Spiritual reading: the kinds of love; the next video with David von Braun

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A romantic couple in medieval garb by Rudolf Rössler

February 14

Something to be on the lookout for today: you may find yourself longing for deep and true connection with others, and yet not feel able to make that connection. It can feel like an estrangement, a sadness, a regret.

It may be that your heart is opened so deeply that all which does not resonate with that feels insignificant and empty. It might seem more like a need to know that you are not alone in your human form and condition.

And then again, perhaps you will avoid any of it. But try to be prepared to encounter some sadness today.

Odd, that today, the day [Valentine] so many associate with affairs of the heart, could well be a day of heartache.

Actually, it is not odd at all, because the usual expectations people have in relation to the day tend to be paltry and blinkered. Or grandiose. The subjects of love and romance are so often linked in mind and experience; what you may find yourself wishing for today is a form of love much more significant.

Something that emanates from and speaks to your eternal self, and is not much concerned with your current manifestation.

We suggest that if you find yourself feeling lonely today, you use that feeling to guide you to a clearer picture of what it is you really want in this time and place, love-wise.

What it is you are hoping to give and to whom, and what it is you wish you might receive, and from whom. Some of you have studied this well, but many of you, despite your devotion to the heart’s path, are still carrying notions that do not and never did belong to you.

So celebrate St. Valentine’s Day by giving time to the contemplation of love.

You are supremely endowed with the ability to give and receive love, particularly on the highest levels.

Strangely, it is actually much simpler to be a channel of divine love than it is to navigate the rocky channels of any sort of interpersonal love.

*** Agape versus eros and philia

The Greeks had three words for love, agapé, which means a cosmic, spiritual kind of love without any ulterior motives such as sex or profit; eros, meaning the male-female attraction; and philia, a deep and loyal friendship


And yet you are on earth right now to do both and more. We ask you to think about what you might be able to accomplish using your abilities to love, where you can make a difference for others (and yourself) through allowing yourself a fuller range of your love nature.


And while you do that, take some time to see where you have already altered the world with your love.

You know it—this is the key, the philosopher’s stone, the answer to nearly every important question. It is all there within you, seeded so many lifetimes ago. The challenge is to fnd the manner in which to be in love, to work with love, to love, which has the greatest capacity to meet the need in reality.

The challenge is to know how to bring it forth so that it can best manifest its extraordinary potential.

But before you even begin to do that, you must dream of what it might be able to accomplish.

Dream bigger and more boldly than you ever have, because none of you can see, from your current vantage, just how huge a force love is.

Literally, we assure you—as we have before, there is no limit to what it can do.

So, no matter whether you are leaning toward melancholy or immersed in love, lighten your heart with any connections you are able to make today. Accept with gratitude gestures of love as they are meant– attempts, no matter how clunky, to bring hearts together.

Give some time and space to dreaming of love’s true and awesome power.

Think about where you fit in, what you want and what you already give and get.

Even if your heart has some sore moments today, remember that you are deeply loved and cherished by many, and that you are nothing less than a font of love and a gift to those all around you.

We truly love you so much and send a shower of blessings.



Just as the cat went and scratched up the rescuers who caught it, scared the way cats get, I still love you all, no matter what the initial reaction to my work:


…..on the next (third) DvB video

Under the second David vB video (with me, host Jim Rizoli and his collaborator Diane King)

I saw these new comments
— MonikaSchaefer
[A Canadian with German parents who did ten months in a German jail full of Third Worlders for “denying” the Holofraud on a video WHILE LIVING IN HER HOME IN CANADA]

Thanks for another really interesting interview!


— drew.scott.13

A little repetitive from previous discussion, but still an amazing story. I can’t wait to hear more!

— John de Nugent
We plan a third video…… to discuss two things:
one, how the feds (US & Canadian) literally torture and torment prisoners, not yet found guilty of any crime and without leaving a single mark on their body….
…and two, the various theories regarding the claimed moon landings, which either may not have happened at all and were just created in a movie studio OR they did happen but things did not go at all as planned, so faked films were produced and in 1972 the whole Apollo program, which cost $165 billion in modern dollars, very strangely was canceled after carting home some supposed moon rocks.
I can say that my maternal grandfather, John Thomas Colwell —
(here with my grandmother, a full-scholarship graduate of Brown University, an Ivy League school)
(born in England, a former dairy farmer with five children who, under financial pressure due tothe Great Depression became a federal auditor), a man who audited the NASA program at Huntsville, Alabama, and met frequently with Wernher von Braun — found him to be a man of great charm, charisma, intelligence, integrity and honesty.
But as David has shown, his father, Wernher, lived under dire pressure and threats from the jews who actually run our country. This danger existed for the entire time WvB worked for the US government — 1945-70 — especially after both Kennedys — who had protected the Paperclip Germans — had been murdered.
At any time from 1945-70 or later, even until his early death at 65 in 1977, he could have been murdered with a knife or gun, or poisoned (!), or been arrested and tried for “crimes against humanity” by the hypocritical US government over the SS in wartime using enemy prisoners as “slave labor” in underground factories to build the V-2 rockets.
George Mueller, a brilliant German-American from Missouri whose parents spoke German; Wernher von Braun and Eberhard Rees, like WvB a Paperclip German scientist, at the launch of Apollo 6 in 1964
And the fact that Wernher, while talking the talk of political correctness to survive, had placed his illegitimate infant son in 1965 in with a hardcore rightwing, neo-confederate, pro-Lindbergh and antisemitic family — that of chemistry professor James W. West — only hardened further the jews’ intense hatred of the former SS officer Wernher von Braun.
As for two, the “moon landings,” just one little foretaste: In an official NASA video https://archive.org/details/NASA-VanAllenRadiationBelts the spokesman, Kelly Smith, NASA engineer, says in 2014 that NASA (still!?!?) needs to find out how to get human astronauts safely through the Van Allen Belt!

03:38-41 “We must solve these challenges [the Van Allen Belts] before we send people through this region of space.” [sic]

Didn’t the numerous Apollo missions that got all the way to the lunar region to orbit it and then supposedly land on it already show that NASA had figured out how to get through the VAB, the Van Allen Belts?
This official NASA video was published on YouTube in 2014!!!! ….42 years after the supposedly last, and successful Apollo mission in 1972!!!
There is much more to discuss, including:
— the supposed NS-German New Swabia project and Operation Hijump with Admiral Richard Byrd (the Wikipedia article on the Third Reich connection was just radically censored),
— supposed alien contacts (both Greys and Nordics) with the Eisenhower Administration,
— a claimed “U.S. Secret Space Program,” a gigantic black-budget program that hides behind NASA, or works from deep underground bases, and which uses anti-gravity and Tesla/Wardenclyffe technologies for almost free energy that would bankrupt Rockefeller and the entire oil and gas industry, with all the refineries, pipelines and gas stations, if applied to the civilian economy.
And, finally, there are the two shocking claims that….
1) the Third Reich — that is, the supposed Antarctic Germans — has bases to this day not only in Antarctica, protected under miles of glacier ice, but also in the Andes mountain range in South America, and also on the far side of the moon (an idea explored in a predictably hostile and “Nazi”-demonizing way by the “Iron Sky” movie), and that
2) a famous/infamous major rabbi named Michael Laitman stated overtly in a speech in Israel to young Israeli soldiers on 9 May 2011 on Israeli Memorial Day — the most solemn day on the Israeli calendar, commemorating 24,000 Israeli or Palestinian-Jewish war dead going back to the 1860s (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yom_HaZikaron) — that the jewish people were sent from THEIR planet to ours in order to (in HIS words) “conquer the earthlings.”

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