the fire,” citing a 22.6% spike in injury mortality at ages 10 to 19 between 2019 and 2020. Much of this surge involved homicides (up 39.1%) and overdose deaths (up 113.5%).

Wolf said the extended school closures supported across the U.S. by various teachers’ unions impacted kids in “indirect ways.”

“Among children aged 1 to 9, injuries explained two-thirds (63.7%) of the increase in all-cause mortality in 2021, including a 45.9% increase in deaths involving fires or burns,” added the researchers.

Concerning the upward trend of pediatric mortality rates, Steven Woolf, lead author on the paper and director emeritus of the Center on Society and Health at Virginia Commonwealth University, told VCU News, “I have not seen this in my career.”

“For decades, the overall death rate among U.S. children has fallen steadily, thanks to breakthroughs in prevention and treatment of diseases like premature births, pediatric cancer and birth defects. We now see a dramatic reversal of this trajectory, meaning that our children are now less likely to reach adulthood,” said Woolf. “This is a red flashing light. We need to understand the causes and address them immediately to protect our children.”




…… How BlackRock will take your home

Editorial director of the Heartland Institute, Justin Haskins, joined Glenn Beck on the radio program to explain how big banks are backing the Biden administration and other far-left elitists around the world as they work to force the Great Reset agenda into practice.

[source: https://www.theblaze.com/shows/the-glenn-beck-program/glenn-beck-7-big-banks]

Justin explained how banks can use your finances to make sure that you comply and how those efforts have already begun. But it’s not too late, Glenn argued. He went on to explain why now is the time to take a stand and remove your money from the world’s seven biggest banks.

Justin noted the government eviction moratoriums enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic. “It’s the small-time people who were really hurt by [the moratoriums.] It wasn’t the BlackRocks … these big, massive corporations that have billions of dollars in the bank,” he said. “They can afford to eat those losses for a while when people aren’t paying their rent. But just the guy who has a couple of rental properties … that person can’t afford to lose that income for a whole year. And so it drove all those people out of business, in some cases, into bankruptcy. It forced them to sell those properties to companies like BlackRock.”

“All of this wealth and property and stock, all of these things have been consolidated. And it’s gotten worse and worse and worse since COVID started happening, but it’s been happening for a while,” Justin continued. “And that’s what this really is all about. When they talk about you not being able to own property, it’s not that they’ll just seize the property from you. It’s that they will put all these policies in place, and they’ve already done it, that will push most people out of the possibility of being able to own [property] for one reason or another. And the only people that will be able to control it are these big, gigantic corporations, the investment managers. Banks. Who are all on board with the policies that the elites want.”

Glenn added, “If you want to make a change, if you don’t like this direction, you must get your money out of these banks. The Amalgamated Bank — that’s the largest Union Bank, SEIU in the country — Bank of America, Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, MorganStanley, Goldman Sachs, and Wells Fargo. These are the seven largest and most influential banks in the United States that have joined the alliance.”



…….You thought things were BAD? LOL!


Wise words that apply to more than just Congress!

Macauley Culkin, once the boy movie star of  “Home Alone” and two sequels, reveals in Paris, France, that girl actress Heather O’Rourke was raped, killed, and skinned to make shoes and belts for (((Hollywood moguls))).



Basically, Culkin, now 43, is bravely revealing, as found in the pdf well below, that

Hollywood Jews homosexually and bisexually rape and kill blond children, both boys and girls,

then murder them,

then make shoes and belts out of their skin,

and sadistically show it to other blond children

to paralyze them

with terror.

Here now is the article about Macaulay Culkin:


After some long consideration and research, I do tend to believe his story, partly based on my own experiences as a child of the elite, and I will explain why further down.

On Heather O’Rourke, blonde child actress who supposedly was raped, killed and skinned to make shoes for Hollywood jews:

Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heather_O%27Rourke

Jump to search

Heather O’Rourke
picture of young female child with long blonde hair dressed in blue pajamas

O’Rourke in the 1982 film Poltergeist


Heather Michele O’Rourke[1]

December 27, 1975

San Diego, California, U.S.


February 1, 1988 (aged 12)

San Diego, California, U.S.

Cause of death

Cardiac arrest caused by septic shock due to intestinal stenosis[1]

Resting place

Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery

Westwood, Los Angeles, U.S.

Other names

Heather Michele O’Rourke[2]



Years active



Michael O’Rourke (father)

Kathleen O’Rourke (mother)


Tammy O’Rourke (older sister)

James A. “Jim” Peele (stepfather)

Charlie Walker (brother-in-law)



Heather Michele O’Rourke (December 27, 1975 – February 1, 1988)[3] was an American child actress. She made her debut after being discovered by director Steven Spielberg while visiting MGM‘s studios.[4]

Spielberg [photo with Heather] promptly casted her in the horror film Poltergeist (1982) as Carol Anne Freeling,

….and she was widely acclaimed for her performance.

She was also notable for saying her iconic line, “They’re heeeere!”

She then reprised the role in the second and third installments.

O’Rourke was also recognized for her work in television, and starred in reccuring roles on Happy Days from 1982 to 1983, on Webster in 1983, as well as appearing in the television-film Surviving in 1985.

