My two maternal grandparents, John Thomas Colwell, born in England and his wife, Elizabeth Angell Colwell, in front of their house built in 1792. I gradually came to realize how much both — quietly — loathed the jew System, but fearing reprisals, focused on what they could do as little people: raise their five kids and help with the grandchildren. At age five, in 1959, I found this stamp lovingly framed under a pile of National Geographic magazines from the war years which my grandmother kept.
I only knew from an aunt that “Grammy Colwell hated Roosevelt. Grampy was for Roosevelt, but he changed his mind later.”
I remember my grandfather telling me in a diner right after race riots in South Providence: “If we don’t stop them, in a hundred years the blackies will have destroyed this country.”
For centuries, egoic earthlings have hated the truthtellers about the jews. “He who tells the truth should have one foot in the stirrup.” 😉
December 9
For ages, it has been politic for many of you to hide yourselves, to cloak the reality of your being and your knowing beneath a costume that raises no eyebrows and turns no heads. You have managed to steer yourselves through your lives, quietly cultivating the truth, but without proclaiming it in such a way that it brings you into danger or discomfort.
Because of course, the truths that you have uncovered are indeed inconvenient in a world that revolves around the marketplace, that revolves around power and its brokerage, that holds ego and its manifestation, personality, in the highest regard.
Goethe, who was both a German Shakespeare and a kind of Leonardo, an artist-scientist, wrote the great play “Faust” about a brilliant man going nowhere with his life who sold his soul to the Devil and then had a high-flying life — while destroying the woman Gretchen, who truly loved him….
You have found ways to live that honor what you know within, without endangering the lives of relative external comfort and order which you lead.
Developing and growing your own wisdom and allowing it to mature and become an integral part of who you are is correct. Children who play the pedagogue are rarely attended to and even more rarely have substance worth sharing.
But you know a great deal at this point, many of you. You are grounded in that knowing. And still, you persist in pursuing a quiet and orthodox-looking life. There are subterranean networks, but most of you know when to present this part of you, and when to allow that part to be seen
such that you make few waves.
There are those throughout your history who have been called to step out into the light, to reveal themselves, to speak out, to shout the truth, to put everything on the line for their version of the truth, of what was right.
We are asking you to consider whether you might be of that lineage now. To reveal what you know, to live it overtly, without censorship, without compromise, even though it might create discomfort, fear and even danger.
Like those throughout time who have become leaders and inspirers through their willingness to live and sometimes die in their truth without taking refuge in the ordinary.
Not all of you are called. But some of you are. And at this time, it is critical that those of you who have the gifts and the capacity to lead, to inspire—through example and often through sacrifice—do so.
The world sits on a knife’s edge. Everyone knows it is going to hell in a hand basket, but very few have the courage to step into a whole new way of being. Not, at least, without someone to follow. And we do not mean to say that you can expect followers in the millions. Or even the thousands.
But if you, by living your truth, that internal knowing which you have worked to ground in for so long, inspire ten others to do the same, then the process is accelerated and the wave begins to build.
So although you may be comfortable, you may have it all worked out (although many of you do not!) we ask you to look deeply to see if you are offering the gift of your humanity, your wisdom, your experience, as you are fully able.
It is time to move beyond freedom on a personal level to freedom on a global scale and beyond.
Only if there are heroes and people who are willing to become martyrs,
those who understand that security lies in living your greatness rather than in protecting your smallness, only then will you all unbind yourselves and your neighbors from the heavy bonds of fear and conformity, of material thinking, that have paralyzed your souls for so long.
Many lament the lack of a “great leader,” someone charismatic and galvanizing.
News for you: you can be a leader to those around you. Sit with that for a while and see where it takes you. We promise you that it is real and it is time.
And that although there are risks, the risks of your silence and inaction are much greater.
We cannot tell you how to do this, nor can we tell you how deep our respect for your challenges and the courage you bring to them is.
We send you love and all of our blessings.
Thank You for Fighting the Good Fight .
and leading the way,
To Victory.