Spiritual reading: the real action is inside yourself

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December 27

The seeds planted so long ago, so lovingly and tenderly interred, are now at long last beginning to sprout, to bring forth their nature, to manifest in the light of day.

The process is often a painful one: the seed casing must split open, the new life must push its way against great resistance up and through the darkness until it reaches and breaks through into the light. Once it comes into the light, its course is easier, nurtured and hastened further upward by the sun.

For so many of you, the long process of hibernation, of preparing, of breaking open and struggling through the darkness with little to guide you is just about at an end.

There is a big change possible now, or if not immediately then in the very near future, which will enable you to expand and flourish with much greater ease. You will be able to access the support and nurturing of forces that have heretofore had difficulty in reaching you.

This is something to celebrate, but don’t be surprised if the last bit is the hardest. Making your way from one way of being into another is transformation. Think again on the metaphor of the seedling that has known only its journey under the earth, groping blindly for the surface and yet having no idea of what lies ahead.

To push its way through the crust of the soil and into the world above-ground requires great strength and great faith. Seedlings naturally have both in abundance; humans must cultivate theirs, for you are often stricken with doubt and the burdens imposed by too much thinking.

If you can imagine your own path in this manner it could be helpful to you in taking yourself across the border from one way of being, the one you have known all your life, and into another that is radically different, more connected and supported. You can go from the relative isolation of your small human existence to truly being part of a glorious creation that includes all, everything.

We are not speaking here of the things that you will and can do on earth, of mundanities that may occupy your time and attention on a day-to-day basis. We are speaking of the very core of your being, of how you experience yourself in form and in relation to everything else that carries consciousness.

The moment is at hand when you can let go of the small matters raised by your personality, when you can see them for what they are—details and distractions—and finally put them in the place of little significance where they have always belonged.

The moment is at hand when you are ready to allow your true nature—that of oneness with all that is—to become a living and steady reality for you.

No longer something glimpsed in brief flashes of clarity, no longer an ideal that you strive toward but rarely know in your heart. No, at this time it is possible for you to break through the limitations of old ideas about existence and life and into a whole new perspective that will become your day-to-day truth if you can just let it.

*** My interlife pondering

The final year of the war was of course excruciating for me as it was for the brave German nation, which was losing five thousand killed a day — Wehrmacht soldiers, bombed civilians, and Soviet-massacred eastern German elderly, women and children. And genetically it was a holocaust of our best DNA as our bravest and brightest perished.




I became ill from overwork, and was propped up by drugs from Dr. Morell. And I was injured in the July 20, 1944 assassination attempt.

With all these assaults on my immune system, I came down with Parkinson’s Disease; one of my hands began to shake, and I hid it behind my back.

In the bunker, serene but perma-sad. Beauty and nobility again were losing the battle for this world.

Then I ended my life.

But then the great Umlernen  began.

Many things I realized with the help of my guardian angels:

  1. My strictly secular approach — various political, economic and military strategies — was doomed to eventually fail. Even a mighty and marvelously focused, well-led Germany could not defeat the whole jew-run world! And why were these ugly, nasty, arrogant jews ever able to take over our beautiful, thriving white world? Because the Whites on this one planet are deeply spiritually sick, and that is the true cause of our problems — not the jew, a human fungus that thrives on whatever is already diseased.
  2. There was no military way to beat the gigantic war machine of Soviet Russia, especially not when America sent it a further ocean of valuable supplies — and then Stalin began tapping into the fierce patriotism that was non-communist in the Russian people.
  3. We national socialists must not oppose freedom, for anyone who has ever suffered under a tyrannical boss or spouse knows what a hell that can be. The Founding Fathers of America with their give-me-liberty, their Bill of Rights and their Constitution were tapping into a very deep instinct that says “it is truly dangerous to give any fellow earthling, the way people are, unlimited power.”
  4. So a religion must arise that makes us grow up into true adulthood, ready for freedom and its responsibilities — and capable of handling it well.   
  5. As my great mentor Dietrich Eckart said, we must keep one foot in this world, and the other in the other world. We must be with God and teach the truth about the soul, immortality, reincarnation, karma, and why we even exist to win such a titanic struggle.

I came back to have another go at this because I knew I had really changed. I used my interlife wisely.

And I talk very regularly to Margi, and urge her to use her current interlife wisely now; to 1) help me make wise decisions, and 2) change and evolve into an ever better person.

And I say to her that I hope we will marry again in our next earthly lives, and that the next time, after our victory, we will have a beautiful family together.

Margi was a female in the best sense: she loved to cook; to garden; to tend to flowers; to wear beautiful things; to make a beautiful home; to sing; and to help others. How often did I see her talk lovingly to little plants! 🙂

I am grateful to her for invisibly doing for me some major favors during her interlife in heaven, because I am still fully active in this benighted world, and have yet much to accomplish.

Growing little plants for springtime with grow lights


As is often the case when old junk is about to be discarded, there is a ruckus raised. The old junk is attached to its position, and often you are more than a little attached to it as well. Do not be alarmed if there is a strong pull felt toward the very devils and details you have worked so hard to become free of.

And above all, don’t be deceived by that pull. It is the last gasp so long as you don’t give it more energy. You can gratefully give thanks to the many aspects of your small self which have served you well, and then you can continue upward through the last bits of dirt and into the fresh air above.

We suggest you watch yourself carefully going forward. There is a lot that will be happening for many of you on an internal level: this possible transformation of which we speak. It is a huge opening with potential that you cannot yet grasp from where you now sit. But we can tell you that it is the coming into being of so much that you have worked for, that you have wanted and longed for, that you have reached for over many lifetimes.