Heather playing in the 1982 Spielberg film “Poltergeist” and saying “They’re heeeeere”

The blonde, blue-eyed O’Rourke was even cast as the swarthy, dark-eyed Jewess Ann Frank, according to Google Images:




Four  doctors said that the explanation of the death of Heather O’Rourke did not make any sense: 



Doctors: Unusual Circumstances Surrounded Actress’ Death

LEE SIEGEL February 4, 1988

LOS ANGELES (AP) _ The death of 12-year-old ″Poltergeist″ actress Heather O’Rourke was ″distinctly unusual″ because she lacked prior symptoms of the bowel defect that reportedly killed her, gastrointestinal doctors say.

″I would have expected a lot of [digestive] difficulties throughout her life and not just to have developed a problem all of a sudden,″ said Dr. Daniel Hollander, head of gastroenterology at University of California, Irvine, Medical Center.

Other specialists, also unconnected with the case, said Wednesday it was possible she died as the resulted of a birth defect, but added that the circumstances of her death were extremely unusual.

A private funeral was scheduled for Friday at Westwood Village Mortuary in Los Angeles for the blond youngster, whose character encountered ghosts and warned ″They’re heeeere 3/8″ in ″Poltergeist″ and ″They’re baaaack 3/8″ in the sequel. Filming was completed on a third ″Poltergeist″ movie last June.

[…] Hollander said, adding that it is very rare for the disorder to kill an older child who lacked prior symptoms.[…]

″I cannot understand what precipitated the death because it’s usually clear when they’re born that they have an important disease,″ said Dr. Carlo Di Lorenzo, a University of Southern California pediatrician.

″It just doesn’t seem to quite make sense,″ said Dr. Hartley Cohen, a USC gastroenterologist.

″It’s weird,″ Meyer said. ″She was completely healthy Saturday. They thought she had the flu on Sunday — and she was dead on Monday.″

This is where I found the story —  on the Russian (and totally uncensored) answer to Facebook, VK.

The link there was to the John Wells site: https://johnbwellsnews.com/macaulay-culkin-satanic-hollywood-elites-murder-children-during-rituals/

Wells has a good radio show, and a WN friend of mine was often a guest on it. Wells does not go even within a hundrd yards of the JQ, the Jewish Qustion, bt he gets pretty darn close, as does Macauley Culkin in the story below.

Same goes for the Dutch banker Ronald Bernard with his eyewitness banker/child-sacrifice story (below) — he never brings up the Jewish Connection, or names any names at all.

Well, this is as far as he does go – he does mention “the Protocols”(of the Elders of [guess what] Zion).

Kinda like Alex Jones mentioning “Rothschild”…. which is not exactly “Naming the Jew…” but sorta-kinda doing so. 😉

And what is NAMING THE JEW, i.e., the clarion call?

“By all means necessary we must stop the Jews from enslaving and genociding us.”

Just some Jew I literally found on Google Images — look at that face and that look in his eyes. As I wrote in Mein Kampf in 1923, “the Lord God even puts a satanic look on their face so we can identify them.” But then you have to come together and act.

Unless you say the Jews must be stopped by any means necessary from enslaving and genociding us, actually the jews are actually fine with these revelations of their power and evil deeds,

…..as long as you do nothing about them.

They enjoy 1) horrifying us and,  2)  WHEN WE DO NOTHING, despising us as cowards and morons for not acting

3) obeying thus the black-magickal precept that the Satanic jew may do anything he wishes to his white victim if first he has explicitly warned him and the goy idioticallyneither fights nor flees. 

Consider this article as one of those Jew warnings:

Goyim, we will rape and kill your kids,

then skin them and make shoes

out of their skin,

and you won’t do

a goddamn thing about it. 


That inaction, that NOT truly NAMING THE JEW  is why, I guess, Culkin, Wells and Bernard are all still alive (as of this writing).

Why am I alive?

Only because 1) literally of angels, as I sincerely believe, and I have documented in detail the supernatural things I have experienced,

….and to be down-to-earth, also

2) I am so marginalized, thanks to MK-ULTRA agents such as fed prisoner David Duke, fed prisoner Don Black and their then minion, fed prisoner Henrik Holappa, that very few people read my site after these three declared war on me with a massive slander campaign in 2009-11, though every accusation by them has been factually refuted.

FACT: Das Peepul read gladly some juicy, exciting slander (which is why two or three gossip magazines are at the checkout counter, and there is even a Soap Opera Digest with gossip about people who do not exist 😉 ), and “dirt” (real, invented or exaggerated) also makes them feel morally superior to someone else.

What das Peepul does not like to read (and part of why democracy is the form of government the jews absolutely love) is dry facts: the boring, laborious refutation using logic and evidence. 😉 )

John de Nugent was in a loving relationship with a WN woman from April 20 (yes), 2005 to her death on September 12, 2023, almost 17.4 YEARS.

But the facts don’t matter.

JdN is a wife-beater — wow, what exciting dirt! 😉

He loves dogs — ehhhh, BORRRRRing!

He tortures dogs — wow. 😉

He loves kids — like lotsa people – so what? He is a pedophile “Holy shit! Read this, man!”

