Spiritual reading; there has not really been an England since AD 1066!

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Spiritual reading for July 11

There is a place within you where no impurities are present. Much like the heart of a clear crystal, there is a place within you where the light is pure and ever-present. This is the place to seek today.

All of the human frailties and foibles with which you deal daily are your teachers. You chose them because of the power of the lessons they have to convey. It is never wise to reject or distance yourself from them, even as it is always tempting to do so.

Your own frailties hold the key to your strength and especially, to your wisdom.

So please, do not attempt to rise above or conquer that which exists to guide and instruct you. However, on this day, it will be best not to delve into the complex and dark caverns which hold those lessons.

On this day, you will be wise to look for and hold yourself in the pure white light that lives in your core. Journeys into the darkness may well end badly today, costing greatly and rewarding you with nothing in the way of growth or learning.

The internal place of pure light of which we speak may actually feel empty. Don’t worry about that. It is not in fact empty, but it is inorganic.

Because you are accustomed to living on so many levels, you could well find yourself noting the absence of much accustomed input. And of course, that is what we are suggesting you achieve today.

Steer clear of your mind and the wilder reaches of your heart, and stay on a course you have chosen carefully. Try to connect vertically with the light that rises above you and also that which dwells in the very center of the earth. If you can anchor yourself above and below, then you won’t be blown of course.

If you respond to the beckoning of whim, you are likely to fnd yourself not so much on the heroic journey, but mired in quicksand that you have known was there for years. It will feel as if you have grown dumb and dull-witted. In all probability, you will not be all that nimble and will thus end in self-sabotage.

Instead, secure yourself to the light which comes from dimensions above and below, which is not human in its essence. Sitting in that light, you may crystallize a bit, which is not always the goal. But you will avoid being sucked into the quicksand, which works if you can’t go forward successfully.

Take care today. Be thoughtful and try to remember that it is a day for holding, not one optimally for racing ahead. If you can connect with the heart of the light within yourself, that will be plenty in terms of accomplishment. If you can manage to stay tranquil and out of the muck, you will have done a wonderful piece of work.

We send you all our love and blessings. Please be patient and conscious today.


….The UK versus Russia

A staunch supporter of Irish heritage commented :

Now is not the first time, John, that the English have stabbed Russia in the back:

— Crimean War.
— Naval Intelligence to the Japanese (1904).



I replied:

Yes, and thanks.

In both the Crimean War and the Russo-Japanese War, Jewry got England to help non-whites defeat the White Christians of Russia.

But it is not England, instead Jewngland, not Ukraine but Jewkraine, and not the United States (except for the dying in combat and paying taxes, which white Americans do most of) but the Jewnited Snakes.

Isaac Disraeli, a jewish historian in Britain and the father of British PM Benjamin Disraeli, wrote that in the wake of the founding of the Bank of England in 1694, the jews controlled England completely by …wait for it …. 1720 already. 😉

They also intermarried massively into the aristocracy. So the haughty, parasitical English nobles butted heads with the capable Virginia militia colonel George Washington. And Benjamin Franklin, a scientific genius and inventor (of the lightning rod and bifocal glasses), a brilliant publisher, best-selling author, and self-made billionaire in real estate, who had been was sent by the thirteen colonies to represent them in London, was infuriated by their arrogance, greed and ignorance of American conditions.

The ruling class of England had been judaized!

I remember well doing research in 2015 for the wonderful book The Nameless War by Captain Archibald Ramsay, a heroic Scot and outstanding author.

He mentioned William of Orange, the “Dutchman” who invaded England and became king of England in 1688, along with his English wife, Mary, as the queen, a woman who, by the way, was his first cousin…..

Just look at this black-haired, hook-nosed, stuck-up William of Orange, the “Dutchman”!

His tutor had been one Johan de Witt, also very jewish-looking:

William of Orange’s war fleet was more than twice the size of the Spanish Armada that had attacked England exactly a century before, in 1588, because it was the sephardic JEWS in Amsterdam who were financing it!

Wiki on this Jewilliam of Orange:


On 30 June 1688 […] a group of [English] political figures, known afterward as the “Immortal Seven”, sent William a formal invitation.[73] William’s intentions to invade were public knowledge by September 1688.[76]

With a Dutch army, William landed at Brixham in southwest England on 5 November 1688.[77] He came ashore from the ship Den Briel, proclaiming “the liberties of England and the Protestant religion I will maintain”.

William’s fleet was vastly larger than the Spanish Armada 100 years earlier: approximately consisting of 463 ships with 40,000 men on board,[78] including 9,500 sailors, 11,000 foot soldiers, 4,000 cavalry and 5,000 English and Huguenot volunteers.[79]

[King] James’s support began to dissolve almost immediately upon William’s arrival; Protestant officers defected from the English army (the most notable of whom was Lord Churchill of Eyemouth, James’s most able commander), and influential noblemen across the country declared their support for the invader.[80]

James at first attempted to resist William, but saw that his efforts would prove futile.[80] He sent representatives to negotiate with William, but secretly attempted to flee on 11 December,[b] throwing the Great Seal into the Thames on his way.[81]

He was discovered and brought back to London by a group of fishermen.[81] He was allowed to leave for France in a second escape attempt on 23 December.[81] William permitted James to leave the country, not wanting to make him a martyr for the Roman Catholic cause; it was in his interests for James to be perceived as having left the country of his own accord, rather than having been forced or frightened into fleeing.[82] William is the last person to successfully invade England by force of arms.


Six years after William invaded England, he set up the private Bank of England, which meant, in effect, that the British people had to borrow their own money from sephardic jews.