So think of this inner movement in the context of the seasonal shift into darkness and contemplative time. Know that the energies that are all around are indeed part of the gift of this moment, urging, exhorting and helping you to take these most critical steps into a new way of being.

But be careful not to get lost in the external events and activities.

The real action is inside of you and you will do best if you keep that in mind.

We are excited for all of you and for all of us as well. We are like expectant fathers, pacing and praying, knowing that you must make this extraordinary transition on your own.

Much though we would like to do it for you, we cannot. You have prepared yourselves well and you know how to do what you need to do.
We can but cheer you on and assure you that you are more than ready for what awaits you: please join us now in full consciousness of the truth. You are so much more — an eternal soul — than you have ever imagined and this will finally become apparent to you as you allow yourself to become much less in terms of ego.

We are right here, holding out our hands in welcome and in reassurance. You can take this giant step if you really want to.

We love you and send blessings. No matter where your heart takes you, make sure you follow it, and all will be exactly as it was meant to be. 🙂


  1. Thanks, John. You’ve been such a big help for me. I believe I really understand what you are talking about when you speak of “the egoic mind.” Again, thank you, John.
    And I’m finishing the Gene, Giants, Monsters and Men book by Mr Farrell.

    Could you recommend any other authors?

    • I would recommend The Power of Now or A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. 😉

      On the people of the ancient and evil alien who runs the jews:

      Source: the Old Testament

      The Jewish Bible even boasts of a genocide of Canaanites by invading Israelites under Joshua – a genocide supposedly ordered by God:

      “So kill all the male children. Kill also all the women who have slept with a man. Spare the lives only of the young girls who have not slept with a man, and take them for yourselves” (Numbers 31: 7-19)
      “Yahweh your God will clear away these nations before you … Yahweh your God will give them over to you, … until they are destroyed. … you shall blot out their name from under heaven; no one will be able to stand against you, until you have destroyed them. (Deuteronomy 7:22-4)
      “Yahweh our God gave him over to us; and we struck him down, along with all his offspring and all his people. At the time we captured all his towns, and in each town we utterly destroyed men, women, and children. We left not a single survivor….” (Deuteronomy 2:33-35).


      Was he — get ready for this one — a malevolent alien? Genes, Giants, Monsters & Man is a fascinating book by Oxford graduate Joseph P. Farrell (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_P._Farrell) that says YES. (He avoids making any antisemitic remarks or drawing any anti-Jewish conclusions, btw. The man wants to keep being published. ;-))

      Joseph P. Farrell is a recognized scholar whose credentials include a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Oxford. His literary contribution covers such fields as National Socialist Germany, sacred literature, physics, finances, the Giza pyramids, and music theory.

      If one rejects the possibility of other life forms existing in the universe, the book may make no sense to you, but if one belongs to the 80% who do believe that “we are not alone,” then this book is highly stimulating

      I was sent this book of Farrell’s (http://www.amazon.com/Genes-Giants-Monsters-Men-Surviving/dp/1936239086) and read it cover-to-cover. In a nutshell, it says, GULP ;-), that 1) aliens have been battling a long time, just as humans do, 2) some have been doing weird genetic engineering involving both humans and animals, and that 3) a stupendous war happened amongst various aliens, earth was a battlefield in that war (all of this sounds like Scientology, but I think Scientology has ripped off some true things here and there), and the planet went backward from being extremely high-tech to a Stone-Age level, with 95% of the planet dying off, and earth is just now getting back to its original technological level. By the way, the chapter on REAL giants is very, very spooky.

      If you ever saw the History Channel series “Ancient Aliens,” this will all make sense. Erich von Däniken has been preaching these things for decades. Farrell’s work is based on that of two German scientists, Koldewey and Delitzsch. He also claims that President John Kennedy ordered the CIA to release its files on aliens (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1378284/Secret-memo-shows-JFK-demanded-UFO-files-10-days-assassination.html), whom JFK labeled as “Unknowns” — with a capital “U” — to NASA, and then have NASA communicate honestly with the Soviets about aliens…. maybe another reason John Kennedy was murdered. (Kennedy claimed his concern was that the Soviets might perceive a UFO as a US secret-weapon attack.)

      Below, you can hear Farrell being interviewed by George Noori on his unusual “Coast to Coast” radio show. I do NOT agree with all his findings, but I DO agree that various aliens may have interfered with human DNA. In particular, as I have blogged before, I think both Jews and Nordic Aryans have connections to other species. As for the Jews, an utterly unique people who look like Arabs or Armenians but are far more dynamic — though in an evil way — they seem clearly related partially to the New Hampshire abduction people (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betty_and_Barney_Hill_abduction; scroll down to “Betty’s Dream, where they are described as “nearly human with black hair, long noses, lips and ears, but had a grayish pallor and bluish lips” ).

      And as for Nordic Aryans, the Aldebaran system may come into play (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_aliens — “American social worker John Carpenter said that the typical Nordic [alien], as described by those he interviewed, “is paternal, watchful, smiling, affectionate, youthful, [and] all-knowing.”[1] Stephanie Kelley-Romano says that the Nordics “are often associated with spiritual growth and love and act as protectors for the experiencers.”).

      It is really sort-of mind-blowing until you get used to it.

      What Farrell says in the radio interview below is that the “evil aliens” are basically demons, and the Nordic aliens are basically what we would call angels. (Some are advanced beings, but material, and a few in the past were not “angelic” at all, but the sometimes appalling Greek gods.)




      I think will leave it at that for the purposes of this blog.

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