Spiritual reading; Tolle helped me help him

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A loyal friend and former Navy submariner presented me yesterday in the town of Calumet, up in the Keweenaw Peninsula that juts into Lake Superior, with this touching photo. I and Margi were there for him at a very low point his life one year ago, and, sure enough, he was there for me, being a loyal friend, right after Margi died, having also loved her just as everyone did. He drove seventy miles with his girlfriend to see me, as shown in this September photo. This was when my blood pressure had gone through the roof.

N. is apolitical, btw, or actually not sharing many of my views, but we are close friends.

Of Irish and well as German descent (actually a great combination; he is both lots of fun as well as very technically gifted), he reminded me a lot of Mickey Rooney’s rebellious, brawling, mischievous sailor character in “The Bridges at Toko-Ri,” a Korean War film that I very highly recommend, and, of course, my own father fought as a Marine Corps officer in Korea and had much worse PTSD from that war than from fighting the Japanese in WWII, including at the horrible Battle of Iwo Jima.

Rooney plays a Navy rescue-helicopter pilot who fishes downed American aircraft-carrier aviators out of the frigid waters off Korea. He playfully (and against regulations) wears a green leprechaun hat to cheer up the pilots with a laugh who had first been hit and then had crashed in the water.

The main hero of the film, Commander Brubaker, played by William Holden, is one of the pilots Rooney rescued from the sea. (Later, Commander Brubaker rescues HIM from the brig. 😉 )


Rooney’s character gets in plenty of trouble over girls and booze with his two-fisted Irish temper during the film, but his golden heart also causes his officers to show mercy. To the tragic end of the movie, he is a very decent white man doing his duty to his comrades-in-arms.


You can rent the movie here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szgEbZBauNg

Irish-American Grace Kelly plays Brubaker’s wife, the mother of their two daughters, who comes to realize that her husband is going to be sent off soon on almost a suicide mission to take out some important, communist-held, enemy bridges:



Actor William Holden, who played the officer,

insisted after reading the script that he would not sign on if the film version got any sort of fake, happy ending that deviated from the novel by famed author James Michener.

It is a harrowing ending, death in a godforsaken, hostile land. My father was there himself.

If you want to be a combat soldier, then understand what war is, the supreme test of the values that you claim to believe in.

And if it is Jewmerica sending you to your death, it may be almost pointless — except you can die helping your buddies, whom you know, who are in mortal danger, and who once came through for you.

Today, getting back to my friend in Calumet, he has a nice and sensible girlfriend/serious partner and a teenage stepson whom he is mentoring in becoming a real man. His finances are good now, and he is fighting painful stomach tumors very bravely.

Eckhart Tolle helped me to help him a year ago in real, practical ways, using wisdom and a compassion that was not sentimental but effective — and it sure paid off. 🙂 Spirituality makes you so much better at handling the rough times, and plenty of hardship is right ahead for us all.





(Note the ONE guy using the stairs, upper left….)



…Spiritual reading

January 15

Oh dear ones, there is an inexhaustible reservoir of sweetness within each and every one of you. It is so often surrounded and masked by the activities of the mind, the circumstances of your lives, the vagaries of your personalities.

*** Tolle on compassion for yourself, and becoming aware of your tru enemy, the chattering “voice in your head,” which is why Jesus said (and he meant it very literally) as He was being crucified at the insistence of the Big Jews:

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

I have now watched this video three times, and each time, as with a Shakespeare play, you derive more benefit.

Margi’s death was awful for me, and I emphasize “for me,” because while I am the one missing HER, and ALSO the physical safety I had with her being always around me and watching over the house — Margi went temporarily, in her interlife, to a God-ruled place and she has left behind this jew-infested hell!

But this (for ME) emotionally devastating event helped me understand spiritual things far better. And I HAD to find my inner peace — or die of a stroke. When your physical heart is literally hurting, this is medically very serious.

In a crisis, you either get a grip on your thoughts and feelings or you will freak out, do nothing or the wrong thing, and you and your friends could well die.


Whatever you do, do not forget to dip into this beautiful well and drink deeply today. You truly need all the sustenance you can find—the genuine spiritual sustenance, not all the substitutes that are so readily available to you—and the wonderful thing is that it is all there, everything you need, right at the center of your being.

So often you feel lonely, lost, confused or frustrated. Stop today, slow down and give yourself the gift of this exquisite divine love which you carry inside.

Today is another day to remain quiet on the outside. There is no benefit to be found in unnecessary communication, nor is there any reason to charge into things to try to fix or improve them. Even things that desperately need improving in your view. Do your work as you must, trying to keep in mind and heart the awareness that you are the bearer of something so much grander than that which can be seen by the physical eye.

If you can tap into that sweet, sweet essence today, you will not need to trust that you are deeply loved—you will simply be that love. Without separation, there will be no doubt or fear.

*** Why do we feel separate, even alienated, from others?

Tolle: because the egoic mind makes us label and judge them, just as it labels and judges US!


If you cannot find the means to experience this nectar, do all that you can to think about it and how it manifests. If you all had been brought into the world without it, your world would have been gone long, long ago.

In other words, keep your mind on things that uplift and inspire, and avoid all that which is likely to bring on desolation, suspicion and isolation, particularly from yourself.

It will be a wonderful day today, so long as you use it to cultivate peace and love within. And what else, really, could you better cultivate?

We love you and wish you much peace today.

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