The year 2023 in numerology (2+2+3=7) amounts to this number 7, which means spirituality. This is certainly the right year for that…. for it will be a frightening year.
January 24
All signs point to a truly lovely day today. Your job is to find your place in the center of it and be present. There is a quality of balance and stability that we urge you to reach for. Your space is in the middle, grounded deeply, connected to nature and the people around you and receiving the celestial light which pours down from above. This configuration can occur without much, if any, effort on your part.
You do not need to create it or manifest it—just sit quietly, look around you and you are likely to see that it is there already, awaiting your notice. In this energetic structure you will be protected and held. It will be a very safe place in which to open your heart. Not to any end. Not to send love to this or that. Even to yourself.
Simply to open your heart because it feels so good to do that, without any attachment to the outcome.
See if in this construct you find it easier than usual to be open-hearted. If you do, it is because there need be no sense of risk or ridicule. It may feel like you are all alone, in the middle of your little energetic refuge. If you are able, keep your focus inward as much as you can. This is not about anyone else, although there is no doubt that if you can spend your day within this safe structure, you will be more loving, more effective and more radiant. People and animals may be drawn to you, even as you are going about your own business.
Follow the lead of your heart as best you can. It will guide you well today, particularly if it is fully engaged. Try not to let your mind second-guess it or over-rule its wisdom and generosity. Enjoy the peace that flows from trusting, feeling safe and living in a field of love.
You may (or may not) get much else accomplished, but be sure that what you do is arising from the dictates of your heart, and that you feel the support which surrounds you all day. From there, you can hardly step wrong. Whatever you are shown, led to do or understand will be blessed.
We send you blessings to accompany the universal blessings that fill this day.
…..Russian army and airforce female soldiers
…..Retort to a troll
The Putin-basher refused to address any points in my blog yesterday.
Then he accused me of not publishing HIS stuff. 😉 I replied only after some pondering of his attitude…which took a while, because this “Ulrik Thorson” is a mystery man, and the Internet is full of people with fake names and even paid trolls working for the Deep State, including professional, trained slanderers, pro flamers, pro side-trackers, and pro time-wasters.
*** I responded;
You refuse categorically to consider the massive evidence on my website that Putin is, not perfect by any means, but overall a very good man.
The facts and links you send promote things I consider utterly refuted, dangerous and toxic. My positive view of Putin, shared by many millions of traditionalists and patriots in the West, has not changed since I began posting in 2006, 17 years ago.
You can write your slander that Putin is an evil, closet-communist tyrant all you want on your own site, paid for by you, and try to explain away the fact that you are thus spreading the neo-con version of events from Fox News Channel and other chicken-hawk warmongerers. I am not obligated to spread your ideas, for this is not a social medium like Facebook or VK, but the personal website John de Nugent dot com, which you never seem to notice.
It exists on MY dime to promote MY views, and to refute the perilous narrative of the neo-cons about Evil Putin. And spare me your “I would have sent a donation” talk. As for our correspondence, it is now at an end. Go promote elsewhere your hostile view of Putin, but know that I see this as supporting a process of demonization which can lead to WWIII.
And we are certainly not “pals.” You lack the quality of respect. In fact, whether you are a paid CIA troll or not, you talk and act exactly like one, the sort paid to pose as a WN, talking down to me in quite the way an egotistical, highly paid government type would. You pontificate to me in a supercilious tone with the confident attitude that I am but a tiny dissident who represents no real threat to the Deep-State power structure which funds you, your late-model car, your condo, your lover of whatever gender, etc…… a Ray Epps type, a traitor and lackey of the Big Jews who is posing as a patriot.
You use a fake name, unlike my other commentators, and you ignore my challenge that you are not an activist at all and never have been; that you are strictly an online presence, a mystery man whom no one genuinely on our side knows in the real world, and, to be frank, a deliberate time waster. And you never engage with any of my arguments, because that is not in the script.
Some, like Ray Epps, are provocateurs on the street; others sit at a keyboard and also pretend to be a friend of our nation and race. Oh, and btw, unlike ALL my authentic commentators, you never mention the death of my late wife, which I brought up in the blog yesterday, or offer any consolation, not even a cursory “I’m sorry for your loss.”
Is that because you, like Ray Epps, are a Deep-State psychopath?
You know, on Gab, I saw a meme of Putin with a painting of Sviatoslav I, the tsar who conquered Khazaria (maybe Putin was sending a message through that photo op); maybe sharing that meme on here might silence the Russophobes on this site.
Please send this meme — if you can find it 🙂 Thanks in advance.
That’s the tweet I saw on Gab.
Thanks very much!
President Vladimir Putin giving a speech in December 2022 next to a painting of Prince Svyatoslav (ruled AD 945–972), the ancient Russian conquerer who destroyed the Khazarian [jewish] Empire in 965
Those Khazarians sure have long memories.