Spiritual reading; the pedo royal

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The bisexual and paedophile Lord Louis Mountbatten (see below) and the then Prince Charles in the 1970s. For the life of me, I cannot think of a less functioning royal family on earth. In a proper constitutional monarchy, which in and of itself can be a good institution, and the concept works very well in Japan, for example, royalty are to be 1) above dirty, daily partisan politics and 2) incarnate by how they live the highest values of the nation. By the second standard the non-stop scandalous Windsors are not worth one more penny!



…..spiritual reading for May 18

Yes! We say this as emphatically as you can imagine, and we urge you to say it, hold it, feel it, be it. Yes! This is a day to affirm and celebrate every one of the myriad blessings of being. This is a day to embody positivity. No holding back, no fear, no assessing. You know, of course, those things you truly do not embrace. So naturally, don’t embrace them. But you are ofen so cerebral, so deliberative, so full of thoughts, weighing and balancing. Leave all that stuff for another day. For better or worse, your judging mind will be there waiting for you.

The life force is incredibly strong, so flow with it. And “yes!” is the mantra of life. It is ever hopeful and always expansive. It never holds back its best nor does it hoard or measure its gifts. In the springtime, when the sun begins to warm the earth, the trees burst into bloom and then leaf. They reach for the sun, they open and flower with all their might. Can you imagine if plants allowed themselves to bloom based on their forecasts of the summer’s weather? Or the number of people who might be available to tend them? They give their all every time. Sometimes it is too cold, sometimes too hot, sometimes too wet and sometimes too dry.

They do their best and sometimes they do not thrive, but that is never because they choose to shut down or save their blooms for a later, safer time.

And think: how would they benefit if they did?

Look around you and see the vibrance of life in nature right now. You can drink that potent juice and we encourage you to quaff deeply of it today. Find it within yourself, and head out into the world, arms wide open, heart wide open, eyes wide open ready to embrace and rejoice in all that is beautiful, good, loving, wise, funny, compassionate, tender, courageous, honest and more. It is all around you, dear ones. Such great joy, such great beings, such marvelous life!

We wish you all the best, today and also, everyday.

Much love and many blessings.




……Pedo Lord Mountbatten

US authorities destroyed dossiers on Lord Mountbatten at the request of the British Government after discovery of wartime FBI file accusing aristocrat of having a ‘perversion for young boys’, historian claims

  • Andrew Lownie found FBI file claiming Mountbatten had ‘lusting for young boys’
  • He says he was told other files on the Earl were destroyed after he asked for them
See also:

Prince Charles’ uncle and mentor, Lord Mountbatten, was a homosexual and pedophile, says largest newspaper in Britain; the Kincora rapes and MI5

You will never find me applauding the modern, leftist, open-borders IRA of today, but when they blew Lord Mountbatten up, they did the world and the little boys of England a huge favor.

When I have the power, this is the solution: the man-sized microwave oven.

Put the paedo in, set it to low, and cook him for a hour, while videorecording his screams (just in case the victim, if alive, and his family ever want to see it).

Oh, and PUT A PHOTO OF HIS VICTIM(S) ON A STAND OUTSIDE THE BOOTH SO THE PAEDO SEES IT AND REMEMBERS — without WHINING — EXACTLY WHY HE DESERVES TO BE IN THERE. After an hour, collect the steaming carcass, cremate it, and televize flushing his ashes down the toilet. I speak as a survivor of child molesters, having had nightmares for the first 49 years of my life. For a little child to be forced into sex is like a blowtorch set to high roasting his soul.



  1. The use of the microwave should be televised at arenas before sporting events start.

    This is in no way a defence of paedos. Paedophilia has affected a member of my own family. An outsider was the paedo.

    My parents begged me not to kill him, as the child would be taken into state care, then put up for adoption. This would mean our family can’t have any contact with the child ever again.

    So my parents spent £50,000 to fight the case in court, and adopt the child themselves.

    The paedo got off, however, as the police clocked [messed] up the paper work.

    The other paedo I knew was married, and had a daughter by his wife. Yet he was jailed for molesting another child.

    On his release, he committed suicide. In his suicide letter he stated there is no help for paedos, and he’d just re-offend again.

    Some will cheer his death. His suicide deeply affected his daughter. He said “There’s help for junkies, gamblers, and alcoholics, but no help for paedos.”

    His wife said he was a good husband and father and never molested his daughter. The only way to not re-offend was suicide. He didn’t carry on molesting kids, unlike some paedos.

    Sometimes there are only victims.

  2. Ich habe als Kind auch sehr üble Erfahrungen gemacht. Gott sei Dank waren es fremde Täter.

    Ich glaube, es ist viel schlimmer und widerlicher, wenn es in der eigenen Familie passiert.

    Da ich eine gute Familie mit guten Eltern hatte, habe ich das alles auch relativ unbeschadet überstanden.

  3. Never liked the Mountbattens. What´s this even for a stupid name?

    They changed Battenberg, a traditional German name and lineage, to this artificial name during WW1 to deny their German roots.

    Shame on them.

    TBH most “nobles” aren´t that. They are degenerate scum, intermarried throughout Europe for power reasons, serving their own interests and not that of the people they were supposed to reign over properly.

    • Yes.

      As Thomas Paine, the English immigrant who stoked the American Revolution, wrote of the British aristocrats:

      “Who were these Norman nobles anyway? William the Bastard and his captains.”

      A bunch of drunken, gambling, child-molesting, bisexual, and part-jewish parasites!

      People who know Winston Spencer Churchill was in the House of Commons (commoners) do not understand he was an aristocrat, a Spencer, like Lady Diana Spencer. Winnie was the quintessence of a British aristocrat: drunken, gambling, child-molesting, bisexual, and part-jewish!

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