Spiritual reading: the ultimate bravery is to face the real

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So many Aryans on other worlds have grown and evolved to a higher stage.

…Spiritual reading for August 24

An exquisite awareness of the state of things and beings around you will be of great value today. There
is no side-stepping the fact that energies are helter-skelter and moving erratically and without any
perceivable pattern or reason.

They are moving swiftly and impacting people and animals in all manner of ways that are unexpected, often unwelcome and most difficult of all: unacknowledged.

Imagine your family, friends, and strangers you bump into when buying food or gas all being buffeted by hurricane-force winds, trying to stay upright and focused, trying to keep hats on, skirts down, and eyes open in the face of this unprecedented storm, and all without any conscious knowledge that they are being hit by anything at all, much less blown way of course by something extraordinary and utterly out of the norm.

You have the great advantage of consciousness in this time. There are some who do indeed understand that much is afoot and that the ground beneath your feet is in flux and not to be found where it was last week or even yesterday.

But so very many of those you encounter in your daily life have no idea, and the effort they expend to continue to maintain what seems like life to them is gargantuan. Any ways in which you can attune yourself to the moods and struggles of those around you will help you immeasurably in being able to flow easily.

As it is, you are contending with the same forces, the same energetic challenges and as you know, being fluid and allowing is going to be your best strategy. Fighting the winds of change, no matter how strongly your instincts want to cling to what has been, will not work in this time.

What does this mean? Well, it very clearly means different things for different souls when you bring it to
the realm of form. The questions frame themselves in different ways, and so it follows that the answers
will vary.

However, consistency can be found in the challenge, which is being made to each of you, to shift
your understanding of the nature of reality. Just so long as you insist that 3-D is the realest of the real, you will be allying yourself with something that is withering in terms of its dominance and clarity.

As it diminishes, your ability to move successfully within it will likewise diminish. It is probable that you
will notice that you either feel more and more as if you are trying to run in molasses or mud, or that
that which was once fulfilling and delightful leaves you cold and dry and empty.

You see, the juice that enlivened this dimension appears to be drying up. In truth, it hasn’t altered, but you are being guided to move your base to a higher dimension. As you may know, most beings have difficulty with change until such time as the status quo becomes painful or not workable.

So, allow yourself to go with the flow. Beneath the wild and crazy movement of energy that is present on the surface right now moves a deep and steady current that is beyond ancient, that is powerful and sure,
that is and always has been available to carry you home.

If you intend to let it guide you and carry you, your life can become almost effortless, a journey of grace and gratitude. Work on reading the universe’s messages which will help you align with this current. When you feel afraid—as most of you will from time to time—try to remember that the fear is most often an energy with its own agenda and not generally a voice that is going to help you raise your vibration or touch into truth.

When you run into others who are struggling, who have no idea why, do your best to understand
intuitively what it is that is going on for them.

Fear is on the rise and the concomitant desire to establish control and safety follows close behind. Anger and frustration are quite understandable if every time you plot a course, the terrain moves. If you can speak directly to the underlying issue (and by this, we mean if you can reassure the fearful, honor the angry, and hear the frustrated) you will do a service to others and greatly free and open your own path.

For you see, every time you get caught on someone else’s hook, whether they be intimates or total strangers, your own ability to let that deep current of love and truth carry you is impeded and slowed.

Listen for the thrum of that deep current in your meditations and contemplations. It is there and it is
safety and wholeness. Remember it as often as you can and allow yourself to surrender to it as profoundly
as you are able.

It is reality, and if you immerse yourself in it, even intermittently, the dissolution and disappointment of 3-D will not feel threatening or frightening.

These are difficult times for so many, and yet you are prepared and your heart is beautiful to behold and to feel. Do not fear, dear ones. You are held in the highest and most powerful of loving embraces. All is well.

We send you our great love, respect and many, many blessings.



……Sad outcomes for those who betrayed me

It struck me so hard the other day to hear yet another case of someone who accepted my kindness and help, then turned on me — and then how their every plan fell apart and turned to dust while I go on.

Their health and finances collapse. Their own friends vote them out as their leader. They turn to shoplifting and get a year in prison! They leave our Cause totally.

The great thing about this partly awful planet is you do reap what you sow, and if you need a disaster as a wake-up call, God in his tough love will give you that disaster. 😉

And I can understand this because I committed a huge error too in my last life, and paid the price. Between earthly lives I thought long and hard about this. If you do face up to your own folly, you can grow spectacularly.

And, btw, Alcoholic Anonymous is all about this. I know this from dragging (in vain) a cousin of mine to their meetings, which are spiritually beautiful and courageous sessions of personal self-honesty.

It is all about not blaming others for the way that you let life’s setbacks — which we all have — turn you into a booze junkie, and face the ways you hurt your loved ones and yourself.

The only way to love and forgive yourself is to know: Now I am being honest with myself. I am proud that I faced my own errors, not trashing myself, which would be egoic, sadistic, masochistic abuse, but loving correction. It feels so good to not lie to yourself. Then, you know, you really have turned the corner. 🙂


….Hitler’s moral and strategic disaster in Russia:  the goal was to seize European Russia for Germany and make the Slavs our serfs, not just to destroy Bolshevism

Bad news from Day One — The Russians fought us like tigers

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia; the breadbasket obsession

The Russians hated the jews as much as we did, and were often racially more Aryan than we were. We  should have come in as liberators, not conquerors.



God loves those who take a deep breath and in love face their mistakes. 🙂



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