Spiritual reading — the nectar of your own sweet nature

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October 11

Soften, allow the armor to melt. Look around you at the unfathomable beauty and grace. The birds, the trees, the sky, the other beings with whom you share your planet.

The Frankfurt, Germany skyline — amazing how the Germans, who cannot be kept down, bounced back and rebuilt their flattened country

Frankfurt train station

It is a million times more blessed than words could ever fairly express. And realize that when you do shed layers of doing and achieving and proving and approving (or not), when you allow yourself to sink deep into the nectar of your own sweet nature, you will find it reflected everywhere.

For it is truly at the center of all and everything.

The world brings you—at your request—lessons that are sometimes harsh and exacting.

A German soldier cries in 1945, but of course, if the world is not enlightened, it will gang up on the one country that IS. “National socialism is not for export” — a disastrous mistake.


But when you feel into the actual nature of everything around you, you will find that it offers you nothing more nor less than a mirror.

And you get to choose what it is that you see out there by choosing what it is that you allow your own offering to be.

***  Try fifteen minutes in a park without mental chatter!

One of the many beautiful parks in Germany

Just look, without words, at the blossoms! Drink the sight in. Gaze at it lovingly with thanks. 🙂 God keeps sending us things that can build us back up.


At this time, there are nothing more than the empty shadows of old ideas, dusty things, to keep you from understanding that you are not what you thought you were, thought you must be in order to make a good life.

Those attainments and actions and commitments and beliefs—no matter how noble (and for most, the ignoble ones as well lie just under the surface) have been exposed and are crumbling. You do not need them anymore.

Well, of course you still need your personality and your body to navigate the world. As long as you are there. And face it, they can both be a lot of fun sometimes. Nothing wrong at all with enjoying them, playing with them. But it is time to cease to identify yourself as body, as persona. Only separation and grief arise from that, and you have suffered enough.

*** Really?

People trash themselves so much that they feel they deserve to suffer.

No, they deserve to change.  The only way to avoid karma is to really change.

Deeply. A soul change. Not “the smart thing,” the “clever” thing, but a profound moral transformation in your motives and behavior.

To hell with guilt! Just CHANGE!

The biggest reason why God erases our memories of other lives is that, lacking self-mind control, we would just rehash pointlessly all those old tragedies, and beat ourselves up again over all our bad decisions.

Between lives you can and should review all this past stuff, but each life is to be a fresh, new start!

Btw, highly evolved species do remember their previous lives, and do so without any fear of revisiting them, since they know they processed thoroughly and with searing self-honesty what happened and why. If they screwed up, they admit it. If they hurt someone then, they may approach them now, in this life, and sincerely apologize.

(Sometimes someone is angry in a basic way at you, and you do not know what triggered it…. Might be you did them wrong.)

Evolved people accept the truth about themselves, learn the lessons, and move on.

On and up!

Be proud to be humble! Rejoice that you are learning!


Time it is—right now—to look deep, deep. Look beneath the fear and the anger and the self-judgments, both positive and negative. It is a radical thing to look beneath your values and your ideals, but if you go that far you will fnd that in yourself which is truly unassailable. You will fnd that you ARE love.

Brilliant, shining, radiating. Love—not something you do, not something you choose. This is who you are, vibrationally. This is the essence. Not all that other stuf that has grown so weighty and tiresome to carry.

And this is who you can bring to the surface all the time now. Today. That is the invitation. Fear not, dear ones. You are angels and always have been. Time to take off those heavy costumes and fly.

With sweetest love and all blessings. — E. West



  1. https://photos.app.goo.gl/CwcMYCXiqzdwTMUx7
    Berlino 1945.
    Sto continuando a scrivere,oggi su questa foto,sul mio stato(vorrei scriverlo al mondo intero perché sono stanca delle cazzate!).
    Ecco come si muove la Stampa,oggi come allora;
    Creando i Demoni di Stato,gli Angeli Salvatori e le numerose menzogne!
    A breve il nuovo processo di Norimberga contro i Negazionisti Tarro,Zangrillo,Montanari.
    Proprio come allora i Criminali sentenzieranno(..)
    “Un vero capitano affonda con la sua Nave e cerca una morte non solo onorevole…ma da Vincitore”.
    “Si vince anche così agli occhi di Dio.”
    -La Stampa giudaica doveva per forza dire che eri fuggito “Da codardo”-mentre violentavano Mussolini.
    -L’unica cosa che ti fa sopravvivere,stringere i denti e ti fa ritornare molte volte qui è la Vendetta e la Consapevolezza di dover affrontare tutte le volte questo Inferno,fino alla sua imminente FINE.

    • Transl:

      Berlin 1945.

      I’m continuing to write today on this photo about my state. (I would like to write it to the whole world because I’m tired of bullshit!).

      This is how the Press works, today as then, by creating the official demons, the Savior Angels and the many lies!

      Soon the new “Nuremberg trial” will begin against the “deniers” Tarro, Zangrillo, Montanari.

      Just like then the criminals will sentence us while beating, among other things(..)

      “A true captain sinks with his Ship and seeks a death not only honorable … but as a winner” [but Hitler ran off to ski in Argentina]
      “Even so in the eyes of God you win.”
      -The Jewish press had to say that you had escaped “like a coward” — while the [Reds] raped Mussolini.

      -The only thing that makes you survive, grit your teeth and make you come back here many times is the Revenge and the Awareness of having to face this Hell every time, until its imminent END.

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