Spiritual reading; the Nikolai Kardashev scale and the gods

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Nicolai Kardashev was a brilliant Soviet-Russian, slavic scientist, a graduate of the ultra-elite Moscow State University, deputy director of the Soviet (and later the Russian) Academy of Sciences, and the developer of the famous Kardashev Scale to categorize advanced civilizations which humans may encounter in our galaxy or even on earth if they visit.


The Kardashev scale (Russian: Шкала Кардашева, Shkala Kardasheva) is a method of measuring a civilization‘s level of technological advancement based on the amount of energy it is able to use. The measure was proposed by Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev in 1964[1] and came to bear his name. He was apparently of mixed Russian and Latvian ancestry. His father’s last name was “Brike,” which is Latvian (similar to Lithuanian, and a related, Baltic, Indo-European people). Stalin had his fatherm, Semyon Brike, shot in the 1930s, though he had been a sincere communist, along with millions of other communists and army officers, so Nicolai took on his mother’s name, Kardashev.

Jana Brike is a Latvian painter of coming-of-age pictures of white girls, almost always blond or red-haired.


A Jana Brike painting

See, after the spiritual reading, the video on Kardashev.



……Spiritual reading for March 30

I wish to emphasize that I am not the author of these. This is automatic writing, and it was done by the acknowledged father of space travel, the ethnic German Hermann Oberth, the mentor of Wernher von Braun.

This is the very profound book which Oberth says was dictated to him by an alien intelligence to help earthlings avoid self-destruction in an insane nuclear war or via environmental catastrophes.


Automatic writing means that you simply clear your mind, pick up a pen, and compliantly write down, like a secretary or stenographer, whatever another intelligent being wants your pen to write.

The pen, in effect, moves itself.

It is all stream-of-consciousness — it just flows out —  and so I go and correct many spelling mistakes before I release it.

I have had several supporters write me that it sometimes is uncannily relevant to their day and to their lives overall.

A lady named Susan Livingston, now deceased, who visited us in Jan. 2020 and also in Jan.  2021, was a friend of my late wife Margaret, and it was she who first told me of these readings by a friend of hers named Elizabeth West, her real name.

(I keep repeating this, and yet people still keep asking me where the readings come from. 😉 )


And now here is the reading for today:


When you take form, when you choose to be born into a human-earthling life, you are drawn into the illusion of separation: from Source, from one another, and often from your own divine nature.

This experience of separation and duality is generally so excruciatingly painful to you at a primal level that you have difficulty, especially as a young being, allowing yourself to feel it fully.

There is a sense that if you were to drop into it completely, annihilation might not be far behind.

As a means of defense, you move away from the heart, which is the seat of your soul, which is where you dwelt when you began to incarnate, and into the mind.

You turn to the mind to help you evade this incredible sorrow—which is felt in the heart–of your apparent aloneness.

*** National socialism addressed the pain of loneliness by creating a feeling of folk community, in German “Volksgemeinschaft,” the view of the nation as one big, caring family — and that we are always part of a greater whole, never just a forlorn individual staggering through a cold, soulless universe.

[This winter, 1934-35,] “No one will freeze and no one go hungry!  Winter Helping Work of the German Folk”




The mind responds by offering you the amazing opportunity to explore fear.

Fear tends to suggest to you that when you encounter something ‘dangerous’ (whether it be potentially harmful on the physical plane, or emotionally threatening, like the pain we are discussing here) that you can take action to protect yourself.

Fear, after all, is the signal that you face a threat.

It counsels you so that you might be safe. Fear and the movement of mind are incredibly successful at distracting you from this overall, existential grief you carry.


Fear seduce you and entrances you, removing your attention and awareness from anything of a feeling nature. And from your fear, then, arises action. As you know, the perception of danger generally produces an impulse toward fight or flight.

For many of you, the tendency toward one or the other predominates. For some, there is a mixture: in certain circumstances you might withdraw and become small and in others, strike out to protect yourself.

Now, obviously there are situations where you actually are in danger and need this reflex. But consider that a great deal of action in the world arises not only from fear, but also specifically from fear of feeling the loss of Oneness.

*** This is a semi-animal planet that poses extreme challenges — so you either grow here and some few humans grow very rapidly on this planet,  or you will perish.

As I wrote long ago, on this world, “if you are unwilling to fight for your survival, you are not worthy to live.” On earth, there are still animal lessons to be learned. Focus and fight — or be eaten!

The fight to survive can teach you many good things.




Yes, there is fear on this world, followed by an instinctual movement toward fight or flight.