So why do I suspect this story about Heather O’Rourke being ritually murdered and skinned could be true?  Even the detail about her skin being turned into a Jew’s shoes? 🙁

First, this does look like a real, and recent, screenshot from a real (French) website.


(And as Wiki says, Culkin does live in France, in Paris in fact, where also Les Échos is located.)

Btw, the caption reads:

Macaulay Culkin parle de l’horreur Hollywoodien sur les enfants live à la radio


Macaulay Culkin Talks About Hollywood’s Horrors against Kids — Live on the Radio

In this second screenshot:

….the caption says:

Macaulay Culkin affirme que les directeurs de studios hollywoodiens violent et assassinent des enfants célébrités et utilisent leur peau pour faire des bottes, des ceintures et des Portefeuilles qu’ils paradent en trophées.


Macaulay Culkin says that Hollywood studio directors rape and murder celebrity children and use their skin to make boots, belts and wallets that they parade around as trophies.

Now, when did this supposed article come out?

On 10 or 11 December 2017, because at the top of the first screenshot it says (in French) that some famous French publisher,  a “François Régis Hutin” (photo below) had just died, which was on 10 December 2017 (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/François_Régis_Hutin).


“Ouest-France” [ = “Western France,” Hutin’s newspaper] endeuillé par la mort de François Régis Hutin


West-France in mourning over the death of François Régis Hutin



So. okay, we have a real Parisian newspaper here, Les Échos, and IT IS A PRESTIGIOUS BUSINESS NEWSPAPER AND IT IS OWNED BY JEWS — by the well-known French-jewish Servan-Schreiber family.


And this paper has a real website:

and this article has a real date, and features a real and once VERY famous actor, Macaulay Culkin, who also lives in the city — Paris, France — where the newspaper comes out.

Nota bene that the article in question — about Jews making shoes out of the skin of Hollywood child stars — at some point later on was deleted, and Wikipedia does not breathe one word in its Culkin article about this horrific revelation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macaulay_Culkin

“Gosh, sha-zam, gollee! Them Jooze done cover’d the whole thang up!”

So this article was part of the black-magick –warn the vicitm and the ou mayproceed.

But then they suppressed the truth, because 1) this O’Rourke stuff could be pretty darn explosive, and 2) censoring and lying to the Gentiles is such fun for a jew!

Warn them, then deny the warning 😉

While out shopping with Margi, I saw this Hanukkah card in December 2005 at a chain drugstore on Mount Vernon Avenue in Alexandria, Virginia. I never forgot it — featuring an ugly, scheming Jew who is tricking and humiliating his blonde goy girlfriend out of sheer malice.Notice she is blonde, bustyand sesm ot be not very bright. (See, we jews can run mental circles around any shiksa!)


I won’t make this blog article much longer, and  just say this:

Frankism is a secret but very powerful sect within judaism that says that committing acts of absolute, radical evil is the way to jewish salvation and the rapes, murders and shoes from human skin fit that bill of absolute evil!

What I experienced myself as a child convinces me this account by Culkin may well be true. In particular, the Manchurian Candidate sub-program within MK-ULTRA is based on EXTREME torture and horror against nordic-looking white kids.

Jews hate all whites but they especially loathe nordic kids (like me as a boy).

This Jewess, Jill Greenberg, paints crying blond kids as a specialty (3/4 down): https://johndenugent.com/1962-mega-hit-johnny-angel-about-a-loving-girl-heartbreaking-epidemic-of-white.




A comrade wrote me:

“Those photos really make me sick to my stomach. The description of that woman making those white children cry — well, I don’t know what to say, because there is only one possible reaction. 

Apocalypse Now

That this Greenberg woman (has she no maternal compassion for children?) has singled out Nordic children paints a stark picture of a predatory creature.”

I replied:

“Yes, those pix by Greenberg are terrifying, and remind me of my own seemingly ‘out-there’ and ridiculed view, which David Icke first proclaimed,  that the NWO [ = Jewry] is ultimately working for another species.

It is truly hard to hate a beautiful white child, even optically and esthetically, because they often look like angels.

Little German girl


the Jews’ real masters, highly evolved reptilians, are at war with Nordics across our galaxy and sent the jews here, as their human servants, to subvert and enslave us so we can then be worked to death, exterminated — or eaten by reptiles, who think we are ……. delicious. 😉


Look at that classic, arrogant jewish look in his eyes.

Laitman is a major rabbi, seen here with Nobel Laureate and Holohoax survivor Elie the Wiesel.

I was just readying an essay by Goebbels in this book, Das Gesetz des Krieges, “The Law of War,” which a generous German supporter sent me:

In it he was saying that the good thing about something as awful as war is that it forces you to grow by dropping all your comforting illusions, by facing the brutal facts — or else you will die.

What is great about this purgatory planet called earth is that you can grow 30 times faster here than on other, orderly, perfectly run worlds.

So I am glad to be here!

…and especially happy to be here now!

For now is a time for heroes! Pride! And a new faith for our race!

And so I thank the jews for being such super-villains. They bring forth the hero in the lucky ones.




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