Spiritual reading: turn off the thinking machine; Proud Boys & Oath Keepers get draconian prison sentences

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…..Spiritual reading for September 6

Turn off your mind today. While this is good advice any day, today it will be especially important to
try driving following a roadmap which can only be felt and known using your deeper guidance.

You can call it what you will—your heart, your spirit, your higher Self—but the point is that although you spend time dwelling within it, most of you also allow the course of your life to be directed by your mind and your thinking.

Just for today, turn those off and see what happens when you rely on something eternal for all your
decisions. Even the little and unimportant ones. Those won’t matter, but what will matter is using your deeper knowledge or higher wisdom.

Here is the issue: the brain-part of you is almost extinct. It won’t be of much use before long, and most of you are probably seeing its limitations all the time. The better guidance system you possess needs practice.

Or rather, you need practice in using it and understanding it.

There is probably nothing critical or life-altering that you can really mess up if you misinterpret today, but be sure that if you keep relying on your mind, you will be in deep trouble before long.

So play a little today. You all know the part of yourself we are commending you to, you all love it and trust it in various ways. Put it in the driver’s seat today and see where you end up. It might be exactly where your mind would have taken you, but it is likely that it will be somewhere just a bit more perfect.

We love you and send all our blessings.



……Department of Jewstice socks it to the Oathkeepers

This is incredibly sad: long sentences in federal prison with white scum, pedophiles, negroes and Mexicans. And there is no time off for good behavior on the federal level.


The leader and founder, Stewart Rhodes, a former US Army paratroop officer, Yale graduate (and part-Hispanic, I was told, and he looks it) got a huge sentence in May:


Having been an active white nationalist for 45 years now,  since 1978, I have seen a terrible decline in masculinity. I was just told that testosterone is down by 40% since 2004!

Whether it was the Oathkeepers now or the Order in the 1980s, in both cases you had heavily armed and experienced fighting men meekly submitting to arrest by a system they knew was irremediably wicked and would railroad them into years or decades in a prison HELL.

Of all the Order men, only the founder, a man I briefly met, Robert Mathews, fought to the death. The others all came out, with their hands up, and were arrested by the Feds “without incident.” And off they went for decades into the drudgery, danger and misery of prison — living in a cage.

They were AFRAID to fight and die as men…while death –to go down fighting — would have meant no prison with negro prison guards and the scum of the earth of any race as your cellmates!

Wiki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oath_Keepers):

Two-thirds of the Oath Keepers were former military or law enforcement, and one tenth are active duty military or law enforcement. Most research determined the Oath Keeper membership to be approximately 5,000 members.

So we had armed fighters laying down their arms to known agents of purest evil, perfectly aware that arrest would lead to unjust prison confinement for decades!

And this is why we need the religion Virtus, because unless men are again MEN, and have leaders who do not wuss out like Trump did on January 6 — the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces merely gave a whiny speech — we are just all talk….bluster and talk, whining…. with no willingness for combat, none even as our total genocide looms.

And in your heart you know I am right.





1 Comment

  1. How come in;


    South Park

    The Office

    Married with Children

    and so many others shows.

    They say “Oh My G-d.” So incredibly much??

    Because they are devilish sons of Canaan.

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