Of course, the jew worm had been in the English apple long before all that. The Norman Conquest in AD 1066 had been a most barbaric war of terror, waged by ruthless, jew-financed Vikings who had settled in Normandy and learned to speak French.

As soon as the Judeo-Normans got in, brutal taxation (hence the Domesday Book) took over; horrific tortures Roman-style; castles with moats to protect the Norman nobles from the English people they were living off; and endless treachery, henc the term “perfidious Albion.”

All the stories of Robin Hood were about the common English folk resisting the Judeo-Norman nightmare.

The Tower of London ensued; the castration and murder of William Wallace; the murder of the two princes; the betrayal of Wat Tyler; Henry VII chopping his wives’ heads off when HE was the one who could not produce a male heir…the unspeakable atrocities in Ireland….How can an Irishman or a Scot on his own soil be a rebel against England? …add the British Army in the later stage of the American Revolution paying Amerindians by the scalp to murder white American frontier families (exposed by Ben Franklin, a once very strong anglophile who later turned hostile)….

England was the first country the jews took over, and this is why so much of its history is pitch-dark.

My beloved grandfather, John Thomas Col(d)well of Yorkshire, England, was proud to be English, but also proud that he left England and came to America. He was a strong, honest and kind man.

His oldest daughter, my dear late Aunt Dorothy (Hyde), told me how he felt when he left for NEW England in America with his family in the 1890s:

“The English upper class was very cruel and callous toward the English people, and the working man did not have a chance.”

The Norman Conquest gives the English to the Talmudians

The truth is that the English working class,  full of anger and worsened by  alcohol, act sometimes like a severely abused and starved dog that wanted only to love you and serve you.

If you reach out to pet him, his tail might wag, but he also bares one fang at you, for he is used to being beaten and expects his life to be hell. 🙁

And hell makes some people into devils.

England hanged teenagers constantly for crimes they perhaps did commit, but why? What makes a man or a kid a monster?



….How the Judeo-Normans made the English slaves in their own country

The Normans — white nordic aristocrats who borrowed from and intermarried with Jews to create the current Judeo-Anglo-American ruling class.

Prescott Bush (r) of the Bush political dynasty — note the nose — with then-U.S. Congressman Richard Nixon

Ever since the Norman Conquest (done partly by my own de Nugent ancestors, unfortunately), England has been heartless toward the working people.

The Normans were Vikings who were ravaging France in the AD 800s, and captured even Paris. These Northmen were then given Normandy (henceforth called “Northman-Land” by the French, “La Normandie”) by the king of France as an outright bribe so they would stop marauding all over his country.

They learned French in Normandy, then cast about after 150 years of very boring peacetime for another land to pillage, conquer and milk dry.

Rouen, Normandy Jews then lent them the money to launch a vast expedition to conquer England in 1066, and in turn the Normans made them their ruthless moneylenders and tax farmers, using the Domesday Book to record what every Englishman was worth.

In the end, the profligate Norman lords went broke, then married their sons off to the hooknosed daughters of their Jewish bankers, and as a result England is ruled by lords and gentry like David Cameron with semi-semitic facial features and vile attitudes 0f barely concealed contempt toward the native, common British people:

They simply use and abuse them, or even rape and molest their children, and send off the grown young “Tommy Jenkins” (in Rudyard Kipling’s word) to kill innocent faraway peoples, or die or be maimed, for the sole benefit of their own parasitical Judeo-Norman wealth and power.

Hooknosed UK PM Theresa May was all-smiles with South African President Ramaphosa, who is seizing all white farmlands without paying a cent.

…..Excellent 1984 TV mini-series series on George Washington

My first wife, Gerda, the Austrian, met the star, Barry Bostwick, while  filming in Alexandria, Virginia, and (I could tell) she swooned for him and his brilliant blue eyes, which Washington also had. 😉


Bostwick was born February 24, 1945, in San Mateo, California.[1] He is the son of Elizabeth “Betty” (née Defendorf/German), a housewife, and Henry “Bud” Bostwick, a city planner and actor.

What civilized vocabulary and courtliness Whites displayed 250 years ago….

(Actress Patty Duke played Martha Washington,

Jaclyn Smith (late of “Charlie’s Angels”) was Sally Fairfax, and actor Kelsey Grammer (later with “Fraser”) portrayed Lieutenant Stewart.)


The only error in this film was that Washington, who stood at a then enormous 6’3″, was a fiery Kelt with, not brown, but RED hair, obscured much later when he was president under his white whig.

Here are two excerpts:

It starts with the French, and their Indian allies, making war very effectively upon the British and Virginia colonial troops in the Seven Years War, and George seeing his brave men moan, froth and die literally in his arms….

Washington, back then totally loyal and pro-British, is trying in vain to explain to British officers and General Braddock on the wilderness trek over the mountains to Pittsburgh (which then was the French “Fort Duquesne”) how the French and Indians would use their practical, deadly woodland tactics.

It was the right thing in the wild forests of North America. As George predicted, they would ambush the British force, leading to a British disaster, which soon happened….

General Braddock, played by James Mason, himself would die, and 600 men fell…. “Pride goeth before a fall.”

Washington assumed command, with three bullet holes in his coat, and led the men to safety.

The decisive confrontation in 1757 in Philadelphia with a sneering British officer (17:59-22:30)  who treats the “Ameddicans” as “a subject colony” and, in Washington’s  words, as “ill-favored stepchildren.” This was one fateful, disastrous conversation.






    • Thanks.

      The last one was a big one, $500, but that was way back in 2013 when I tried to run for sheriff of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. It disappoints me.

      The big and the regular donors have been Americans, Germans, French, Danish, Canadians, and Italians.

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