Spiritual reading: times of trial

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…..spiritual reading for August 26

There are times of trial for you. When that which should be working is not. When that which should
be your “reward” for past actions is undelivered. When that which should follow does not. These are
confusing times, as you shift from one paradigm into another, and they are frightening times for many.

How can you proceed in safety when you have no idea what the results will be? How can you chart your actions and your life when it is not possible to see what lies ahead or how cause and effect are operating? Without too many words, we can tell you that your fears and your confusion are most understandable and that there is a great deal of compassion for the pain and heartache that these challenges are visiting upon you.

We can also tell you that your only real option is to let go. There is nothing to which you can cling, and if you think you’ve found something, you are in fact holding on to a phantom. Everything is in transition, everything is dissolving and will reform anew. Nothing will be exactly the same  tomorrow as it is today.

You are not conditioned to deal with this, which is why it is so difficult. In fact, you go through the process, over and over, lifetime afer lifetime, of learning to trust that you can identify and rely on patterns and predict the future there from. As you “grow up” you become more confident in your ability to do this and thus exercise more mastery over your world.

The very context (not to mention the vibration) of your world is changing radically, along with all the truths that used to be. There is no external promise anymore. The only thing which can guide you right now is your own relationship with a higher source. However you conceive it, whatever you call it—doesn’t matter a whit. At this moment, the truth is something you can find only where your consciousness meets that higher One. And it is in constant motion, so there is no carrying over the truth from yesterday. That, after all, was yesterday.

Today, we want to share with you our deepest love and sympathy. We know, we see, we feel just how hard this time can be, and we honor you and your willingness to keep moving forward despite the fear, the uncertainty, the pain. As you strip away all that is not true, for some there is a sense of loss so profound at times that it seems like you will not survive.

Most of you will, but not without having made your way through layers of suffering that would have been inconceivable to you in other times. Your courage and your fortitude and the love of light and truth, the commitment to your own and others’ unfolding into the brilliance and the beauty that you are—this is awe-inspiring and we bow to you.

Please take a few moments — at least — today to honor yourself and the sacrifices and the suffering
you have endured in order to move toward the light, toward freedom.

We love you always and send all our blessings.

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