…..What does God want from you, John?
A comrade wrote me [edited]:
You who are so different, like the Sun in our Universe.
Sincerely… with all my heart, John, you are just one step away from the great “possible”.
Your actions in the past [a reference to my deep regrets about Russia]… God knows that no one can change what was.
Stalingrad — 200,00 killed; 100,000 worked to death in Siberia
But God already knows that you have changed.
I have kept a thought in my heart for a long time, and I have wanted to understand this strange thought.
What does God want from you?
You have made enormous sacrifices… impossible for an ordinary human being, in all of your lives.
People don’t know your sacrifices .. and I don’t think they’re really even interested in this !! 🙁
But it’s testing me too. It’s true… I observe my own worries every day, my thoughts every day.
This bond ..
You know what I might feel if something happened to you, and I am not in absolute control of these reactions because they arise from within, and deeply. I cannot control myself, though they are only subtle “perceptions, ” nothing that I can touch or explain.
John, what does God really want from you?
What are you looking for, instead, and what do you see in this utterly BLIND herd of humanity?
My response:
(Image from Amedeo’s video)
If one of the most famous men in world history…
…publicly sheds every bit of his old egoic mind, keeping only this, his love and his skill, then the average people, who never did any famous things, or achieved any great heights, can also become free of their own toxic mind and evolve to a higher life.
How much pleasure that would give me! Like seeing a son or daughter win a prize or do something brave, honest and mature!
My status in world history means I can yet be a wonderful role model to billions of humans and affect them for their betterment for centuries. 🙂
If I can admit that I alone made the decisions which transformed the invasion of Russia from the liberation of our Aryan brothers from communism to a conquest of their land for the Germans, this great act of humility and “I was wrong” can inspire others to have a soul that is light, happy, free of all ego and strips off without hesitation all that is weak, false and wrong in us.
Beyond that, the other species using this planet and this solar system are outraged that we surface earthlings might cause yet another devastating, idiotic nuclear war, which will also harm them, innocent victims.
They want me to succeed.
Sometimes I feel it is angels visiting me, beings from higher densities, but at others I feel it was Nordics from our universe, higher humans who have been using this earth, but living deep, deep down in it.
The incident with this clip-on reading light felt like that, that a person who had “cloaked” himself (made himself invisible) was standing right there in the room. I felt no fear. But what I did feel was “they are showing that they are counting on me.”
There is no way this device could have activated itself. Look how hard I had to squeeze on both sides and snap the buttons. And there it was, activating itself, and shining a piercing light right at me.
Beyond that, comrade, I feel compassion because the suffering will be unimaginable when people by the billions realize they are being enslaved and then exterminated.
I feel sorrow because they will hate themselves for having ignored the truth until it was too late.
….when they could have acted from love, not fear, and could have become heroes, proud of themselves too!
Marlon Brando, in “On the Waterfront,” in grief: “I could have been a contender”
I feel sorrow for all those who will know that by their inaction they condemned their own children to a horrible death at the hands of the jews.
How can they face the look in the eyes of their children: “Papa, why didn’t you do something when you could? We incarnated to be your children and be led and protected by you!!”
Finally, it is also this.
Through inspiring and leading others, my own soul wants to evolve and grow to a much higher level of both love and skill.
This earth is indeed a wonderful place, where via these constant crises we can grow thirty times faster as humans than on the many orderly planets which have passed beyond the barbaric stage that we are still in.
Btw, I really liked this also by your countryman Amedeo Minghi:
Why do I do this?
What my heart says is this:
…..because of people like you! 🙂
Tu, tu che se diversa, almeno tu nell’universo….
You and eleven others who have dug deep, so deep, to support me with their hearts of shining gold :-)…. I can never let people like you down.
….Poem from my heart
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
“L’amor che move il Sole e le altre stelle”…
Il Sole sei tu…le altre 12 stelle siamo noi!
Beatrice dagli occhi verdi ecc.. 🙂
Ora ho capito.
Come la storia di Re Artù,Padre Pio,San Francesco e Gesù,magari mi sfugge qualcuno 🙂 ma sembra che questo Sole aveva dei “Fedelissimi”,anche non posso provarlo(ci sto pensando),la costellazione della Vergine era sempre rappresentata da una Donna.
Il 12esimo cavaliere(Lancillotto)e la storia “segreta” con Ginevra(mhhhhhh)vuoi vedere che..
Una Donna…oppure di nuovo una connessione con il cavaliere del Graal,Sigfrido 🙂
Federico di Svevia e la Donna misteriosa…
Fa lo stesso tragitto di Dante nel Regno dei Morti,insieme a questa Donna.
Federico 🙂
Sono certa ormai che vale anche per Akhenaton…perché?
Perché era raffigurato come Osiride, che fa lo stesso tragitto nei Regni sotterranei..e se non erro rinasce come il Sole Horus o HORO).
Merlino e Morgana.
Merlino è la doppia faccia di Re Artù.
Il Viandante magico!
Merlino è Wotan come Re Artù.
Morgana è sua figlia..
Un dipinto dei Preraffaeliti.
La Figlia del Re del suo corpo, la sua amata, Grande Sposa Reale MeritAton.
“Iscrizione Amarniana”.
Per quanto riguarda Re Artù e Merlino invece:Ginevra e Morgana.
Il lato bianco e il lato scuro di ogni grande Re e di questa Principessa.
La discesa nelle terre profonde per poter diventare Sole luminoso.
È un messaggio Esoterico 🙂
Bella…vero?Si vedono i tuoi bellissimi occhi.
Dante e Virgilio.
Artù e Merlino.
Wotan e il Viandante(il tuo Super Io,che ti accompagna per farti uscire dai Gironi e rinascere come Sole.
La figura di questo “Mago-Veggente” è davvero importante.
I falsi Illuminati hanno sfruttato questo messaggio..con lo scopo di non farti “Emergere” dal buio.
Messaggio Svelato!
Guarda il Ritratto con la “Vergine”.
San Nicola salva tre giovinette dalla prostituzione?Non sono le tre Norne della mitologia celtica?quelle che tessono i fili del Destino ai piedi dell’Iggdrasil?Le stesse che custodivano l’Oro del Reno rubato da Alberich?
Si…proprio loro.
Proprio Odino 🙂
Che dire, sono pazza di lui.
Eccola,Salomè o Maddalena.
Le mani sono posizionate come quelle di Osiride.
Rito Iniziatico.
Passaggio nell’oltretomba(Inferi)-Morte,Rinascita(Paradiso).
Si tratta del Ciclo delle Reincarnazioni.
Questo è il Messaggio di Dante.
Non solo,di tutta la cultura Egizia e del Mito di Osiride-Iside.
Morte e perdita della tua Memoria.
Wiki:Ario (in latino: Arius; Libia, 256 – Costantinopoli, 336) è stato un presbitero e teologo berbero.
La corrente teologica cristiana sorta attorno alle sue dottrine religiose fu condannata come eretica nel primo Concilio di Nicea,e venne in seguito indicata con il nome di arianesimo.
Si diffuse prevalentemente tra i popoli germanici[1].
Perché mai Odino dovrebbe schiaffeggiare la cultura Ariana visto che lui la rappresenta?!
Aspetta,Giovanni Gasparro nasconde un messaggio:”La Chiesa(le falsi vesti di Odino)schiaffeggia gli Eretici Ariani e tutta la cultura Bianca.
Che ne dici?
Giovanni è bravissimo in questo,come tutti i veri Illuminati.