Much of what you call civilization on the macro level, and personality on the micro scale, has flowed from this fear and the need to protect yourselves from perceived dangers. But if you accept that you live with a certain level of baseline fearfulness that is directly related to a reluctance to feel, then some new pathways begin to open up.

Of course you have hearts and they always want you to engage with them. You love and often see that as your highest manifestation. However, for most of you, there is often a torqued nature to your loving and your ability to receive love because at least a portion of your heart is shut off and down in an attempt to avoid feeling the sadness that remains just so long as you experience yourselves as a finite being.

Because that sadness feels so big and so potentially overpowering, it can present itself as being about nothing less than survival.

Ironically, it is when you live in and through your heart, and not your mind, that you are able to fully remember that you are part of the Oneness.

It is when you allow yourself to come completely from the heart that the concept of separation is exposed as illusion. It is when you are in complete love that the mistaken source of your primal sorrow is no more.

You have tasted these times and places, where there are no boundaries and where you are undeniably an intrinsic part of the One. This is a great gift.

But much of the time, you are nudged, through habituation and fear, into experiencing yourself as limited and alone.

This is due, again, to fear of feeling that original sorrow. It is a bit of a puzzle, a conundrum.

How do you get into your heart in order to live in Oneness when it is the very fact of your being born into form that creates an idea of separation so painful that you retreat from the heart?

The answer lies in allowing yourself to fully know the grief and the sorrow, to drop into them without reluctance. Although the instinct to pull away from something so painful is natural, it defeats you in the end.

By turning your back on the pain and letting fear distract you, you miss the opportunity to see what is evident when you shine a light on it—that this pain arises from a mistaken perception.

In truth, you are not alone, you are not singular, you are not finite — and you have not been cast out.


But so long as you respond to those beliefs with aversion, you have not the chance to see that they are transitory and ultimately not reflective of reality. Most of you send many lifetimes running from something that just isn’t so.

In order, then, to live in the Oneness as much as is possible, in the alignment that is always accessible from the heart, we advise you to explore any deep suffering and anguish that might have lodged in the heart early on, to shine the light of consciousness upon feelings of aloneness.



*** I have had to examine the feeling of loneliness. It is a real killer of men who lose their wife while in their sixties.

Mortality goes up by 70% in such men.

I have had to accept grief as real and natural, then master it and thus myself.

And I thank God that I can now speak from the bottom of my own heart to all those whose loved ones were murdered by the jewish clot-shot.

“I know how you feel to have lost a beloved family member.”


This requires both courage and faith. It is not an undertaking for the faint of heart, but for those who are adamantly intent upon knowing and being their own divine nature.

But this is the goal, dear ones, of your human experiment and adventure.

It can only be accomplished through the heart. It is by loving yourself without stint or censorship that the space grows in which those early fears can be seen and seen clearly for what they are. Thus, the simple practice that is suggested is that of touching into love and then directing it toward yourself.

This has the tendency to bring forth everything unlike itself.

Love will reveal all that is based in fear. And if you can look, and not run, when your grief and fears are exposed, they will melt in the light of your love like the chimeras that they are.

Whenever you know and feel your place in the Oneness, that sorrow becomes a memory and your heart becomes a place from which you can live without fear.

With honor and love.



….The Kardashev scale and the gods

From the intro to this Why Files video:

1,019,324 views May 3, 2021 The Why Files: Operation Podcast
THE KARDASHEV SCALE. We have no idea what an alien civilization would look like. Humans are evolved primates. What if an alien species is reptilian? Or more like an insect? Or a hybrid of these? Or maybe something completely unique that we couldn’t even imagine.

There is only one set of universal laws that every species must follow. Physics. Specifically energy.

One way to measure a civilization is by its energy consumption. This is done with the Kardashev Scale.

By using the Kardashev Scale, we can address some big questions about alien civilizations. Like: Fermi’s Paradox. It’s estimated that there are 40 billion Earth-like planets in the Milky Way that could support life. Certainly a few of these should have given rise to intelligent life. And if so, where is everyone?

A recent study done by researchers at JPL and CalTech states that when a civilization finally reaches a certain point on the Kardashev Scale, it destroys itself. Which is why we haven’t discovered any evidence. They’re gone.

And the Kardashev Scale addresses the most worrisome theory of all. If there are advanced civilizations in our universe, it’s probably best if we don’t make contact with them.

Let’s find out why. [end]

I would like you to think a lot about the higher levels of the Kardashev scale.  At these heights, such beings are de facto gods.

The gods are beings that have evolved far, far beyond our stage……



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