Spiritual reading; tragic loss of a masterpiece and a security breach because of the egoic mind

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Spiritual reading for March 24

Stay with the tangible today. Keep yourself connected to stones, water, sound, color and the deepest reaches of your own heart. If you find sadness dwelling within, assuage it with the solidity of the world around you.

Holding a stone with attention can bring you endless wisdom and solace.


Margi loved to collect stones and they made her feel more peaceful inside. Stones are colorful, strong, millions of years old, and they never worry. 😉 We too are ages old, having had many incarnations, but earthlings fret and worry non-stop, rather than calmly taking remedial action.


Listening to the sound of moving water is a panacea for much doubt and fear.

You may experience fluctuation in your emotional state. This is in the air, as it were. There is relatively little certainty in your lives, such small and short places to rest. There are so few things that are unchanged and unchanging. This can leave you moving so quickly from spot to spot emotionally that you begin to become dizzy.

Today, we encourage you to ground yourselves, to work with ways to stop the constant movement. The dizziness is not conducive to clarity or right action.

Be with the earth, the dirt, the rocks. Try to feel their vibrations, the unbelievable slowness of their pulse.

Allow that rhythm to slow and soothe your own. See if you can match your own vibration to some part of the earth’s. Feel your physical being stop spinning and begin to move at a more stately pace.

Water tends to be vibrant, lighter, quicker. It moves. Still, it may help you as it always sits upon the earth  and with its patience and persistence wears away even the stones over which it flows. It is those qualities of patience and persistence that it will be helpful to tap into today.

Sit near water if you can and sense its faith in the inevitability of its course. Feel the assurance with which water moves endlessly through its cycle from cloud to ocean to cloud again. Try to connect with the water which runs through your body and let it too carry a message of faith and perseverance.

Sound, especially simple sound, can also be useful. Single notes and minimal melody create geometric structure which can hold and anchor you in the secure and eternal. Do not try to understand this with your mind, but rather, feel it. If you notice sound without artifice today, try to sense the structure it builds beneath or around you. Some of you already know how to do this; if it is new, taste it. You may get nothing or you may surprise yourself.

It will be worth your while to explore a little. Perhaps you have experience with chant or sacred music—this is very similar.

No matter how you fnd the state of your heart, take advantage of the power of the lower vibrations today. Align yourself with the deep bass of the earth and the endless patience of the water. On a practical level, set aside all that is not strictly necessary and move with grace and awareness. Breathe fully and far down into your being. Fold your hands together when you can and keep them from nervous and busy motion.

If you do all this, your mind should slow as well. Welcome that, and appreciate the unaccustomed pace.

Yours is a terrifically difficult tightrope walk, balancing between the need to expand and accelerate and reach ever higher up toward the infinite, and the longing to sink your roots down into the center of the rich, dense organic life which your incarnation gives you the unique opportunity to do.

Of course you know that in the end it is all one, but your job ofen requires that you reach up and then down, that you take them one by one. That you expand and then ground.

Today, allow yourselves to become weighty and full with the gifts of the physical plane. Allow yourselves to quiet and align with the tangible, the unhurried, the very ground beneath your feet. Allow your spirit a little refuge and rest.

We love you.



After reading this:

“After another week of turmoil, how safe are banks?” and “Why do we get into these repeated crises?”

…a Boer comrade said:

I suppose it is a lot like the situation in South Africa. The people who now complain the loudest are the ones who voted “yes” to hand the country over to the [black and communist, Mandela-controlled] ANC.

I replied:

Good remark.

Delusionality extends all across the board. Once you can lie to yourself about ONE thing (such as thinking the Blacks in South Africa will not act like all the Blacks everyone where once they get the power )


…you can lie to yourself about everything else. You are “on a roll.”

And this was just incredible in the case of South Africa, with white-ruled Rhodesia turning into a chaotic, black-ruled Zimbabwe right next door to warn them! ….with Zimbabwe blacks in hordes swimming past the crocodiles to flee THEIR OWN COUNTRY TO GET INTO WHITE-APARTHEID SA!!!!

Reincarnationism plus Eckhart Tolle means understanding this:

Egoic, delusional people can spend a hundred or more lifetimes repeating the same mistakes, learning nothing, and justifying every stupidity they have committed….

…..mistakes committed against themselves, perpetrated against their own loved ones, and carried out to the severe detriment of their country in which they must live.

And so this beautiful earth remains a hell.


…..Negress creates uproar on airline flight



…..What could be more delusional than a Christian loving and HELPING the jews who hate their Lord?





….Severe security breaches

I won’t go into the one security breach so as to not help the enemy. But the matter was rigorously addressed.

The other is this, a experienced activist and friend, courageous but very impulsive, whom I and Margi have known since 2005.

He just created a truly brilliant video, a work of genius, and yet, despite a hundred Deep-State harassments he has suffered over the last two decades, he never put it for safekeeping on an external hard drive.

His computer and his phones were all connected to the jew-run Internet.

(I have two computers and three external hard drives that are NEVER connected. Yes, I too have made security mistakes, underestimating the wickedness and energy of the foe, and also the wilful cowardice and dishonesty of the white masses I am trying to help, but I face up to my mistakes and I learn from them.)

Well, the jews got in, and they wiped out this video and all his others. He has no other copies. 

I had already blogged on this video (see below) and then I had to take my blog down.

This was what I had written.

Btw, I was downloading this video myself but in mid-download it stopped. Then I got this:

 …..Could Russia on its own preclude WWIII?

This is a simply amazing video with a ton of PUNCH.
The part about Russia being holy was great…as in powerful and touching … and especially I loved the beautiful Russkie girl singing “Kyrie Eleison” AND THEN we see the white dove that landed atop the icon while the Russian Orthodox priest was officiating. WOW!
I guess my big question remains about the premise — and I am still wrapping my head around the idea that an EMP would fry all the military satellites the great powers have to prevent a nuclear war…. We bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki without needing any satellites, with just one plane, in fact, the “Enola Gay.”
Anyway, here it is, and it certainly affected me (and, btw, a European comrade just told me that he could not access it…. hmmm….)
It has strong Christian content, which may appeal to many yet not to others, but it does slide at the end into an Aryan mystical view with which I completely agree. To hurt others IS to hurt yourself!

… Reincarnation and Tolle are not fluff

If your mind tells you these two things are nonsense, then you see how much your egoic mind is your ENEMY.
If you stay a young soul, and you obey your egoic mind that hates you, you will keep on fucking up, and die a fool.
Yet another failed incarnation.
What a waste the world will not see this video. It could have prevented WWIII.


  1. “Sembra che l’Occidente illuminato, guidato da Washington, abbia irrevocabilmente deciso di portare l’umanità su una linea pericolosa, oltre la quale si profila sempre più distintamente un Armageddon nucleare”.A.Antonov/Ambasciatore Russo

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